
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Illegals Voting Apparently Not PoPo

The Democrats and PravdaMedia have been casting dispersions (and other PoPo stuff) on US citizens concerns that many of the 12+Million Illegal Immigrants will be voting in US elections before they are citizens.
How do those dispersions and degradations compare to a recent judicial finding by a so-called impartial federal court judge?
Federal judge dismisses lawsuit challenging DC noncitizen voting law
Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that plaintiffs did not show how noncitizen voters have harmed them

Federal judge tosses lawsuit challenging DC noncitizen voting law | Fox News
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
A federal judge on Thursday tossed a conservative legal group's lawsuit against a controversial Washington, D.C., law that allows noncitizens — including illegal immigrants and foreign embassy staff members — to vote in municipal elections.
Certainly explains why the Democrats and PravdaMedia are so happy to open our borders to unfettered access to everyone!
MSNBC Demeans Virginians & Opposition To Illegal Immigrant Invasion
The Invasion Of US OnGoing