
Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Covid-19 Harvard Conspiracy-101

Right in the middle of the worst pandemic since 1918, a pandemic that originated in Wuhan China, a Harvard BioChemical Professor and several Chinese associates have been arrested for covertly working for China, involving a facility in Wuhan.
This has to be true – you can’t make this Stuff-UP!
Harvard Professor's Arrest Raises Questions About Scientific Openness
(Talk about an understated (npr) headline!  )
“The criminal complaint against Lieber alleges that he lied to both the government and Harvard about his involvement in the Thousand Talents Plan. According to the complaint, Lieber was involved with the program from at least 2012 to 2017. His contract called for a salary as high as $50,000 a month, along with about $150,000 per year for living expenses and $1.5 million to establish a lab at the Wuhan University of Technology.”
Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases
“The Department of Justice announced today that the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department and two Chinese nationals have been charged in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China.”
Anyone ever hear of Biological Warfare?
Oh right – it was all about an undercooked bat! 
Covid-19 Spread WHO To Blame 
