The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Where's the Medicare drug plan?
USA Today, 3/24/06, Pg 8A: Medicare drug plan enrollment tops 27 MILLION!
What has happened to the RT coverage of the medicare drug plan? Several months ago we were "educated" almost daily with how bad it was, what a disaster it was, how it wasn’t going to help anyone, and now it’s soooooooo quite!
27 million folks are now in the program. Folks can signup without penalty until May 15. That date may well be extended. Many places I go there are tables setup to help those who need assistance.
The program cost per month has significantly decreased due to the "nasty capitalistic marketplace competition" between providers.
The RT Editor and his Democrat friends thought they had a midterm election hit record they could play for us old folks. Now their message is looking more like sour grapes! (That was one of Aesops fables, wasn’t it?).
Prior items:
Roberts pro cop
Roanoke Times, 3/24/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Chief Judge Roberts confirms his preference for cops. The new chief justice defends martial authority over citizens. Roberts voted to end centuries of special protection for the privacy of the home.
Wow! The RT Editor really went postal on this one. Interesting that he did not choose to address the case at hand.
Battered wife calls 911 – to wit: the cops
Cops arrive and provide protection to battered wife
Battered wife says in-addition-to beating-me – he’s got drugs in the bedroom
Bad-husband says you guys get-out and stay out
Cops go in and get the drugs.
Judge Roberts says that what the cops did was OK!
The RT Editor says in effect that the cops are Gestapo and Roberts is too!
What am I missing, why do I think that the cops were OK?
In the same editorial column The RT Editor is happy that lawmakers are making it illegal for folks under 21 to consume alcohol in a home setting. Apparently his view is that the Good-Gestapo can come into your home and arrest you for having a beer with your son and your son's 19 year old friend who is home on leave from the Army.
This 19 year old is also someone who can vote at least until the cops arrest him and you for having a beer in your living room.
Does The RT Editor read his own stuff? Does he reflect on the material he writes or is he so consumed with left-wing passion that he doesn’t realize how strange and inconsistent this column and his views really are?
Roanoke Times, 3/24/06, Pg A 6: Bush urges civility in debate over immigration.
The current focus is an immigration bill introduced into Congress.
The article references several factions and groups opposing the bill. However, the biggest reference of the day was somehow missed.
It was the big news conference held by Hillary in which she said that the bill was anti-Jesus!
Does this mean Hillary will be moving to Lynchburg for her presidential run?
How could The RT Editor have missed this item?
Prior Hillary Item:
GM Buyouts
USA Today, 3/23/06 Pg 1: GM offers buyouts to 126,000. Payments up to $140,000. GM workers average $27 per hour but with benefits they average $73.
An interesting aspect about buyouts is the role of government in "helping" downsized workers.
The government helps by defining the payouts to be "earned income". One might think these payments are settlements. They usually involve a contract to not sue for age discrimination or inappropriate termination. But NO, the government (IRS) says they are equivalent to wages for hours worked.
So, if the recipient receives 12 months equivalent-pay, the fed’s will take 4 months and the state will take 1 month leaving about 7 months for the "lucky" terminated worker.
What a deal! Don’t you just love that government assistance!
Prior Items:
Blacktop Countryside
Roanoke Times, 3/22/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Roanoke bought the golf course to guide its development, not to preserve the links. That wise decision shouldn’t be altered.
By all means, let’s blacktop over Countryside and build more stuff. Roanoke has air quality problems, water supply problems, traffic problems, crime problems, education problems, septic problems and what will really help all this is to increase the number of folks who live there.
Why have some open space and grass and trees and stuff?
Perhaps what Roanoke really needs is to have LESS and not more!
F.C. Budget bigger
Roanoke Times, 3/22/06, Pg Va 1: Budget’s bigger, but taxes aren’t. The 10% increase in Franklin County’s budget comes from growth around the lake per County Admin. Rick Huff.
What an interesting perspective. Franklin County is getting over 60% of their local funding from "the lake", however, the message is that the 10% budget growth is caused by "the lake".
This heading fits well with the Lakey concept:
Lakey – The Cash Cow: One common view is that SML is just a cash-cow to be milked for all it's worth for short term gains. However, on farms where some cows can milk their weight each month, farmer's hold them in high esteem and ensure they receive the kind of nurturing (stewardship) that will ensure their long-term welfare.
An ongoing presence
Roanoke Times, 3/22/06, Pg 1: Bush says troops will be in Iraq when he leaves.
What a surprise it is to the media that we have an ongoing national interest in the middle-east and that equates to a military presence.
We still have troops in Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea and lots of other places and they have been there for over 50 years.
The real question is why didn’t we establish bases in this area long ago?
Moussaoui Trial Spin
Roanoke Times, 3/21/06, Pg A 6: Witness says FBI was criminally negligent in not doing an in-depth investigation of Moussaouri.
Moussaouri is on trial for direct connections to the 911 hijackers.
The media spin on this story is amazing relative to their diatribe on The Patriot Act and the NSA terrorist-tracking items.
The FBI and the CIA were following very specific, detailed and confining rules documented by Jamie (the wall) Gorelick, a high-level lawyer in Clinton’s justice department.
These rules required law enforcement officers to follow standard procedures for domestic crimes and prohibited the FBI and the CIA from coordinating any activities on persons within the US.
The media spin now is that the new post-911 procedures would have prevented 911 from happening and therefore the Moussaoui investigators were negligent.
Are these media folks for real, or what? Don’t you just hate it when folks try to insult your intelligence!
Prior Items:
Cat. 5 Cyclone Larry
Cat. 5 Cyclone Larry
Roanoke Times, 3/21/06, Pg A 4: Australians gird for cleanup after Larry. Heavy damage from Cat. 5 storm with 180 MPH winds, but no reported deaths.
Apparently Australians understand what "mandatory evacuation" means!
Unfortunately we Yanks are having difficulty with that concept.
Prior Items:
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Great Business Article
Roanoke Times, 3/12/06, Pg Bus 1: Major article with great graphic and charts. On the right track. Business is hopping now for Freight-Car America and its officials are pleased with the Roanoke shop. Kudo’s to author Ray Reed.
Perhaps one of the best business articles the RT has published. This is a great example of focusing on the Roanoke Valley businesses and what makes them successful. Their business model, their people, their technology and their products.
We need lots more of these articles to help build and promote local businesses.
Prior Items:
SUVs Safest
Roanoke Times, 3/17/06, Pg Bus 9: 7 SUVs earn highest scores in crash tests.
Big is safe! How unfortunate! Contrary to what The RT Editor and others think --Down-sizing to get better fuel economy has a price: increased injuries and death!
This is exactly what we learned in the 70’s after buying VW bugs and reading the famous book "unsafe at any speed".
What we need is new technology. The efforts underway to develop hydrogen-fed fuel-cell power is one of the most promising answers. The government (yes, including the Bush folks) have invested heavily in this technology.
We need a break-through in the development of the internal membrane that will help make these cells practical for everyday use. Then we need folks to get comfortable with the concept of sitting on top of a container of hydrogen.
Running on empty
Roanoke Times, 3/20/06, Pg 1: Big article with graphics: Despite underfunding, operators of the Blue Ridge Parkway hope volunteers and groups can help offset costs.
Running on empty? Looking for sympathy? These wizards just spent $800,000 for a 20-acre parcel or $40,000 per acre so that some passers-thru can be "protected" from seeing where local folks live.
A portion of that $800,000 should have been spent to clear away the brush so that tourists can see out of the floral-tunnel-vision situation they have now.
Prior Item:
Just say NO to Hanoi Jane
Just say NO to Hanoi Jane
The Roanoke Times, 3/17/06, Pg A 4: Georgia Senate voted 38 to 1 to defeat a resolution congratulating Hanoi Jane Fonda.
What a refreshing piece of news.
For those who experienced and or witnessed Hanoi Jane’s willful and wanton acts of treason during the Vietnam War, seeing any type of positive reinforcement of her person or her behavior would be despicable.
War not in speech
Roanoke Times, 3/20/06, Pg 1: War has no place in speech by Bush.
Pres. Bush has made three major public appearances this week, all of which were focused on the War.
The RT Editor and his associates at the AP may not like Pres. Bush, they may disagree with the War, some of them may even be actively trying to undermine the war effort, however, they certainly cannot say that the President is not addressing this issue every day.
For folks who were so happy with the Clinton approach to the gathering storm of both the terrorist threat and the development of nuclear weapons by North Korea and Iran one can only wonder what their motivations are.
Pres. Bush clearly identified the three major members of the axis of evil and has aggressively confronted them and will continue to do so.
History will be left to judge those folks whose political motivations are held higher than our national and international interests.
Fear Mongering
Roanoke Times, 3/12/06, Pg 1: Federal study uncovers serious lapses in cargo security. The inadequacies would enable unmanifested materials or weapons of mass destruction to be introduced into the supply chain.
After constant harping by The Editor that Pres. Bush is fear mongering, he then runs this fearful "analysis" article in large print with graphic on the front page.
This of course fits in well with the recent flap over "management" (not ownership) and (not security) of six major US ports. Also allegations that the administration is not spending enough resources on port security.
We can all speculate on how bad stuff can be brought into the US. Just look at the massive flow of narcotics coming here for the last 30 years! We haven’t even put a dent in that flow.
Interesting data in the 3/21 Pg 1 of USA Today that I haven’t found in the RT.
Port Security annual spending has increased from $259 million in 2001 to $1.6 BILLION in 2005.
That’s about a 2,255% increase in 4 years! That’s a big increase isn’t it?
Why does the media keep telling me that Pres. Bush isn’t doing much in this area?
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
RU-486 Deaths
Roanoke Times, 3/18/06, Pg A 3: 2 additional women die after taking abortion pill. Some calls to remove from market. Supporters say it’s safe. Planned Parenthood changing it’s advice on how to use the pills.
What’s wrong with this picture? The RT Editor and the left-wing media have gone postal every time there’s a disclosure that a drug has major side-effects. However, with RU-486 the silence is deafening!
And since when did Planned Parenthood get into the medical business to the extent that they are telling women how to administer these drugs? Their advice appears to have had a direct bearing on several RU-486 deaths.
Who is holding these people accountable for their deadly direction? Where’s The RT Editor and his anti-drug company posse?
Prior Items:
Fear Mongering
Roanoke Times, 3/12/06, Pg 1: Federal study uncovers serious lapses in cargo security. The inadequacies would enable unmanifested materials or weapons of mass destruction to be introduced into the supply chain.
After constant harping by The Editor that Pres. Bush is fear mongering, he then runs this fearful "analysis" article in large print with graphic on the front page.
This of course fits in well with the recent flap over "management" (not ownership) and (not security) of six major US ports. Also allegations that the administration is not spending enough resources on port security.
We can all speculate on how bad stuff can be brought into the US. Just look at the massive flow of narcotics coming here for the last 30 years! We haven’t even put a dent in that flow.
Interesting data in the 3/21 Pg 1 of USA Today that I haven’t found in the RT.
Port Security annual spending has increased from $259 million in 2001 to $1.6 BILLION in 2005.
That’s about a 2,255% increase in 4 years! That’s a big increase isn’t it?
Why does the media keep telling me that Pres. Bush isn’t doing much in this area?
More Good Bad News
Roanoke Times, 3/11/06, Pg Bus 1: Small print under "the ticker": 243,000 jobs created in February and unemployment at 4.8%.
Wow! Certainly wouldn’t want too many folks to see that!-
Doesn’t fit in well with the Democrat midterm election program being hawked by The Editor and his associates!
Would be front-page headlines if Hillary were President!
Prior Items:
Protest Reaction
Roanoke Times, 3/9/06, Pg Va 4: Planned Sierra Club protest sparks massive police reaction. AEP asked for police protection for its Glen Lyn plant, but the protest was two guys in a minivan.
The content and tenor of the article was to "accuse" AEP and the local police of a major over-reaction to a couple nice guys out for an enjoyable afternoon ride and hike in the country.
Perhaps AEP and the ONE-man police force at Glen Lyn were reflecting on their "homeland power plant security plan"!
Perhaps they had no way of knowing who was coming, how many were coming and what their intentions were!
Perhaps they were reflecting on the Oklahoma Murrah Federal Building that was totally destroyed by ONE-guy in a van!
Perhaps these protest guys were stupid, perhaps they were naive, perhaps they just wanted to cause disruptions, and perhaps they wanted to show they could drive up to a power plant with a simulated-load of explosives.
Whatever their motivation it is comforting to know that in this case the "homeland power plant security plan" worked!
And that would have been an appropriate focus of this article.
A good followup would have been to present these jerks with a bill for all this effort that was primarily paid for by the taxpayers!
UN Prison Crime?
Roanoke Times, 3/14/06, Pg A 7: Milosevic’s death becomes center of conflicting theories.
The UN Court in the Hague has had Milosevic in custody and on trial for years!
He has outlasted multiple judges in his case.
And now it appears "they" may have killed him!
This may be worse than Gitmo! This may be worse than Abu Ghraib! After all, this is a major national political and military figure that was killed while in custody in prison!
Where is the Red Cross, Where are the Human Rights Watch Groups, where is The RT Editor?
If Milosevic was in US custody there would be a major uproar by all kinds of concerned citizens and fingers pointed at Pres. Bush!
Prior Item:
Censure Bush
Roanoke Times, 3/14/06, Pg A 3: Little support goes to call for Bush censure.
Dem. Sen. Feingold’s formal motion in the US Senate to censure Pres. Bush for the NSA surveillance of terrorist communication into and out of the country has no support.
This wanabe-President is the same left-wing wonder that tried to filibuster the Patriot Act Renewal that passed by 89 to 10!
He’s just the kind of leadership we need in Government during war-time!
Prior Items:
Holocaust Cartoons
Roanoke Times, 3/14/06, Pg A 7: Iranian newspaper is running a contest on the "best" holocaust cartoons that are sent in to them.
What an opportunity for the clever Jesus-cartoon folks at Radford to expand their portfolio of "humor". Perhaps the Radford "artists" could do some real innovative creations with Ann Frank.
Would be interesting to see if The Editor and the Radford staff would continue to be so eager to embrace unbridled freedom of expression for this subject.
Prior Items:
Mine explosion hacks exposed
Roanoke Times, 3/15/06, Pg A 10: mine owner says lightening likely caused explosion that killed 12.
And mine safety investigators have said that there was no data showing that any mine violations caused or contributed to the explosion.
So, after all the yellow-journalism and all the gross political grave-side posturing it turns out that this was an act of nature.
So, when is The Editor and his media associates and the vile political operatives going to hold a news conference and explain their actions and their gross mis-and-dis-information program?
Next weeks agenda: yell FIRE in a crowded theatre!
Prior Item:
Monday, March 20, 2006
Kudo's to Kaine
Roanoke Times, 3/15/06, Pg 1: Kaine visits troops in war zone.
Congratulations to Gov. Kaine for visiting our troops! Thank you!
These folks serving in harms way deserve all the support we can give them!
Prior Item contrasting the poor behavior of Va. Congressman Moran.:
Which War Zone?
USA Today, 3/14/06, Pg 3A: Two police officers used their badges to kidnap and kill eight victims picked out by terrorists.
Baghdad in Iraq?
No – New York City
The terrorists were members of the Mafia.
Prior Items:
Tax collections way-up
Roanoke Times, 3/16/06, Pg Va 3: State tax collections up 4.5%; growth however was modest compared with nearly two years of extraordinary collections for the state which is forecast to yield a huge unspent balance when the fiscal year ends June 30.
Gov. Warner gave us a big unnecessary tax increase that is resulting in massive excess tax collections and now Gov. Kaine is running around the state hawking massive additional taxes he wants to pile on-top.
Why would anyone label Democrats as the party of "tax and spend"?
Prior Items:
Move News off front page
Roanoke Times, 3/16/06, Pg 1: ANALYSIS: has violence in Iraq become a civil war? (news on page 7).
The Editor has now decided that slanting the news needs a boost! So, he has moved this news story to page 7 and gives an "analysis" of the news on page 1.
Analysis – that’s when someone gives you his "opinion" about a subject isn’t it?
Why can’t the news be on the front page?
Why can’t the news be fair and balanced?
Why can’t opinions be on the editorial and commentary pages?
Why is this still marketed as a "news" paper?
Prior Items:
Friday, March 10, 2006
Great Reporting Slant
A blog reader who apparently understands the context of this blog and having read the blog item about the Richmond bears sent me the following:
Two boys in Boston were playing baseball when one of them was attacked by a rabid Rottweiler! Thinking quickly, the other boy ripped a board off a nearby fence...wedged it into the dog's collar and twisted it, breaking the dog's neck.
A newspaper reporter from the Boston Herald witnessed the incident and rushed over to interview the boy. The reporter began entering data into his laptop, beginning with the headline: "Brave Young Red Sox Fan Saves Friend from Jaws of Vicious Animal."
"But I'm not a Red Sox fan," the little hero interjected.
"Sorry" replied the reporter. "But since we're in Boston I just assumed you were." Hitting the delete key, the reporter began: "John Kerry Fan Rescues Friend from Horrific Dog Attack!"
"But I'm not a Kerry fan either," the boy responded.
"How about Kennedy?" asked the reporter.
"Not a fan of Teddy either," replied the boy.
The reporter said, "I assumed everybody in this state was either for the Red Sox or Kerry or Kennedy...what team or person do you like?"
"I'm a Texas Ranger fan and I really like George W. Bush," the boy said.
Hitting the delete key, the reporter began again
"Arrogant Little Conservative Kills Beloved Family Pet!"-
Does The Editor of The Roanoke Times have a brother that’s a reporter for the Boston Herald?
Iraq is not going very well
Roanoke Times, 3/8/06, Pg Va 9:
Very calm, cool, collected and reasonable commentary by Mr. Dan Radmacher.
The situation in Iraq is indeed not even close to where we would like it to be. The extreme violence by what appears to be a combination of Sadam-Suni followers and International-Muslim terrorists financed by fiercely anti-American governments are preventing closure on what yet could be a very important step forward in the region.
It’s interesting that Mr. Radmacher and many other commentators focus on the importance of integrating the Sunis into the new government as "the key element" to resolving their decades old conflict.
In reflection one might look at WWII: At the close of the war we DID NOT:
Integrate the Vischy French into the French government.
Integrate the black-shirt Mussolini folks into the Italian government
Integrate the brown-shirt, SS, Nazi folks into the German government
Integrate Emperor Hirohito’s followers into the Japanese government
In a recent example it appears that the Milosevic-folks are not being knowingly integrated into the Bosnian government.
So, why are folks so compelled to include the Sunis and insistent that to not do so demonstrates a total failure of the war?
Perhaps if we get out of the way, the Shia and the Kurds can form a very successful government and the Sunis will have to do what other losers in war have done for thousands of years -- leave, adjust or die!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
So much for Kaine civility
Roanoke Times, 3/8/06, Pg Va 1: House rejects LeBlanc for secretariat post. Kaine accused Republicans of practicing "McCarthy-style politics".
My! My! Didn’t hear The Editor or his buddy Gov Kaine talk like that about the Democratic handling of the Bush appointments!
In fact when Mr.John Bolton was being Borked by the Senate Democrats The Editor and his friends piled on gleefully!
But alias, now that the shoe’s on the other foot – let’s start name calling and throwing a tantrum!
Prior Items:
Service Member Recognition at the Oscar's
Roanoke Times: Could not find any reference from the Oscar coverage of a tribute to our service men and women serving in harms way or to those who have been injured or who have given their lives.
Also, I cannot find anyone who watched the show who remembers any recognition given to our service members by anyone at the Oscar’s.
At this time when the U.S. is again under attack and at war it would be fitting and proper to recognize our service people and their sacrifice and this would have been a fitting venue to do so!
As President JFK lamented to the 5th Corps troops assembled at the Fliegerhorst Kasserne in Hanau Germany on his way to Berlin in 1963:
God and the soldier we adore
In times of danger, not before
The danger passed and all wrongs righted
Gods forgotten and the soldier slighted
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Close Vote?
Roanoke Times, 3/8/06, Pg 1: Large Header: Patriot Act renewed in close vote.
The act passed by only two votes, and Pres. Bush was forced to accept new curbs on law enforcement.
Ah – yes – in small print – special rules – two-thirds required by Democrat House rules game intended to thwart the will and vote of the people!
This headline is clearly in the running for:
Who writes these slanted headers – Howard Dean?
The headline is clearly intended to convey to the readers that the Patriot Act is not well embraced by our people or our elected representatives.
Last week it was approved by the Senate 89 to 10.
This week it was approved by the House 280 to 138
Does that reflect significant-acceptance or minimal-acceptance?
How does this relate to Sen. Dem Leader Reid’s proclamation that:
"The Patriot Act is Dead"?
The House vote numbers are interesting:
Vote: 280 to 138
Margin: 142
Ratio: 2 to 1
Percent for: 67%
The numbers in the Senate were even more overwhelming!
Let's all try working harder on fair and balanced for the rest of the year!
Prior items:
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Vick in Court
Roanoke Times, 3/7/06, Pg 1: Vick has his day in court.
Yes indeed, and what a pleasant day it was!
For a list of crimes including brandishing a firearm in Richmond
(THE EXILE CITY), our juvenile delinquent VT super-star got a slap on the pinky, a $500 fine and a suspended jail sentence.
Wow -- $500! I’ll bet that hurt his lifestyle!
Once again our society has reinforced the bad behavior of someone because some folks think he’s "special".
Isn’t justice supposed to be blind?
Will this guy now continue down the path of OJ and Kobe and many others that never got the word that the rules really do apply to them?
They do, don’t they?
Shooting victim can sue motel
Roanoke Times, 3/7/06, Pg Va 1: A man shot eight times outside a Holiday Inn Express can sue the motel because they did not provide adequate protection in their parking lot.
Police records indicate that at that location there had been 12 robbery incidents over 3 years. Police officials warned the business that the property’s location posed certain dangers to its customers.
Welcome business travelers to one of the most crime-ridden cities in Virginia!-
Gee, you went to Roanoke on a business trip! Your must be brave! Were you a Green Beret?
No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.
What are the Roanoke Police thinking? Do they and the courts want businesses to form squads of armed guards to shoot it out with the muggers? Has this place become another Iraq where businesses must do exactly that?
And how about persons protecting themselves? Do we all have to start packing "heat" in order to shop or stay in Roanoke?
And why aren’t the City and the Police the ones that are being sued? Don’t they have the mission and duty and responsibility to protect the public? And aren’t they getting PAID to do so?
And folks think the main things Roanoke needs are: a vision, a space-age museum and a sports stadium! Hello – time to wakeup and smell the coffee!
Prior Items:
Flood control or eyesore?
Roanoke Times, 3/7/06, Pg 1: Very large and well written story with graphics. After nearly 40 years of planning, Roanoke’s flood control project along the Roanoke River is under way.
The question is not a comparison between flood control or eyesore. The questions are "is this really flood control"? And is this being done properly? And what are the advertised protection levels?
When I first arrived in the area I went to an eye doctor’s office on 1st St. SW. I asked the receptionist about a dark stain on the wall about three feet high. She said, "oh, that’s from the last flood"! How comforting!
Will the "bench-cut" that is costing $65 million dollars keep floodwaters from extending up to 1st Street again? What is the expected extent of flooding from another storm like 1985?
When the flood debris builds up against the bridges at Walnut Ave SE, and 9th St SE, and 13th St SE how will the "bench-cuts" help carry away the floodwaters?
It’s certainly not clear to the casual observer that these $65 million dollar "bench-cuts" with wonderful landscaping and scenic views will provide significant protection for a major flood. But then again, it’s going to look nice!
Prior Items:
Help Denied
Roanoke Times, 3/6/06, Pg A 5: New studies find drug once linked to brain disease may be safe, effective.
Tysabri, a promising MS drug was pulled from the market after
three people developed a rare brain disease.
Now three new studies support the initial studies and the initial FDA approval position that Tysabri is a significant help to MS victims.
"Pulling" this drug from the MS patients is yet another example of negative knee-jerk reactions fed by a media that bathes in yellow journalism and sensationalism.
Let’s not focus on "cause and effect relationships". No, that takes way too long, it’s too technical and doesn’t work well with sensational headlines!
To add to this environment let’s get the trial-lawyers involved. They’ll help. Like the ads on local Roanoke TV. "Call me, I care about you!"
Sounds and looks like Bill Clinton with his "I feel your pain" heifer-dust.
Now, who is going to address all the MS victims who have been denied this medical help?
Does this fit into a media friendly-fire scenario or a collateral-damage scenario?
Can these victims who have been denied help now sue the media? Of course not, how ridiculous it would be to hold the media accountable for anything!
Prior Items:
Monday, March 06, 2006
Revisiting Tillman's Death
Roanoke Times, 3/6/06, Pg A 3: Criminal negligence, possible cover-up subjects of probe. "The probe likely will include: why did Tillman’s company commander, who wasn’t on the scene, order his 34-man platoon to split in half just before the Rangers were ambushed. Basic military doctrine says that commanders shouldn’t split their forces when they’re in hostile territory and may be facing a superior enemy force.
The first answer to this newspersons commanding knowledge about military operations is:
"Why, it appears that we appointed all of our worst generals to commandthe armies and we appointed all of our best generals to edit the newspapers.
I mean, I found by reading a newspaper that these editor generals saw all of the defects plainly from the start but didn't tell me until it was too late.
I'm willing to yield my place to these best generals and I'll do my best for the cause by editing a newspaper."
(General) Robert E. Lee
A second answer might focus on Washington crossing the Delaware River to attack a superior force of Hessens at Trenton. Upon crossing the river Washington divided his inferior force into two columns to attack the superior Hessens. The results are rather well known.
A third answer might be the basic infantry tactics of fire and maneuver. Down to the squad (8 man level) the basic attack concept is to divide your force into two teams, a maneuver team with the mission to outflank the enemy and a fire team to keep the enemy pinned down.
A third point might be that the "Company Commander" commands a company, usually three or four platoons. A platoon leader, might be a Lieutenant or a Sargent, commanding a platoon. Therefore it would NOT be unusual for a Company Commander to not be with a platoon.
It’s so enlightening to read military tactics as defined by these anti-military armchair journalists.
Some facts of war:
Infantry combat is a very dangerous undertaking.
Friendly fire incidents are common and often deadly.
The fog of war obscures the vision of even the most observent spectators.
No-one wants to admit that they shot one of their own.
Click for prior item:
Teen Abortions
Roanoke Times, 3/6/06, Pg A 3: Study: Laws about teen abortion yield divergent results.
The article focuses on weather or not parental notification and or approval results in more or less teen abortions.
For many folks the much bigger issue is are those responsible for teen pregnancies being held to account!-
If an adult impregnates a teen, who then takes her to a clinic (without anyone else being informed) and an abortion is performed – are there not three felonies committed?
Sex with an underage person ------- Felony 1
Conspiracy to hide a felony --------- Felony 2
Destruction of the DNA evidence – Felony 3
Perhaps this "study" should be rerun with these criteria.
By the way, when was the last time a Commonwealth Attorney brought these felony charges against someone?
Prior Items:
Military Recruiting vs The Law Schools
Roanoke Times, 3/6/06, On-line:
The Supreme Court ruled (8 to 0) that the Gerry Solomon amendment is constitutional and is the law of the land.
Very interesting in that it was our major law universities that went to court to bar military recruiters from campus.
Apparently the Supreme Court gave our "best" law schools an F.
The Law Schools claim was that the military discriminates against homosexuals through the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy and therefore they wanted recruiters banned from their campuses as agents of discrimination.
The Solomon amendment says they can do that, but the penalty is that they will loose all federal aid money.
A personal note: Gerry Solomon was my neighbor in Glens Falls NY in 1964 when I was just out of the Army and he was just out of the Marines.
Were he here today, he would be very pleased with this decision by The US Supreme Court to support The US Military.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
The Richmond Bears
Roanoke Times, 3/5/06, Pg Va 9: Richmond bares its soul over the killing of Buster and Baby. The two bears were put to death after one of them bit a boy who put his hand in their pen.
Where was Goldilocks the babysitter? Children putting their arms into a bear cage? Didn’t Goldilocks point out that these weren’t the forest fire bears?
And how about Former Governor of Va and now Mayor of Richmond giving the last rites and eulogy at the memorial service for the etherized bears.
With the housing, crime and education challenges that Richmond faces one might wonder where their priorities are (no less their heads)?
Excuse me, but having been attacked by wild rabid animals twice in my life I have considerable empathy for the child involved. My first encounter involved a fox and the second case involved a raccoon. Both times I was in the woods and far from home.
The bottom line is that if you have a physical encounter with any animal the only way to really know if the animal has rabies is to send it’s head to a lab for an examination of it’s brain. This usually involves killing the animal, sorry about that!
This is rather important because there is a limited time in which to start anti-rabies treatment and if one gets rabies they are certain to die a very unpleasant death (remember old-yellar).
Since Virginia and the surrounding states have thousands of bears and each of these states have a hunting season intended to manage their bear sloths it’s not like it’s hard to get replacements. Get a grip, it’s not as if Ling-Ling died!
It appears that some folks really don’t have enough to do and that includes The Washington Post folks who published this story. I can hardly believe I’m commenting about it myself!
Prior bear item:
Corrupt Congressmen
Roanoke Times, 3/4/06, Pg A 4: Bribes net ex-congressman 8 years (in prison).
After months of listening to: Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and Schumer calling the Republicans the most corrupt folks in history, one can reflect on some criminal conviction facts from the recent past:
Republican Cunningham--- Calif.
Republican Hinshaw --- Calif
Democrat Myers --- Penn
Democrat Reynolds --- Ill
Democrat Traficant --- Ohio
Democrat Rostenkowski --- Ill
Democrat Tucker -- Calif
Democrat Diggs -- Mich
Democrat Biaggi -- NY
Does anyone see a pattern of corruption in this data?-
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Polls look bad for Bush (Again-Still)
Roanoke Times, 3/4/06, Pg 1: Poll: Bush has lost support of Southerners. Poll by (Elon University) says Bush approval 43% and disapproval at 52%.
I’m not familiar with this poll. In fact I’m not familiar with Elon Univ. although they must be a power-house in the polling business or The Editor would not have made them a large front-page story.
In reflecting on polls I looked at the DNC presidential polls from Oct. 24, 2004 (
The DNC poll data by The American Research Group showed Kerry winning the 2004 presidential election by: 49% to 47%.
Zogby shows Kerry over Bush 47% to 45%
Apparently the election two weeks later didn’t turn out that way!
Without a doubt the liberal media has a major effect on the daily information people are getting and thereby influences the polls. Commenting on this situation is actually one of the key reasons why blogs like this one exist.
Unfair and unbalanced reporting works! That’s why it’s being done!
Unfortunately when the campaigning season starts the Conservatives and Republicans have to spend money to get their message out. Sometimes that works too. Republicans just need to find a George Soros who will give them a $25 million check!!
Prior Items:
Friday, March 03, 2006
More Democrats for Anti-abortion
Roanoke Times, 3/2/06, Pg A 8: Miss. House panel passes bill to ban most abortions.
Kudo’s to The Editor! He did include in the article that the sponsor of this state law is Democrat Steve Holland.
The fairness point here is that abortion is a much more bipartisan issue than the media or the Democrat party wants folks to know. It’s so bipartisan that it appears that most women are for pro-abortion without regard to their political affiliation, so, why not present a balanced view!
Prior Items:
More Katrina
Roanoke Times, 3/2/06, Pg A3: Video shows Bush, Chertoff briefed before Katrina hit.
AP story working on the theme that Pres. Bush knew that this was a big, bad storm before it hit.
Hello, if you had a TV or newspaper you would know that this was a Cat-5 before landfall. That’s why Pres. Bush emphasized to Gov. Bonko and Mayor Nogin that immediate evacuation was imperative! Also based on the size of the storm and the uncertainty of the point of landfall a key issue was where to place relief assets so they would not become casualties.
The Editor did not include in this paper any mention of the Gov. Bonko video tapes from the afternoon after the storm hit that the levees had NOT been breached or damaged. Where was she?
No evacuation, no urgent request for relief support and she was telling Washington that FEMA was doing OK. No wonder The Editor didn’t want to cover the whole story!-
Prior Items:
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Resexed Teacher
Roanoke Times, 3/1/06, Pg A 8: Teacher can return after sex change board says.
A "male" elementary school teacher in Eaglewood Elementary School in NJ underwent "gender reassignment surgery".
School board says OK to come back and teach.
This is a story that must warm the cockles of The Editors heart!
How about that "gender reassignment" thing --- talk about (1984 double speak) this has to take the cake. How about using gender challenged?
At any rate the parents in this elementary school are now left to answer the question:
Mommy – why is Mister McBeth using the ladies bath room?-
Perhaps some of the female teachers are wondering the same thing!
Patriot Act Renewal
Roanoke Times, 3/1/06, Pg A 5: Hidden way back in A5 in small print: Renewal of Patrior Act likely to pass in Senate.
Yes – likely
The Senate voted
69 to 30 to over-ride a Democrat filibuster led by Dem. Russ Feingold and move forward with passage.
The Senate then voted
89 to 10 to reauthorize the Patriot Act-
The pile of heifer dust that the Democrats heaped up in front of the Patriot Act just blew away and Senate Dem. Leader Reid’s claim that "We have killed the Patriot Act" was and is the ranting of a radical partisan who has totally lost sight of the War that has been launched against us.
Prior Items:
Advancing an Agenda
Roanoke Times, 2/28/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: McDonnelll’s opinion fosters discrimination.
Gov. Mark Warner, as he walked out the door, issued an executive order giving homosexuals employment rights beyond what had been the standard.
Along came new Atty. General McDonnell (Republican) who published his opinion that what Gov. Warner had done exceeded this authority and was in conflict with the Constitution of Virginia.
The Editors view: "McDonnell has shown he will use that power to advance a social agenda".
Who (as he walked out the door) used his power to advance a social agenda?
Certainly wasn’t McDonnell! He just arrived in town!
Is there any homosexual agenda that The Editor isn’t hawking?
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