The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Pain for Editors and Fetuses

Roanoke Times, 8/26/05, Pg A 3: Editor gets angry emails over fetal pain article. The Roanoke Times published last week this article from the Journal of American Medical Asn. that fetuses do not feel pain until 20 weeks.
Apparently some folks are upset with contents of this article and their perception of how the study was done and are sending totally inappropriate hate emails to the Medical Journal editor.
However (per USA Today, 8/25/05, Pg A3), lots of other folks are also upset with the media for not reporting that the lead author, Susan Lee, is an attorney and before med-School had worked as an attorney for NARAL (the pro-choice organization that ran the vicious smear ad against Judge Roberts)
Click for blog item and video:
Another author is Eleanor Drey, who is director of the abortion center at San Francisco General Hospital
The Editor and the media in general should be all over this story and repudiate it and admonish the authors and advise their readers that they will try to do better at "vetting" their sources.
But then again, they’re good at publishing slanted and biased stuff and they only get caught once-in-a-while.
If they didn't do that, I wouldn't be writing this blog!

Inmates running the asylum

Roanoke Times, 8/27/05, Pg A 8: Charges may be dropped in misused laptop case. The Kutztown Pa. School District said it reported the students to police only after detentions, suspension, and other punishments failed to deter them from modifying school laptops, downloading unauthorized programs and hacking into administration data bases.
Our legislators, lawyers, courts and administrators have totally lost control of our school systems. And Kutztown is no center-city environment. Of course we knew things were really bad when the US Supreme Court had to decide last year if a teacher could have students exchange papers for correcting quizzes.
It appears that the NCLB may be the last major effort to save public schools, as we know them. If this effort fails, the voters who are investing well over $100,000 in each high school graduate will demand major changes to get students who want to learn into settings where they can learn and that means privatization.
Prior items:

Constitution deadlocked

Constitution deadlocked
Roanoke Times, 8/27/05, Pg A 3: Talks on constitution deadlocked. Big picture of Sunni protesters with big poster of Sadam. Sunni’s not supporting the draft Constitution, Kurds and Shites are. Voters will decide outcome in October.
The Sunni’s are the group that formed Sadam’s Baathist party, the officer corps of Sadam’s army and the core of his brutal enforcers. They have been responsible for most of the violence, they are the Sunni-triangle folks, and they boycotted the elections. Now they show up at the Constitutional Convention with big posters of Sadam and say they’re not happy.
Hopefully the majority of the Iraqi people will move forward in a positive manner and this group of Sunni folks will either get with the program or be handled the way we handled the King’s Loyalists here in America.
They have lots more room up there in Ontario, it’s just a little harder to get the Sunnis up there than it was the Loyalists.

Ongoing political agenda

Roanoke Times, 8/27/05, Pg 1: South Dakota illustrates the politics of base closings. Ellsworth air force base will not shut down because of republican senator John Thune and his connection to the Bush White House.
Back on Pg A 6: New Mexico’s Democratic Governor Richardson won a delay of closure to at least 2010 for Cannon Air Base.
And not included in this article is that the Groton Sub base in Democratic senator Cris. Dodd’s home state was left intact.
Talk about slanted "news"! If The Editor and his friends equate Ellsworth to Thune to Bush on page 1, how do they explain Cannon and Groton? Of course they don’t! That would spoil their political agenda.
This is just more biased, slanted pure political heifer-dust by The Editor and his media associates. But then again, what else is new?

Fuel vs Safety

Roanoke Times, 8/26/05, Pg Va 8: The Editor complaining that the proposed CAFÉ fuel standards are no good and not a fuel saver because they designate vehicles by size and not weight. Just another Bush boondoggle!
The proposed CAFÉ standards were jointly developed with input from the energy and safety people. It turns out that when the last standards were implemented, based on weight categories, manufacturers made vehicle changes for fuel efficiency that resulted in significantly more deaths and injuries,
The current standards are attempting to get more miles per gallon without increasing safety risks.
Isn’t it interesting that the laws of unintended consequences are always with us! That darn Bush – when we get Hillary in there these things will all get fixed!
Prior items:

Let's focus on our job

Roanoke Times, 8/26/05, Pg 1: Marvin Thompson, former football star and new superintendent of Roanoke schools: Commenting on Victory stadium: It is very apparent to me that is not what we want for our children. Not an ‘ideal’ image.
Mr. Thompson’s schools have massive academic issues. Half of them are failing the NCLB criteria and soon many of his students will be eligible to transfer to other schools. That is what we really do not want for our children! That is what is really not an ‘ideal’ image!
Perhaps Mr. Thompson should retire his football uniform and start focusing on his academic responsibilities and leave the Victory Stadium issue to the Roanoke City Council who don’t have a clue what to do but at least it’s their job to figure it out.
Prior items:

Plant emissions

Roanoke Times, 8/25/05, Pg Bus 8: 9 states form pact on plant emissions. Nine northeast states freeze power plant greenhouse gas emissions.
Very interesting. These are the northeast states that import massive amounts of their energy from other states and Canada. They have been suing these producing states for emission issues. They must import energy because they refuse to build the facilities required to support their own huge appetite for energy. Freezing their emissions is simple, they just will import more energy and continue to point the finger at their suppliers. What a show! Don’t you just love those "blue" states!
Also in the article is the big slant again: "Bush refused to join more than 150 other nations on the Kyoto anti-emissions treaty". Forgot to mention AGAIN that when Clinton brought the Kyoto treaty home for ratification, the senate voted it down 99 to ZERO. Perhaps Bush isn’t the only one who "refused" to join!
Prior items:

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Zero savings

Roanoke Times, 8/25/05, Pg A 8: Americans’ savings rate falls to ZERO. Members of Congress are proposing incentives to encourage people to save for retirement.
Perhaps Bush isn’t "off his rocking horse" when he’s trying to get the US to address the Social Security problem and the need to develop personal accounts, personal financial responsibility and a personal stake in retirement.
The article states that the Washington Democrats have a Social Security proposal. New to me! What is it? Why doesn’t The Editor and his friends do a special on it and tell us all about it and show us how it is better than the Bush proposal.
There are families who have gone without a lot of things because they saved for retirement. Those who didn’t save but instead spent all their income are in a bind when they reach retirement age. The left-wing view is that the way to fix this is to take from the savers and give to the spenders through taxes (it was the Democrats who enacted taxes on Social Security checks) and "means testing" to reduce the benefits of the savers and increased taxes on current workers.
Doesn’t that beg the question: who should be rewarded and who should be penalized for their past behavior?
Click to see the Ad (Someone Help Me) – why should Stanley Johnson be rewarded for his behavior at the expense of those who saved?
Requires highspeed internet -- 3 MB - wmv -video file
Prior items:

Richmond police shootings

Roanoke Times, 8/24/05, Pg Va 5: NAACP demands federal inquiry into 18 Richmond police shootings.
How can Richmond have a police problem? Wasn’t Democrat Tim Kaine, The Editors candidate for Governor, the outgoing mayor of Richmond? And isnt’s the current mayor Doug Wilder a prior Democrat Governor?
How could there possibly be any problems in Richmond that would require a federal investigation?

Military Grave Markers

Roanoke Times, 8/24/05, Pg 1: Change to military grave markers upsets some.
The Editor and his media partners have harped that Bush has been "hiding" our casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Now the military provides families of fallen soldiers the option to have (at government expense) an inscription on the grave marker that reflects to all and for all time the operational name of the military action they died in.
Instead of a positive response, The Editor and his AP friend, does a major front-page expose telling us that these inscriptions are a PR campaign for the war.
Have these media folks totally lost it? Bush is advertising how well the war is going by putting ads on grave markers? I never ceased to be amazed at how desperate the anti-Bush zealots are and how low they will sink to try to make some point!
ps: Have you noticed that almost every Civil War memorial contains the name of the campaign or town where the soldiers being remembered were killed. I believe the major designation at Bedford is "Operation Overlord". Never thought of these as PR campaigns.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Wardens at SML

Roanoke Times, 8/24/05, Pg 1: Wardens’ work doesn’t cut wrecks. A mandated patrol law has forced the department to reduce patrols during some of the lake’s busiest times.
Since it’s not clear how many accidents per boat-hour are involved, it’s difficult to know what is happening to the accident rate on SML or the Wardens’ influence on that rate. Certainly the boat traffic has increased and the numbers of fatal accidents are up and are totally unacceptable.
The patrol law requiring a minimum of one patrol boat be on duty during daylight hours from Memorial Day through Labor Day seems like a very minimal number considering there are 500 miles of shoreline. If one were to estimate the amount of money the government (local and state) derives from SML in taxes and fees it would appear that having a significant patrol presence is being well paid for but not allocated or in-place at SML.
It is long past due to have maximum speed limits and noise limits on SML! A day-time limit of 40 MPH and a night-time limit of 20 MPH would be reasonable and prudent and should not be an undue burden on anyone.
Off-shore 500 HP racing boats, high speed (250 HP) bass boats and 150 HP ski-jets could still get from The Bridge to the Dam in 25 minutes. Seems reasonable and prudent to me! Why haven’t we done that long ago?
Click for Speed vs Time from Bridge to Dam: (What to do with the 16 minutes?)
Click for Is Speed Important in Marine Accidents?
Click back through Prior items:

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Dour assessment of Iraq

Dour assessment of Iraq
Roanoke Times, 8/23/05, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel says that not only is the US losing in Iraq, but continuing involvement has destabilized the Middle East.
The Editor has found a new friend in Sen. Hagel who is running for President and apparently is looking for news coverage on a hot topic.
Losing in Iraq. Sadam is in prison and will soon be on trial for mass murder of his own people. Sadam’s Suni-army is history. There has been a reasonably free election. There is now a draft Constitution. There is a free media operating all over the country. Schools are open with children in them instead of Sadam’s troops. There is an active and growing economy. The enemy has been reduced to sporadic mine-warfare, primarily against their own people. Why does this NOT sound like loosing to me? What is my problem?
Destabilized the Middle East. Afghanistan is reasonably free of the terrorists that ruled them, and elections have been held, and they are moving toward stability. Pakistan is now assisting in the war against terrorists. Libya has turned in their WMD equipment and renounced violence. The Syrians are out of Lebanon. Lebanon has held reasonably free elections. Iran continues their nuclear weapons program in same fashion as when Clinton was in office (this is an ongoing preexisting nasty issue similar to North Korea ). Israel and Palestinians are taking significant steps toward disengagement and reduced violence. Why does this NOT seem like destabilization to me? What is my problem?
It appears that it is The Editor and his associates who are working very hard to destabilize the US in order to make major political gains in the upcoming elections. Their success in influencing public opinion in the past led to millions of persons in Laos and Cambodia and South Vietnam being slaughtered. Hopefully they will be less successful this time around.
Prior blog items:

Monday, August 22, 2005


SML boating couple killed

Roanoke Times, 8/22/05, Pg Va 1: Two die instantly in boat accident on lake; charges pending; couple’s 24 foot cabin cruiser hit from behind at approx. 10 PM - 8/20/05. Reports are that a High Performance 38 foot off-shore racing boat over-ran the cruiser near marker R 24.
The married couple was Lawrence and Judith Lewis.
The operator of the race boat was Mark Detournillion of Shoreline Marina.
Click To view the Roanoke Channel 7 News coverage
Requires hi-speed internet – 20 Meg – wmv video file
Click back through these links for prior items on SML safety:

Sunday, August 21, 2005


High gas prices

Roanoke Times, 8/21/05, Pg A 15 : No relief in sight from high gas prices. Could be years before prices at the pump come down. Prices taking a severe toll on American pocketbooks.
Beyond the domestic market, most analysts agree that factors outside US borders – and well beyond the control of Washington politicians – determine the price of gasoline.
What an attitude adjustment that is! Something as important as the price of gasoline is not in our control! Get use to it. We’re in a global economy. Gasoline in other countries is $5 or more per gallon. Perhaps we don’t need to drive big V8 SUV’s that go from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds. How about 4 and 6 cylinder cars that get 25+ MPG in city and 30+ on the highway?
Don’t get upset, it’s just a suggestion.
Prior item:

Criminals get the ranch

Roanoke Times, 8/21/05, Pg A 8: Immigrants get rancher’s land. The Ranch Rescue member was accused of hurting the people as they crossed the border.
Nice slant Mr. Editor! Just Immigrants.
How about - illegal-immigrants.
How about - criminal trespassers into the US and onto private property
How about - potential terrorists evading homeland security procedures
My parents were immigrants. They came here through Ellis Island and were processed in accordance with the immigration laws of the US. They also worked diligently to get their citizenship as soon as they could. They were quite different than the "immigrants" in this article.
And in the same article: the Governor of New Mexico declares a state of emergency due to the flood of illegal-immigrants.
This is Gov. Bill Richardson, the guy Clinton assigned to ensure that North Korea did not develop nuke weapons!
This is the Gov. who just several months ago enacted into New Mexico law that illegal-immigrants could get state drivers licenses.
Now he says he has a state of emergency. Imagine that! Sounds like the kind of problem one can get into by feeding stray cats.
What a leader! And he’s going to run for President soon!

Vioxx Jury

Roanoke Times, 8/20/05, Pg 1: Jury says Merck is liable; awarded $253.4 million for man who took Vioxx prior to his death.
How did The Editors friend Sen. Edwards miss out on this jackpot?
Another example of a runaway jury who was not even presented with clear evidence of a "cause and effect" relationship between Vioxx and this incident.
We don’t need tort reform. Drug companies will simply add these costs to the price of drugs. That way The Editor and his friends can continue to harp about the cost of health care and defend the Trial Lawyers cartel.
Perhaps an alternative is to stop drug development and manufacturing in this country and let the Canadians do it.
Prior items:

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Straight Talk

Roanoke Times, 8/17/05, Pg Va 6: Editorial: Straight Talk: The president should talk with Cindy Sheehan as just the start of a new candidness about Iraq.
The president has met and talked with Ms. Sheehan as well as many other parents of soldiers who have given their all and to many of those who have been seriously wounded.
The Straight Talk is that the Sheehan issue has now passed from a Mother issue to a political event sponsored by and Michael Moore and others whom The Editor openly and enthusiastically supports.
This political action is OK and we all should support each persons right to protest and raise issues (that’s part of why I do this blog!).
However, The Editor and his associates should not hide behind or exploit the grief of the relatives of our fallen troops. They should be big enough to make their political case on its merits as best they can.
That’s the American Way and we should all respect that basic premise.
Prior items this subject:

Hostile Environment on Mill Mountain

Roanoke Times, 8/17/05, Pg Va 1: New school for girls to open. In addition to core subjects, students will learn about financial literacy, respect and leadership.
Based on statements made by Ms. (Prof.) Eloise Coupey, VT faculty, these girls may not learn much in the hostile environment that they are being subjected to.
See Roanoke Times:
8/5/05, Pg 1: Classes for Saudis separated. Gender-specific classes are given at Tech this summer for people from Saudi Arabia.
8/10/05, Pg 1: Tech professor calls setup (gender-specific classes for Saudi faculty members at a seminar at VT) a hostile environment and files a formal complaint and gathers other birds-of-a-feather to support her complaints.
8/11/05, Pg 1: VT may take weeks to review case. Ms. Coupey said the classes created an unpleasant work environment for women.
So, after all these BIG PAGE 1 stories describing the horrors of gender-specific classes for adults at a university level, how could anyone even think about having a girls-only middle school?
What are they thinking?
Do we have to get Prof. Coupey down here from VT to explain to these Roanokers about the hostility and the unpleasantness of a gender-specific program and if necessary have her file a discrimination complaint against this school system also?
Why isn’t The Editor leading the charge on this? He dedicated three large page one stories to it. Doesn’t he read his own material? Doesn’t he believe in his own material? Perhaps not! Perhaps that would show good judgement!
On the other hand, maybe Ms. Z is one of Ms. Coupey's supporters. You think?
Prior item:

Delay in drafting constitution

Roanoke Times, 8/17/05, Pg A 8: Delay in drafting constitution concerns Americans, not Iraqis. The delay serves as a reality check for Americans about the deep and bitter rivalries in Iraqi society. Even if a constitution is crafted after this week the profound differences including federalism, distribution of oil wealth, the role of Islam and women’s rights won’t be resolved but only papered over.
Perhaps we could help The Editor and his associate Mr. Reid of the AP keep in perspective the ease with which the US developed its constitution and how well "papering over" worked for us.
For example:
Like adjourning for eight months after only one day at the Convention.
Compromising on allowing slavery (it took a massive civil war to get the paper off that one).
Compromising big time on counting 5 slaves for 3 "people" in federal elections.
(it took us until 1964 to get all the paper off that one)
Papering over the bitterness between the loyalists and the revolutionaries.
(many Loyalists were murdered and many survivors fled to Ontario).
Not providing for women’s suffrage (took till 1920 to get the paper off that one).
Seem like it was a cake-walk for US. Wonder why they’re having so must trouble? Perhaps some of the pundits could spend some time reflecting and comparing before throwing too many stones.
US Constitution Timeline
9/11/1786 start
delay for eight months to 5/2/87
9/28/87 send to states for ratification
5/29/90 Ratification by states
A Reference site:

Schools, who is rsponsible for what?

Roanoke Times, 8/17/05, Pg 1: Roanoke schools lag behind. Just over half of the city’s schools miss No Child Left Behind benchmarks.
Quote from Superintendent Thompson: Instruction’s the only thing that’s going to change these scores. I plan to make teachers more accountable for student performance.
What a difference three weeks make. At the start of August Mr. Thompson (ex-football star and the new Roanoke school chief) held an all hands meeting and was quoted as saying he wasn’t concerned about accreditation. His focus was on staff self-esteem!
Now, three weeks later he’s worried about half of his schools missing the NCLB criteria and he’s going to kick some teacher-butt! How impressive is that!
Perhaps what Mr. Thompson should consider is the behavior modification of many of his students and the teaching-learning environment in his classrooms.
Those are the things he should be personally held accountable for and if not significantly improved – his butt should be on the line!
His best teachers with the best lesson plans and teaching techniques cannot teach in an environment of chaos and disrespect.
It’s time for Mr. Thompson to "Stand and Deliver"!
See prior item on Mr. Thompson and his challenge:

Another anti-business slanted heaadline

Another anti-business slanted headline
Roanoke Times, 8/16/05, Pg A 3:
(In large bold print): Supplements cause textbook prices to rise.
(Smaller non-bold print): A government report finds textbook prices have increased 186% since 1986, or about 6% per year.
(And really small print): By comparison, consumer prices rose 72% over that period and college tuition and fees rose 240%)
What is the real story here?
Reasonable and prudent and fair and balanced folks might conclude that a 240% increase in the big tuition number is a MUCH BIGGER ISSUE than the 186% increase in much smaller book numbers.
Perhaps even a bigger issue is why, after paying Billions of dollars in new technology for universities, isn’t there a major reduction in the dependency on books? Aren't all the students required to have laptop computers now?
Why aren’t professors putting their books into University databases?
Is it because there’s a sweetheart deal between Universities, professors and the book-makers to supplement professor salaries with royalties from textbooks?
This subject area is a target-rich-environment. How did The Editor pick this headline?
Prior item:

Friday, August 19, 2005


What Science Edge?

Roanoke Times, 8/15/05, Pg Va 6: Editorial: US can’t afford to lose its science edge.
The Editor outlines some reasons why we should have a focus on science in our schools, however, it’s not clear that he understands the issues in our classrooms that inhibit teaching and learning. Or, if he does understand, that he can handle the tough-love attitude that is required to fix the environment in our classrooms.
Math and science require study and concentration. So much so that Virginia just relieved its public school teachers from having math included in the teachers licensing program. Apparently Gov. Warner is OK with that.
Isn’t it interesting that math teaches still have to be proficient in English and social studies!
Perhaps our SOL’s and the NCLB programs will help our education system address the classroom teaching and learning environment that requires our classrooms to be more like a ballet rather than a hockey game; perhaps not.
Because our students are not competitive, the science and math programs at the University level are loaded with foreign students. So much so that the colleges are now "hooked" on foreign money to manage their budgets. In time this "brain drain" will have a major impact on our standard of living.
Too bad about that!
Click back through the links for some insight into this problem.

Forest management

Roanoke Times, 8/15/05, Pg Va 2: Virginia’s oak trees pay price of drought followed by floods. Older trees are more susceptible to extreme weather, and many of the affected oaks were more than 100 years old.
This article is yet another example that those things that are not busy growing are busy dying. We need to implement in our forests, both public and private, good forest management practices.
We should be harvesting trees before the dying process makes them unusable.
Prior item:

Whose polls are they anyway?

Roanoke Times, 8/14/05, Pg A11 : Polls show Bush losing public support for war.
Roanoke Times, 8/15/05, Pg A8 : Die-hard Bush supporters keep approval from sinking.
The Editor and his media associates really like polling. It’s one of the things they can control and manage and share with each other and then publish as if they were really important.
After six years of an intense left-wing anti-Bush media jihad, it’s amazing that Bush doesn’t have single-digit numbers in their polls.
In the final poll that counts, Bush won a second term and it appears he will serve out that term. It also appears that he will have a legacy much more positive than negative. It also appears that he is far from a lame-duck.
How are The Editor and his media associates doing in the polls?
Prior items:

The youth excuse again

Roanoke Times, 8/14/05, Pg A 7: Parents of 8 year old girl, strangled to death by a neighbor 12-year old boy, are outraged by his sentence of 24 months in a residential center for youths with behavioral disorders.
We certainly don’t want to hold 12-year olds responsible for their actions!
Do we?
Many years ago there was a poem that related well to this naive attitude:
"Little Willie"
Little Willie hung his sister
She was dead before we missed her
Willie's always up to tricks
Ain't he cute?
He's only six!
Prior item:

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Kudos to The Editor

Roanoke Times, 8/12/05, pg Va 7: Editorial: Ad against Roberts distorted his record. Liberal groups lauded, Conservative groups should reciprocate.
Kudos to The Editor for addressing the NARAL ad relative to Judge Roberts.
The pro-choice and pro-life issue is very divisive and it’s a good thing for The Editor to speak out against flagrant misstatements by either side.
Prior item:

Global warming

Roanoke Times, 8/13/05, Pg A 10: Studies find errors in climate data. The scientists who developed the original troposphere temperature records conceded that they had made a mistake but said that their revised calculations still produced a warming rate too small to be a concern.
Too small to be a concern! Are these folks in a coma? The Liberal and left-wing media and all the big-name Democrats have been adamant about the reality and danger of global warming (except when it came time to vote for Clinton’s Kyoto treaty. Hollywood even made a major dramatic motion picture for those who are reading-challenged.
Perhaps some folks are confused between weather and climate and others are confused by cause vs. effect. However, global warming or not – burning fossil fuels has to be greatly diminished and hopefully the newly passed energy policy (the first one in 15 years) will lead us in the right direction.
Certainly gasoline at $5 per gallon would cause a major change in behavior. Perhaps we should add a $2.50 increase in the gasoline tax to help that along.
I wonder what that would do to the price of the Roanoke Times and to the cost of distribution?
It shouldn't impact the internet very much and that's a good place to get a variety of news. Folks could even look at some media-blogs.
Prior items:

Iran Nukes

Roanoke Times, 8/12/05, Pg A 5: Iran’s nuclear talk concerns UN watchdogs over Itan’s resumption of activities that could lead to an atomic bomb.
Wow! UN watchdogs are "concerned"! Are these the same UN watchdogs that slept while the North Korea developed their Nuke weapons?
Bush has done what all the pundits requested – he delegated to France, Germany and Britain the responsibility to negotiate with Iran to STOP nuclear weapons development; not to slow-down, not to delay, not to avoid but to STOP.
Just as with the Sadam UN resolution experience and with Clinton’s North Korean experience, bad-boys aren’t impressed with talk!
The following references highlight and summarize the history of this serious situation for regional and world safety.
The key question now is: How long should we wait before we strike?
Over to you Mr. Editor!
ps: Mr. Editor, please note all of your friends who were on the US Senate Hearing Committee during the 9/21/2000 meeting (during the Clinton watch).
US Senate Hearing: Sept 21, 2000
Iran Nuclear Resources – Comprehensive Resource Listing
Washington Post Report on European Negotiation Failures:

Friday, August 12, 2005


Daily newspaper credibility

Roanoke Times, 8/12/05, Pg A 7: Do you believe what you’re reading now?
Graphic showing credibility of daily newspapers has dropped from 84% to 54% in the last ten years.
Perhaps newspapers and the media in general would have greater credibility if they didn’t pursue with such zeal their economic, social and political agenda.
Perhaps providing some balance and perspective and fairness to their coverage would be helpful.
Children, can you say Roanoke Slant?
Prior item:

When is good news, bad news?

Roanoke Times, 8/11/05, Pg A 12, political notebook: Deficit – Record tax revenue will help lower deficit. Tax revenue jumped 5.7%. Budget deficit will be down 22% from February estimate. Reason is flood of additional revenues from an improving economy pumped up personal and corporate income collections.
Why would The Editor hide this very good news in fine print back on Pg A 12 in the political notebook?
Because for The Editor and his media friends and Washington Democrats: good news is bad news!
How could the Bush economic policy have turned around the Clinton recession followed by the massive economic devastation of 911 and the war on terrorism? If this continues it will be a big political problem for the Democrats in the 2006 elections!
Click for the Clinton recession data the media wouldn’t show you because of the 2000 presidential election:
Prior item:
Note: ever wonder why The Editor doesn’t cover WHY the FED keeps raising interest rates. It’s because the economy is surging so fast that the FED is concerned about inflation. And what about the quarter-million jobs added in the last report – let’s not focus on that either.
Remember: for The Editor: Good news is Bad news! And whenever there is real bad news we can be sure it will be on page 1 in bold print!

Great Optical Cable business article

Roanoke Times, 8/9/05, Pg Bus 6
Strong enough for Defense. The DOD has certified a military cable made by Optical Cable Corp. or Roanoke.
Kudos to Mr. Duncan Adams for a very professional article on a very good and high-tech local business.
Optical Cable is a major asset to the Roanoke Valley and deserves recognition and exposure and support to continue to grow. Hopefully this additional certification will result in more business opportunities.
Ms. Z. – give Mr. Adams a bonus and let him work on lots more articles like this!
ps: Several years ago I worked on the conversion from copper cables to fiber optical cables on mainframe computers and that resulted in major improvements for our customers. This is a great state of the art technology.
Prior item:

Great local-business article

Roanoke Times, 8/10/05, Pg Bus 6: Company capitalizes on diesel ingenuity. ARE-Energy plans to convert discarded locomotive engines into small power plants that can provide up to 3 megawatts of electricity. By Lois Caliri.
Kudos to Ms. Caliri for a great local-business article. This area is a target-rich environment for stories similar to this. We all need to focus on the positives of local businesses and help them grow.
Ms. Z. – give Ms. Caliri a bonus and let her work on lots more articles like this!
ps: 45 years ago I worked in the engine-room on tugboat Seneca during my college recess. That tug was built in approximately 1940 and had a locomotive diesel engine. Nice to see this new application for displaced engines.
Prior item:

Selective environmentalism

Roanoke Times, 8/10/05, Pg Va 8: Flood control gets a new, better life. Major work is set to begin on the Roanoke project. In a way, decades of delay have helped.
The editor loves to wax eloquently about "big business" and the republicans trashing the environment, however, if there’s a project he or his employers or associates want done, then the endangered species act is no where to be found!
Why aren’t The Editor and his board down in the river standing in front of the bulldozers to stop the destruction of the mussels, log perch and snail darters?
He certainly is behaving like a major environmental hypocrite. Can’t wait for his next expose on the environmental impacts of a project he doesn’t like. He won't have any trouble finding and quoting the endangered species act then!
Prior items:

Borking Roberts (Act 2)

Roanoke Times, 8/12/05, Pg A 12: Organization urged to pull anti-Roberts ad
We’re waiting for The Editor at the Roanoke Times to rebuke the vicious and false NARAL TV ad and its sponsors and demand that it be dropped.
The NARAL ad criticizes Roberts and links him with violent anti-abortion protesters because of the anti-abortion briefs he worked on as a government lawyer.
Even after being confronted by members of both parties on the Judicial Committee, Ms. Keenan found it necessary to insult our intelligence with the statement:
"We regret that many people have misconstrued our recent advertisement about Mr. Roberts' record," said Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America
These left-wing bottom-feeders are a disgrace to the organizations and people they pretend to represent. Where is The Editors indignation?
To view a rebuttal to NARAL by Mr. Lanny Davis, council to Pres. Clinton
Click on for a 1 MB wmv video; highspeed internet recommended:
Prior item:

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Pre-911 Info

Roanoke Times, 8/10/05, Pg A 5: Information on hijackers was never given to FBI.
The 911 Commission did not focus on nor document the following:
Four members of the 911 hijackers were identified by US intelligence officials in the "Able Danger" group over a year before 9/11. In Sept 2000 the unit wanted intelligence information on the four terrorists passed to the FBI.
So, what the &*$#@ happened?
First: How could Mr Dick Clark, Bill Clinton’s self-appointed czar of national intelligence and the darling of the left-wing 911 investigators, who claimed he knew everything and published a book to prove it, did not either know of this information, or worse yet – failed to act on it!
Second: How could the 911 Commission, the epitome of political-witch-hunters, not have spent considerable effort on this important information?
Two key areas to consider:
Sandy Scissorhands Berger (Clinton’s National Security chief and Dick Clark’s boss) was busy at the (National Archives 911 resource center) cleaning out those documents that made Bill Clinton and his team look dull! We’ll never know what items he purged from those files, but if these documents were in there, for sure he would like them to disappear.
Prior item:
Jamie Gorelick, a high-level lawyer in Clinton’s justice department working for Janet (a special prosecutor is not required --Ruby Ridge --Waco) Reno was also a member of the 911 Commission with a HUGH conflict of interest.
Gorelick had authored a formal policy document in 1995 that further established, enhanced and expanded the "wall" between the intelligence community and the criminal (FBI) community. This "wall" forbid passing information between the two organizations and/or individuals in the organizations.
In her 1995 memo on this document, she noted that the separation procedures outlined "go beyond what is legally required."
(Kind-of reminds one of how proud some baby's are when they go in their diapers).
So, here we have Jamie (the Wall) Gorelick, Sandy (Scissorhands) Berger, and Dick (I knew everything) Clark, having a major say and influence in the process, procedures, activities and actions of the 911 Committee.
So Hello --- why should we be surprised if "little negative things" from the eight Clinton "years" were made to disappear. After all, 911 happened on Bush’s watch. He was in office for eight "months" wasn't he?
ps: Why did The Editor hide this major item back on "political notebook", in small print, way back on page A5?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Tabloid Journalism

Roanoke Times, 8/8/05, Pg 1: Large headline: Lead in water may stem from plumbing.
Pg A 6: Large headine: LEAD: Up to 8 percent allowed in fixtures.
Small print descriptions:
A study by VT "suggests" standards used "may be" inadequate.
VT Prof: In most circumstances, I don’t think lead levels leaching from these devices are an imminent and substantial threat to public health.
Data based on Mr. Dudi, who did study as part of master’s thesis at VT.
It’s not the content of the research or of the article that’s a problem. It’s the inflammatory tabloid presentation done by The Editor that is not OK.
The use of "data" like this, taken out of context and perspective, is intended to prey on hypochondriacs and fearful persons who are not in a position to exercise good judgement about its relevance to our health.
Their reaction will probably be to run out and buy lots of bottled water that may be no improvement over their kitchen tap water.
The presentation of this "data" is very similar to yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre just to watch the public panic and perhaps sell a few more copies of the paper.
Prior items:

NATO to take over

Roanoke Times, 8/5/05, Pg A 5: NATO to take over in Afghanistan, general says.
The Editor and his associates should rejoice, just what they’ve said all along.
Good News: A world-order organization is taking over control of the Afghanistan conflict in 2006.
Bad News: NATO will still be using American troops. It’s just that they will be reporting to a NATO general!
Don’t you just love this new world-order stuff!
Prior item:


Roanoke Times, 8/5/05, Pg A 4: Blair urges both sides to seek power-sharing.
Is this about the Sunni’s and the Shiites in Iraq?
No – it’s the 1919 conflict between the Green and the Orange in Northern Ireland! Some religious conflicts last a looooooooong time!
Prior item:

Monday, August 08, 2005


Gender separated classes

Roanoke Times, 8/5/05, Pg 1: Classes for Saudis separated. Gender-specific classes are given at Tech this summer for people from Saudi Arabia.
Men and women from King Abdulaziz Univ. are taking identical faculty development courses at Tech. But meet in gender-specific classes.
It appears that this front page story is not so much about a faculty-development course as it is about casting a negative light on the Saudi culture and putting VT on the defensive to explain why they are conducting "gender-segregated" courses.
For perspective one might reflect on the movement in Roanoke to have math classes for girls-only in the public school. Or how about the gender-specific classes at Hollins (correction: the whole school is gender-specific)! Up through 1960, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey at New Brunswick) was gender-specific and all the women were across town at Douglas College and were not allowed to take classes with the "boys".
So, what's with the agenda in casting dispersions on Saudi culture? We have a lady in our neighborhood who was old enough to vote in 1919, but, US law had not yet "granted" women the right to vote.
And, wasn't it 1965when we passed the Voting Rights Bill! Wasn't that only 40 years ago?
Perhaps we should cut some of the other cultures in the world a little slack and give them a chance to catch-up at a reasonable pace.
The fact that the Saudis have women professors here for staff-development should have been the positive focus of this article!

Respect at school

Roanoke Times, 8/4/05, Pg Va 1: New Roanoke school leader, Marvin Thompson, talks about respect.
It appears that Mr. Thompson's remarks to the school staff were focused on getting their respect back and not focusing on accreditation.
Based on news coverage of the Roanoke schools for the past year it appears that Mr. Thompson needs to also focus on the respect and behavior of his students.
The schools controversial police resource office was quoted as saying that the standard morning student salutations started with the MF greeting! What a joy it must be to start the day with that garbage! And if that's the way the police officer is greeted, one can just imagine how the teachers and staff are addressed.
Based on the last year's coverage of the Roanoke schools it appears that a major effort at student behavior modification is required in order for teaching and learning to occur. Those students who are belligerent, obnoxious, disrespectful, disobedient and disruptive are totally incompatible with the teaching- learning process and they need to be managed by the administrators and not by classroom teachers who are already overwhelmed with today's demands on them.
If these problem students are not managed, Mr. Thompson and his team will not have to worry about SOL's, NCLB, or accreditation because they will surely fail in their educational mission.
Perhaps as an appropriate follow-up Mr. Thompson should have another all-hands meeting and view the Morgan Freeman movie "Lean on Me".
Prior item:

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Vaccine waste

Roanoke Times, 8/4/05, Pg A 10: Costly vaccine stockpile may go to waste. Hundreds of thousands of flu shots ordered last year are now expiring.
The media manufactured crisis over the 2004 flu shot shortage had far more to do with the Kerry/Bush election than with our public health situation. The Editor and his media associates whipped folks into a frenzy by trying to paint Bush as personally responsible for yield issues at a European drug firm. This irresponsible and political journalism resulted in the spending of millions of dollars that were wasted.
We're waiting for The Editor and his associates to help pay for the waste.
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Outlaw speech

Roanoke Times, 8/4/05, Pg A 7: In the wake of London bombings, Britain and France step up efforts to expel violent imams.
It appears that despite all the rhetoric about how bad the Patriot Act is and how wonderful the European environment is; the new reality is that citizens everywhere are reacting to terrorism with stronger and more restrictive laws.
The US has not yet reacted to violent speech directed against the government, however we have in the past with the: Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798 and 1917 and the Alien Registration Act of 1940.
Hopefully the extremists in the US will look at what the European governments are doing and moderate their behavior. Unfortunately there are still many people in the world who will join Kamikaze and terrorists missions when roused by dynamic speakers and leaders.
To better understand the power and danger of this type of speech we could review the video files of Hitler's rallies in the 1930's at the Sportsplatz in Munich.

Endangered mussels

Roanoke Times, 8/3/05, Pg Va 3: Mussels hold up sewer project in Tazwell County; rerouting sewer line to cost $200,000.
Mussels are yet another whole family of "endangered" creatures that are in the Roanoke River in addition to the Log Perch and Snail Darters.
At what point in the Flood Control project is The Editor going to start asking for the environmental plan required to dig-up the River?
Prior items:

Friday, August 05, 2005


Borking Roberts

Waiting for The Roanoke Times to rebuke their associates
The Editor's media associates and vicious Liberal Ideologues are bottom feeding again. It is reported that The New York Times (all the news that's fit to print) is trying to get the confidential and sealed records of the adoption of Judge Roberts two children.
We're waiting to hear The Editor and the ACLU chastise the Times for even thinking about this type of attack and despicable invasion of privacy. We'll probably have to wait a loooooooong time!
To see a video clip of the report click on the link:
It's a 4 MB video wmv file and requires hi-speed internet service
Prior item:

Thursday, August 04, 2005


North Korea Nukes

Roanoke Times, 8/2/05, Pg A 6: No quick progress with N. Korea in the 6-party talks to de-nuke N. Korea.
After out-foxing Clinton and Bill Richardson (now Gov of New Mexico) the N. Koreans got food, fuel, money and developed their Nuke weapons. So much for how smart Clinton is and how helpful UN inspections are!
For those who can remember the Korean War, the negotiations with North Korea will be painful, costly and they will win.
The negotiations to stop the War started in 7/10/51 and lasted until 7/27/53 at which time they achieved all their objectives and during that two years were able, with the Chinese, to kill tens of thousands of our soldiers.
The bottom line is: they are patient and tenacious and will wear us down. We are fickle and will tire of the game, and will rationalize that our objectives were either met or not that important any more, and we will pack-up and go home.
If we don't get out burger, fries and drink in 30 seconds -- we show'em -- we drive away!
Ref. Link:-
Prior item:

Big Taxes are Good for you

Roanoke Times, 7/31/05, Pg H 3: Virginia is not on automatic piolt by John Chichester,R-Stafford Co. Va. An extensive op-ed explaining why high taxes are good.
It appears that Mr. Chichester is a clone of Republican Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of N.Y.. He too promoted big budgets, big taxes and big spending. He and the governors who followed him used the same tactics. I can out promise and out spend my opponent (using your money, of course)!
So now NY is in debt up to its ears, its taxes are out of sight, its costs of government and of doing business are out of sight and its bond-rating is the worst of all the states. For example: they spend twice the amount per pupil on education that Virginia does and have lowered their state test passing level all the way down to 55.
The key to good government is not how much you spend; it's what you spend it for and what are the results, and what can you properly afford.
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Mocking religion

Roanoke Times, 7/31/05, Pg H 1: Testing the divine patience:
A rambling, disconnected and unpleasant mocking of the Christion religion by The Editor. It starts: "While I was praying the other day for peace in the world, a blessed end to reality TV and deliverance from the bursting of the housing cost bubble, God interrupted me." And then it goes downhill from there.
What a pathetic sight to see someone who is the editor of a significant newspaper behave in this manner.
Perhaps The Editor should do a similar piece mocking the Koran and then go into hiding with Salman Rushdie.

Lame Duck?

Roanoke Times, 7/31/05, Pg 1: President receives bills:
The Editor and his left-wing media associates have floated numerous articles describing the morphing of Bush into a second-term lame duck.
Just how lame is this duck? Some examples:
1. Broke through the Democrat stonewall and got his court nominees approved.
2. Gave the "bird" back to the obstructionist-Democrats and appointed Bolton to the UN. (Isn't it pathetic that the Democrats will not give candidates and Up/Down vote!
3. Got his highway bill passed
4. Got his energy bill passed
5. Got his CAFTA bill passed
6. Got his Patriot bill through both houses
7. Courts have approved his authority for military tribunals
8. The economy is doing so well that the FED has to keep raising interest rates to slow it down!
Apparently this Lame Duck can still kick Democrat butt and that is just killing the left-wing media who just don't know how to cope; and suppose they can't nail Rove? What then? Move to Canada?
What if Kennedy gets confirmed to the Supreme Court? The left-wing "Borking-squad" is going to do "everything" possible to stop Kennedy -- but what will we do if he gets confirmed? Perhaps Canada isn't far enough away!
And what if the coallation of the unwilling. Chirac of France and Schroeder of Germany, get voted out of power? What a left-wing disaster that will be!
Stand by for the ongoing saga of the lame-duck and The Editors slant on every chapter.

Energy Bill Complete

Roanoke Times, 7/30/05, Pg B 6: Energy bill passes; Bill hands mixed bag to clean-energy groups; Bill grants array of tax breaks, Bill won't curb fossil fuel use.
The Editor and his media partners appear to be having significant issues coping with the new energy bill.
1. His position has been that it's the worst possible energy bill: Click
2. It includes funds for wind energy that he views as a big negative for Virginia Highlands: Click:
3. It's clearly a major milestone demonstrating that "the lame duck can still kick butt" and get major agenda items done. (How incredibly disappointing!).
4. As this Bill results in more investment in non-fossil-fuel sources and in increased nuclear energy plants there certainly will be an impact on future fossil fuel usage (even as we continue to grow our population by 2 million people per year as we have done for the last 60 years): Click:
Prior energy items:


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