The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Let's play hide the poll

Roanoke Times, 11/28/05, Pg A5: Many say criticism hurts troops’ morale. Very small print article on page 5 about a poll of Americans’ attitudes about the left-wing and Democrat criticism of the war.
70% say it hurts
44% say it hurts a lot
Even among Democrats the results are"
55% say it hurts
21% say it hurts a lot
49% want troops to come home when job is done
16% want immediate withdrawal
Wow! Would you believe these results after getting a steady stream of vindictive and hostile input from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or any of the major news organizations or The Roanoke Times?
And they say that Pres. Bush is "out of touch" with the American people!
Prior items:

Merk train-wreck

Roanoke Times, 11/29/05, Pg Bus 8: Merck to cut 7,000 jobs and close 5 manufacturing plants.
The Editor must be triply elated.
First: a capitalist corporation in trouble. What could be finer to see!
Second: It's the Vioxx manufacturer who obviously marketed drugs that they knew in advance might possibly hurt some people (maybe).
Third: A US drug manufacturer that makes way too much money and charges too much for drugs that The Editor can get cheaper from Canada.
Following The Editor’s logic and rhetoric, as soon as the US drug manufacturers go broke and close shop we will all be richer, safer and more healthy.
Wonder where Canada will buy their drugs when this all happens? I know where they get them now!
Prior items:

New Orleans "Mess"

Roanoke Times, 11/29/05, Pg Va 9: A long way from healing from Katrina by Dean Lindsey pastor of Salem Presbyterian Church.
"An African American pastor stating to Pastor Lindsey: I don’t want to go back to that mess." "It may be hard for an outsider to understand, but the ‘mess’ he was talking about far transcends the destruction brought by Katrina. For generations, corrupt and ineffective local and state governments have plagued the city with predictable results: streets in disrepair, schools that do not perform and, tragically, levees that do not provide adequate flood control."
Wow! Never hear stuff like this on ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN. They told me that the only problem in New Orleans was Mr. Brown and his FEMA organization!
And all this from a local minister! Perhaps The Roanoke Times owners could get this fellow onto the editorial staff. What a breath of fresh air that would be!
Thank you Pastor Lindsey.
Prior items:

Bush and Kyoto (Again)

Roanoke Times, 11/29/05, Pg A 6: Bush declines to join global warming treaty.
Once again The Editor makes an issue of Bush’s refusal to sign-on to the Kyoto Treaty on green house gases without pointing out that when Clinton brought the treaty back for senate approval it was voted down 99 to 0.
Perhaps that means that there was a consensus (like unanimous) to not ratify this flawed anti-American contract.
Why doesn’t the Roanoke Times comply with all the provisions of the Kyoto Treaty starting tomorrow! As a major industrial complex with a huge environmental footprint the Roanoke Times could set the example for Virginia and the US on how to live responsibly. Good opportunity to put up or shut up!
Prior items:

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Medicare Drug Plan

Roanoke Times, 11/29/05, Pg Ex 3: Peoples Pharmacy. The Medicare plan won’t suit everyone. Comment by lady who claims she and her husband share four advanced degrees but can’t figure out how to sign-up!
Sounds like the letter was probably sent as a spoof by The Editor of the Roanoke Times. The advanced degrees must be from DullU.
Try this: go to the US government medicare site at:
Click on: Demo of the Prescription Drug Plan Finder
this will take you step by step through a demo calculator that will show you how to determine a proper selection
Then Click on: Compare Medicare Prescription Drug Plans
This will take you step by step through the real calculator
Then Click on: Enroll in a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
This is the enrollment into the program
Or, call your insurance company you use for your personal coverage and ask that your agent prepare a plan for you like he’s done for your other insurances.
The plan of course is an insurance policy with payments, defined coverage, and deductibles. Just like your homeowners or automobile or other policies you have! And, it may turnout that you’re one of the lucky ones who already have other coverage, or, whose yearly drug bills are less than the premiums and the deductibles.
Just in case you don’t get it: THAT’S GOOD NEWS! (especially for the taxpayers!)
Prior item:

Sunday, November 27, 2005



Roanoke Times, 11/26/05, Pg Va 1: Disconcerted by commercial development all around them at SML, the Dinwiddie’s place their 127 acre parcel with one mile of lake frontage into a conservation easement that precludes development forever.
Sounds like a couple of those newbies that have just moved to the lake doesn’t it? They have theirs, so up yours!
Hold-on, just a minute, the Dinwiddie’s property has been in their family since before the War Between The States. You know, the one that started in 1860! Guess they are "from around here".
Perhaps it’s not just the newbies that would like to preserve some of the culture and environment at SML and in Franklin County. For sure they had to take charge for themselves, they certainly can’t depend on the Franklin County Board of Supervisors to act in a responsible manner!
More folks concerned about their rural Virginia community. The Board of Supervisors of Loudoun County just updated their Zoning Ordinance. The base density is now 20 acres per family. For special cluster development with appropriate open-space provisions the maximum density is 7.5 acres per family.
Can’t imagine that the Loudoun Board is made up of a bunch of newbies. Perhaps they are another example of local folks who care and are trying to do the right things in a timely manner.
Prior items:

Cloning, stem-cells and ethics

Roanoke Times, 11/27/05, Pg A 18: South Korea says it will support scientist.
After more than a year of lying about his human cloning work Hwang Woo-suk (note: apparently that is his real name) has admitted serious breaches of ethics in his research.
This is very interesting given the scorn The Editor and his associates have heaped upon Pres. Bush relative to his stated issues with the ethics of cloning and stem-cell research.
Interesting how low-key and quietly this new news has been handled.
Prior item:

Canadian slant

Roanoke Times, 11/27/05, Pg A 2: Bono chides Canadian prime minister about country’s low rate of foreign aid.
No Mr. Editor, that’s not the major Canadian story on the wire services this weekend! Would you like to guess again?
The major Canadian story is "CANADA STRUGGLES WITH HEALTH CARE". Story USA Today 11/25/05 pg 9A.
Wow! The model for Hillarycare and the system The Editor uses almost daily as the model for what we should be doing is still in trouble and apparently getting worse.
The Canadian health care system is not and never has been the utopia the leftwingers have touted. It is based on a government run rationing system with long waits and no options to use private providers (wouldn’t want competition for the government programs would we!).
Prime minister Martin says the latest cuts in the health care budget helped balance the Canadian budget. Sick folks apparently are not impressed.
Prior items:

Fear of Success

Roanoke Times, 11/27/05, Pg 1: Lawmakers’ debate on Iraq to linger. Few Democrats or Republicans are expected to line up behind the call for quick pullout by Dem. Rep. Murtha.
Hello – we had the Murtha pullout vote last week! The Result was: 403 to 3!
The author and The Editor’s associate Ms. Shesgreen quotes Dem. Sen. Durbin as a key voice on this subject. Remember him? He was the Senator who publicly compared our treatment of prisoners to "Nazi, Soviet gulags and Cambodian butcher Pol Pot.". He then made a tearful retraction on the senate floor. What a great spokesman for our government, our troops and most important our need for victory in defeating our terrorist enemies.
It appears the new Democratic focus is based on a terrible fear that there will be a reasonable level of success in the war in Iraq in 2006. With a Constitution and elected government in place and 200,000 Iraqi troops in place some folks might even conclude that we are achieving SIGNIFICANT SUCCESS.
It’s vitally important for the left-wingers and the Democrats and The Editor to ensure that IF there is some level of success, that it is discounted to the maximum degree possible using every means possible. The Editor and the leftwing media will of course do everything possible to help pull defeat out of the mouth of any success. After all, 2006 is an election year!
Prior items:

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Capitalist Trainwreck

Roanoke Times, 11/23/05, Pg Bus 1: Union leader sees GM plan as ‘cancer that will kill’. GM to close 12 facilities and drop 30,000 employees.
The Editor must be elated! A major capitalist monster (GM) is in big trouble. Who needs these big capitalist machines anyway?
I remember years ago congressional hearings in which GM executives were bashed and ridiculed for saying "what’s good for GM is good for the USA".
This major downsizing of GM is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider all the businesses and jobs that are associated with these plants and people.
The views of the UAW guys are pathetic. A GM car today has over $5,000 in union overhead benefits and there is more money in healthcare benefits than the value of the steel in each car!
The production cost of union work-related-rules is huge and impacts everything that is done in design and production.
At GM, as in most union-organized-businesses, the unions win the battles and then loose the war.
Too bad for US, too bad for our standard of living, good for our competitors!
Prior Items:

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Another fallen angel

Having difficulty finding good Roanoke Times coverage of the Bob Woodward trainwreck!
Purple Hearts for: Self-inflicted wounds: Dan Rather, Judith Miller and now Bob Woodward; who will be next?
Bob-deep-throat-got-Nixon-Woodward now says he knew all about Wilson’s wife at the CIA long before Novak knew it, and it was no big deal! Certainly not worthy of any investigation no less a two-year investigation! After all, she wasn’t "covert" therefore there was no issue if she was under the covers or on top of the covers.
But it’s a BIG DEAL to his editor, his associates at the Washington Post and to his colleagues in the media. How dare he have a relationship with an "insider" and not reveal it? Is his book data more important than his commitment to his publisher? Is he sleeping with the enemy too like Judith Miller was?
Notice has been served – either trash each and every member of the Bush administration for any and all allegations, valid or not, or you will be banished from the fold and flogged! Cut off his buttons, roll the drums, out you go!
Prior Item:

Sunday, November 20, 2005


403 to 3

Roanoke Times, 11/18/05, Pg 1: Congressman Murtha D-Pa wants immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
Roanoke Times, 11/19/05, Pg Va 7: Editorial enthusiastically supporting Rep Murtha’s criticism of the Iraq war and immediate withdrawal.
Aljazerra -- Friday 18 November 2005, 8:05 Makka Time, 5:05 GMT
Aljazera’s warm embrace of the views of Rep. Murtha and The Editor of the Roanoke Times that was quickly relayed to our troops and to all our adversaries around the world as if it were US policy.
The Editor and his associates wanted a vote on immediate withdrawal. They got one! I couldn’t find the vote number outcome in The Roanoke Times.
Mr. Editor -- the result was 403 to 3! Should have been in large print on Pg 1!
This episode was a classic example of gross irresponsibility by a Congressman and by the press. It was clearly a political move by left-wing Democrats to gain attention and work on their mid-term election program at the expense of our troops and our fight against terrorism.
Rep. Murtha is a good person. However this is a clear example of how good people can do incredibly stupid and destructive things in the name of politics.
Prior Items:

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Stupid and Poor - NOT

Roanoke Times, 11/9/05, Pg B 8: Economist views of Roanoke’s economic data. Things look brighter when Roanokes’ cost of living is factored in.
The President of Roanoke Chamber of Commerce was pleased to finally find an economist who didn’t tell the folks that they are "stupid and poor".
Apparently factoring in the cost of living in Roanoke was the key. Imagine how good things look in Roanoke relative to the cost of living in Malaysia!
The answer of course is that most Roanokers are neither stupid nor poor. In fact over the past 5 years the R.T. help wanted ads have grown substantially both in number and quality of jobs available!
Perhaps the biggest negative is the perception that Roanoke is an old-iron-town. We all should be broadcasting our business and industry successes and our willingness to embrace new business and technology.
Prior Item:

Environmental Sludge

Roanoke Times, 11/9/05, Pg Va 9: Environmental justice and The Big Flush by M. Ellerbrock director of something at VT.
"Why were New Orleans’ flood waters so dangerous?"
Why indeed? The published data available to date indicate that the flood waters were not a "toxic disaster" as many in the media broadcast and this author states.
Instead there is considerable data that the flood waters were very little different than the historical New Orleans runoff after major past storms.
In fact, the published data indicates that the major increased problems came from: overflowing septic systems (a common occurrence in Roanoke with stuff flowing into the Roanoke River) and gasoline and motor oil from flooded vehicles many of which should have been used for the "MANDATORY EVACUATION"!
There are lots of valid environmental issues to address. Why are folks trying to manufacture more sludge?

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic

Roanoke Times, 11/9/05, Pg 1: Top Roanoke school boss defends stance on stadium issue; $8.2 million for two high school stadiums instead of a municipal stadium.
We’re failing SOL criteria, we’re failing No Child Left Behind criteria we refuse to address the teaching-learning environment in the class rooms – so – let’s focus on football!
After all the majority of students play football, don't they? It’s a life-long important skill that helps our students get the skills and knowledge they need to get jobs that will support them and their families doesn't it? It fits in well with the Title-9 requirement for co-ed athletics doesn't it?
And most of all it appears it’s a good decision since the leaders of Roanoke have no clue what to do for or with a stadium or with the necessary improvements to their school system. What a forward thinking town!
And to think that some folks thought that New Orleans was stuck on stupid!
Prior items:

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Happy about the brain drain

Roanoke Times, 11/8/05, Pg A 8: Number of grad students from abroad is increasing. Enrollment up 1% after post 9-11 decline.
The tenor of the AP article is very positive about foreign grad students occupying significant numbers of seats in our leading Universities.
What are we thinking? These are the very folks who will design and develop the products of the future making our society even more dependent on foreign imports and intellectual property.
The Editor and his friends constantly harp about US jobs moving overseas. Perhaps this would be a good item for their focus and efforts instead of just griping about Pres. Bush and the free-traders.
Prior item:

Burn Baby Burn

Roanoke Times, 11/8/05, Pg A 3: France imposes emergency curfews, rioting spread from Paris to 300 other localities.
Jacques Chirac, the darling of The Editor, John Kerry and the other left-wing folks now seen running in concentric circles. What a spectacle, given the accolades and praises by The Editor and his friends last year!
Makes Katrina and New Orleans look like a mini-disaster!
But lets keep it low key, off front page, out of the main view! Don’t want folks to focus on this bad news about one of our friends.
Prior item:

No disruptions allowed

Roanoke Times, 11/8/05, Pg 1: Big article and picture of Police officers removing person from Council meeting because he was "heckling" them from the back row of a public meeting.
Roanoke Times, 11/7/05, Pg Va 7: Disruptive students make job difficult for teachers by Ms. Shirley Flanagan of Roanoke.
Suppose "The Council" supported every teacher in every classroom in Roanoke with immediate police escort out of the classroom for all disruptive students who "heckle" the teacher and fellow classmates.
What a major and immediate change in the teaching-learning environment would occur!
But that’s not going to happen. The Council may require decorum in order to conduct their business – but – let the teachers teach in a negative environment of hostility, chaos, and disruption. After all, it’s only school! Who cares?
Prior items addressing this subject:

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Chirac fiddles while Paris burns

Roanoke Times, 11/7/05, Pg A 4: Chirac addresses public first time in 11 days of riots.
The media is really keeping the French 2005 revolution low key. Don’t want to cover it much – looks worse than Bagdad! Thousand cars torched each night. Riot police out manned by bad guys. Rioting spreading to many cities.
And Chirac came out after 11 days. And this is the national leader The Editor and John Kerry were touting and heralding last year as the European leader of the future.

Anglers like speed

Roanoke Times, 11/7/05, Pg 1: At SML bass tournaments speed can determine winning and losing.
Big front page article with bass-guys in boat. Bass guys want unlimited speed so they can get to the "honey holes" first.
Help me out here, if all the boats were limited to 45 MPH wouldn’t they all have an equal chance?
Right now it appears that the rich guys with the most powerful boats have an unfair advantage over the other less-rich guys.
Having a 45 MPH speed limit would make them all equal and fair.
Also, wasn’t it just a few years ago that the Bassmasters restricted tournament fishing to not more than 150 HP motors?
Pg A 6 quote: "Most of these boats are not going to perform at 25 MPH nighttime speed limit one tournament director said".
How about performing SAFELY, and also all the bassmasters tournaments that I am aware of are conducted during daylight hours!
An observation: I have been involved in lake cleanup for many years. The next bass boat I see helping to cleanup the lake will be the first.
-Click for Speed vs Time from Bridge to Dam: (What to do with the 16 minutes?)
Click for Is Speed Important in Marine Accidents?

Halting illegal immigration

Roanoke Times, 11/6/05, Pg H 1: Bush policy and proposal pure nonsense. Other bills before Congress no better. Approximately ½ million per year are coming across the borders.
The attached quote is alleged to have been made by Teddy Roosevelt 100 years ago. Seems like it should apply today.
"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Theodore Roosevelt 1907
ps: Based on the current riots, it appears that this policy should apply within France too.

Reinstate the Draft?

Roanoke Times, 11/6/05, Pg H 1: Those blessed have more to defend, by The Editor. "Raiding the Guard and Reserve units has become the default policy".
Hello! "We" decided to have a limited volunteer standing army backed up by Guard and Reserve units. The Editor and his like-minded associates demanded 30 years ago that this be the policy. Now they sound like the NOW-girls, they burned their bras and now they want support!
Activating the Guard and Reserve units is not "Raiding" anything. Folks signup for the Guard and Reserve to serve! They get paid and also get credits for retirement pay and benefits. An integral part of that commitment is the real possibility that they may be activated.
I never hear anyone refer to the activation and service of the 29th Infantry Division in WW2 and on D-day as "raiding".
The Editor’s point that rich-kids do not serve in proportionate numbers to poor-kids is probably valid however this was also alleged during the draft-days and was part of the argument to end it.
Prior view on benefits of the draft:

Osama bin Laden been quiet

Roanoke Times, 11/6/05, Pg A 16: No audio or video from terrorist leader for 10 months.
Nice that he’s quiet, hopefully forever. If "we got him" it would be best to go with everlasting silence. Strapping his carcass on the front fender of a Humvee would just incite more violence and make him yet a bigger martyr.
Even Hitler’s demise was kept secret for many years.

Supreme Court Nomination - Take-2

Roanoke Times, 11/1/05, Pg 1: Bush taps Judge Samuel Alito for top court.
Ms Mier was pulled off the pitching mound before any hits-runs-errors. Apparently folks didn’t like her eye makeup, her clothes, her demure behavior, her past closeness to Pres. Bush, her lack of service on the Bench, and her apparently centrist philosophy.
The left and right wingers were very hostile and the centrist folks all took a pass. They (including The Editor and his associates) could have pointed out that historicaly one-third of top court judges were not prior judges. They also could have been supportive of her gentile way and centrist views and down-played the mascara.
So now the The Editor, left-wingers and the centrists are stuck with what to do with Alito. Highly professional, a distinguished judge, assertive, good dresser but certainly well to the right of center and Ms. Mier.
The Democrats are now asking, "Is it too late to get Ms. Mier back?"
Prior Item:

Kain plan to Control Growth

Roanoke Times, 10/30/05, Pg Va8: Would legislature allow Kaine to give local governments more authority?
"I’ll give your community more power to stop out-of-control development that increases traffic. Would enhance local government power over zoning boards to reject development plans if roads are too congested to support them.
"Localities should not be compelled to accept large new development that overwhelm local infrastructure."
Based on the approvals by local governments in the SML-tri-county area it’s clear that the county boards are not at all concerned about the adverse consequences of excessive growth. As the supervisor from Ferrum said in his last successful reelection debate: I’m against zoning because I’ve never seen zoning stop any bad things! With leadership like this there isn’t much interest in getting more local control of development be it good or bad.
Perhaps local-control isn't what it's crackedup to be!
Prior items:

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Iran's Declaration of War

USA Today, 10/28/05, Pg 8A: Iranian president calls for Israel to be "wiped off the map".
Shouldn't this be viewed as a declaration of war by world organizations? However:
EU not excited, UN not worried. Meanwhile Iran continues to declare that it is progressing nicely with activities and processes to make weapons-grade materials.
Norway gives Nobel Peace Prize to UN nuclear folks for something. Apparently for keeping North Korea and Iran from developing nuclear weapons?
They, the Norwegians probably think that the Koreans and the Iranians won’t use nukes on them. They also thought Hitler wouldn’t invade and enslave them in 1940. Bad assumptions then and now!
Do we have the resolve that it takes to stop these aggressive nuclear activities with whatever means are required? Probably not since The Editor and his media associates and friends in government appear ready to put Sadam back in power instead of on-trial for crimes against humanity. It's their way of rebuffing Pres. Bush! Cool!
Click for Iran's Nukes:

The current Pandemic

The Washington Post, 11/6/05, Pg C3: AIDS Rally calls attention to disease’s devastation among blacks, HIV patients plan to lobby Congress; by Lori Montgomery.
A large article describing the personal history of a number of men who knew they had HIV+AIDS but continued to have unprotected sex with others. Each of these men was in this "Rally" and plans to lobby Congress.
"About one in 20 District residents is infected with HIV and the figure climbs to about one in seven among black men".
The Washington Post, Va edition, 11/4/05, Pg 1: 21-year term for exposing partners to HIV. A former DC government worker was sentenced for having unprotected sex with women and girls without letting his partners know that he was HIV+AIDS.
He was the executive assistant to the deputy mayor of DC in charge of social services.
The Editor and his friends in partnership with the liberals in government have refused to address the HIV+AIDS pandemic that has killed and sickened hundreds of thousands of persons in the US. This is the most deadly concealed weapon in our society. They are all excited about a bird-flu that hasn’t happened and probably won’t happen but they avoid and hide the pandemic that is here now.
What will it take to cause these folks to address this national emergency?
Prior detailed item:

Vet Bills

Roanoke Times, 10/30/05, Pg Ex 3: Pet lovers can help keep vet bills from adding up.
Not included in the article is the biggest Vet bill of all. Virginia has enacted laws that require that only vets can euthanasia dogs and cats in Virginia. Does anyone know how many cats and dogs there are in Virginia and how many Vet bills that involves? PETA not withstanding there has been for hundreds of years the acceptable practice of owners’s euthanasia their own dogs and cats.
Old Yellow did not have access to a Vet and his demise was certainly not animal cruelty, although the rabies he had was certainly cruel.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Stinky piles of money

Roanoke Times, 10/30/05, Pg H 1: Editorial on the blight of capitalism
A major piece of work worthy of Karl Marx’s views of capitalism and it’s economic suppression of the masses.
A prime example: we have lots of children in poverty. Capitalism’s fault!
But two days ago the paper did a spread that over half of children born in US are born to single mothers! How can these "families" possible be affluent? But The Editor and his friends had lots of fun years ago belittling VP Dan Quayle over the Murpy Brown single-mother discussion and now the chicken’s have come home to roost, and it’s all Capitalism’s fault!
The Editor and his associates consistently support social activism that contributes to destruction of the "traditional" family, then they lament that single-parent families are not doing well.
Perhaps The Editor and his staff could just spend some time walking the streets and visiting the schools right there in downtown Roanoke and then answer a simple question: what is the impact on children of being born into single-parent situations?
Prior Items:

Good guys, Bad guys

Roanoke Times, 10/29/05, Pg 1: Libby indicted on 5 counts in CIA leak. Libby is VP Cheney’s aide.
Let’s see if I cab get this right, in-spite-of the media fog and clutter.
Flamboyant Clinton buddy Joe Wilson and his friends and his wife decide to do whatever they can to discredit the administration relative to going to war with Iraq. Joe gets his CIA-wife to send him to Niger as a "government" investigator so that he will be on a government expense account and have some creditability.
He spends 8 days cruising around Niger and doesn’t run into anyone admitting to talking to Sadam about nuclear materials. Therefore, his conclusion is that there never was a discussion or contact. He comes back to US and writes a news article stating that the President is a liar for saying "British Intelligence had established this linkage".
When asked who sent him to Niger he said it was VP Cheney!
So now the news hounds are at Libby’s door asking why Cheney sent Wilson on this trip? Libby says: "Cheney didn’t send Wison anywhere, I understand from news sources that his wife sent him".
Wilson then claims Cheney exposed his CIA-wife to the public to get back at him for his statements about the Niger connection.
The special prosecutor did not find any indictable crimes relative to exposing Wilson’s CIA-wife, however, he indicted Libby for saying his news sources were news people when it may have been prior administration sources.
Administration supporters are upset that Libby has been indicted for responding to hostile lies told by Wilson and his friends about this trip.
Democrats are furious and have gone semi-postal, including shutting down the Senate, because they were hoping for much more serious and far-reaching indictments. All be it that the charges against Libby are very serious.
Will be interesting to see how the trial goes!


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