The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Blueways boost Franklin Co.
Roanoke Times, 5/31/05, Pg Va 1: The Blackwater and Pigg rivers draw tourists and add to the county's argument for quality of life.
The article is very encouraging relative to some folks' attitude and behavior to protect the quality of water in Franklin County's streams and lakes.
During the recent dialogue about the shoreline management plan for SML there were public statements made that were less reassuring than this article.
The link below is a PC video of a local person who is an economic, political and social leader in Franklin County. His cavalier comments about "we do whatever we want to, we don't worry about it" leaves one to wonder about the community attitude and commitment to the stewardship of our streams and lakes.
Point of interest: Furnace creek feeds into the Pigg River which feeds into Leesville lake where the water is pumped back into SML.
To view the PC wmv video, turn-up the sound, click on the link, may take considerable time to load.
Prior SML blog item:
Red Cross Tainted Blood
Roanoke Times, 5/31/05, Pg A6: Canadian Red Cross fined $4,000 in tainted blood scandal. Over 1000 Canadians initially got HIV and 20,000 others hepatitis- C after receiving tainted blood products.
Isn't it a scandal that the governments that have failed in their responsibilities to implement public health systems to stop HIV+AIDS would use care givers like the Red Cross as the fall guys for this problem. The fine of $4,000 tells the story of a government with a guilty conscience and embarrassed with this action.
Click on the link to review the history of government malfeasance on this subject and then ask: why aren't we doing the right things to isolate and stop this plague? Why doesn't The Editor and his media partners standup and say enough! Let's act!
SML warden coverage
Roanoke Times, 5/30/05, Pg Va 1: Boaters, wardens flock to lake. Starting July 1, new law calls for at least one game warden to patrol SML during daylight hours through Labor Day.
Every journey starts with a first step. And as Bob said in "What about Bob" at SML we should start with baby-steps.
Let's reflect: there's 500 miles of shoreline at SML and there's about 500 miles of I-81 from Bristol to Winchester. Suppose the Va government proposed that there should be one (1) state trooper for all of I-81 during daylight hours from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Just exactly how happy should we-all be with that news?
Prior SML item:
Christians killed in Indonesia
Roanoke Times, 5/30/05, Pg A5: Twin bombings by Islamic militants kill at least 20 people in Christian town.
How can this be? The liberals were just telling us that if we just sent lots of aid to the Islamic folks hit by the Tsunami, that they would view us as good guys.
The reality is that our response teams were given three weeks to get out and stay out and just send money!
It also appears that the reality is that they have chased Clinton out of there too!
I sure hope that John Bolton, with his billy-goat-gruff personality, doesn't screw-up this good and nurturing environment when he gets to the UN.
Prior item:
France and the EU
Roanoke Times, 5/29/05, Pg A5: EU's future hangs on French vote. Anxiety nags Europeans amid sense of identity crisis.From Berlin to Brussels, a funk born of frustration with high unemployment, lackluster economies and perceived political paralysis. An uneasy hodgepodge of 25 nations united more in gloom than anything else. I would rather be an American than a European.
Wow! Sounds like Jimmy Carter moved to Europe!
Is this the same Europe that John Kerry and his friends were bragging about?
Is this the economic model that the Liberals want the US to follow?
Are these the leaders of the new world order?
But the big bang maybe yet to come. Are you ready?
The elections in the major countries of the "collation of the willing" have returned to office: Bush of US, Blair of England and Howard of Australia.
It now appears that the countries of the "collation of the unwilling" may reject their leaders: Chirac of France and Schroeder of Germany!
How will The Editor and his media friends slant that news? There just has to be a way to blame this on Bush.
Prior French blog item:
Complimentinig Women
Roanoke Times, 5/29/05, Pg A15: Yes, it's really true: Women love to get those compliments. A master's graduate said her study showed that only one compliment made women feel better. Fea's study has received national recognition by several psychological conferences.
This is news? She got graduate credit for this? And how desperate for speakers must the psychological conferences be?
But the more interesting aspect of this subject relates to the workplace!
Before any male makes "complimenting" comments to any female in the workplace he better be prepared for a sexual-harassment complaint. For many situations in the workplace even the most benign compliment can be met with very unpleasant adverse consequences. I have even seen females berate males for holding the door open for them. What a joy to work with folks like that! Where do they get these attitudes? Makes crabby old men look like good guys!
Monday, May 30, 2005
Wind Turbines on the Highlands of Va
Roanoke Times, 5/28/05, Pg Va 7: Keep giant wind turbines from marring the Highlands. "Industrial wind development should be located in areas that are less sensitive, including federal lands of the West, where there are large expanses of high deserts and plains where the wind blows consistently, the environment will not be damaged, and very few people live."
This article and the conflict behind it is typical of the difficult choices we must make to continue our dependency on electricity with our population growth of two million people per year.
The issues with remote locations are that there are limited power transmission lines in those areas and folks "raise-Cain" when new lines are proposed. Just reflect on the 765KVA lines proposed from West-Va to our area through the federal forest. One would think that power for the people could go through the people's forest -- but -- NO. Go around, the long way, over private property! The cost of transmission is not only the construction and maintenance of the lines, but power is continuously lost during transmission for every mile traveled, forever.
At Nantucket Sound, Ma., this same issue was fought in 2003. The environmental elitists, the Kennedy Clan, raised every issue possible to stop off-shore wind turbines including getting Walter Kronkite to make TV ads for them. However, Walter changed his position from "no" to "show-me" and then had the ads removed from the air.
To download and view the Walter Kronkite PC (wmv) 10 MB video, click on the link. Turn-up your sound, requires high-speed internet service.
Prior item:
Memorial Day Coverage
Kudos to the Roanoke Times for numerous very good articles this week covering Memorial Day activities and reflections.Thank you!
UN Fails Again
Roanoke Times, 5/28/05, Pg A4: UN: Nuclear conference fails to accomplish anything! The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty not working with Iran or North Korea. The conference had futilely debated proposals to address all these issues.
And the liberals think sending John Bolton to the UN would be divisive and he might disturb a well-running system of international cooperation and action by being too blunt!
Why are we dumping mega-bucks into this hole in the ground?
The showdown with Iran and North Korea is within sight and once again it will either be massive military strikes to cripple their nuclear activities, or capitulation to accept Iran and North Korean nuclear weapons as OK.
It's clear that the debating society is once again a waste of time and money.
Prior Items:
No to UN International Court
Roanoke Times, 5/28/05, Pg A4: UN chief hears objections to policies in Sudan. Sudanese making it clear that suspects from Sudan should be tried in Sudan and should NOT be sent to any International Court.
Not only is the UN of very little help in the Sudan humanitarian and civil war issues, but the Sudanese people have looked at the Serb-Milovsevic trial and decided that the UN isn't any help there either!
Other than a debating society, what does the UN do to justify our major investment in that organization?
Prior Item:
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Boy problems?
Roanoke Times, 5/27/05, Pg A 3: Common chemical may be stunting boys' sex organs
Saturday nite live: Gee, your mom must have used lots of makeup!
Roanoke Times, 5/28,05, Pg 1: Impotence drugs may be linked to blindness.
Saturday nite live: My priest always told me that might happen if I didn't stop!
Just how much negative boy-news can the Roanoke Times dispense in just two days? Or perhaps this isn't news (again). Based on the content and context of these two articles it appears that these hypothesis are a looooooooooong way from meeting scientific cause-and-effect relationships. In the meantime lets publish this stuff as "news" and see if we can drive some hypochondriacs' nuts.
Why can't the "news"-papers have a special "
sensational guess-work section" for stuff written by people who are either writing a thesis for a degree, or writing a grant proposal to get some research money? Then, after an item becomes accepted as a valid-premise it could be promoted to "news" and we could all then react in an appropriate manner.
Prior item:
Student self-regard
Roanoke Times, 5/27/05, Pg Va 9: An epidemic of unwarranted self-regard, by Marlene Zuk, biology professor at the Univ. Calif. Riverside.
Great article describing the results at the college level of our liberal-slant education policies.
The description of her students' behaviors is totally consistent with a prior Roanoke Times article on school policy banning the color red for correcting student papers. Let's not focus on right/wrong because that might offend students' sensibilities and result in self-esteem issues. At the college level Ms. Zuk is then faced with students who have no ability to reflect on their own performance because there are no right/wrong answers, only clouds of gray in which everyone is OK. Students typically respond that "I really do know this stuff, it just doesn't reflect in my tests or grades".
Ultimately this process results in major issues in the work-place where performance and quality count and people are either retained or fired based on their ability to perform to requirements. What a culture shock that is!
What if driver's education were handled that way? Don't worry about the traffic lights, red, green, whatever.
We owe it to our students to have a set of requirements and then test to the requirements and then face the reality of that process. Isn't that what SOL's are all about?
Gov. Warner and Viagra
Roanoke Times, 5/27/05, Pg Va 3: Medicaid pays for Viagra for sex offenders in Virginia and Gov. Warner orders a stop.
Great Roanoke Times slant! The Editor slants the article to make it seem like Gov. Warner is really on the ball (or pill, as the case might be).
But the reality is that Medicaid is a "states rights" program that gets some reimbursement from the Feds. The states, in this case Virginia, determine the eligibility for medicaid meds.
It's Gov. Warner's team that allowed and enabled this to happen!
Not only didn't The Editor criticize the Gov. for letting this happen, instead he slanted the article to make it appear Warner is on the ball and not behind the eight-ball.
Does The Editor get extra comp. for being on the Gov's. PR team or is this done pro bono?
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Minority tyranny
Roanoke Times, 5/27/05, Pg Va 8: Minority tyranny over stem cell policy
The Editor has totally lost it! He describes in great detail that a series of elections that resulted in the election of a President and a Congress and a Senate are not, according to the Constitution, entitled to enact legislation that is in conflict with his views!
The issue of stem cell policy was clearly a major item in the last election. The pros and cons are not new news. The Editor and his friend John LOST! Get used to it! Adjust! Stop whining! Soon you'll have Hillary to do your bidding and all will be OK! You and your friends will be happy again!
Prior item:
Donated Land
Roanoke Times, 5/27/05, Pg Va 1: 60 acres given, as a gift, to preserve view. The donated land is adjacent to a 20-acre parcel the Parkway purchased for $800,000 or $40,000 per acre. The parcels together comprise a sweeping view of a former cow pasture and forested hills.
The Editor presents this data as if it's a good thing! What is he thinking? What land that gives a sweeping view of a cow pasture is appraised at $40,000 per acre? Who is going to donate land in the future knowing the "financially challenged" folks at the Parkway are paying $40,000 per acre for views of a cow pasture? How much of the land along the Parkway is appraised at $40,000 per acre? This would be funny if it weren't our tax dollars at "work". Why isn't the Parkway continuing to utilize their floral-tunnel-vision program instead of squandering our tax money? Talk about views of heifer-dust!
Prior floral-tunnel-vision-program item:
Friday, May 27, 2005
Crabby Old Men
Funny post in Big Salt Lick blog. Apparently a reference was made to "crabby old men" in an email-conversation about the Roanoke Times blog listing. Salt Lick "leaped" to the conclussion that the reference must be to me!
Having really enjoyed the movie and the sequel of Grumpy Old Men I certainly take that as a fun light-hearted compliment.
However, haven't seen Ann Margret move into the neighborhood yet. I hope the RT isn't going to substitute Ms. Z. for Ann!
Filibuster Again!
Roanoke Times, 5/27/05, Pg 1: Democrats force delay in vote for Bolton
The slant-meisters at The Roanoke Times are apparently so embarrassed at the Senate Democrat obstructionists that they could not bring themselves to use the word FILIBUSTER, instead they alluded to a 60 votes needed to proceed.
It is now clear to the most casual observer what a sad sack of sorry performers the Senate Democrats really are. After Mondays big announcement that the Democrats were
allowing the Senate to get "back to business" they evoke a filibuster on a Presidents nomination sent to the floor for an up-or-down vote.
Not bad -- their position to get back to work lasted almost three days, these Democrat Senators must have union jobs!
The bottom line is simple: John Bolton has a Harry Truman style and a great quote from President Truman was: I don't give them hell, I just tell the truth and they think its hell! Just what's been required at the UN for a long time!
Prior item:
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
UN Humanitarian Jerk
Roanoke Times, 5/25/05, Pg A6: Tsunami relief hurts calls to help others. UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland lamenting about lack of support for a list of disaster issues.
This is the UN-jerk who called the US and the American people stingy and uncaring at the start of the Tsunami disaster.
Stingy indeed! Who sent the ships, the emergency troops, the landing craft, the medical and food supplies and the helicopters in a very timely and effective manner. What other country, especially the Muslim countries, and France and Germany came even close to our contribution? How about Jan's country, that is wallowing in oil money, what did they do that was so impressive?
It's jerks like this that make John Bolton the guy we need to send to the UN!-
John Bolton is a Harry Truman type guy: and as Harry Truman said: I don't give em hell, I just tell the truth and they think it's hell!!!
Prior Bolton item:
Communists in the State Dept (History 101)
Roanoke Times, 1/7/04 (archive item), Pg Va 7, Obit. extract: Former magazine publisher dies at 87, Michael Straight admitted he had been recruited by the Soviets as a spy in 1937. He was recruited at Cambridge in 1937 by Blunt, then a dean at the university. He returned to the US and took a job with the State Dept.. He became editor of the New Republic in 1941 and after service in the US Air Force became publisher in 1956.
He revealed his involvement with the Soviet Union in 1963 when offered a top arts position in the Kennedy administration.
In 1969 he became deputy chairman of the National Endowment of the Arts.
In a discussion about my blog item of 5/8/05, the issue of Joseph McArthy's "I have a list of communists in the State Dept" was discussed. This caused me to reflect on the above obit. published in the Roanoke Times.
This obit makes it very clear that McArthy's accusations applied not only to those who were unmasked during the hearings, but to those who continued on undetected for many years and who were then embraced by left-wing folks in spite of their record. Apparently having been a Soviet spy is not an obstacle to some high-level positions in our society.
Stem Cells
Roanoke Times, 5/25/05, Pg 1: Bill lifts limits on stem cell research. House votes to lift limits on embryonic stem cell research.
It would be a good thing if The Editor and his media partners would clearly state the issue so that folks can get a clear picture of the facts.
1. There are no limits on embryonic stem cell research in the United States!
2. The issue is what types of stem cell research can be done with Federal Tax money!
The distinction is very important. Universities, corporations, states, private organizations and others can and are following their own ethical guidelines in conducting this research.
For certain types of procedures there are moral issues regarding whether or not the process is destroying human life in order to save life and other procedures involve the cloning of human life.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
A very insightful comment
Attached below is a copy of a comment to my prior blog item: Prisoner abuse
The author's intense and clearly heartfelt negative feelings about Republicans, dating back to Watergate and then clearly amplified by the Clinton trainwreck, apparently reflects what we just went through on the filibuster issue in the Senate. Surely there are others on each side who feel just as passionate. Given the approximate 50/50 split of the voters involved, one might wonder what will change the environment to a more balanced less hardened view?
I have worked in environments in which management reviled in and fostered contention between competing people and entities. They viewed contention as a key management tool to achieve the maximum output of their people and organization. On the other hand I have on occasion observed dire consequences resulting from this technique.
Perhaps at this point in our history sharp-contention is OK, and then when a less intense and lower risk situation evolves, we can get back to a "we-all like Ike" environment.
In the meantime, I believe the objective of this blog is valid. The Roanoke Times is an instrument of significant power and influence and it also should be subject to reasonable critique to help ensure it steps up to its responsibilities to be fair and balanced and not become an instrument of one point of view.
Maybe the editor is still appalled and somewhat shocked at the adjudication of the previous prisoner abuse scandals in which only one senior officer (strangely accused of shoplifting--after the fact) was disciplined, when every tenent of corporate responsibility states that if it happens on YOUR watch, it is YOUR responsibility. Why aren't Mr. Rumsfeld, the White House lawyer who stated the Geneva Convention is outdated and quaint (Our new Attorney General) and President Bush himself held accountable. Unfortunately, Mr. Hagen, the public is so jaded, even when confronted with secret memos between Blair and the White House on a way to spin (lie?) about the reasons for war, are too tired to respond with righteous indignation. The Republicans, ever since Watergate, have employed a slash and burn strategy that has overwhelmed the American psyche....just to get even. Witness the Whitewater investigation that cost more than the alleged (and disproved) dollar amount of "swindled" money. Ken Starr cut his teeth on that investigation, and his "kiss and tell" investigation allowed me to have to explain to my young children what bodily fluids had to do with Presidential competence.
Prisoner abuse
Roanoke Times, 5/21/05, Pg Va 7: Demand accountability, horrific revelations of abuse on two detainees in Afghanistan.
The Editor describes in great detail the alleged abuse of two prisoners in Bagram airbase. The American people should neither condone nor tolerate such brutal behavior, and they should demand a full investigation.
Based on my life experiences the American people, its government and its military do not condone this type of prisoner abuse. Why does The Editor use the term "should" when he knows full well what American beliefs, values, and laws are relative to these acts?
All this raw-data comes from a massive military grand-jury (Article 32) investigation that, if valid, will surely result in court-martials for several very sadistic and misdirected people and perhaps their direct supervisors also. This isn't some inside scoop that The Editor and his media partners "discovered" and that officials have overlooked or are hiding.
Why is The Editor feeding investigative-level-material and raw data into the chant-book of our radical enemies before the facts are determined in a formal trial? What is The Editors value-add to the 2000 page military report and the criminal justice process that is clearly working and underway? Perhaps The Editor is working on his resume in anticipation of joining other like-minded journalists at Aljazeera where the only bad guy is the US and there is a total blind-eye to terrorists atrocities and to the positive progress being made in the Middle-east.
Senate agreement to vote on judges
Roanoke Times, 5/24/05, Pg 1 and Va 8: Senators reach compromise on nominees and The Editors "A pox on both their houses".
Under the terms, Democrats would agree to oppose any attempt to filibuster the confirmation of Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown) and William Pryor.
There is "no commitment to vote for or against" the filibuster against two other conservative nominees, Henry Saad and William Myers.
As for future nominees, the agreement said they should "only be filibustered under extraordinary circumstances," with each Democrat senator holding the discretion to decide when those conditions had been met.
"In light of the spirit and continuing commitments made in this agreement," Republicans said they would oppose any attempt to make changes in the application of filibuster rules.
Am I missing something or isn't the "up or down vote" what the Republicans have been asking for during the last two years?
Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer, D-NY claimed victory, lambasted Bush and then they went up to the roof, got on a helicopter and left.
It would be good if we never see another Robert Bork or Clarence Thomas debacle again. Don't count on it. Many of the same vicious Liberal Ideologues who did that are still there and they haven't signed anything.
Prior items:
C2C Coverage
Roanoke Times, 5/24/05, Pg 1: Dirt is green.
Kudos to Matt Chittum on this major front page-plus article on the C2C sustainable housing project in Roanoke and its chief supporter Mr. Gregg Lewis.
This is a major positive effort that deserves support and recognition. These are "pilot-line" type structures, materials and processes that will require patience and perseverance before they are ready for "prime-time" replication.
Laura Bush heckled
Roanoke Times, 5/23/05, Pg 1: Big front page headline: Laura Bush is heckled in Middle East.
Having watched C-span coverage of significant newsworthy parts of Ms. Bush's middle-east trip I found The Editors pg 1 headline to be typical of his slant and manipulation of news.
Wow, hecklers, imagine that!
Hello, she was in Jerusalem, the epicenter of a thousand years of hate and violent conflict between Jews and Muslims.
It was interesting that the Jews were most worried about "springing" convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. Apparently our contribution of 10 (ten) billion dollars a year plus all the war technology they ask for is keeping them reasonably happy.
Saddam Photos
Roanoke Times, 5/21/05, Pg 1: Saddam photos prompt indignation. Condemnation from the Red Cross. Some Iraqis insulted.
The butcher of Baghdad, responsible for tens of thousand of murders of his own people, shown in his underware, how shocking is that!
Is this the same Red Cross who visited the Dachau Concentration Camp and concluded that the Jews were being well treated? Don't hear much from them on the slaughter of hostages each week. Where do they get these people and what's their agenda?
The picture many folks have been waiting for is the equivalent of the picture of the end of Benito Mussolini (you have to hold it upside-down to get a good look!). The pictures of Adolf's demise were late in coming and seemed smudged.
Speaking of bad guys going to trial, remember Milovsevic, the alleged Serb war criminal? The "world" demanded he be tried in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. The trial started in March2002. I believe that's a little over THREE YEARS AGO and still going (talk about your energizer rabbit!).
Some of the judges have died from old age and had to be replaced! Don't you just love this International world order stuff the liberals are so fond of!
Saturday, May 21, 2005
The Galatic Nuclear Option
The Dean-machine-team produces a new video for prime time
Turn on your sound
4.2 MB wmv video file
Takes some time to load
Prior items:
Friday, May 20, 2005
Bush's Star Wars
Roanoke Times, 5/20/05, Pg VA 7: US policy is driven not by a need to ensure our security but by lobbyists who need to secure contracts for their defense industry corporate employers.
Scenario 1: A North Korean freighter travels to within 500 miles of California in International Pacific waters. A hatch opensl A missile with a nuclear warhead is fired toward San Francisco. West Coast radar's track the missile to its detonation approximately 2000 feet above downtown center. US defenses are defenseless.
Scenario 2: The 911 commission is reconstituted and holding hearings. Why didn't the Bush Administration see this coming and take appropriate measures to avoid the demise of thousands of US citizens, the destruction of a major city and the contamination of a large area of the US?
Scenario 3: Craig Eisendrath and Helen Caldicot, the authors of this article standup and claim responsibility for doing nothing! After all, we shouldn't do something that might embellish the defense industry, should we!
Why is the Roanoke Times chopping down and chipping up perfectly good trees to print this type of heifer-dust?
Prior North Korean nuc. blog item:
Bolton will harm credibility of US
Roanoke Times, 5/20/05, Pg Va 7: Lots of fluff by Trudy Rubin about US intelligence failures and Bolton's appointment to the UN. Questions about Bolton's creditability in the event US takes action against Iran and/or North Korean nuclear weapon development.
The comments about intelligence overview and analysis could well be directed at the Clinton team who was held-over into the Bush administration to ensure continuity. Berger and Clark and Company sure proved to be a disappointment to the office of the Presidency for both Clinton and Bush!
It's as if Bolton without reason or cause fired all the members of the White House travel staff and replaced them with his friends from California, and swore at them as they left the office (I guess this means that there's no chance that Hillary can be UN Ambassador!)
Bolton's big issue: he has challenged the management, direction and veracity of the UN and it's management. Wow! How dare he?
If he were a Democrat running for the office he would be elected if he ran on the platform of "I'm going to FIGHT for your rights in this biased and unjust cabal of rich elitists snobs!". (can't you just hear Maxine Waters yell this out!)
Hopefully Trudy Rubin will not set the criteria for our next UN Ambassador!
Boating on SML
Roanoke Times; The Lake, 5/20, Vol1 #3, Pg 8: The rules are pretty much the same as on the road
The author must be writing about a NASCAR track as " the road"!
There is no speed limit on SML!
There are no noise restrictions on SML!
We have boats with multiple 454's with no mufflers running over 100 MPH on SML!
We have a 50 foot clearance rule. For a watercraft running at highspeed 50 feet is very close if you're in the water or on your dock!
1st Shots Fired
Roanoke Times, 5/19/05, Pg 1: 1st shots fired over filibuster, lawmakers failed to work out a deal on Bush's judicial nominees.
No -- that's not it! The Editor is doing his article headline slant thing again. The first ten (10) shots were fired during the last two years by Democrat senators who for the first time in 200 years decided to filibuster judicial nominees who were sent to the senate for an up-or-down majority vote.
And I thought that the Democrats were the "let's vote" party! Apparently it depends on what they're going to vote on and if they're worried they may loose.
Prior related item:
Assault on the Media
Roanoke Times, 5/19/05, Pg Va 11: White House exploits deaths to intimidate press. By John Conyers D-Mich.
Roanoke Times, 5/19/05, Pg Va 10: Assault on the media
These articles by The Editor and his associate John Conyers reach a new high in left-wing liberal slant and anti-Bush bashing.
The real issue is that Newsweek in their zeal to further exploit the Abu Ghraib and Guanatamo anti-US, anti-military crusade they are a part of, stole a page from Dan Rather's book: "Rathergate: how to hammer our government while ignoring basic editorial integrity"! They published, to the world, that the Quran was being (flushed down the toilet) at Guanatamo as part of the nasty US treatment of folks captured while fighting our soldiers. The radical-Muslims grabbed this US "confession" as proof that more terrorism is justified against US and killed a number of folks during rioting.
Hello -- New information: Qurangate: Newsweek had to admit that the scoop was full of heifer-dust and not news. When asked about the new-news at press briefings in Washington, administration and military leaders suggested that Newsweek do all they can do to repair the damage (short of reincarnating the deceased)!
The editor and his media partners are now lamenting that this has become an "assault on the media". How dare any government person critique or comment on what the media is publishing! After all, the media are fair, balanced and only presenting the truth and the facts. To be convinced of that just skim through the items in this blog!
"Attacks" on Judiciary
Roanoke Times, 5/19/05, Pg A3: Attacks on judiciary must stop, judge says. Judge Joan Lefkow's statement to Senate Judiciary Committee. Lefkow's husband and mother were killed as retaliation by a man she ruled against in a civil case.
Great slant by The Editor and his media partners by merging two concepts. Obviously physical "attacks" on judges are dangerous, illegal and reprehensible. However by extending "attacks" to include prohibiting legitimate criticism of judicial decisions is really "out of the box" and is clearly intended to impose on ones first amendment rights (which I thought The Editor and his media partners were guarding!).
Is there anyone still alive who does not lament the "Dred Scott" decision. Here's a quote about the "attack" on the judicial concerning that decision:
The South, of course, welcomed the ruling, but in the North it raised a storm of protest and scorn. It helped create the Republican Party, and disgust at the decision may have played a role in the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
Prior item:
Audie Murphy
Roanoke Times, 5/19/05, Pg 1: The Audie Murphy story.
Kudos to David Harrison of the Roanoke Times for a very good article about Audie Murphy and his contributions to our country. Presenting the story in the context of the visit to his memorial on Brush Mountain by two ladies from his hometown was a very nice touch.
Please visit the local web site dedicated to his service and life:
Abu Ghraib Scapegoat
Young enlisted woman scapegoat for higher-ups.
Yet another in The Editors long-winded discourses on how it is that all those in the chain of command, up to and including Bush, no, especially Bush, need to get 20 lashes for the Abu Ghraib issues.
The Editor has not been keen however on blaming Gov. Warner for each of the incidents at Red Onion and other state prisons or for the indiscretions of state policemen and other state officers. Apparently The Editor has different standards for accountability for a Democrat chief executive. He's always so selective.
Prior post:
Schools and Homosexuality
Roanoke Times, 5/15/05, Pg A9: Baptist says schools promote homosexuality. Resolution states: there is an aggressive effort to teach our children acceptance of homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle. NEA spokesperson says teachers should teach children to be respectful of others.
The Editor and many others continue to use a subtle slant to achieve their goal of getting homosexual behavior to be embraced by the American people as normal, typical, acceptable, and good. This is not working well with adults at the ballot boxes (note the number of states passing restrictions on gay-marriage), so, let's get "our" judges to crank out opinions we like and start working on indoctrinating the children!
The basic concept is simple: we can be respectful of others without accepting their behaviors. We all know people who commit adultery. However, in our country we don't cut their heads off as they do in other cultures. We may choose to avoid them and we might not accept having our teachers telling our children that that behavior is OK!
There is a BIG difference between being respectful to others as opposed to accepting behavior we find to be NOT OK! These concepts can coexist and are not mutually exclusive! I respect Bill Clinton's accomplishments, but I do not accept his personal behavior!
Prior related item:
Public Ethics
Roanoke Times, 5/15/05, Pg H1: Examine the essence of public ethics. The Editor questioning "what is ethical" about the many government activities that he finds offensive.
What is interesting is that his examples are all slanted to be republican issues. Apparently the eight years of Bill and Hillary were idyllic and the current group of Democratic folks are just being on their best behavior and are flawlessly doing the people's work.
As soon as we get Bill and Hillary back in the White House the public ethics issues will all go away! Provided of course Hillary doesn't go to jail with her two fund raisers (don't hear much about their criminal trials, do we?).
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Flying Congressmen
Roanoke Times, 5/6/05, Pg Va 8: Flying the too-friendly skies by Congressmen. "Delay is one of the worst offenders".
The Editor is espousing the party line that because Delay is the Republican House Majority Leader -- he hopes to make an example of him.
Since 2000 members of Congress have taken 5,410 trips, half were sponsored by non-profit groups that don't have to disclose who is providing the money.
Democrats took 3,025 trips; Republicans 2,375, Independents, 10. Rep. Harold Ford, Democrat of Tenn. took the most trips: 63. Delay (clearly not one of the worst offenders) took 14 trips. He ranked 28th for value of trips, and 114th in the number taken (data: usa-today 4/26 -- clearly not one of Delay's supporters).
So, not only is The Editor's data in doubt, but he also is clearly showing his slant again (still). Why doen't he just come out and acknowledge that The Roanoke Times is a media outlet for the DNC?
Governor vetoes budget data-sharing Bill
Roanoke Times, 5/7/05, Pg Va 4: The bill centered around state budget information that currently only the Governor receives. The data requested includes comparisons to previous budgets and spending priorities and new initiatives.
The Editor should be "up in arms" about a Governor who is shutting out the sunshine of information about the taxing and spending of taxpayer money.
Prior item:
Perhaps the tax-happy Editor has joined the Governor in keeping us all in the dark about when, where and why he intends to spend our money.
Bush and Baltic Leaders
Roanoke Times 5/7/05, Pg A3: The president opened a fast-paced , four-country journey to mark the 60th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany (VE-day).
The media continues to downplay that for most East-European countries and people the end of a terrible 5 year war was replaced by the beginning of 50 years of economic, political and social slavery and the start of the Cold War. FDR signed away at Yalta the freedom and independence of 50 million people. This lasted for 50 years until the U.S. under Ronald Reagan overpowered the "Evil Empire" with overwhelming economic and military might. The breaking point was the proposal for a U.S. "Star Wars" missile defense system which the Soviets could not match and which would have made MAD (mutual assured destruction) less than "assured".
It was alleged that communist sympathizers within the state department played a major role in setting up this disaster. Pictures of FDR at Yalta shows a man in serious health deterioration, a shadow of the man who spearheaded the New Deal. After President Harry Truman took office he issued an executive order to find and expose and expel communists from the government. That led to the establishment of and hearings by the House un-American Committee that ultimately made Joseph McArthy a national figure by going after communists in the arts, media and education as well as the government. His vigor in asking: "are you now or were you ever, a member of the communist party?" was not nearly as well accepted by the liberal community as was Howard Bakers questions years later: "what did he know and when did he know it?".
The most onerous result of this activity was the "blacklisting" of people in the arts and media who either acknowledged they were communists, fellow-travelers (sympathizers), or took the 5th.
The conviction and execution of the Rosenbergs for giving atomic secrets to the Soviets was yet another example that was used at the time to purge communists from having influence in any part of American society.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Gay sperm donors
Roanoke Times, 5/6/05, Pg A14: Gay sperm donors to face new restrictions by FDA because it is alleged that they pose a higher-than-average risk of carrying the AIDS virus.
The details of how to implement a policy like this is impossible to imagine. Besides, it is also probable that men who have been with prostitutes are at an equal or higher risk. The key to this problem is the implementation of a Public Health system designed to focus on containing and isolating the spread of this plague. It appears that The Editor, his media friends and our government officials will not engage in solving this problem and therefore unrealistic proposals like the above are floated as some kind of patch by people who feel the need to do something even if it's unrealistic.
Prior Item that highlights this issue:
Don't forfeit S/S checks
Roanoke Times, 5/6/05, Pg A11: A poll suggests that a majority of Americans wants to hold on to their promised Social Security benefits. The poll found 56% are not willing to give up some promised benefits.
Are these people (the pollsters and editors) trying to insult our intelligence, or is it just working out that way? Why not conduct a poll at the Roanoke Times asking the employees if they want to take a 30% pay cut? In effect that is what will happen to Social Security benefits unless we-all implement a fix-it plan.
The 2-4-1 problem has now been accepted as for-real by the Senate in a 100 to 0 vote.
Prior item:
Now, let's stop playing these games and get to work to solve the problem -- that includes The Editor and his media friends and other folks who would prefer to play politics instead of fixing problems.
Toting Nuclear 'football'
Roanoke Times, 5/6/05, Pg 1: Toting nuclear 'football' can become weighty job.
The most critical nuclear 'football' situation in my lifetime was what the news media did in Dallas during the JFK assassination. It was at the very height of the cold war with over 2 million east-block troops, 60,000 tanks and massive nuclear weapons at the West-German border. A minion reporter named Dan Rather hid in the closet in the surgeon's washroom at the hospital and overheard doctors say that JFK was dead. He called in the "scoop" and immediately the media broadcast it to the world.
Did it ever occur to these jerks that this could be the "decapitation" to start WW-3? Our chain-of-command was broken, the VP was not there to immediately take command, there was chaos in the government and our own media was acting as the "enemy forward observers" for the Kremlin. Those people like myself who were in the 5th Corps in West Germany, manning nuclear missile delivery systems, knew that the dual-path chain-of-command was at risk and so were we because without our nuclear weapons we were toast. JFK had said: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"! We never forgot what Dan and his media friends did for our country.
Britain's Blair wins -- BUT
Roanoke Times, 5/6/05, Pg 1: The Labour Party suffered a sharply reduced parliamentary majority in apparent punishment for going to war in Iraq, the exit polls found.
The author didn't mention that this is the first time in a life-time that a Labour Party leader has been reelected for a third term as Prime Minister. Apparently the "punishment" wasn't all that severe. It's also interesting that Sir Winston Churchill, after being British Commander-In-Chief for WW-2 was defeated for reelection. Using the author's logic, it may be that the British were more unhappy with the reasons for fighting WW-2 than with Iraq.
Given the results from the last US presidential election, I am amazed that The Editor and his media partners are even conducting exit-polls no less quoting results from them.
Prior item:
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Judicial Debate
The Roanoke Times, 5/4/05, Pg A5: Not long ago, Republicans were the ones hollering about their right to filibuster.
Good example of slant by mixing two items that are similar but different, i.e.: actions within the Senate Judiciary Committee vs. filibustering nominations sent by the Committee to the Senate floor for an up-or-down vote. A good example of current Democrat Committee games can be seen in the current flap to get John Bolton voted out of Committee and to a floor vote. He has been confirmed four times by the Senate for past positions he has held, but all of a sudden he's too blunt for this job.
Prior item:
In 1997 Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif said: "It is not the role of the Senate to obstruct the process and prevent numbers of highly qualified nominees from even being given the opportunity for a vote on the Senate floor". She also supported a move in 1995 to ease the filibuster rule. She sure is singing a different song today! A decade ago, Dem. Sen. Tom Harkin called the filibuster "a dinosaur, a relic of the ancient past." Now he's trying to give CPR to that old dinosaur.
Prior item:
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
The Price of Preservation
Roanoke Times, 5/3/05, Pg Va 8: Protecting the views from the Blue Ridge Parkway isn't cheap, but neither is the alternative. The "government" paid $800,000 for 20 acres to prevent development that would have made the parkway "a little less special". The Editor endorses this decision.
Roanoke Times, 5/3/05, Pg 1: Roanoke city to pay $4.1 million to buy golf course to make 300 residences and other stuff (tbd).
It appears that the Parkway doesn't have to buy any more land to "hide" the places where local people live from those who are traveling through. They simply can let the brush and trees grow up to obscure the views as they have done for most of the length of the road already. Seems like an inexpensive existing approach to achieve environmentaly friendly floral-tunnel-vision.
Since the Parkway could not be built today due to all the alleged environmental impacts that the construction and use would cause, perhaps the real fix is to shut it down and rip-up and recycle the asphalt and use it to pave-over the golf course down-town. Apparently local traffic folks don't mind seeing the places where other people live and it appears the City fathers think they will prefer that to seeing an old green golf course.
Not to worry, it's your tax dollars at "work".
Roanoke WDBJ 7 TV News - blogs
WDBJ 7 Roanoke TV News 5/3/05 presented a segment by Ms Myranda Stephens on blogs featuring the "Roanoke Slant"
You may Click on Link to play wmv (12.5 MB) video of WDBJ7 TV program
(it's a large file and takes some time to load)
(reminder: turn on your sound)
Web Site:
Sunni's shutout?
The Roanoke Times, 5/2/05, Pg A5: Blast at funeral kills at lest 25 Iraqis. The violence is blamed on an insurgency believed largely made up of members of the disaffected Sunni Arab minority, who dominated Iraq for decades under Saddam Hussein but were mainly shut out of the new government.
The Editor and his media partners paint a slanted view of this situation in a very subtle way. Some simple facts are:
The Sunni's didn't just dominate Iraq. They were the source of the SS/Gestapo of Saddam Hussein. They supplied most of the government-criminals that killed and tortured their fellow countrymen and received preferential treatment for it.
The Sunni's have not been "shut out" of the new government. They boycotted the elections! Therefore, they did not elect representatives to the government councils! Apparently they are going to continue to vote with bombs and bullets instead of ballots.
The formation of a new Iraq government has taken less than three years. I believe the American timeline to form a government was closer to thirteen years!
After WW2, it is estimated that 100,000 Vischey Frenchmen who collaborated with the SS/Gestapo were killed by other Frenchmen. Apparently they were "shut out" of the new government too.
Prior Item:
License to Kill?
Roanoke Times, 5/2/05, Pg Va 8: License to Kill? Va shouldn't emulate a Florida self-defense law that encourages the use of deadly force.
The Editor and the media never point out some basic facts concerning violence against citizens. The police have no responsibility to protect "you", even in cases of witnesses in violent criminal cases and where there are court issued restraining orders. In all civil suit cases brought against a police officer or agency for not preventing harm to a person the courts have always ruled that the police are responsible to protect the "public" and not "you". The police will of course investigate your demise.
Given the above, who is responsible to protect you and your family against imminent violence from others? Apparently it's you! However, if you protect yourself, given current laws in many states, you may be prosecuted as the criminal in that situation.
It appears that this situation happens more often than we may think. An excerpt from Neil Schulman's book, 1995, Self Control not Gun Control contains some interesting data:
Every 13 seconds, an American gun owner uses her or his firearm in defense against a criminal. If you're only counting handguns, it's every 16 seconds.
Women use handguns 416 times each day in defense against rapists, which is a dozen times more often than rapists use a gun in the course of a rape. Handguns are used 1145 times a day against robbers. Handguns are used 1510 times a day in defense against criminal assaults.
Perhaps it will turnout that the new Florida law will have a significant deterrent effect on assaults with deadly weapons by the bad guys who apparently don't need a license to kill.
Monday, May 02, 2005
VMI Sports
The Roanoke Times, 5/1/05, Pg Sports 1, 8, 9: VMI struggles to keep in step with modern-day Div I athletic programs. The extracurricular college lifestyle is non existent here. We don't go out at night. We don't watch VT and lounge around on our couches.
It also appears that they don't get drunk, get into bar fights, give liquor to and entertain underage girls in their rooms, and behave like spoiled brats and then get a slap on the wrist and a wink of the eye like they do on down I-81 a-piece.
Perhaps having athletes get a good personal and academic education and the opportunity to get a commission in the military is reward enough for the future leaders of our society. These 3 pages could well have been focused on the life-time benefits of the VMI experience for all its students!
I'm not a VMI graduate but I was commissioned a Lt. in the US Regular Army, Artillery, Airborne and I served with many fine VMI and West Point officers who were outstanding leaders without the benefit of a rose bowl trip.
HIV+ needle
The Roanoke Times, 5/1/05, Pg A14: Nineteen elementary school children, stuck by needle by 8 year old classmate, get HIV drugs. The treatment may reduce or slow HIV but does not prevent transmission. One of the students stuck tested positive for HIV+ therefore all are at risk.
At some point it would be a good thing if The Editor and his media partners made an effort to help address the Public Health Policies for the HIV+AIDS epidemic. There are eighteen more families that are at their wits end today and I'm sure they would like to know that all is being done to help stop the spread of this plague!
See prior blog item:
Blair Bashing
The Roanoke Times, 5/1/05, Pg A5: Blair viewed by many as lesser of 2 evils.
The British election is coming and Oh My -- looks like Blair may get reelected! Remember that guy -- the European who partnered with Bush to free Iraq. He obviously requires a "mudding" least anyone think that the British election might be an endorsement of the Iraq war! Labeling him as "evil" might work. The Editor and his media partners are so lame!
Religion's rightful role in democracy
The Roanoke Times, 5/1/05, Pg H 3: A comprehensive response by Timothy Anderson pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Roanoke to two articles in the Roanoke Times.
I wish The Roanoke Times would have a real and honest discussion of religion and its proper place in a democracy, as well as its limits. It will not be accomplished if the paper continues to print articles that seek to exclude and demonize believers in God and perpetuate in a partisan and ideological way the lamentable polarization to which we presently seem fated in this country.
The two articles were nasty in tone, fiddled with facts and had no real understanding of the relationship between church and state.
The Editor and his media partners mounted a major anti-"Conservative"-Christian crusade at the beginning of the Kerry campaign. The objective appeared to be to paint "Conservative"-Christians as radical fanatics who should be dismissed out-of-hand. They then mounted an even more intense campaign after the election to explain why Kerry lost. They have now turned-up the intensity relative to Schiavo and candidates to the courts as an effort to discount the results of the elections and kill Bush's second term agenda items. After all, if Bush's election is the result of a bunch of radical nuts, how can it possibly be legitimate and how can his second term agenda be valid. It is so intense that last week CNN's Aron Brown remarked (on camera) to a comment about taking the Christ out of Christmas: "Who the hell cares?"
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