
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Perhaps "Hate" Is The Wrong Word

Trump says Jews who vote for Democrats 'hate' Israel and 'their religion' (
Perhaps many people, maybe most people, vote the way their parents voted – could that still be in this day and age of enlightenment?
Perhaps many people vote for those who promise the best and biggest handouts and ‘freebees’ and false-hopes?
How about the ‘Boston-Irish-Catholic-Democrats’ (all one word)?
How about Black people voting Democrat in-line-with the politics of the majority of White Southerners for multiple generations?
How about all the Black people stuck in the Ghetto Democrat Cities continuing to vote Democrat 90+% of the time with scant improvement in their quality of life for generations?
Perhaps ‘Democratites’ is a contagion as demonstrated by Democrats moving from California into Colorado and from NYC to upstate NY; all seeking a better life while bringing their political-plague with them.
Ever wonder why the Democrats have brought in 12+Million Illegal Immigrants and thousands more every day? Why indeed?
And why do 330-Million US citizens just stand-by and watch like hypnotized zombies?
Perhaps "Hate" is the wrong word?
Perhaps there are No current words to describe these conundrums?