
Friday, April 10, 2020

Modelers R-Us: Virus And AGW-Temp

Watching the changing outputs, of the Corona-19 Models, has been a reflection for many who have been involved in modeling and simulations in the past.
This modeling effort is somewhat reflective of the 102 AGW Global Temperature Models and their ongoing validity issues.
Two long term modeling truths:   
Garbage In Results in Garbage Out
Real Data Always Aces Models
The Initial Corona-19 model outputs for the US gave a range of 1.5-Million to 2.2-Million deaths.
“The coordinator of Trump’s coronavirus task force, Deborah Birx, then projected a slide with a high-arcing mountain showing the worst-case scenario: 1.5 million to 2.2 million deaths if Americans and the government did absolutely nothing to stop the virus. And a smaller — but still imposing — hill with 100,000 to 240,000 deaths if measures such as social distancing are taken.
Birx said the projection was based on five or six modelers, including from Imperial College in Britain and Harvard, Columbia and Northeastern universities.”
Fauci (Apr 9) Says U.S. Coronavirus Deaths May Be 'More Like 60,000';
Fortunately most American People are taking this pandemic seriously and complying with health official’s directions combined with high levels of quality care, the final death rate may be below the 100K level depending on the so called end date.
The CoronaVirus modelers are acting professionally and are adjusting their models with Reality Data Feedback.
The AGW-Temp modelers refuse to adjust their models to Reality Data and simply let the massive disconnect between their models and reality stand for all to see.
(Albeit that there are none so blind as those who will not see)
Ave of 102 AGW-Temp Models are 4-Times the Reality-Temperatures
Apparently there is no limit to their arrogance.