
Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Roanoke Times Morphs ‘News’ Into ‘Divisive-FakeNews”

Roanoke Times, 4-6-2020, Pg NandW 4:  US ‘wasted’ 2 months before preparing review shows.
“WASHINGTON (AP) — After the first alarms sounded in early January that an outbreak of a novel CoronaVirus in China might ignite a global pandemic, the Trump administration squandered nearly two months that could have been used to bolster the federal stockpile of critically needed medical supplies and equipment.”
What could one call this article in the Roanoke Times?
A fallacious account of alleged malfeasance in a deadly situation designed to turn the American people against its government and health care system during a major deadly pandemic crisis!
Who does subversive things like this?
The fact and reality is that January 14, 2020 UN WHO Declares: Not To Worry.  This illness only transmits from animals to people, Not from person to person.
All the Health units in the world are dependent upon the UN’s World Health Organization to be The source for guidance and direction for international contagious diseases.
The result of the Jan 14th WHO announcement --- no one except Trump did anything because the threat was deemed minimal.
Why didn't the Roanoke Times print this WHO Reality instead of their FakeNews?
Within two weeks Trump decided on his own volition to shut down the travel to and from China – defining him as a Racist by the Democrats and the PravdaMedia including our own Roanoke Times.
Shortly after that he shut down travel to the EU.
Trump’s unilateral stop travel actions were a major reason we aren’t seeing 2+ Million deaths in the US, per worst case model scenarios.
After the stop order, it became clear that the States, who have primary responsibility for their health care systems, were woefully short of the facilities and resources they required.
Trump reacted to that need with a major, comprehensive and successful (backup the states) logistics initiative that has and is saving many lives.
His Task Force also issued the Social Distancing directives that are serving us well!
These actions are reviewed for the American People every afternoon.
It appears the Trump actions may result in less than 100,000 deaths, the modeling lower boundary.
Apparently the Roanoke Times editors and management are so racked with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they have lost their sense of responsibility and have become part of a lynch-mob mentality running amuck.
Hopefully the PravdaMedia will Not be successful stirring panic and angst into violence.
These, so called news, people owe their profession, the public and our Country better than this --- much better!  Physicians heal thyself!
WSJ:  Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO

China broke the World Health Organization. The U.S. has to fix it or leave and start its own group. 
Some reality on NY readiness:
NYC bought 500 ventilators but then auctioned them-off before 2016 without replacement.
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
NYS considered buying 16,000 ventilators in 2015 but used the money instead for a solar panel boondoggle.
China’s Culpability In Wohan Virus Racist – Really?
The Personification Of ‘Fake-News” In A Crisis