
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Pelosi Demands COBOL

The Trump Admin wanted to use Federal Systems to distribute the Covid Relief Money to individual recipients.
Pelosi demanded the money flow to the states and the states do the direct distribution.
Turns out Trump’s observations that State computer systems and processes are not ‘Distribution Ready’ is playing out.
Reminiscent of Obama’s “Shovel Ready” fiasco!
Wanted urgently: People who know a half century-old computer language so states can process unemployment claims
“(CNN ) On top of ventilators, face masks and health care workers, you can now add COBOL programmers to the list of what several states urgently need as they battle the coronavirus pandemic.
In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy has put out a call for volunteers who know how to code the decades-old computer programming language called COBOL because many of the state's systems still run on older mainframes.”
The old infantry slogan certainly applies to the Congressional Donkey Democrats:
Lead  -- Follow --- Or Get the H*#@ out of the Way!
Of course Pelosi, the queen Donkey, will claim this is all Trump’s fault!