The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Kyoto Truth?
Roanoke Times, 10/31/06, Pg A4: (AP) British report warns of global warming calamity. "President Bush kept the US out of the Kyoto treaty".
This was appropriately published on "trick or treat" day.
At what point does mis&disinformation become outright lies?
Perhaps this occurs when one continuously repeats an item they know to be false.
Such a case is the media repeating over and over that Pres. Bush is the culprit and bad guy for the US not accepting the Kyoto Treaty.
This has now clearly crossed over the line and become a lie!
Bill Clinton brought back the Kyoto Treaty. The US Senate refused to ratify the treaty on a 99 to 0 vote.-
Bill, Hillary and Al were not able to get a single (not 1) Democrat Senator to vote yes to ratify this treaty. At that time Pres. Bush was Governor of Texas.-
Apparently the left-wing media believes that if this lie is repeated over and over that the public will accept it as truth.
It’s all part of their journalism course: Rewriting History 101.
Prior Items:
Monday, October 30, 2006
This Land's Not Your Land
Roanoke Times, 10/29/06, Pg 1, full pgs 10 & 11; 10/30/06, Pg 1, full pgs 4 & 5:
Extensive articles promoting the Appalachian Trail.
Woody Guthrie, the 1930's socialist singer songwriter would be proud of the Roanoke Times. Private property be damned, this land isn’t your land; this land belongs to whomever we can elect into the judicial and legislative seats of power to take your land.
The article’s main focus is that The Trail is "threatened" by encroachment of view-shed and sound-shed issues and that we-all need to help guard against these bad things.
What folks don’t seem to realize about The Trial and the Greenways is that these are public takings of not only the land they’re on but also the "curb-cuts" across them and everything within sight and hearing.
The "guardians" of these right-of-ways go to court to condemn and take additional property and tear-down existing structures and prevent new structures within sight and hearing and prevent property owners from crossing (curb-cuts).
Not even utilities come anywhere close to the kind of confiscation of private property, as do these entities and their friends.
And who are the users of these entities? Are they really "the public"?
How are they paying for all these tax-free entities?
How are they off-setting all the lost tax revenues of private property?
Who is policing these entities for safety and sanitation and who is paying for that?
And why are the courts participating in this violation of constitutional property rights?
At what point do facilities for the "public" become benefits for a very selected few and vehicles for a social agenda at the expense of others? This isn’t free!-
Click for an example of NPS (Appalachian Trail) abusing the Graymoor Friars with intimidation to take and control a major part of their monastery in NY!
This has to be true! You can't make up stuff like this!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Entitlements Spending Disaster
Roanoke Times, 10/29/06, Pg 1 & 8: Economic disaster ahead; large headline, large article, large picture and chart. Nation is heading toward an economic train wreck.
The Roanoke Times has been unable to cover any good news about the economy this election year. But now, 10 days before the election, they have found an economy story they like.
The entitlement spending commitments made by our government (over the last 25 years) will result in massive costs when we have only two (2) persons working for every one (1) person on social security and Medicare.
When Pres. Bush was trying to get Congress to address this issue last year the editors of the Roanoke Times and their left-wing friends in the media and Congress ridiculed and stonewalled any effort to make progress on this issue.
Since these are the very folks who want to make major increases to entitlements, one might wonder how electing more of their like-minded friends is going to help solve this situation.
Some prior blog items relative to the Roanoke Times economic news slant:
Friday, October 27, 2006
A Marine's Final Rest
Roanoke Times, 10/27/06, Pg 1: An outstanding article by Beth Jones of the RT covering the Bedford services for Marine Lt. Joshua Booth.
The military service and procession and burial were conducted with grace and dignity befitting a fallen hero in this war that has been thrust upon us.
The community of the greater Bedford area responded to and participated in this solemn occasion in a way befitting the home of the D-day Memorial.
Lt. Booth’s selection of Bedford in lieu of Arlington as a final resting-place was a very appropriate choice.
Prior Related Items:
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Marriage = 1 M + 1 FM
Roanoke Times, 10/26/06, Pg 1 & Va 10: NJ Court (vote: 4 to 3) says homosexual couples should be able to have legal union and full rights.
After weeks of articles in the RT advising us that the Virginia Marriage Amendment is unnecessary, this happens, and only two weeks before the election!
Once again it should be clear to all that "activist" judges are imposing their views on us without regard to law, precedent or public values.
It is unfortunate that "The inconvenient truth" is that because we have these "activist" judges we do need to have very specific language in the state constitutions to clearly define this issue.
Monday, October 23, 2006
CNN - The American Al Jazeera
CNN has aired footage they got from their Iraqi-terrorists-friends (our enemies) showing video of American soldiers being shot by snipers.
CNN is very proud of this accomplishment and bragged that their editorial board discussed and agreed to release of this material because it is in the public interest.
Just how sick and depraved are these people?
Apparently this fits nicely into the pattern following Chuck Schumer’s and John Kerry’s public statements about shooting our President and the "Entertainment" industry showing an explicit movie about assassinating our President.
It’s difficult to comprehend what has become of not only civil discourse but more basically civility amongst the Bush-haters in our society.
Obama who, for what?
Roanoke Times, 10/23/06, Pg A5: Barack Obama says he’s weighing a presidential bid.
This glowing RT article is in addition to lots of TV guest appearances at the major media functions like Meet the Press.
Here’s a thought. Perhaps he should be weighing achieving some accomplishments on some major projects.
This guy has far less experience than Dan Quayle when he ran for Vice President, and we all remember how the Democrats and their media friends reacted to that occasion.
So, other than being a nice guy and making a speech to the party faithful, what are his qualifications?
Wrong Headline Again
Roanoke Times, 10/23/06, Pg A5a: Lamont questions Lieberman’s finances.
Buried in the fine print: Lamont trails Lieberman by 17 points for Senator from Conn.
Talk about a disconnect! Here we have Deaniac-Lamont, the rabid anti-war hero of the left-wing media and Democrats, in a very blue state, 17 points behind a Democrat who voted for the war and continues to insist that Victory is the only option!
What’s wrong with this picture?
Let’s hide this news in fine print. We don’t want to even try to explain this! We’ve been broadcasting that not even the Republican candidates are backing Victory in Iraq. How are our pollsters going to fix this?
Prior Items:
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Happy Birthday - FOX
Roanoke Times, 10/22/06, Pg Horiz 1, 4: Fox got it right. By Bryan Anderson, senior editor of City Journal. It’s FOX’s 10th year on TV. Launched as a refuge for viewers fed up with real or perceived liberal bias in the media. What really frustrates liberals about Fox is that it has helped shatter the left’s near-monopoly on news and information.
Kudo’s to the RT for including this very comprehensive summary of FOX history.
Mr. Anderson’s article says it all!,0,2195035.story?coll=la-opinion-center-
Prior blog items:
Scandalous Voting
Roanoke Times, 10/22/06, Pg Horiz 2: Editorial: A scandalous lesson on voting rights. An intimidating letter to Latinos should serve as a warning. The letter says: you are advised that if your residence in the country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime thast could result in jail time. Illegal immigrants of course, do not have voting rights and could indeed be deported or jailed if they vote.
And the scandalous lesson is? Apparently it’s that there are folks in this country who are getting fed-up with having their votes cancelled by others who are not legal voters.-
The liberal media still will not address the recent example of massive voting irregularities in the last Washington State Governors election.
We need a clear and crisp voter ID card to protect one of the most important elements of our Democracy. To allow non-legal voters to disenfranchise the votes of proper and legal citizen voters is unacceptable.
It’s very disturbing that the left-wing media (the self-proscribed keepers of some of the Bill of Rights) would support and defend massive voter fraud. The only logical reason would be that they view that most of the fraud favors their favorite candidates.
Click for Pres. Teddy Roosevelt’s definition of what it means to be an American and the responsibilities and obligations of American-immigrants:
Prior Items:
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Vote for What Change?
Roanoke Times, 10/21/06, Pg Va 7: Editorial: A bipartisan case for ethics reform. As their Senate leader demonstrates, Democrats are hardly incorruptible. Both Sides clearly need to clean up their acts.
The RT Editor finally gets around to pointing out a few of the current Democrat ethics issues, but then comes the "bait and switch" bottom line: "If anything is going to change in Washington, voters will have to make a change first".
Right! Like vote 15 Democrats into the Senate so that Harry Reid will be THE Leader of the US Senate.
What are some of Reid’s ethics issues:
* Doesn’t return Abramohf contributions
* Loves free $500 ring side seats at Vegas sports events in homestate
* Reaps $1.1 Million on secret land deal with Vegas buddy
* Gives folks he likes cash gifts from campaign funds
On the house side there’s also lots of Democrat issues to go around including:
* Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) role in a conspiracy and bribery scheme as well as for misusing federal resources in the wake of hurricane Katrina.
* Alan Mollohan, the top Democrat on the House ethics committee stepping down due to an ethics investigation involving large personal financial growth!
So, let’s elect as many Democrats to the House as possible so that Pelosi’s team can show us how to run a clean house. Why do we need an election for Nancy to use her broom?
In the voting booth we need to vote for the best possible people who are running. We also need to be very aware that our "freshman" candidate will play a very small role in leadership. The adverse consequences of our vote may be that there is already a power structure in place ready to take over that we may or may not like or want.
Will Reid and Pelosi be an improvement or a distraction to our bipartisan national well being?
All change is not progress and all movement is not forward.-
Some prior blog items on this subject:
Friday, October 20, 2006
Discounting the Dow 12,000
Roanoke Times, 10/20/06, Pg Bus 10: Milestone for the Dow a mixed bag. The significance of the record is more psychological than financial.
Yes indeed, there’s a big election coming up and Howard Dean and his media friends want to make sure we don’t think that a Dow of 12,000 is important or a sign of a healthy Bush economy.
Folks might look at their IRA’s or their 401’s or other investments and think that things are much better than the media has been acknowledging. How should we minimize and discount this financial milestone. Let’s show a graph of the time-value of money. When we start the graph is key to showing the story we want to tell. Cool! Howard will be so happy.
We certainly don’t want to start this graph the date we used to graph the Dow (1972). And we certainly don’t want to introduce the FED time-value-of-money calculator that anyone can use to compare past and present costs: CLICK
For example: The Dow graph shows 1800 in 1972. So if I owned $1,800 of average Dow stocks in 1972 that investment would be equivalent to $8,720 in today’s money. But the Dow market value is $12,000 or 50% more. Is that a mixed bag or is that a good bag?
We certainly won’t focus on the Clinton recession’s impact on the economy and the subsequent economic trauma of 9/11. You’ll have to CLICK for that picture:
We’ve done such a good job of hiding the good news of this economy for so long that we sure don’t want to blow this now: You’ll have to CLICK to see the media hide-and-seek we’ve been doing so well for so long (aren’t we good!):
Notice that we haven’t shown this kind of graph for the price of gasoline! No indeed; it’s important for the upcoming election to emphasize how horribly expensive gas is and it’s devastating impact on plain folks.
For example: In 1974 I paid 55 cents for gas during federal price controls (intended to keep the price down!). That’s equivalent to $2.26 today.
So how is it that today’s gas is SO expensive? Let’s not show that graph!
And let’s not talk about European gas at $6 a gallon either.
Don’t you just love the fair and balanced "news" we’re getting!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Let's Play Hide the New Leaders
As the election approaches, the liberal media and the Democratic Party have apparently put a news-blackout on the Democrat leaders in the House and Senate.
Apparently we’re not supposed to focus on who will be in-charge of Congress after we have voted into office the nice likeable Democrat candidates for House and Senate.
Where is:
Nancy Polosi
John Murtha
Howard Reid
Chuck Schumer
And the brain-trust behind these folks are also in hibernation:
Howard Dean
Michael Moore
Maxine Walters
Al Twana Sharpton
This isn’t a bait-and-switch game is it?-
After we vote for the nice Democrat in our district, all of a sudden we wakeup and find these old-folks are the ones in charge of our government, not the new freshman we voted for!
Talk about converting a dream into a nightmare!-
Remember: Change is not always progress!-
Monday, October 16, 2006
John 15:13
Kudo’s to The Roanoke Times for highlighting this story.
Roanoke Times, 10/14/06, Pg 1: Navy SEAL, Michael A. Monsoor, shielded his team with his own body when Iraqi insurgents attacked a sniper post with a grenade 9/29/06 in Ramadi.
John 15:13:A man has no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends-
President JFK lamented to the 5th Corps troops assembled at the Fliegerhorst Kasserne in Hanau Germany on his way to Berlin in 1963:
God and the soldier we adore
In times of danger, not before
The danger passed and all wrongs righted
Gods forgotten and the soldier slighted
In Remberance:
Click for "Some Gave All" -- sound ON
Please Click to view a unique graphic (you are welcome to save a copy)
Use browser BACK button to return here.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Wilma and Katrina
Roanoke Times, 10/15/06, Pg Trvl 1: Cancun bounces back a year after Hurricane Wilma.
Hurricane Wilma hit Cancun as a Cat. 5, 10/21/5005; the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record. The $1.5 Billion reconstruction has been a Herculean success and the beaches and most resorts have not only been restored but are bigger and better than before.
Katrina was a Cat. 3 when it hit east of New Orleans.
New Orleans is in Louisiana USA. Cancun is in Mexico isn’t it?
What’s wrong with this picture?
Apparently they don’t have Gov. Bonco and Mayor Nogin in charge of recovery down there.
Good for them! Too bad for us!
Prior Items:
Question Answered
Not found in Roanoke Times (and not likely to ever be there)
My blog item on the big hype and expensive advertising promotion of Katie Couric moving to CBS news asked the question: "why is CBS spending all this money to hype a news-reader"?
So, Now we know!
A Philly newspaper article has quoted CNN's president Jon Klein as saying that Couric is 'the sexiest of the news anchors. The shoulders don't hurt, and the legs have to be considered.'",3566,220488,00.html-
So now we know what CBS and CNN chief executives are looking for in a news-reader! Apparently they also share Bill’s taste for chubby-chicks!
Have they not heard that Clinton signed a law relating to "sexual harassment in the workplace"? Apparently not!
How about all the other female "news-readers"? What’s their view of this"?
How about Ms Z. at the Roanoke Times? How would CNN’s president rate her shoulders and legs?
Not to worry – no harm done -- we all saw how quickly Hillary forgave Webb for his written remarks, when he was Secretary of the Navy, that women at the service academies were there just for the sex.
Whining that there's a second view
Roanoke Times, 10/15/06, Pg Horiz 1: Talk radio leads the GOP cheers
The Editors of the Roanoke Times lamenting that right-wing talk-radio shows are successful while left-wing talk-radio shows are not and how bad this is for us.
Hello: the lefties have working diligently on their behalf: The Roanoke Times, The NY Times, Washington Post, AARP Magazine, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CNBC including these station’s so called news-readers and sitcom folks and talk-show hosts not to mention the Hollywood group.
And after all this coverage the lefties are upset that FOX and right-wing talk-shows are on the air.
Not since Pravda has one political group had so much control of public exposure and therefore public opinion as has the US left-wing media.
This blog contains over 600 blog items most of which spell out in detail the left-wing slant in the Roanoke Times and their associates including their refusal to cover the story at all, or the fair and balanced opposing views on many economic, political, social, religious and war issues.
Their coverage during the runup to this election is biased to the extent that they clearly should acknowledge being a media arm of Dean’s DNC committee.
Dis&MisInformation programs work! That’s why it’s done! That’s why they’re doing it!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Left-wing Jettisons Yet Another Gay
Found on AP, 10/13/06
The Democrats and the left-wing media are continuing to sacrifice their pro-Gay-cause on the altar of "get elected at any cost".
They now have initiated an investigation of the only openly Gay Republican Congressman, Jim Kolbe of Arizona.
He purportedly took a group of folks, including some male Pages, on a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon in 1996.
The desperation of the left-wing people is amazing. Every article they write, every TV show sound byte they broadcast is telling the public that we can’t trust Gays with our young sons and grandsons.
The left-wing hypocrisy is there for all to see relative to their announced support of Gay causes and their embrace of sex with a male-Page by Democrat Congressman Gerry Studds of Mass.
Prior Items:
Dem. US Sen. Reid Under $1.1 Million Investigation
Not found in the Roanoke Times
USA Today, 10/12/06, Pg 5A: Reid received $1.1 Million for land he hadn’t owned for three years.
Land transfer and profits and his financial connection to a "friends" business not disclosed as required by Senate ethics rules.
In addition to the ethics issues involved, the legality of this deal is not yet known because it was well hidden from scrutiny.
After pointing fingers at others, and not returning Abramoff contributions, one would think that the Chief Democrat in the US Senate would know the ethics rules and follow them to the letter! Apparently not
The Editors of the Roanoke Times certainly don’t want to cover this story within several weeks of the election that may make Reid THE US Senate leader.
So much for fair and balanced.
Prior Reid Item:
Hiding More Good-Bad News
Not Found in the Roanoke Times
USA Today, 10/12/06, Pg 4A: GOP promotes news of lower budget deficit.
Bush promised to cut budget deficit in half by 2009.
It’s been cut in half NOW! The tax cuts are working!
The deficit is now under 2% of GDP, lower than it’s been in 19 of the last 25 years!
Big good front page news right? Not! Clearly the Editors at the Roanoke Times will not print this. This was going to be a big campaign issue and the election is only weeks away.
Prior Good-Bad News Items:
Friday, October 13, 2006
Left-wing Jettisons the Gays
Roanoke Times multiple articles per day on the Foley/page story including:
10/13/06, Pg A3: Aide insists House was told about Foley, pages.
The Roanoke Times Editors, the Democrats and the left-wing media have decided to sacrifice their pro-Gay-cause on the altar of "get elected at any cost".
Every article they write, every TV show sound byte they broadcast is telling the public that we can’t trust Gays with our young sons.
They even refuse to disclose that in this case the boy was over the age of consent (16 in Wash. DC) and therefore if Foley were trying to seduce this youngster, pedophilia is not the issue. Sexual harassment might be the issue.
This is a major disconnect when one reflects on the massive left-wing attacks upon the Boy Scouts, including federal law suits by the ACLU because the Scouts reject openly gay men from being Scout Leaders.
Will be very interesting to see how this plays out. Perhaps there will be a major increase in the Log Cabin Republican Clubs and maybe the Gays will learn what many others have learned: You just can’t trust the Democrats.
Prior Items:
Yet More Gross Bias and Slant
Roanoke Times, 10/13/06, Pg A 3: Democrats say seniors will pay more under plan (that’s the Medicare Part D drug plan for seniors)
The Editors of the Roanoke Times just cannot present this subject in a fair and balanced way! How pathetic!
This "news" article quotes a Democrat Congressman who "thinks" that the monthly premium will increase from $24 to $29 in the future. This is news?
1. When seniors signed up for this program they were told that the premiums would be $37/month. This year they actually are $24/month, a 35% reduction from what was projected.
2. Also, the enrolled seniors are saving an average of over $1100/year.
Prior Items:
The Blacksburg Brats
Roanoke Times, 10/13/06, Pg 1: Hokies outmuscled in BC Game
No – that’s not it! The Blacksburg Brats dishonored themselves and their team and their school with a miserable display of bad sportsmanship both on the field and on the sidelines. They did this at a major school, in a major city and on national TV!
And the $12 Million dollar man stood by looking like a deer in the headlights.
VT needs to make a major change in the attitudes of their players. Perhaps that means changing some players. With improved attitude will come improved behaviors.
Ball players need to learn sportsmanship, and that the rules of our society do apply to them (they are NOT exempt)!
Perhaps Pogo had the answer when he said: "We have met the enemy, and he is us"!
If the $12 Million dollar man can’t make this happen, then perhaps, the problem is he!
Prior Items:
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Hoping for Payback
Roanoke Times, 10/09/06, Pg 1: Costly new emissions standards have truckmakers eyeing a downturn in 2007. New emission standards add $7500 to the cost of a truck engine. Layoffs at Volvo Dublin Va. appear likely.
So, we, the general population, and the employees of the truck manufacturing industry, are hoping for payback that has not been defined or guaranteed.
Hoping reduced diesel emissions results in cleaner air
Hoping cleaner air results in less illness in the general population
Hoping less illness results in lower health costs
Hoping less health costs results in lower taxes and cost of living
Hoping for improved quality of life for more people
Hoping the cost of products we buy won’t go up too much
This is a lot of Hoping!
Hope it works out that way for my children and grandchild.
Gas money
USA Today, 10/2/06, Pg Money Sect B, Pg 1: How is $2.34/gal divided?
$1.50 --- Drilling, piping, transporting, marketing
0.45 --- Governments (TAXES)
0.24 --- Retail gas stations
0.15 --- Refineries
Want cheaper gas, under $2 / gal ==>> ELIMINATE TAXES!
Oh yea, that’s right, in one of Al Gores’ books he said he wants to add 50 cents to gas taxes!
Prior Items:
Still Stuck on Stupid in New Orleans
USA Today, 10/10/06, Pg 3A: Order still lacking in New Orleans schools. "The school system was broken before the storm, and certainly you can’t expect an instant fix" Governor Blanco said. The Times-Picayune said the: "all too familiar discipline problems reflective of the violent culture that infected city schools long before the flood".
And here I understood, after listening to the Roanoke Times and the major media, that all the problems in New Orleans were FEMA and George Bush’s fault!
Apparently Governor Bonco and Mayor Nogin have tolerated a dysfunctional school system for many years! So, let’s reelect them! After all, New Orleans should get what New Orleans deserves!
Perhaps Gov. Bonco and Mayor Nogin and their staffs should view the Morgan Freeman movie "Lean on Me" as a starting point for establishing action plans and procedures and processes to achieve a teaching-learning environment in every classroom every period of every day.
Some Prior New Orleans Items:
Let's Celebrate a Filthy Mouth
Roanoke Times, 10/11/06, Pg A 2: Barbra Streisand silences heckler after political sketch was inserted in show by telling him to: "shut the F up"!
The AP author and apparently the Roanoke Times Editors who ran this story were apparently pleased with Babs’ handling of this situation and her foul/filthy mouth outburst in a public forum
where people had paid a ‘BIG fee to hear her sing.
Babs’ ultra-left-wing political posture is well known, however, the concert was advertised as a "concert" and not a Deaniack political boondoggle.
Does the old slogan: "shut-up and sing" apply to this situation? Apparently yes!
Does the Roanoke Times think that this is the appropriate manner for a media star to behave in public? Apparently it is!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
North Korean Nukes
Roanoke Times,10/10/06, Pg Va 6: Editorial: Paralysis allowed a nuclear North Korea. Bush didn’t want to negotiate with a member of the "Axis of Evil" and the military was tied up in Iraq. The result was Sunday’s nuclear test.
(And it’s clearly George Bush’s fault)
The North Korean nuke issue started before 1994. (Before George Bush!).
The following link contains sites that are very comprehensive resources on this issue:
Bill Clinton and his kick-the-can down the road strategy had Bill Richardson (now Gov of New Mexico) and Jimmy malaise Carter negotiate One-on-One with North Korea to stop their nuke development.
Clinton gave them money, fuel and food for a "promise" to stop nuke development.,2933,220137,00.html-
The George Bush team discovered that the Koreans had cheated (imagine that!) and had made great progress during Clinton’s tour. Perhaps Clinton was the one who was "paralyzed" in the oval office!
George Bush has done exactly what all the multinational and UN lovers have demanded he do. Participate in 6-party talks with Korea and its neighbors. Without the "cowboy" go-it-alone saber rattling that the RT Editors and the Democrats and the other left-wing media found so disturbing during the last election.
The reason for 6-party negotiations is that this is NOT just a United States issue. This is a world issue and the most affected countries are within 1,000 miles of Korea. And guess what? It worked! China, South Korea and Japan are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore! They are actually getting serious about this bad neighbor. With one-on-one (bilateral) talks this test would be just another American issue as it was with Clinton.
Talk about paralysis: --- Clinton’s "paralysis" also continued while thousands of terrorists went through the Taliban training camps, the terrorists bombed the World Trade Center and our embassies and our ships and prepared for 9/11.
The Roanoke Times Editors are once again with Hillary. Folks who have a clue are with McCain who clearly stated today: This is yet another example of the Clinton failed policies.Or as Bill said on FOX last week: "I tried, I failed".
Please Click through the Prior Items:
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Fine-tuning HIV+AIDS
Roanoke Times, 10/8/06, Pg A3: Guidelines for HIV testing need fine-tuning. Routine HIV testing recommended by CDC. Doctors say it won’t be simple.
"But laws in NY and in at least two dozen other states require pretest counseling or have other rules that may make it hard for doctors to follow the CDC advise."
The media and our government are still unwilling to address the biggest American deadly pandemic since the 1918 Influenza pandemic.
Fine-tuning! We don’t fine-tune the spinach e.coli that has supposedly killed 3 people. We don’t fine-tune outbreaks of botulism, salmonella, anthrax, legionnaires disease, and we certainly don’t fine-tune other serious STD’s. We pursue these public health risks with vigor and sound tools, techniques and processes developed since the time of Typhoid Mary.
It’s also very sad that New York, one of the epicenters of this pandemic, would continue to block even modest efforts to confront this plague.
It has been very disturbing to see so many fine, young, talented and innocent people become deadly sick from an illness for which we have identified a "cause and effect" relationship. We have the Public Health System means to protect our people but apparently we do not have the will to do so.
Some Prior Blog Items:
CDC Testing Proposal:
Health Officials Assessment
NY Malfeasance from the start:
Friday, October 06, 2006
On the Brink
Roanoke Times, 10/6/06, Pg A 6: N. Korean nuclear test would reveal fact or fiction.
A long rambling AP article that is totally disconnected from reality and the awesome associated risks. It appears the author doesn’t comprehend the implications of nuclear weapons in North Korean hands nor does he understand that this country may well take massive preemptive military action to limit North Korean nuclear options and future development. Waiting to see a mushroom cloud over our people at home or abroad is not an acceptable option.
The author’s view is that our military is over committed and we cannot act. Hello! This is a county of 300 million people, we have one million in the military, we have 150,000 in combat. What is he thinking?
Based on this being in fine print back on Pg A6, it’s clear the Roanoke Times editors don’t get it either! Perhaps it’s because they now realize that Bill Clinton and his team’s appeasement of and pay-offs to North Korea were a disaster resulting in our current dilemma.
Prior Items:
Foley Gay Editorial
Roanoke Times, 10/6/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Stake out the gay scapegoat.
The editors’ making a vigorous assertion that congressional leaders did NOT keep Congressman Foley’s inappropriate emails to a male page "low-key" because they were concerned about being labeled "anti-gay". Also, a stern admonishment to all that "homosexuality and pedophilia do NOT go hand-in-hand".
The number of articles and stories about this subject this week is overwhelming. Particularly since the facts of who did what and when are certainly not clear.
However, there is some interesting early data that may apply that was not highlighted in the Roanoke Times editorial or "news":
* 16 is the age of consent in Washington, DC. Therefore, if Foley were trying to seduce this young-man – it certainly wouldn’t be classified as pedophilia.
* Since this young-man and Monica were both above the age of consent, why aren’t the media and Democrats claiming that this is also just a "private and personal issue between two consenting adults"?
* Since both Foley and Clinton would be considered to have "dominion" over a page/intern, any inappropriate contact should be cause for leadership intervention under the sexual-harassment laws that Clinton signed.
* It appears that the emails that were available to and reviewed by the leadership were not sexually explicit.
* It appears that the situation was discussed with the parents and they requested that Foley be directed to stop the communications and that no formal or public actions be taken.
* It appears that the family’s directions/requests were followed.
* It also appears that Foley restarted the communications after the young-man had left the page program.
* There have been numerous homosexual persons on the "cable talk-shows" indicating that they target "closet gays" who they view as hypocritical and that they have been "watching" Foley for a long time.
* But most interesting of all the data is the actions and results of the last public congressional-page scandal:
Massachusetts Congressman Studds had SEX (not emails) with a 17 year old male page.
* He did not resign.
* He was censured (a no penalty admonishment)
* At the conclusion of the censure vote all the Congressional Democrats in the House gave him a standing ovation.
* He went on to be reelected and eventually retired from Congress with a generous taxpayer financed retirement package.
* This has to be true – you can’t make stuff like this up! And yes, his name really was Studds!
Prior Item:
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Ted Nugent Rumor
Ted Nugent on Deer Hunting You gotta love Ted Nugent.
Ted Nugent Rumor "Story": Ted Nugent, a heavy metal guitar legend and devoted (bow) hunter, was being interviewed by a French journalist.
Eventually, the conversation turned to his love of outdoor pursuits. The journalist asked, "What do you think the last thought is in the head of a deer before you shoot it? Is it, "Are you my friend?" Or maybe "Are you the one who killed my brother?"
Nugent replied, "They aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they careabout is, What am I going to eat next? Who am I going to "do" next? And, CanI run fast enough to get away?
"They are very much like the French."-
Ted Nugent Web Site:
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Media Iraq-Bias Hits Home
Roanoke Times, 10/4/06, Pg 1: The convoy leader of a Rocky Mount based National Guard unit rebuts an ABC News report that he and other members of the 1173rd Transportation Company abandoned a civilian convoy.
The media mis&dis-information program designed to destroy the American will to conduct the war in Iraq has come to home-town USA.
The ABC story focuses on the trauma a civilian supply truck driver experienced during an enemy attack on his convoy that killed and wounded other civilian drivers. He made allegations that the National Guard unit abandoned him when fighting broke out.
The Rocky Mount Guard unit personnel describe a very different view of troops acting with valor and great initiative to save as many personnel as possible.
The ABC story of course totally ignored any input from the Guard troops that were there. Why get their views? This driver’s view is what we want to "sell" to the American people and to our enemies.
This was also an opportunity for the media to point-out that Halliburton performs a major combat-support role for our soldiers and that many of their employees endure great difficulty, wounds and death. Wouldn’t want to point that out – after all VP Chaney was once CEO of Halliburton!
Prior Items:
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Democrats: Sex OK; Email Not OK
Roanoke Times, 10/1/06, Pg A 18: GOP dodges Foley questions.
Pg A 18: NY lawmaker says he told Hastert of Foley accusation.
10/2/06, Pg 1: Hastert calls for Foley investigation.
Pg A 6: Democrat wants preliminary report soon
All this relative to Florida Republican Congressman Foley resigning after revelations that he sent inappropriate emails to a 16-year-old congressional male page.
It’s interesting that Republican Congressman Foley’s inappropriate emails to a 16 year old male page is a big deal to the Roanoke Times and the Congressional Democrats
while no mention was made about Massachusetts Congressman Studds who some years ago had sexual relations with a 17 year old male intern.
Democrat Studds, did not resign, stayed in Congress and was reelected to follow-on terms until he retired with a handsome tax-funded retirement package.,2933,217067,00.html-
Don’t you just love the fair and balanced reporting we’re getting!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Medicare Part D
Roanoke Times, 10/2/06, Pg Va 1: Joe Kennedy: Help is available on Medicare drug plans
A very good and comprehensive article on assistance available to enroll in the Medicare Drug Program.
Would have been a nice touch to highlight (or at least mention) that enrolled seniors are saving an average of $1100 per year!-
I realize it would be difficult to print anything positive about this program based on the Roanoke Times tirades against this program last fall and the current DNC election campaign strategy to discredit this program for political purposes.
However, it would have been nice to point out the savings for seniors since taxpayers will be footing a very large bill forever.
-"The average premium in 2006 for the basic Medicare drug benefit is about $24. Last year, premiums were estimated to be about $37 per month on average – a difference of 35 percent. Because of Part D, seniors are saving an average of over $1,100 a year."
Prior Items:
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Pres. Lincoln: "Stay the Course"
Roanoke Times: 10/1/06, Pg Horiz 1: The Key to understanding America by Paul Greenberg.
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in."
Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural address
Stay the Course. This after defeating General George McClellan in the election for his second term.
This after massive losses of troops including the slaughter at Antietam that resulted in 24,000 American casualties in one day ( 2,000 per hour for 12 hours).
FDR said "Stay the Course" after three long years when at Christmas 1944 the German Army counterattacked in Belgium at Bastogne and inflected 60,000 US casualties in three weeks.
According to the left-wing press and their friends, the correct answer to Pres. Lincoln and FDR’s call for "Stay the Course", is NO, their answer is to "Cut and Run".
This answer was a disaster when done in Somalia (Bill Clinton) and in Lebanon (Ronald Reagan). Our current enemies used these "retreats" as a sign of our weakness and that emboldened them to attack again and again and to declare World War upon us!
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