The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Profoundly Conflicted Editor

Roanoke Times, 4/29/06, Pg Va 7: Editorial: Never again. The RT Editor lamenting about our lack of direct action to stop the genocide in Darfur.
Talk about bipolar! The Editor and his associates aren’t talking anymore about Sadam Hussein’s genocide against the Kurds! All they want to talk about now is the negative consequences of getting involved in a war.
Even the media’s multi-daily reporting of our 2,800 military casualties are never compared or related in anyway to the 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 or the number of Iraqi’s eliminated by Sadam’s genocide.
So, after years of media focus on "Blackhawk down" these left-wing folks want US intervention in Darfur. Can you just imagine the headlines as US troops kill thousands of black insurgents and the associated collateral black civilian deaths and injuries? Who will be blamed for genocide then?
Can you image the media feeding frenzy with Jesse Jackson, Al Twana Sharpton, Maxine Waters and all their associates. Just reflect for a minute on the Black Congressional Caucus’ nasty reaction to the US airlifting Aristede out of Haiti last year!
If The Editor is so anxious to get the US involved, why doesn’t he have his friend Hillary run for President on a platform of sending the 82nd & 101st Airborne Divisions into Darfur!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


The Sniping Generals

Roanoke Times, 4/19/06, Pg 1: VMI sticking with Rumsfeld for graduation.
The focus of the article is the call for Rumsfeld’s replacement by seven former military generals.
The news media has been in a feeding-frenzy over this for weeks. The claim is that unhappy military generals are a new phenomena unique to Bush/Rumsfeld.
Didn’t General George McClellan run for president against Lincoln after Lincoln replaced him?
Didn’t Douglas MacArthur not only bad-mouth Truman after being replaced but did so before a joint meeting of Congress?
Didn’t Eisenhower bad-mouth Truman over Korea and run against him and replace him as president?
Are there not lots of examples like these?
Doesn’t the media folks study history, or is that no longer part of the journalism curricula? What is the criterion to be a journalist?

Bullet in living room wall

Bullet in living room wall
Roanoke Times, 4/25/06, Pg Va 3: Family says bullet hit living room wall. Reported shots fired in area about that time.
As typical in Roanoke, Police could not confirm shots fired or house hit!
Click on link for prior ongoing inability of Roanoke Police to determine shots fired!
Perhaps if there were shots fired near the police station and suddenly bullet holes appeared in their walls their investigative abilities would be greatly enhanced!
Prior Items:

New Rules put miners in peril

Roanoke Times, 4/25/06, Pg A 4: Colorado officials say new rules could put miners in peril.
Colorado, home of the renowned Colorado School of Mines, has told federal regulators that new rules imposed after the West Virginia accident are not helpful and could jeopardize miner safety.
Click-on the following link to reflect on the political knee-jerk reactions that put grave-side politics ahead of sound scientific accident investigation and cause-effect relations and the analysis of corrective actions.
Prior Item:

More Good Bad News

Roanoke Times, 4/26/06, Pg Bus 8: Consumer confidence upsurge continues. Highest level in almost 4 years!
The media has been doing an outstanding job of bashing Bush and his administration, but this consumer confidence thing is troubling!
What if this continues through the November mid-term elections! That would be a disaster way bigger than Katrina!
What to do? What to do? Let’s get the spin-machine going and kill this optimism immediately! Voters must be convinced that things are bad and getting worse and the only way out is with Reid, Polosi, and Clinton. After all the 2000 economy was just wonderful: click for a reminder:
(and that was before the 911 disaster!)
Prior Items:

The Friends of our enemy is our enemy

Roanoke Times, 4/26/06, Pg A 9: Iran may hide its nuclear program from the West. Russia is building a nuclear power station in Iran and also will supply Iran with sophisticated anti-air-craft missiles.
This news is very disturbing. Where is the international outcry and reaction to these dangerous actions?
Given the current political environment, it is very likely that we will have to wait for Iran to test and/or use a nuclear weapon before taking action. At that point we may well have to launch a ballistic nuclear missile strike to terminate their program.
So much for diplomacy and the UN!
Prior Items:-

Galoline Prices

Roanoke Times, 4/26/06, Pg 1: What’s pumping up the cost of gas?
A reasonably balanced AP article summarizing the current situation. Including the data that adjusted for inflation, current prices are not off-the-charts!
Of course Clinton and Schumer, the NY-dynamic-duo claim it’s all George Bush’s fault!
It appears that Bush and Congress have followed Bill & Hillary’s energy policy:
No new drilling for oil/gas
No new refineries
No major change in consumption
No drop in the two million additional people per year in our population
No new nuclear power plants
If Bush is continuing what Bill and Hillary did – why would there be a problem?
Prior Items:

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Democrats vague

Roanoke Times, 4/23/06, Pg A 16: Democrats bank on voter anger, offer vague plan.
Vague plans? What plans?
Current Democrat offerings:
We’ll find Bin Laden! (How?)
We’ll get the Iraqi government and military up to speed immediately! (How?)
We’ll fix the price of oil! (How?)
We’ll improve government ethics as soon as Alan Mollohan, the top Democrat on the House ethics committee steps down due to an ethics investigation!
We’ll fix the North Korean nuclear issue created by the Clinton policy of giving them oil, and fuel and money to not develop a nuclear weapon! (How?)
We’ll fix the Iraq nuclear issue that was developing during the entire eight Clinton years. (How?)
We’ll fix the faulty FBI/CIA system. (How?) After all, having Bush keep all the top Clinton members of the FBI and the CIA was a really dumb idea!
We’ll fix the illegal immigration problem! First we’ll go after and do something with the 8 eight million that came into the US during Bill and Hillary’s eight years in office!
These are just our up-front leading initiatives. Just watch Reid, Polisi and Clinton get the economy back to where it was in 2000!

Voter turnout in New Orleans

Roanoke Times, 4/24/06, Pg 1: Voter turnout in New Orleans sparks concern. Civil Rights Activists worry about low voter turnout.
It’s not the low voter turnout that concerns many Americans. It’s the disturbing fact that Ray Nogin is the front runner with 38% of the vote!
After many families gave over $1,000 of their hard-earned money (in addition to taxes) to help folks in New Orleans, the "voters" of N.O. are in support of the incompetent person most responsible for their misery and plight!
Here’s a thought: don’t ever call, or write, or solicit me again for assistance for
the unfortunate "victims" of New Orleans! These folks are apparently behaving like the folks in Washington D.C. who consistently vote for Marion Berry.
It’s now clear that before one more tax dollar goes into N.O. the entire 9th ward should be converted back into what it originally was: a wetland wildlife nature area.
The remained of any future tax dollars should only go to homes that are built upon piers that ensure that if in place before Katrina, the 1st floors would not have been flooded.
Hopefully many of the displaced persons have found a new positive beginning and will start a new life in an environment conducive to their future success.
Prior Items:

Sunday, April 23, 2006



Roanoke Times, 4/23/06, Pg 1, 4, 5, Va 1: We’ve been failing these kids’.
Very large multi-page article on the sad state of Roanoke school performance.
Article filled with lots of statistics on ethnic, racial and economic data so that we may all understand why the school system is in such bad shape.
Isn’t it interesting that this terrible George Bush "No child left behind" program that the Roanoke Times has been lamenting for years, has caused the measurement and documentation of a serious problem right in the RT’s backyard!
Here we’ve been spending over $100,000 per student (13 years X $8,000/yr) and it turns out "we’ve been failing these kids’"!
The quotes from the School Board members are priceless. And why does Superintendent Marvin Thompson’s quotes remind one of New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin?
How about this for an education initiative: have each and every one of these folks be a substitute teacher in their school district one day every week for a school year!
Relative to the elaborate racial/economic alibi, wasn’t B.T. Washington poor and black? And how about all the Tuskegee airmen of WW2!
I was a visiting professor teaching electrical engineering at Tuskegee in 1985. It appeared that all my students were black and that many were poor and were able to attend the University primarily due to Pell Grants.
Every one of these students were hardworking, respectful and fully aware of the importance of skill and knowledge in achieving a better life than their parents had.
Click back through these links for some thoughts and background on this issue.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Still Stuck on Stupid in New Orleans

Roanoke Times, 4/2/06, Pg A 4: Advocates say election ignores displaced voters. Jesse Jackson and Al Twana Sharpton complaining that displaced folks will not be properly represented in the April 22 election.
Here’s an idea: let’s have all 900,000 thousand of the folks who scammed the government out of relief assistance pay back the money they stole before they can be registered to vote in any election anywhere!
Prior Items:

Hostage Home

Roanoke Times, 4/3/06, Pg A 1 & 5: Hostage (Jill Carroll) journalist savors freedom on journey home.
What a disappointment to the left-wing media!
Based on her video-taped statement during her release by Iraqi Terrorists, it appeared she would be a hand-maiden to Cindy Sheehan and a coveted prize to liberal and left-wing Democrats.
But then, once in safe hands, she repudiated her prior statements and expressed gratitude to be back in the US.
Haven’t seen or hear much from or about her this week. Had she expounded upon her prior statements she would be on a left-wing talk show every day and have a honored seat with Nancy Pelosi and Company.
Prior Items:


Roanoke Times, 4/7/06, Pg Va 6: Editorial: Combating AIDS isn’t as easy as ABC.
The RT Editor once again focusing on AIDs in foreign countries and griping about the Republican Congress’ policy on foreign aid.
Why would foreign folks follow our advice about HIV+AIDS? We clearly have not implemented programs to address this pandemic right here in the US!
When we have implemented Public Health policies and procedures for HIV+AIDS that are utilized for all other STD’s and highly communicable diseases, then we might have some creditability on this subject.
Let’s start by passing federal and state laws that define HIV+AIDS to be STD’s!
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ACLU Anti-Scouts

Roanoke Times, 4/7/06, Pg Va 2: Federal appellate court hears Boy Scout jamboree case.
ACLU wants to bar Boy Scouts from Federal facilities because:
The Boy Scouts require its members to pledge a "duty to God"
It is difficult to respond to things like this in a proper manner.
This past year the Congress had to pass a law to support the Boy Scouts from attack by the ACLU because the Scouts do not accept having openly homosexual men be scout leaders.
Of all the significant issues in our society why would the ACLU be hounding and harassing the Boy Scouts?
Apparently removing all chapels from government property will be next and how about drumming chaplains out of the military too.
Prior Items:

Immigration Dilemma

Roanoke Times, 4/7/06, Pg 1: Senate breaks immigrant deadlock.
Passage of the bill would put most illegal immigrants on track to permanent legal status.
As the US Government tries to fix 20 years of official malfeasance of the Mexican immigration situation, we are being subjected to a very disturbing spectacle of illegal immigrants demonstrating in our streets to get amnesty for their behavior and status.
It appears that they will be using the communist may day occasion as a focal point for demonstrations, walkouts and boycotts to try to force our legislators to grant their demands.
Perhaps some of their American supporters might try this experiment:
Enter Mexico illegally.
Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.
Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.
Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.
Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc.
Procreate abundantly.
Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural USA thing. You would not understand, pal.
"Keep your American identity strong. Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.
Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.
Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system.
Demand a local Mexican driver license. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal presence in Mexico.
Drive around with no liability insurance and ignore local traffic laws.
Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers.
Good luck!

Monday, April 03, 2006


Dangerous Deal

Roanoke Times, 3/20/06, Pg Va 9: Commentary: A dangerous deal with India by Jimmy Carter.
This is an interesting piece by Jimmy Malaise Carter in which he views nuclear proliferation George Bush’s fault.
Apparently he has forgotten that it was Bill Clinton who gave North Korea food, money and fuel for promises they would not develop a bomb. That worked out well didn’t it!
In the mean time the Iranians were developing nuclear weapon technology during the entire 8 years of Clinton’s term.
It has been Bush who has called both North Korea and Iran to task for their nonproliferation actions and is pressing both issues in the diplomatic arena. At some point we and others may well have to take drastic action to minimize the risk from these enemies.
Carter also quotes former Vietnam War genius Robert McNamara’s criticism of Iraq operations. Remember Robert? He and Johnson put a million troops into Vietnam, Americanizing the War and thereby loosing the hearts and minds and will of the South Vietnamese to win their own war.
Bush and company may be making lots of mistakes, but one thing is clear, this is an Iraqi War, they have the responsibility to secure their own freedom and they are dying in large numbers trying to do so.
A history lesson: Pulaski and Lafayette came here to help us. They did not come here to win the Revolutionary War for us!

UN Human Rights Council

Roanoke Times, 3/30/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: The UN scrubs an offensive body.
The RT Editor appears pleased that some changes have been made in the structure of the UN Human Rights Council.
However, he just can’t bring himself to give major credit to US Ambassador John Bolton. Remember him, the unpleasant guy who the Senate Democrats filibustered because he was "too gruff" to handle a sensitive job like our rep to the UN!
The Senate Dems. And The RT Editor were happy with Bill’s rep Madeline Albright who apparently was OK with countries like Libya, Iran, Iraq, and Sudan being not only on the council but to also be chairman of it.
Not mentioned in the article is coverage of Jimmy Malaise Carter’s speech in NY last week asking countries to vote against the US on major reform of this Council.
Has he drifted into dementia or what?
Prior item:

VT Tuition

Roanoke Times, 3/28/06, Pg 1 & 8: VT tuition to rise again. But the cost to send an in-state student to VT is still less than the state average.
Annual tuition and fees for an in-state undergraduate student have risen 90% since 2001.
This is a very sad story. And the fact that other schools are also in cost-control trouble is not comforting.
The run-away spending in the university systems are locking out many talented students and are condemning many more to very deep debt that will take many years to pay-off.
What’s very interesting is that there is a news black-out about the run-away spending within the systems and what steps are being taken to get these costs under control, if any.
Prior Items:

Cutting classes

Roanoke Times, 3/26/06, Pg A 8: Cutting classes so no child is left behind. Schools say they’ve had to jilt many courses to meet requirements.
The intense focus on the two basic skills (reading and math) is a major change with many schools that once offered rich curriculums now systematically trimming courses.
Just how rich were these curriculums if the students were not proficient in reading and math?
Perhaps a truly RICH curriculum is one that ensures students are first proficient in reading and math so that they will be empowered to learn other subjects both within and outside of the classroom.
For those students who become successful in the foundation of these skills by the fifth grade level, we should be able to put the richness back in middle school and high school programs. In the mean time let’s ensure that students can read their diplomas and calculate their own bowling scores and averages.
Prior Items:

More Good Bad News

Good News for the Country; Bad News for The RT Editor and his midterm election associates.
Extracted from AP Story:
Consumer Confidence Soars in March
Tuesday , March 28, 2006
Roanoke Times, 3/29/06, Pg Bus. 1: "Consumer confidence rebounds in March"; "Consumers feeling more optimistic"
Is that something like: Consumer Confidence Soars?
NEW YORK — Americans' optimism in the economy rebounded in March, sending a widely followed barometer of consumer sentiment to a near four-year high, a private research group said Tuesday.
The Conference Board said that its consumer index shot up 4.5 points to 107.2, the highest level since May 2002, when the reading was 110.3. Analysts had expected a reading of 102.
The latest measure was up from a revised 102.7 in February, which saw confidence fall 4.1 points from the previous month after enjoying a rebound that began in November following the Gulf Coast hurricanes.
"The improvement in consumers' assessment of present-day conditions is yet another sign that the economy gained steam in early 2006," Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center, said in a statement. "Consumer expectations, while improved, remain subdued and still suggest a cooling in activity in the latter half of this year."
The component of the consumer confidence index that assesses views of current economic conditions rose to 133.3 from 130.3. Another component, which measures consumers' outlook over the next six months, improved to 89.9 from 84.2 in February.
The Conference Board index is derived from responses received through March 21 to a survey mailed to 5,000 households in a consumer research panel. The figures released Tuesday include responses from at least 2,500 households.
The improved outlook is an encouraging sign for retailers, whose sales of spring fashions have been uneven amid cool temperatures. Economists closely track consumer confidence because consumer spending accounts for two thirds of all U.S. economic activity.

Hillary not a Walmart greeter anymore

Hillary has served on the Walmart board of directors and as recently as two years ago explained what a great experience that was.
The AFL-CIO has counseled Hillary that if she wants the unions support she better hang-up her Walmart (May I help you) gown and get with the Walmart-bashing Democrat chorus and labor organizing movement.
Sure is her own woman, isn’t she, not beholding to any special interest group?


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