The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Let’s Play Hide the Election

Roanoke Times, 10/26/05, Pg A 14: Iraq constitution passes despite Sunni objections. 79% of the 9.8 MILLION voters supported the charter.
The Editor and his left-wing associates just cannot bring them selves to address the major positive steps being taken in and by Iraq.
This election and its overwhelming positive results could well have been highlighted on page 1 in bold large print. Instead 1/3 of page 1 was devoted to a poor lost alcoholic soul who abandoned his family and life 48 years ago.
If The Editor really wanted to focus on positive news he could also have related the Iraq election to elections in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Egypt and Palestine. Wouldn’t want to do that because it’s happening on Pres. Bush’s watch.
It’s very pathetic that persons who have key responsibility for fairly informing the American people of key events affecting our Country are so biased and slanted. And to think we once thought Pravda was propaganda.
Prior Items:

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


War Deaths

Roanoke Times, 10/22/05, Pg 1: U.S. death toll in Iraq war nears 2,000 after two and half years of war.
As a veteran and a father I am very touched and moved by the cost of lives and health of our soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan and those in harms way around the world. I just returned from a veteran’s reunion during which we reflected on the price of freedom and visited the war memorials in D.C.
The cost of this conflict started many years ago, has taken many lives, and was brought into shocking focus on 9/11 with 3000 Americans killed on our home soil and resulted in a major economic shock not felt since the market crash in the 1930’s.
Unfortunately the media’s vindictive hatred for Pres. Bush has caused them to purposely work to weaken our resolve and will to do what is necessary to confront the terrorists on their home turf. This is particularly disturbing when one considers that this is just one battle in what may be a number of future battles we may need to fight.
It is unfortunate that many supposedly responsible members of the media in concert with some of their political friends have placed their political and ideological agendas above the best interests of their country.
Hopefully the majority of Americans recognize the validity of confronting our enemies. Our failure to do so in the past has cost us and others dearly.
Prior items:

SML Boat Speed

Roanoke Times, 10/25/05, Pg 1: Limits sought on speed of boats. SML Water Safety Task Force wants to limit speed to 55 days and 25 nights and to also limit noise levels.
My view is that these limits are too high, however, they may reflect a compromise that will result in enforced laws that will in turn result in a safer and more enjoyable lake environment for everyone.
Click for Speed vs Time from Bridge to Dam: (What to do with the 16 minutes?)
Click for Is Speed Important in Marine Accidents?
Click back through Prior items:

Monday, October 24, 2005


More Stuck on Stupid

Roanoke Times, 10/25/05, Pg A 3: Tourists stranded in Cancun

Steady stream of American Tourists whining on TV while in Cancun living through the trauma of riding out a Cat 3 hurricane in a foreign land after they "opted-out" of evacuation. What are these people thinking -- and after the New Orleans mess!
Folks on phone to reporters in panic due to dire conditions and no help yet
Complaining that US Embassy not helping!
Hello --- the Embassy is where you get your passport and have dinner with the Ambassador – they don’t have a lot of passenger planes and rescue-boats and MREs there!
Duh! The days before Wilma hit, TV showed thousands of these jerks having hurricane parties and bragging how they were going to "ride-it-out!".
It’s time (the government and relief agencies) charged these idiots $5000 each to rescue them in situations were they placed themselves in harms way through their bad decisions.

Consistently left-wing

Roanoke Times, 10/23/05, Pg Hz 1: The why of editorial endorsements by Ms. Z.
Wow! Ms. Z. shedding her management gown and donning her editorial gown to take pen in hand to tell us all that her team’s consistent endorsement of left-wing candidates is a good thing. The thumbnail picture from her college yearbook was a nice touch too.
Apparently she thinks her editorial views foster civic dialogue and helps folks make up their mind based on her team’s slanted and biased view of the candidates and the issues. Just how pompous can one person get?
Here’s a concept, start a new policy: just print the fair and balanced facts and let us make up our own minds who to vote for!
Perhaps Ms. Z. could get out her Ralph Waldo Emerson references and reflect on one of his best: "Consistency is the bugaboo of a simple mind!"

Judith Miller Saga

Roanoke Times, 10/23/05, Pg A 14: Times editor says Miller ‘misled’ D.C. bureau chief.
This is the latest in a looooooong history of data on Judith Miller the: NY Times reporter, lead reporter on the Iraq war, lead reporter on the Joe Willson ‘CIA wife outing" and media martyr to go to jail for 85 days for a confidential agreement that had been released in writing two years ago.
And now, after release from jail her testimony to a grand jury apparently was that ‘she doesn’t remember’ who gave her Willson’s wife’s name!!!!!!!!
This has triggered a massive media attack on her by her management, editors and associates including allegations that she was ‘sleeping with the enemy’ to wit Scooter Libby the assistant to the V.P.
Apparently if she had been sleeping with Bill Clinton during Monica-gate everything would have been OK.
This could all turn-around for Ms. Miller next week. If Libby and or Rove are indicted by the special prosecutor for anything.
In that case all indiscretions will be forgiven and she probably will become overnight a media star, book author, network anchor, Journalism professor at NYU and host of a Martha Stewart style reality show named: How to get your story under the covers or reporters have to do whatever it takes to get the story.

Subsidizing bad behavior

Roanoke Times, 10/24/05, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Through National Flood Insurance Program taxpayers are supporting bad decisions about building in flood-prone and hurricane-prone areas.
He has a good and valid point, However, The Editor thinks it’s a good idea for new businesses and recreation facilities to be built in the flood-prone area between downtown Roanoke and the Roanoke River.
Apparently there is a difference between bad behavior he likes and bad behavior he doesn’t like!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Franklin County Growth

Roanoke Times, 10/4/05, Pg Va 1: Is Franklin Co. growing too fast for own good? Well written article by Mason Adams. Quotes by Supervisors: Angell, Boone and Johnson. Johnson: the planning process is broke! Half the county is not zoned. Hurt: getting frustrated with Board attitude. Angle: everything is just fine.
The situation that half the county is not zoned misses the major point! The real issue is that the attitude of the Board of Supervisors seems to be that any tax-revenue generating proposal is a good thing for the County and its residents. The Board apparently has never seen an adverse consequence they didn’t like.
Even a finding by the Circuit Court relative to the Indigo Project that the Board was arbitrary, capricious and their behavior unlawful hasn’t caused them to reflect on their behavior. Loosing SML shoreline management control also hasn’t caused them to reflect on their behavior.
Apparently they’re simply very slow learners. As Wil Rogers observed many years ago: some people learn by watching, some people learn by listening and then there are those folks who just have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
Prior items:

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Drug Plan Continued

Roanoke Times, 910/1/05, Pg Bus. 1: Medicare prescription plan broadens coverage. More than 60 drug plans for which Va. Medicare beneficiaries can sigh up for starting 11/15.
Wow! All this "good" news right after the answer-man was muzzled.
Hopefully the numerous insurance companies that are administering this program will have representatives who can constructively assist senior citizens to understand the offerings and choose the best options that apply to them.
My company sponsored benefits program is similar. It is administered by an insurance company, it also renews yearly, has options that balance payments vs. deductibles vs. coverage and is not easy to understand. The risk of course is in "guessing" how big your bills will be for the next year.
Hopefully this program will benefit many of the folks who are in dire need.
Prior items:

Bush Poll

Roanoke Times, 9/30/05, Pg A8: Public likes the way Bush responds to Rita threat. 7 in 10 approve of Bush response. CNN-USA Today Gallup poll shows job approval rating rose (SLIGHTLY) FROM 40% TO 45%.
Great slant! When Bush polls went down 5% it was a BIG DEAL! The media was predicting that there was no bottom to how low his was going to go and how fast.
But, going up by the same amount (5%) is "slightly" improved.
And they claim they’re fair and balanced and not biased.
Also, nice slant putting it in "small print" back on page A8.
Prior item:

More Editorial whining!

Roanoke Times, 10/4/05, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Ms. Miers, nominee to the Supreme Court, is stealth nominee and political crony and a judicial cipher and lacks the resume of a Supreme Court justice.
Other than that it appears that The Editor really likes her!
Let me get this straight. The Editor and his left wing associates "demanded" that Bush meet with and get recommendations from the "minority party" Democrats on who would be an acceptable candidate.
Bush did just that.
The Top Senate Democrat, Reid, D-Nev., proposed several candidates "including" Ms. Miers.
So, Bush did exactly what The Editor and his friends asked him to do. Now they don’t like the outcome! What a bunch of jerks! Most Democrats must be embarrassed to have these yahoos on their team!


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