The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
It's all about me
Roanoke Times, 2/28/06, Pg A 5: Hillary Clinton says Carl Rove is spending lots of time obsessing about her.
Apparently The Junior Senator from NY has shifted her focus from husband Bill to advisor Carl.
It’s not clear how Carl has communicated his obsession to Hillary.
Bill and Monica were alleged to have participated in phone-sex while he was away from Washington. Would that really work for Carl and Hillary?
Based on her beauty, charm, whit and good nature a phone relationship might be a very good alternative to "being there".
Perhaps Carl is hoping to keep his job in the White House after Hillary is elected President. Not clear what’s in store for Bill!
Some guys will do anything to keep their jobs!
There is a new bi-partisan bumper sticker that was just released:
The Democrats are putting it on their rear bumpers
The Republicans are putting it on their front bumpers
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Democrats for Anti-Abortion
Roanoke Times, 2/25/06, Pg A 4: South Dakota Legislature passes abortion ban. Large pictures highlighting Republican Gov. Rounds and Republican State Rep. Brandon as the primary REPUBLICAN ANTI-ABORTION FOLKS.
Here we go again! DeJauVu AGAIN!
During the national elections of 1996 and 2000, Democrat Governor Casey of Pennsylvania was banished from the media and the conventions to ensure as few people as possible would know that a Democrat Governor was the major author and champion of the Casey Anti-Abortion Law that at the time was a national Democrat election issue and litigation before the courts.
During that time period I could not find any national or local media that stated that the Casey Law was The Democrat Governor of Pennsylvania. He was in fact banned from addressing the convention of his party.
(not too Democrat--IC!)
Now – here we go again! DeJa Vu!!!
Nowhere in this Roanoke Times article nor in other print media I’m reading nor on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, has anyone mentioned that the
Not likely The Editor or his left-wing, liberal and Democrat associates are going to mention
Don’t you just love the fair and balanced news we’re getting?
Prior Items:
Roanoke: The Rifle Range
Roanoke Times, 2/23/06, pg Va 5: Calls about gunfire often mistaken.
Only a small percentage of the 1131 calls reporting shots fired (1/2004 through 8/2005) were "written-up" by Roanoke police as "valid".
Click to view "call" data:
Very interesting! When a cop arrives at the scene, how does one decide that no shots were fired? Apparently they look for blood or maybe spent-shells or bullet holes somewhere or smell the air for burnt-gun-powder.
It's difficult to imagine what process is being used because in this article there was a dead gun-shot victim in the alley were there was reported to be gun-shots. The body wasn't found by police until the next day.
Apparently the reported gun-shots were real gun-shots!
Perhaps a better reasonable assumption is that the folks who are reporting over 1100 shots fired have a good "feel" for the sound of gunfire. Especially in a city designated as one of the most crime-prone in Virginia.
Perhaps the folks calling in have heard more gunfire than the cops who are doing the checking. The callers must be really impressed when the cops tell them it was just a car "back-fire" -----you know ---- like in a drive-by!
Some of these residents, who are now serving in Iraq, may be wondering how many peace-keeps should be deployed to Roanoke.
Prior Items:
Who Picks the Leaders?
Roanoke Times, 2/23/06, Pg Va 1: Myriad voices surpass 1 leader, commentary by Ms. Shanna Flowers of Roanoke Times staff.
Ms. Flowers provides and excellent explanation of the current American Black Leadership situation.
Many folks have questioned how and why the media has taken it upon themselves to anoint specific non-elected persons as "The American Black Leaders and Spokespersons".
This is particularly disturbing when the list includes persons like Al Twana Sharpton.
Ms. Flowers well describes the diversity in background, interests and issues within the American Black community that makes it unrealistic to envision a single person as "the" leader. This is not a new concept and in fact goes back to B.T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBoise.
Thank you Ms. Flowers.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Jesus at Radford
Roanoke Times, 2/25/06, Cartoons depict Jesus, cause stir at Radford University
The Editor and staff of the Roanoke Times must be very pleased. Apparently Radford has a "farm team" of candidates for their future recruiting.
The Radford University "Whim" Online magazine editors have apparently joined the radical-left, ultra-liberal, Robert Mapplethorpe folks in demeaning Christ and the Christian religion. How brave of them! Not much risk of significant retribution there. Even the University staff jumped to their defense with that good old first-amendment line.
"Don’t be kind, it’s OK to malign, because you’re a journalist and you have rights"!
So, where’s the cartoons of Muhammad? Not so fast, might be some risk in that! Wouldn’t want to risk demeaning the Muslims.
Remember the bullies back in school. They always focused on the meek and the mild. Didn’t pick on kids that gave them a bloody lip did they? These juvenile journalist are just social-muggers who get their kicks by kicking others who they know will not retaliate.
Prior blog Items:
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The victor has rights!
Roanoke Times, 2/22/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial:
The Editor and his associates throwing a tantrum because The Va. House is obstructing Gov. Kaine’s choice for Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The Editor’s amazing quote: "Kaine won the election and with it the RIGHT to appoint competent people to advise him".
What a contrast from The Editors views of each and every appointment Pres. Bush has made!
The Editor has made it abundantly clear that just because Pres. Bush was elected DOES NOT give him the RIGHT to appoint anyone to anything without approval by 60% of The Editors political associates.
What a turn-around! What hypocrisy! What a pile of heifer-dust!
Prior Items:
Old-timey voting
Roanoke Times, 2/22/06, Pg 1: Gate City politician acquitted of vote fraud.
Pg A 8: Woman says he gave her $7 in exchange for her vote
Wow, after many-many Square-Feet of Roanoke Times coverage of this "big" voter fraud case the jury refused to convict.
Key witness said "I’ve always got paid to vote"! Apparently that’s the way it’s done in Gate City (and lots of other places).
This is all much to do about very little! The real BIG voter fraud involves thousands of people who have no valid ID (applies to both their identification and state of mind). For example: 900,000 of the 2.5 million Katrina applicants were bogus and based on duplicate Social Security numbers and false addresses and names.
This is where the REAL voter fraud exists, but The Editor and his left-wing friends aren’t going there. Of course not – after all – these are their big constituents!
Prior voter-fraud items:
Monday, February 20, 2006
Blog Anniversary
Feb 17th was the one year anniversary of this blog.
There are approximately 500 items published in it.
It's not clear if it has made any difference in the attitudes, behaviors or views of any who have read it or commented on it. For those with an open mind it has provided some alternative views to those published in the Roanoke Times.
It centainly has forced me to address my lack of writing skills and to reflect back 45 years ago when I was required (as an engineering major) to take remedial english. Apparently it didn't work all that well!
I have received very encouraging words from some folks who I highly respect, and, I've received some very discouraging words from some folks, most of whom prefer to remain anonymous.
Life's a game, you can be a spectator or you can be a player -- in the USA -- it's your choice! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Wetlands not wet
Roanoke Times, 2/20/06, Pg A 5: Cases question authority over water. Many waters could lose federal protection if two challenges to the Clean Water Act succeed.
The cases involved do not challenge the basic clean water act. They do challenge the bureaucratic interpretation that federal control extends up to the downspouts on your house and the slight drainage depression around your house called a swail.
In addition to these federal folks there are of course lots of state folks who also what to exercise control over your property.
The really interesting thing about wetlands definitions is that they DO NOT require that there be any standing or running water involved!
The really big wetland acreage quoted by "environmentalists" is based on types of vegetation growing on your property as based on aerial photographs.
If you plant red-maples on your field you automatically are subject to the interpretation that that field and surrounding areas are "wetlands".
The bottom line is that the bureaucratic interpretation of "wetlands" is one of the biggest methods of government "taking" without due process. Once a government biologist has identified one of the "wetland plants" growing on your land, your land will immediately be unusable except by permit for what a government bureaucracy decides to grant you. And that includes walking on it, riding on it or mowing it.
In other words, the wetland acts are confiscation of private property without warrants or condemnation procedures and that’s the way the Sierra Club wants it and that’s the way it is!
By the way, you’ll continue to have to pay taxes on the land or the county will take it. What a deal!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Media Indecency
Roanoke Times, 2/12/06, Editorial by Mr. Denton
Mr. Denton’s article about offenses against decency is a self-serving and amazingly shallow attempt to somehow offset the daily content of his paper and that of his left-wing media associates.
"A lot of good Christians desiring to rub those cartoons in Muslims' faces don't seem to be paying attention to Jesus' own instructions about turning the other cheek and rejoicing in how "blessed are the peace-makers."
"They'd rather pick a fight -- from the safe distance of thousands of miles."
His conclusions and views in this article are indeed amazing given the left-wing, ultra-liberal support for displaying Jesus "art" in a bottle of urine
And the "cartoon" of Mr. Rumsfield mocking a paraplegic GI in a hospital.
The bottom line is that the major media outlets, of which the Roanoke Times is part and parcel, have reverted to an amazing level of yellow journalism.
It’s not "a lot of good Christians" who are doing everything possible to ferment
Anti-American sentiment. It’s the left-wing ultra-liberals and their rabid hatred for Pres. Bush that has resulted in putting civility, decency and the best interests of our country behind bashing the administration in every way possible including giving as much aid and comfort to our adversaries as possible.
For example:
Last week’s tirade by Al Gore to the Mullahs in Saudi Arabia that the US was abusing lots of Muslims in America was a nice touch of diplomacy, and to think that this guy was almost our President. On the other hand, perhaps he’s part of the "good Christians that are doing evil deeds" that Mr. Denton is referring to.
This blog contains dozens of specific examples of how the left-wing media and their left-wing politicial associates are participating in these activities every week.
All are encouraged to spend some time and browse through!
Just click-on (HOME) below.
Murtha and Iwo Jima
Roanoke Times, 2/19/06, Pg Ex 2: History Highlights: In 1945, during WW II some 30,000 US Marines landed on Iwo Jima where they began a month-long battle to seize control of the island from Japan.
The US casualties included: 6.800 killed and 20,000 wounded during 36 Days that included the taking of Mt. Suribachi (scene of the famous flag raising).
On this solemn anniversary one is left to wonder about today’s leaders. For example: Democrat Congressman John Murtha (former marine officer), who has formally proposed in Congress that the US immediately withdraw from Iraq, because it is hard work and the enemy is fighting us because we are there.
What would his views have been had he been a Congressman on Feb 19, 1945?
Would he have told FDR and Gen. Douglas MacArthur to quit and retreat and bring-back the troops because this is hard and we are loosing thousands of men?
Perhaps he and Reid and Pelosi and Kennedy could have held a news conference and announced that FDR didn’t have a plan to end the war.
Dan Brokaw was right, there was a great generation!
And it’s clear that these losers were not, and are not, part of it!
Prior items:
The Union Label
Roanoke Times, 2/19/06, Pg Va 9: Appointee should be accepted letter says.
The Virginia Senate Republicans are balking at Gov. Kane’s choice for Secretary of the Commonwealth.
So, what’s their problem? It turns out that Mr. Daniel LeBlanc is recent president of the AFL-CIO and apparently has stated a strong desire to deep-six Virginia’s "right to work" laws. He apparently called them the "right to work for less" laws and related them to plantation workers.
Perhaps Mr. LeBlanc should move to NY where state laws require employers to deduct union dues from your pay, even if you do not want to join the union. And whether or not you belong to the union you will have no say in how your dues are spent.
Or, perhaps he could move to Detroit where the unions have done such an outstanding job at GM and Ford.
At any rate – why would Virginians be well served by having Mr. LeBlanc as Secretary of the Commonwealth?
Prior Items:
Disrespecting Coretta
Roanoke Times, 2/19/06, Pg A 6: Lowery’s criticism sparks both outcry, praise.
Rev. Lowery and Jimmy Malaise Carter both abused and disrespected the memory of Coretta Scott King at her funeral by staging a cheap political event instead of reflecting on her life and accomplishments. In so doing they joined the ranks of the other Deaneacts who have neither class nor a positive agenda for their constituents or our country.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Katrina Aid Squandered
Roanoke Times, 2/14/06, Pg 1: Millions in Katrina aid has been squandered. Overcharges, poor accounting and abuses will take "months or years " to rectify.
Thousands of $2000 debit cards were given out to get fast relief to those affected. Millions of those dollars were used (abused) by the "refugees" or "evalcuees" to get nonessential stuff like masages and tatoos.
900,000 of the 2.5 million applicants were bogus and based on duplicate Social Security numbers and false addresses and names.
Sounds just like the ongoing center-city voting situations and the "head of household" tax credit scams that folks use so successfully to bilk the taxpayers.
Doesn’t this make you feel so much more sensitive to the needs of these folks and make you want to send yet another check?
This situation has caused me to reflect on some of the "high priority" "get it done ASAP" jobs that I was assigned to do as a young engineer.
Some of the more experienced engineers took me aside and advised me:
Today’s big rush to get the job done fast will become tomorrows big investigation to find out why you spent so much money! --- And they were so right!-
Prior (Stuck on Stupid in New Orleans) Items:
SML Lake Safety
Roanoke Times, 2/13/06, Pg Va 1: Assembly struggles with lake safety. All but three bills aimed at more safety on SML were killed or carried over.
Wow --- Struggled!
Perhaps whimpered would be a better headline.
It’s interesting that a wonderful local and regional and state asset like SML is held in such low esteem by those who should have a more enlightened view and should be good stewards of this asset.
Lakey – The Cash Cow: One common view is that SML is just a cash-cow to be milked for all it's worth for short term gains. However, on farms where some cows can milk their weight each month, farmer's hold them in high esteem and ensure they receive the kind of nurturing (stewardship) that will ensure their long-term welfare.-
Prior Items:
VP Cheney
Roanoke Times, 2/13/06, Pg 1: Cheney shoots fellow hunter.
A good article by the AP about this unfortunate accident.
This story then exploded into a wild and wooly yellow journalism feeding frenzy by the Washington Press Corps and the major media when they reflected on the fact that VP Cheney had not called them FIRST!
What was he thinking? Having the local folks "break this big story" must clearly indicate a huge cover-up of some kind. Can’t just be a hunting accident!
The late-nite "comics" jumped on the story with lots of whit without any concern about the status of the person who was shot. Wouldn’t it have been appropriate to wait a few days to ensure that this person was going to be OK? Apparently NOT!
And then to add insult to injury, when the VP did talk to the media it was to Brit Hume at Fox. Doesn’t Cheney understand that the "major media" runs this country and if you don’t humor them – they’re going to toast you!
An interesting view sent to me by a reader of this blog might apply:
I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney,
Than Ride with Ted Kennedy
EPA (The Bad Guy Again)
Roanoke Times, 2/13/06, Pg 1: Air Pollution in the Roanoke Valley. Pushing the Limits. A proposed change to the EPA air pollution regulations could put the Roanoke Valley over the line.
Very interesting heading! Especially after numerous articles by the RT about how the EPA is almost criminal in relaxing regulations:
Perhaps it’s not the EPA that is putting the Roanoke Valley "over the line". Perhaps it’s the emissions from vehicles and people and businesses that are the source of the problem!
Here’s an alternative headline: STOP POLLUTING OUR VALLEY!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
More Good Bad News
Wall Street Journal: 2/11/06, Very small print back on Pg A 10:
US January Surplus is largest since 2002.
US federal government ran a budget surplus of @21 Billion in January.
Without a doubt there will continue to be a year end deficit,however, it is interesting that even the WSJ has difficulty publishing some good economic news when it happens. Like, how about those 4.7% unemployment figures!!
Prior Items:
Patriot Act (ongoing)
Roanoke Times, Editorial, Saturday, February 11, 2006
This deal is no 'Patriot' Act
A compromise that is expected to clear the way for the law's reauthorization is a victory of fear over strength.
The Editor is still in denial about THE WAR!
Apparently until there is a major hit in the Roanoke area he will remain unconvinced that this isn't all a "wag the dog" scenerio and oil-game. If you can't hear the wounded and see and smell the dead it just isn't personal. Apparently the 250 miles to the Pentagon wasn't close enough for him to relate to.
Included in all this is the alleged foiling of a plot to hit LA as a followup to 9-11. Perhaps if that hit wasn't foiled, the west-coast radical-left-wing media folks would have their attitudes slightly adjusted. Perhaps not. Probably would depend on who got hit!
Then again, it's amazing how quickly our media folks forgot all about their own Daniel Pearl, talk about fickle!
Click for Prior Items:
Monday, February 06, 2006
Mocking Muhammad and Jesus
What’s the deal with all the protests about mocking the Prophet Muhammad? When the left-wing anti-religious nasty folks like Robert Mapplethorpe used public funds and the National Endowment for the Arts to display Jesus immersed in urine back in 1989 we were all told that it was OK and was simply art and even if not art it was part of Mapplethorpe’s first amendment rights to do this. And all those Christians who objected were labeled as really bad people!
So – why are the Danes, Norwegians, Germans and other European’s down on their knees begging forgiveness for mocking Muhammad? They really stand up for what they believe in don't they? Brings a whole new meaning to yellow journalism. Clearly their ancestors were never with Daniel in the lions den and clearly none of them are related to BraveHeart either! What a sad sack of loosers!
And why aren’t the Mapplethorpe folks over there explaining to the Muslims that this is OK? Apparently mocking Christians is OK. After all, they’ll just turn the other cheek while vile-folks have their fun!
However, when Muslims turn their cheek, it’s because their head is rolling down the street. Apparently that makes a difference!
Children – can you play hide and seek with Salman Rushdie?
Sunday, February 05, 2006
NY Times, 2/4/06, Pg A13: HIV and AIDS in NYC
Report highlights AIDS risk to black men and women. The article outlines staggering statistics on the HIV+AIDS pandemic in NYC.
“Officials call for a radical rethinking in combating HIV”.
What’s radical about using the procedures that were developed based on the Typhoid Mary case one hundred years ago?
Click to see the outrageous malfeasance that was employed in NY at the onset of this plague:
Bill Clinton apologized for the mistreatment of two dozen black men in the Tuskegee Experiment. Who is going to apologize for Governor Cuomo and Mayor Koch for the tens of thousands of NY residents who were mistreated because of their official misconduct? How can these jerks sleep at night?
Prior Items:
Friday, February 03, 2006
Dangerous Roanoke
Roanoke Times, 2/2/06, Pg 1: Large article with graphic: Why is Roanoke so dangerous?
Pg 8 A – continued: "The people in the roanoke Vallery are mean" said Van Patten, a Radford University criminologist. "People are willing to resort to physical altercations to resolve their differences".
Police Chief said his department noted a rise in violent crime and has taken measures to combat the trend.
Was that before or after Roanoke was labeled as one of the most dangerous cities in Virginia?
The PD is doing a hell of a job – says Isaac Van Patten – Criminologist.
Probably every victim agrees – yes – a hell of a job!
Based on recent incidents it may be as safe or safer to be assigned to a US combat unit in Iraq as it is to work in a convenience store in Roanoke (would be interesting to see this statistic).
Perhaps this prior local and national article might relate to this issue:
Roanoke listed among nation's most segregated metro areas
And prior RT article described "gang style" fights and "shots fired" out at the Valley View Mall. With this type of violence and mobility perhaps they should be called insurgents!
And recent testimony by Police Resource Offices relative to the environment within and around the Roanoke schools should be an indicator to someone that all is not well in the star city!
And meanwhile, Roanoke is presenting itself as a great place to live, do business and retire. Perhaps Victory Stadium is NOT the number one issue the leaders should be focused on! Will this be a major political issue in the upcoming election, or will everyone just keep their head in the sand (or where-ever)?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
A New Level Of Vicious
The Washington Post just published a graphic by Tom Toles that shows a paraplegic GI in a hospital bed with Rumsfield, dressed as a doctor and mocking the soldier.-
To make this disgusting spectacle even more vicious the Washington Post has the graphic on their web site with an invitation to email this thing to others:
The Editor of the Roanoke Times, as a veteran himself, must be real proud of this garbage by his left-wing associates and fellow media Bush-bashers.
Prior Items:
Mayor Nogin
Roanoke Times, 2/2/06, Pg ????
Couldn’t find an article on Mayor Nogin testifying before Congress this week. Perhaps it’s related to seeing his shadow or something? The Editor once again nicely covering for his friends.
What a sad sack! What a disgrace to a once proud city.
We shouldn’t put one dime into New Orleans that passes through his control or mismanagement or that of Governor Bonko!
That would be like giving Ken Lay billions of dollars to get ENRON backup and running again!
Numerous Prior Items:
Raising Kaine
Roanoke Times, 2/1/06, Pg A 10: Kaine’s rebuttal cites Bush’s poor choices, management. Gov. Kaine gave the Democratic response to the president’s State of the Union address. Large article with graphic of Kaine with Reid and Pelosi.
Very interesting! Talk about poor choices. Here’s a guy who hasn’t been in office long enough to find the rest rooms no less has had any accomplishments.
What happened to Gov Warner? Isn’t he the prince in waiting? He’s the guy the Roanoke Times has featured as the greatest Governor of Virginia since Patrick Henry. Why didn't he get a shot at this big national exposure?
Perhaps a no-name, no-track-record, no-accomplishments talker is the best that the Democratic party has to offer. Sure fits in well with their leadership.
Prior item:
Iran Nukes
Roanoke Times, 2/1/06, pg A 6: Iran obtains warhead drawings.
A UN agency has reported that Iran’s military has obtained detailed design drawings for nuclear weapon warhead design. Iran has claimed that it is only interested in nuclear-electric power generation.
Where is Richard Clark? Let’s have his wife send him immediately to Iran to checkout this rumor. Let’s send The Editor of the Roanoke Times with him.
If he says it’s just a Bush "wag the dog" thing (AGAIN) – then we should stop harassing the Iranians about their WMD program. After all, it’s not like they could sell a weapon to terrorists or fire it from an ocean ship, in international waters, into the US or one of our friends.
Let’s not worry about it! Probably is just a scam by the VP to get more oil.
If a bomb hits somewhere, we can always reconstitute the 911 Commission and get their recommendations (again).
Prior items:
Savings Rate Slant
Roanoke Times, 1/31/06, Pg A3: US savings rate now lowest since Depression. People not only spent their after-tax income but also
HAD to dip into savings or borrow more.
The Editor earns the Golden Slant Award again. This is almost sliding off the left side of the paper!
Down in the fine print it says: This time the reasons for the negative savings rate are very different than the depression!
This time Americans may be spending all their incomes and then some
because they FEEL WEALTHIER because of soaring value of their homes.
Key question: How many DNC propaganda folks are on the editorial staff of the Roanoke Times?
Prior Items:
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
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