The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Boating Safety on SML

Roanoke Times, 6/29/06, Pg Va 1 & 3: Promoting safety on the lake.
The graphic shows two high-speed boats running at considerable speed and clearly within 50 feet of each other.
Isn’t that a violation of current boating law?
Talk about the personification of arrogance!
Perhaps a better picture of these type boats at SML might be (click):
We need boaters who are responsible, reasonable and prudent at SML to share this wonderful resource with all creatures large and small.
Click for Prior Items:

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Campaign Contribution Limits

Roanoke Times, 6/28/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Money is the root of political evil. The US Supreme Court missed an opportunity to help the nation clean up the corrupting sewer of unlimited campaign cash.
Good slant. Lots of Republican bad-guy references.
The new bad guys on the Supreme Court struck down Howard Deans Vermont law limiting individual political contributions to $400.
Not mentioned in the editorial is that soon after Howard Dean got that law enacted he got Mr. George Soros to give $25,000,000 (that’s $25 million) to the Democrats to defeat Bush and elect John Swift-Boat Kerry.
When The RT Editor and his associates repudiates Mr. Soros’ obscene contribution then it will be time to address a comprehensive national cap on what persons and organizations may contribute.
In the mean time the Supreme Court has wrapped the first amendment around campaign contributions. You remember the first amendment, it’s the sheet, blanket, comforter, and sleeping bag The RT Editor and his associates wrap around themselves and their activities at every opportunity.
So much for fair and balanced!
Prior Item:

Flood Control?

Roanoke Times, 6/28/06, Pg 1: Rising Waters; Pg 6A: Flooded Victory Stadium from 7 inches of rain; Pg B7: Water over Mill Lane bridge.
Couldn’t find in any of these articles any mention of the $65 Million Roanoke River "flood control" project that The Editor of the Roanoke Times likes so much.
If only 7 inches of rain caused this amount of flooding just imagine what the 12 inches that fell on Wash. DC would have done.
Since no one has published what the "flood control" project objectives were we might conclude that it achieved its objectives and the $65 million was well spent! After all, the grass and the trees look really nice and the water will go away after awhile.
Prior Item:

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Flag Burning

Roanoke Times, 6/25/06, Pg H1: Editorial: Desecrating the spirit of liberty.
A long and convoluted article that describes the Boy Scout ceremony of properly burning tattered American flags and then relating that to protesters burning American flags.
First: let’s start with The Boy Scouts. What was The Editor doing at a Boy Scout function. He is in big-time support of the ACLU who is making major efforts to destroy the Boy Scouts! They have caused the Scouts to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars defending themselves against the ACLU. The ACLU wants to force the Scouts to accept openly homosexual men as scout leaders and also wants to force the Scouts to drop all references and pledges to God.
Click for prior items:
Second: How can any prudent person equate proper and honorable and dignified disposal of the American Flag to the disgusting spectacle of "protesters" burning and stomping upon the Flag? Talk about a disconnect in a logical argument!
The First Amendment protection of expression is indeed very important. So is the right to bear arms. However, they both need and deserve to be exercised within reasonable and prudent boundaries.
If the courts will not accept "willful and wanton desecration of the flag" as a valid problem (as they do for example with painting swastikas on synagogues and burning crosses on peoples front yards) then perhaps a Constitutional Amendment may be appropriate.

Connecting The Dots

Roanoke Times, 6/24/06,
Pg 1: Administration defends tapping financial data. The program allows US counterterrorism analysts to follow the flow of money around the world.
Pg Va 7: Editorial: Bush, again, tests the limits of his power. A financial tracking program pries into the private transactions of thousands. Oversight is needed to protect Americans from abuse.
The Editor and his associates weren’t at all concerned about information abuse when within the first month in office Bill, Hillary and Al had in the White House over 100 FBI data files on notable political Republicans. No cause for concern about abuse there!
After listening to months of harangue about "CONNECTING THE DOTS" by the 911 Committee and the media, the real question is why wasn’t the Clinton administration doing this way before 9/11? They certainly knew we were under attack and had lost people and assets including the first World Trade Center bombing.
After all, they were in office 96 months, George W. was in office 8 months and he kept on-board all the key FBI and CIA chiefs to ensure continuity.
Sometimes one might wonder if some of the left-wing folks are hoping that there is another terrorist attack on the US so that that can do the "I told you so" routine they’re so good at!
Click for prior items:
ps: Hope the Feds didn’t use wiretaps or eavesdropping or monitoring of emails or monitoring of money transactions to "connect the dots" that led to the seven guys in Florida that apparently had big plans for the Sears Tower. Using any of those tools might have violated their right to be terrorists.
The Clinton (Jamie The Wall Goerlick ) approach would have been to wait for the blast and then call-in CSI forensics. What a team!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


The Sound of Silence

The Roanoke Times and all the left-wing media I have observed are certainly not focusing on our two soldiers that our animalistic-enemy killed this week.
Don’t want folks to focus on the type of animals that have declared war upon us.
Instead let’s focus on GITMO and how bad we’re treating captured enemy.
As a memory jogger, perhaps once a week the media folks should go back and view how these animals treated journalist Daniel Pearl.
(takes a minute to load this very graphic violent video)
Prior Items:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


A star is made

Roanoke Times, 6/16/06, Pg 2A: Rather tenure may be ending.
Anderson Cooper, CNN’s new super-star.
CNN has spent millions to advertise and promote Anderson Cooper. This includes newspapers, magazines and TV ads over many months.
What makes this person so special? What has he accomplished? How has he helped America and the world? If he's so great, why don't I already know him?
Hello -- Now I find out that he’s Gloria Vanderbilt’s kid!
Of course he’s important and creditable and believable and has made major contributions to our society and our county and our world.
He was born a Vanderbilt – isn’t that enough already!
You want he should have done more?
When he tells you the CNN view of the news you can believe him because he’s certified to be credible by CNN management. Who can argue with that?
So much for fair, balanced and professional!

Still Stuck on Stupid in New Orleans

Roanoke Times, 6/20/06, Pg A3: Louisiana Governor orders Guard to police patrol New Orleans due to an incident in which six people were shot and killed.
Gov. Bonko and Mayor Nogin are still stuck on stupid!
Calling out the Guard to patrol New Orleans for a gang-drug-hit is ridiculous.
Except for disaster emergencies, troops should not be used as police. Their training, background and equipment are not compatible with police-work as was well demonstrated back at Kent State.
Why don’t they just use the hundreds of cops that went AWOL during Katrina?
That should solve their problems.
What a sad sack of losers, and now they are in charge of spending hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money on "Reconstruction".
They’ll probably put Congressman Jefferson in charge. With $90,000 of bribe money in his home freezer he clearly qualifies for a big New Orleans leadership job doling out taxpayer money.
Prior Items:

Monday, June 19, 2006



Roanoke Times, 6/17/06, Pg Va 9, Editorials: No-knock ban takes a severe blow. A more conservative Supreme Court has undermined an important protection against illegal police searches.
What am I missing? Knock or no-knock, if police have a valid warrant they’re coming in! How does not-knocking result in illegal police searches?
Why is it so difficult to follow The Roanoke Times editorial logical arguments?
It appears that the primary issue with not-knocking and not-announcing as they break-down the door is the fear that an innocent startled homeowner might engage the police with force as they enter. Situations like this do happen and very serious consequences often result.
Our real "protection", if any, is the judgement of the judges that sign warrants. Unfortunately the judges and the police are usually totally immune to any actions if they are negligent or worse.
Prior Item:

Will the Chickens come home to roost?

Roanoke Times, 6/19/06, Pg A7: North Korea ready for long range nuclear-capable missile launch that may be able to reach US west-coast.
So, it’s possible that fairly soon, all the Love-Clinton, hate-Bush California "artists" may be at ground-zero for North Korea’s first nuke bomb that was developed during Clinton’s wonderful tour in the oval office.
It probably was hard for him to concentrate on North Korea nuclear weapons development at that time because of all the other important oval office distractions.
Should the North Korean Wacko launch one -- perhaps Babs could sing a protest song while Sheen could acts like he’s in the West-wing and Michael Moore could film the bright flash for Fahrenheit 10,000.
This may even be an appropriate time for the west-coast "peace" activists and "artists" to hold a rally to protest US anti-missile development.
When I was a nuclear-missile army officer our motto was: "those who beat their swords into plows – will plow for those who didn’t"! Still valid!
Prior Items:
So, how's the Democrat Alternative working out for the west-coast "artists" and "peace" folks?
Click for their plan (90% political, 10% missile); all the 'big' Democrat names are here:

Sunday, June 18, 2006


No to Cut&Run Democrats

Roanoke Times, 6/17/06, Pg 1: House won’t set timetable for troops. Vote was 256 to 153 to support President Bush’s position.
The cut&runners are still loosing, and this after four years of intense hammering away at the American people by the left-wing media and politicians.
As part of the debate, Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy cut&run Pelosi called the war a "grotesque mistake". Why doesn’t she just announce that she is now the Al Qaida representative in the US Congress?
In addition to the House vote, the Senate voted 93 to 3 to reject a motion to cut&run by years-end.
What to do? What to do? How much more anti-Bush heifer-dust will the left-wingers dish out. After all this is a mid-term election year! Apparently having Mr. Webb run for Senate in Virginia is part of a manure-spreader strategy by Chuck (shoot Bush in the head) Schumer.
Click to revisit:
Hello – we had the Murtha pullout vote last week (11/05)!
The Result was: 403 to 3!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Tall, blond, nasty

Roanoke Times, 6/14/06, Pg Va 9: Commentary by L. Pitts, a frequent guest of the Roanoke Times.
Haven’t seen Mr. Pitts call any of the nasty left-wingers "nasty". But this is different! This is right-winger Ann Coulter who needs to be put in her place.
How dare she slam left-wing ideology and the folks who peddle it.
Of particular note by Mr. Pitts is Ms. Coulter’s attack on "The Jersey Girls" who have made themselves spokespersons for a left-wing view of 911 and follow-on actions pursuant to 911.
Mr. Pitts would like Ms. Sheehan and The Jersey Girls to be un-tethered spokespersons for themselves and their associates while enjoying immunity from challenge because they suffered personal loss.
Kind-of reminds one of the terrorists who hole-up in homes occupied by innocent families hoping they will be immune from attack.
Didn’t see any articles by Mr. Pitts relative to the AP Story: 6/2/06:,3566,197935,00.html
"NY Dem. Sen. Schumer is the man who would put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it."
This said by NY State Comptroller Democrat Alan Hevesi, long term prior professor of government and politics at Queens College, who made this statement while participating in the commencement address at Queens College!
How could Mr. Pitts have missed this, it happened in his back yard?
Apparently this didn’t meet his criteria for "nasty".
So much for fair and balanced!
Click for: Shoot the President to see nasty:

New Direction for Democrats

USA Today, 6/14/06, Pg 4A: Nancy Pelosi outlines "new" theme for Democratic plan.
Apparently the "new" theme is to trash-can long-time and loyal Democrats like Harris Miller in favor of James Webb a recent Republican and George Allen supporter.
Webb had big-time support from Chuck (shoot the President in the head) Schumer, and John (swift-boat) Kerry.
Didn’t know they were residents of or representative of Virginia residents!
Apparently they though Virginians needed their help in deciding for whom to vote!
Mr. Webb should fit in well with John Murtha and Jim Moran –
Click for their claim to fame:

Monday, June 12, 2006



Roanoke Times, 6/6/2006, Pg Va 1, 5: Health officials assess AIDS.
Plus: Two two-hour PBS TV documentary films on AIDS.
Unfortunately the Roanoke Times article and the PBS shows continue their refusal to address the most significant HIV+AIDS issue.
The public health systems that are designed to control all other sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) are not being utilized and HIV+AIDS has still (after 25 years of countless persons getting sick and dying) not be defined as a STD.
The government refusal to implement the full processes and procedures of the public health systems for highly contagious diseases is the grossest example of malfeasance in our country’s history.
Click for Ongoing Items:

Stench of Despair

Roanoke Times, 6/12/06, Pg 1: Guantanamo Bay prison clouded by ‘stench of despair’
No that’s not it! The ‘stench of despair’ is clearly coming from those who want the US to fail in the war against terrorists.
This includes both foreign and domestic entities.
Perhaps the Roanoke Times could invite Senator McCain to Roanoke to have him explain to the Roanoke Times staff what bad prison conditions really are.
Most of our enemies at Gitmo are living in a better and healthier environment than at any time in their life.
These folks mean us harm and given the means and opportunity they would gladly cut the heads off all us folks they can get their hands on.

Tabloid Junk

Roanoke Times: June 5, 2006, Pg 1 & 4: The final shoot
June 4, 2006, Pg 1, & 8: Fantasy too far: with large graphic of young woman in bondage
The Roanoke Times certainly destroyed any semblance of being a family and serious newspaper with this front page coverage of a photographer and a deceased young woman.
All this tabloid junk and there hasn’t even been a trial yet. Why wait. This is too good to wait for the facts and maybe we can start selling more papers at the grocery checkout counters.
Who is making these really bad publishing decisions?

Thursday, June 08, 2006



A really bad guy (Zarqawi) is gone. Unfortunately history shows us that bad people are able to clone themselves more easily than good people.
Biblically speaking: Christ was celibate but apparently Judas was promiscuous.
U.S., Iraqi intelligence officials tracked spiritual adviser to ‘Al Qaeda in Iraq leader’ to safe house after tip.
Very Interesting: I thought Jesse Jackson (Clinton’s spiritual adviser) was the only spiritual adviser around!
Perhaps Hillary could have tracked Jesse to find out where Bill and Monica were hanging-out.
Post-thought: how many dead women and children will the Sunni’s claim were in the not-so-safe house and when will the left-wing media demand an investigation to determine why Zarqawi wasn’t asked to come-out side to get hit!

Low-budget Border Security

Stop talking
Stop bickering
Stop the politics
Stop the procrastination
Click for the Low-Budget Border Security that really works 24/7!
Prior Items:

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Mr. Tommy Denton

Roanoke Times, 6/3/06, Pg. Va 2: Roanoke Times editorial page editor to step down; he will continue to write a weekly column.
I have not personally met Mr. Denton, however, it is clear from his work that he is a very good person who loves our country and wants it to be the best it can be for our children and grandchildren.
The article described some of his distinguished background and accomplishments. It did not indicate at what point in his life his GPS malfunctioned and he took a misguided left-turn.
Had he moved safety forward, always keeping on or to the right of the centerline, I probably would not have been motivated to write this blog.
I wish him well in his future endeavors and look forward to his weekly columns.
Best Wishes, Lars Hagen

Friday, June 02, 2006


Low Flow

Roanoke Times, 6/2/06, Pg Sports 6: Low-flows could hurt paddlers. Pig River Ramble. Black Water flowing at approx. 38 cubic-feet per second.
That’s about 300 gallons/second, and this is one of the two major sources of water for SML!
How interesting that the issue of low-flow in Franklin County would surface in the Roanoke Times in an article that is focused on recreational stream boating.
At the FERC-AEP re-license hearing in Gretna, 1/27/05, the issue that SML is a very low-flow lake was presented and discussed: CLICK for graphic:
The data shows that for seven (7) consecutive years, if there were no release or pump-back from SML dam, the lake would rise less than a foot a month during the summer months.
Since most of the lake is composed of coves with no significant water source their low-flow situation is restricted to run-off which is not a solution but is a major part of the water quality risk.
Because the lake has 20,000 surface acres, folks seem unable to comprehend the low-flow aspect of the lake and the corresponding risk for major water quality problems as has occurred in other low-flow lakes.
This week some residents, visitors and particularly Realtors were griping about the reduced lake levels.
The basic facts are:
1. SML is a power dam built by AEP to produce clean renewable energy for peak-power demand requirements.
2. Down-stream users of the Roanoke/Stanton River water expect a minimum amount of water to be released down-stream by the SML-system.
3. SML residents and recreational users and Realtors are not a top priority in water management!
Perhaps we should all gather together and give thanks that we are not on Lake Hartwell, NC, where several years ago the Corps of Engineers dropped that lake twenty-nine (29) feet.
Something about a glass being half-empty or half-full.

NY Democrat: Shoot Pres. Bush between the eyes

Not covered in the 6/2/06 Roanoke Times? Why wasn’t this the front-page headline?
AP Story: 6/2/06:,3566,197935,00.html
"NY Dem. Sen. Schumer is the man who would put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it."
The nasty, vicious, vile Democrat who said this is not a half-drunk, low-life talking through his beer at a local gin-mill.
No, this is NY State Comptroller Democrat Alan Hevesi, long term prior professor of government and politics at Queens College, who made this statement while participating in the commencement address at Queens College!
Threatening the President is a Federal crime. Hopefully the Secret Service will be taking this nasty jerk into custody, interrogate him, and put him on a terrorist watch list.
Is this the kind of people we have teaching our next generation? Parents are paying $30,000 per year to expose their children to this type of foul people!
No wonder Ms. Rice and Sen. Cain were treated the way they were as commencement speaker’s two weeks ago.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Jimmy and the Bin Ladens

Not seen in The Roanoke Times
Michael Moore and friends have used a 2001 WSJ article to allege that Pres. Bush had financial ties to the Bin Laden family.
In reading the globalresearch excerpts of the WSJ the key line is:
"There is no indication President George W. Bush has met any of the bin Ladens"
However – clearly stated is the following:
Former President Carter met with 10 of Osama's brothers early in 2000 on a fund-raising trip for the Carter Center in Atlanta. According to John Hardman, executive director of the center, the brothers told Mr. Carter that Osama was completely removed from the family. After Mr. Carter and his wife followed up with breakfast with Bakr bin Laden in New York in September 2000, the bin Laden family gave $200,000 to the center. "We don't have any reason to think there's a connection" between Osama and the rest of the family, Mr. Hardman says.
by Daniel Golden, James Bandler and Marcus Walker
Wall Street Journal, 27 September 2001
So, Jimmy Malaise Carter met (10) TEN of the Bin Ladens and got $200,000 from the Bin Ladens for his personal library!
Didn’t see that headline in the Roanoke Times!
That wasn’t in Farenheight 911 was it?
So much for fair and balanced.


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