
Friday, April 10, 2020

Oversupply Of Oil

The Covid-19 Pandemic has shut-down world industry and travel thereby drastically reducing the demand for fossil-fuels.

Russia and the Saudi’s have used this disruption to start an oil supply-demand price war driving the price of oil to $20 a barrel, a 1950’s level.
Some consumers are joyful with the low gasoline prices (now heavily weighted by taxes). 
Would be nice if retailers could post the tax burden at the pump!
Energy businesses, from exploration to the corner station are critical to modern business, industry and consumers.  Extended depressed prices could force many into bankruptcy and severely damage an economic recovery.
U.S. Considers Intervention in Saudi-Russia Oil Standoff
Texas regulators are weighing whether to curtail crude production for first time in decades
Oil exploration firm: Huge Alaska deposit discovered
Pantheon Resources PLC said it located the deposit along the Dalton Highway and Trans-Alaska Pipeline System corridor