The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Pelosi Ethics Violation
USA Today, 1/29/07, Pg 1: Nancy The-Broom Pelosi and two other Democrats in violation of ethics law.
How could I have missed this in the Roanoke Times? It was there, wasn’t it?
Ah yes! The queen of clean and Emanuel and Bayh, all champions of clean government and fixers-uppers of the Washington Culture of Corruption are now caught up in failure to disclose their leadership roles in substantial family charity foundations.
We should be so pleased that we have elected these ethics reformers into leadership roles in Congress. We can all sleep better now, knowing that they’re there!
Prior Items the liberal media keeps tucked-under-the-covers (you don't see Dan R. of the RT writing full page editorials on any of this stuff!)
Still Stuck on Stupid in New Orleans
Roanoke Times, 1/30/07, Pg A 5: N.O. Mayor Nogin says racism impeding reconstruction of New Orleans.
The primary racial comment I have heard came from Mayor Nogin himself who publicly stated his intent to quickly make New Orleans Brown again -- (apparently those other than brown need not return)!
Instead of racism, perhaps the real impediment to rebuilding is stupidity and incompetence by Gov. Bonco and Mayor Nogin and their teams.
By now they should have sealed off the areas flooded with over three feet of water, cleared off all structures in those areas and taken steps to return them to what they formally were: “ wetlands”.
Then they should have enacted planning, zoning, and building codes for the remainder of the city to ensure future flooding of “three feet zones” would have minimal damage and minimal risk.
However, what Bonco and Nogin want are blank government checks to use to return that city to the sad and miserable conditions of 9th Ward living, massive crime rates, dysfunctional schools and cops who run instead of serve.
New Orleans had before Katrina exactly what they had voted for!
New Orleans handled their emergency totally consistent with who they had voted for!
New Orleans has now exactly what they just now voted for -- AGAIN!
When the people of New Orleans elect competent leaders who truly care about the people and the city then things will greatly improve.
N. Korean and Iranian Nukes No Joke
Roanoke Times, 1/29/07, Pg 4 A: Hillary and friends joke about evil and bad men.
On her presidential campaign trip through Iowa, Hillary and friends had a good laugh over the leaders of North Korea and Iran and her ability to “handle bad men”.
Handle bad men – she couldn’t even keep track of Bill in the oval office!
These men are supporters of terrorism against us, developers of nuclear weapons intended to be used against us and our friends, and clearly are not friends of womanhood.
The spectacle of Hillary and her girl-friends making light of these sworn enemies of our country and our people is indeed revealing.
Will Dem. Sen. Biden enter rehab, Man?
Covered In Some of The Media Venues:
Dem. Senator Joe (clean) Biden (newly announced candidate for president) is taking some heat for comments he made to the New York Observer, in which he said of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a rival for the nomination: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Apparently Joe thinks that other blacks who have entered national campaigns are not main-stream, not articulate, not bright and not clean and not-nice-looking!
When Republicans put foot-in-mouth the liberal media comes unglued with a nonstop torrent of repetition and repudiation. Just reflect on the Allen flap.
When a Democrat does the same thing – it’s just an understandable misstatement and we all just need to move-on. "Can't we all just get-along?"
Apparently many in the liberal media think that black voters probably didn’t notice this condescending statement and therefore it’s not important. Isn’t that patronizing in itself?
So much for fair and balanced.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Yet Another Dishonest Roanoke Times Slant
Roanoke Times,1/29/07, Pg 1: Climate report’s predictions are all wet, scientists say.
No, that’s not it! Yet again the RT can’t write an honest heading for this subject.
Relative to (within) this article, there are two groups of scientists. One group is planning to issue their report on Global Warming end of this week in Paris.
In a rush to preempt this report, another group has stated that they disagree with the first groups’ analysis and forecasts even though that report has not been published yet.
Clearly the RT and their friends at the AP are supporting the second group. This is typical for their brand of fair and balanced reporting.
Perhaps it would be appropriate to hear what “ALL” the scientific communities have to say about this very serious and far-reaching issue.
A professional and responsible news organization would do no less!
Prior Items:
Local-Cable too Local-Government Friendly
Roanoke Times, 1/29/07, Pg 1: New FCC cable rules anger local governments.
New FCC rules are aimed at letting phone companies get into the cable business. Makes sense! There’s lots of bandwidth (capacity) on all that fiber-cable they have been installing.
Why would local governments be upset? Perhaps as part of the cable franchise approval process local governments have been getting lots of perks without any oversight or visibility.
For instance, here in Franklin County we have a steady stream of local channel TV devoted to how wonderful our local leaders are and how well they’re doing.
It’s not clear how much of this air-time is “free community service” that is devoted to local government incumbent self-interest. It is clear that at no time have I seen any segment questioning or criticizing local government actions.
Our local government has not visibly called our local cable company to account for cost, service problems, programming choices, computer internet services or any other issues with which residents’ voice displeasure. The only issues I have heard surface have been expressed by the Rocky Mount Town government.
There are many customers who are switching to internet-DSL, B2X direct antenna, and Direct satellite TV service. Residents should not have to make these changes. The local government who franchises (gives the cable company a monopoly ) should be all over these folks to provide high-quality and low-cost service.
Perhaps this is just another example where local government is not the best government.
A sample of some interesting references:
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Kerry slipping deeper into depression
Roanoke Times, 1/28/07, Pg A 11: John Kerry, in Davos Switzerland, says Bush has made US a ‘pariah’.
He cites as major ‘pariah-items’ the failure to embrace the Kyoto Treaty and the AIDS problem in Africa.
It’s not clear that even major doses of Prozac are going to help Kerry’s depression to say nothing about his amnesia.
As a US Senator, was he not one of the 99 Senators who voted to reject the Kyoto Treaty when Clinton submitted it for ratification? And now it’s all about Bush! How pathetic!
And how Bush is responsible for AIDS in Africa is a real puzzle. Bush has proposed and gotten major funding to help Africa combat this horrible plague. What did Kerry and the Clinton’s do?
And if one were to criticize someone for major malfeasance in the spread of HIV+AIDS one would certainly focus on Kerry’s buddies NY Gov. Cuomo and NY City Mayor Koch and the liberal politicians and media who continue to be complicit in the spread of this pandemic.
John Kerry – sad sack looser and digging his hole deeper every day! And to think how close he was to being President of the USA!
Jim Watts Webb and the Economy
Roanoke Times, 1/26/07, Pg 1: Ford looses $12.7 BILLION in 2006!
To offset these huge losses, many Ford jobs will be eliminated, including many here in Va.
Webb used much of his rebuttal speech to lament our loss of middle-class jobs (all of which are Bush's fault) and have nothing to do with Clinton's NAFTA program and economic policies and recession.
Jim, here's your opportunity for leadership! Instead of more nasty rhetoric show us your plan to make Ford profitable and therefore capable of affording those good-paying jobs here in Va.
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Democrat Impedance
Roanoke Times, 1/25/07, Pg A 3: The US Senate, now under new management and control by the Democrats, is not supporting the Pelosi/Reid new minimum wage increase without offsetting adjustments for small-businesses.
Apparently the minority Republicans and the Blue-dog-Democrats are going to have some say in how things get done in this session of Congress.
During the last session the Democrats established 60 votes as the basis for passing any legislation or confirmations in the Senate.
Prior to the last session this was unusual and we called in “filibustering”. However, the Democrats and their media associates didn’t call it that when they were using that tactic for almost every piece of legislation or approval that the Republicans proposed.
Now that the Democrats are in-charge guess what? Yep – the media is using that term again with vigor! They’re so fair and balanced!
As part of their program for fiscal responsibility and restrain the Democrats voted-down enactment of a line-item-veto that would be a major fiscal responsibility tool.
Apparently the Democrats don’t want to be too fiscally responsibility after all!
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Friday, January 26, 2007
Not That Much Reform
USA Today 1/18/07, Pg 4A: Dem. Senate Leader Reid blocks lobbying reform relative to relatives of Senators.
And what relatives does Dem. Sen. Reid want exempted from lobbying restrictions?
No. 2 Dem. Leader Durbin’s wife Loretta is a lobbyist, Dem. Sen. Conrad’s wife is a lobbyist, Dem. Sen. Dorgan’s wife is a lobbyist, Dem. Sen. Landrieu’s aunt is a lobbyist, Dem. Rep. Murtha,s brother is a lobbist, and the list goes on!
Sure glad those Democrats are in there cleaning up the ethics issues in Congress!
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Execution Didn't go Awry
Roanoke Times, 1/16/07, Pg 1: Execution of Saddam accomplices goes awry. Saddam’s leader of intelligence lost his head when he hit the end of his rope!
Awry, No, that’s not it! It actually went very well.
What went awry was the Roanoke Times’ lack of articulating in their front page stories the atrocities, genocide and torture of which these animals were found guilty.
Wouldn’t want to highlight that! Might cause one to reflect on one of the primary reasons for removal of Sadam and his organization.
Sprawl covering farms
Sprawl covering farms
Roanoke Times, 1/16/07, Pg Bus 6: 115 Southern States stores have closed, falling victim to farms being covered by urban sprawl.
Perhaps as we added over two-million people per year for the past 50 years there’s going to be a need for more housing units, roads, schools, businesses and infrastructure.
If the farms being sprawled-over were necessary to feed our people we would all be on very tight diets by now instead of being the fattest-butts in the world.
Real-farming is a business. It is governed by a business equation:
Profit = Revenue minus Expenses
Farms that run at a loss for an extended period go out of business. The farmers depend on the sale-value of their land to fund their retirement.
Result: un-profitable farmers get a substantial nest-egg by selling their land and others get a place to live! Works until we can’t feed our people!
What UN Sanctions
Roanoke Times, 1/17/07, Pg A 7: Russia says it has sold anti-aircraft missiles to Iran.
Did the UN not just place sanctions upon Iran for developing nuclear missiles? And did the Russians not vote for these sanctions?
What are sanctions anyway?
Is there any part or parcel of the UN that is useful or has redeeming value?
Prior Items:
Obama, Lincoln and Quayle
Roanoke Times, 1/17/07, Pg A 10: Obama’s allies cite Lincoln’s lack of experience.
Barack, I knew Abe Lincoln, Abe was my friend, and you sir, are no Abe Lincoln!
Isn’t it interesting that the Democrats aren’t comparing Obama’s limited experience to Dan Quayle who was scalded for his lack of experience by the Dem’s when he was running for VP!
On the other hand, I am very pleased that a good and decent black man is being highlighted in the media instead of miserable role models like Al Twana Sharpton and Jessie Hymietown Jackson.
Obama appears to be a good role model for young people, something that is much needed at this time. I wish him well in presenting himself as someone pursuing the American dream in a positive and constructive manner.
What Democrat Energy Package
Democrat Energy Package
Roanoke Times, 1/18/07, Pg 11: House Democrats expect to pass energy package.
As the little old lady said: “where’s the beef”?
This is not an energy package. It’s simply a tax increase on the energy industry.
There’s not one kilowatt of electricity or one gallon of fuel or one alternative energy system that is included in this bill.
What hypocrisy to call it an “energy” bill. Why don’t these “leaders” have the intestinal fortitude to simply label it for what it is – A TAX INCREASE that eventually will work its way through the pipeline and be passed along to the consumer.
Richardson's Experience
Roanoke Times, 1/22/07, Pg 1: Dem. Gov Bill Richardson of N.M. announces his bid for the White House. He espouses his experience working for Pres. Clinton.
Page 6 A: N.M. Gov. Richardson says he has a record of creating solutions to tough problems.
What experience and record is that?
He was Clinton’s Energy Secretary. What a job he did on that! Sure glad he was there! After all, if it weren’t for his and Bill’s energy policy we’d be dependent on foreign oil and burning way too much fossil-greenhouse fuels by now.
He was also one of Clinton’s Ambassador’s. He had direct responsibility to negotiate a treaty with North Korea to trade money, fuel and a nuclear reactor for their promise not to develop nuclear weapons.
Talk about your “Mission Accomplished”!
He also has been busy coddling and sucking up to tens of thousands of illegal-immigrants in N.M.. What a leader! Why do you think they call it NEW-mexico?
Assimilation gone awry
Roanoke Times, 1/22/07, Pg A 5: London, New Female Muslim police officer refuses to shake male commanding officers hand at graduation.
Says she can’t touch any man other than her husband. What part of the commander did she think she was being asked to touch?
Supportive Muslim groups say this will not affect how she does her job!
This has to be true! You cannot make up something this ridiculous.
Can you imagine being on patrol in hostile and violent situations with this person?
This religious freedom and political correctiveness is amazing and dangerous!
Prior Item:
Rewriting History Again
An open letter to Mr. Jeff Brown – Re: your article on the Social Security issue published on Pg Bus. 5, in the 1/23/07 issue of The Roanoke Times
The Social Security issues haven’t been on the front burner, but the Democrats will change that because they are deeply concerned about this matter.
Were you out of the county for the entire year of 2005? Did Pres. Bush not make a major effort to get Congress to address this issue? And did the Democrats not totally boycott and stonewall this issue for an entire year? And did these same Democrats not proudly celebrate during the 2006 State of the Union address, that they had boycotted participating in addressing this major national issue.-That TV-video footage will be replayed many times in coming years so that there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind who chose to play politics with these vital programs.-All the left-wing slant and spin will not erase that disgusting spectacle!
Perhaps you could make some modest effort for being fair and truthful in your future “business” articles.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Washington Post Motivation?
Roanoke Times, 1/14/07, Pg A 10: 43 Jews in Congress sets record
Why did the RT and WP highlight-headline this particular statistic?
Is it in response to Jimmy Carter’s accusations in his new book about the Palestinians and Israel in which he blames Israel and the Jewish-American political action organizations and politicians for the failed peace efforts in the middle-east and the US’s one-sided-support for Israel?
Is there some doubt about the conflicts-of-interest American-Jewish lawmakers might have relative to the US-Israeli policies as Jimmy alleges in his book?
Since all these Congress members swear total and complete allegiance to the US, its Constitution and people it’s not clear why this item is getting this visibility.
Seems somewhat reminiscent of discussions during my first presidential election experience in which there was speculation that JFK would have potential conflicts between being president and being Catholic. He finally felt compelled to make a major speech on the subject to assure voters that his allegiance was to the US and not to The Pope.
Prior Items:
Stupid, Ugly, Kids
Roanoke Times, 1/14/07, Pg A 3: Embryo business under investigation. Clinic offers “super embryos” for sale for $5,000. When asked why someone would buy these embryos she replied: “who wants an ugly, stupid Kid”? Who indeed?
Sounds a lot like something Adolf said back in the late 1930’s doesn’t it?
Also clearly demonstrates that there really are serious valid ethics issues involving embryos.
Also disturbing is the price structure of components in forming this assembly. There has to be a feminist-NOW involvement in here someplace.
Women are getting $3,500 for an egg. That’s $42,000 a dozen! Men are only getting $400 per vial that contains millions of sperm.
What’s up with this incredible imbalance in equal pay for equal work?
These people should be investigated!
That was really fast!
Roanoke Times, 1/13/07, Pg A 3: More tax revenue results in major drop in federal deficit. 4th Qtr deficit was smallest since 2002. Tax collections are up 8.2%. There was an actual surplus of $44.5 Billion for Dec 2006.
This is amazing! The Democrats have only been in power for two weeks and already they have made this amazing improvement in our finances!
I can hardly wait for their claims of success during the next election!
Prior Items:
What reforms?
Roanoke Times, 1/12/07, Pg A 5: Harry Reid, new Dem. Senate leader rebuffed by nine Dem. Senators over his reform-lite version of ear-mark reform.
The bill he (and Pelosi) was pushing through the Senate for ear-mark reform would have only impacted 5% of the problem!
Remember the ear-marks? That was THE “big” ethics and spending item that the Dems made a major part of their campaign.
And now their reform bill is a 5% fix! Wow! What a display of the new morality!
Why didn’t the RT Editorial Staff choose to highlight this instead of hiding it in small print on Pg 5? Imagine the coverage if this had been a Republican bill!
Prior Items:
We're Still Bad
Roanoke Times, 1/11/07, Pg A 6: US targeted Islamic militants involved in the violent take-over of Somalia and believed involved in the US Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
After a steady stream of media and the UN and others demanding that the US help to stop the genocide in the southern part of Africa, apparently we did just that. We joined Ethiopia in a successful military action to reverse the major gains the Islamic militants had made and in the process we took direct shots at the Embassy bombers.
Result: the African Union, European Union the UN and a number of Democrats in Congress are denouncing our actions!
What a sad sack of losers and whiners! So, where’s Susan Blanding and her Roanoke Times, 12/22/06, Pg Va 7 article and her associates who were imploring the US to “DO SOMETHING”?
They’re probably busy putting a nice thank-you package together for our service people for the “Mission Accomplished” there in Mogadishu.-
Prior Items:
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Bigotry or Prudence?
Ref: Letters to the Editor of the SML Eagle, Pg 4A, 1/10/2007
Having read the recent thoughtful and passionate letters to the editor by Mr. Bricca and Ms. Carr relative to Rep. Goode’s position on Muslim immigration, it appears to me that they and others may be failing to consider the stark facts of the current violent situation we all face from members within the Muslim community.
Perhaps one should reflect on the Muslim situation with Salman Rushdie, the Pope’s recent interaction with the Muslim community, the European government’s and medias’ fear and capitulation to threats and intimidation by their domestic Muslim communities. This being compounded by the absence of the Muslim leadership and community condemnation of the Radical Muslim movement’s brutal attacks on Americans and other non-Muslims and the World War that Radical Muslims have launched across the globe.
Perhaps concerns and reactions to these facts are not based on bigotry but may be based on data that would lead a reasonable and prudent person to conclude that there is a clear and present risk within that religious community and that the leaders of that community have not repudiated these violent acts nor mounted a visible effort to stop it. In fact it appears that many of the Mullahs are a key part of the problem. Many of their madrassa-schools have "graduated" thousands of violent radicals who have joined the Jihad against US. A Mullah who resides here in the US was the leader of the first attack on the World Trade Towers.
The US has always used our immigration policy and procedures to regulate the number of people entering from other countries. Where there have been demonstrated or perceived risks among certain groups, the quotas have been zero. The fact that these risks might be wrapped in robes and carrying a religious book does not mitigate the risks but in fact may make the risks greater. The Japanese Kamikaze’s (The Sacred Warriors) were also very religious and were wrapped in robes and carried the Kojiki.
Their devastating and successful attacks on our ships and troops were a key component in the decision to drop the atomic bombs to stop the war and avoid the massive losses of a mainland invasion. Unfortunately, we may be very close to that decision again in Iran.
The following link is a good view of the responsibilities of immigrant assimilation as articulated by Teddy Roosevelt in a speech he made one hundred years ago. My parents and relatives who came here in the 1920’s were willing and eager to comply with all these responsibilities.
As we reflect on the damage we have suffered and are suffering and the grave risks our country and our people are facing, perhaps we might acknowledge that prudence may be a far greater component of this debate than bigotry. And that labeling participants in this debate as bigots does not further dialogue on a subject that is critical to our national interests and security.
New relevant book: God's Terrorists: The Wahhabi Cult and the Hidden Roots of Modern Jihad by Charles Allen, DaCapo Press.
Prior Items:
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Yet More Front Page Conjecture
Roanoke Times, 1/9/07, Pg 1 & 4: ANALYSIS: Bush speech likely to play on country’s fear of attack.
The headline says “analysis”, however, since Bush’s speech hasn’t been made yet, it is an oxymoron to say one is analyzing something that does not yet exist.
Of course this fits in well with the RT Editorial Board’s journalist style of not understanding the difference between fact, opinion and news. They seem predisposed to substituting opinion and conjecture for real and valid front page news. After all, responsible journalism is really hard to do! That’s why so few journalists actually do it!
There must be something special about their recruiting process!
The message of this long drawn-out speculation is that Bush will announce that he is sending additional troops to Baghdag to help the Iraqi army and police to contain the violence in that city. The author’s view, and that of his selected sources, is that Bush is going to have to scare the hell out of American’s to win their support for this effort.
It’s not clear why Bush would need to do that. After many years of attacks upon American’s at home and abroad, why would one not believe that we are at high risk from Radical Extremists emboldened by yet another success?
Based on the RT’s Pg A5 large article in this same paper it is understandable and well documented that terrorist violence in center cities can be hard to quell!
Pg A5: “New Orleans gropes for ways to deal with surge in killings”. This, even after deployment of a major “surge” of the State Police and the La. National Guard to augment the Police Department.
If Louisiana can’t do it in New Orleans, what makes Bush think the Iraqis can do it there? Oh, that's right, Gov. Bonko and Mayor Nogin are not in Iraq and that means there's still a chance for success!
Prior Items:
Big Improvement with Little Change
Roanoke Times, 1/7/06, Pg Bus 1: Good big article by R. Reed: Big rigs dig I-81. Truck drivers rate I-81 5th-best US road!
Seems like just yesterday that the Roanoke Times ran a never-ending series on how bad I-81 was. The message was “it’s one of the worst death-traps in the county”.
Much later, in small print, stories leaked out that Virginia I-95 was much worse than I-81 and that state roads were worse than all others on a wreck per passenger-mile basis.
One of the key elements the RT chose not to focus on was the impact of bad weather. For example the data they chose to quote included a horrendous wreck at the Buffalo gorge bridge caused by black-ice. Another “overlooked” interesting fact was that a troop-car was in the initial pileup. The next troop-car arrived, but instead of staying on top of the mountain and stopping all traffic from going over the crest, he also started down the mountain and then became a “bobsled” just like all the other vehicles before him and after him that crested the mountain and then crashed at the bottom.
But now, thankfully, all is well! Apparently I-81 healed itself with little or no major changes. Thank goodness we have the Roanoke Times to look out for our health and welfare. What would we do without them? Now there's a thought!
Prior Items:
Is Global Warming Self-regulating?
Haven’t’ hear anything lately from the 19 esteemed hurricane scientists the Roanoke Times so enjoys to quote. Remember them? They pronounced that Global Warming had caused all the major hurricanes in 2005!
But, then came 2006 with one of the fewest major hurricanes in US history! So, what happened to the knowledgable-19 and their rock-solid cause-and-effect relationship? Did it get cooler, or what?
Could it be that global warming is self-regulating? The warm cycle we’re in means much lower consumption of fossil fuels and therefore much less generation of greenhouse-gasses. Will this slow or even reverse the warming cycle we’re in?
If that turns out to be the inconvenient truth, what will the 19 and Al focus on next?
In the meantime we are spending Billions of tax dollars on re-flooding the everglades and reversing the canals and drainage systems. If Al and associates are correct, why not just wait and let the rising ocean re-flood the everglades for nothing?
It appears that all that money should be invested in building Holland-type dikes around the low lying areas along our coast-line. Shouldn’t we have started to do this already?
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Monday, January 08, 2007
CNN and The Hub Restaurant
Not found in the Roanoke Times – but -- recorded on CNN - Tivo
CNN’s Wolf Blitzkrieg’s Situation Room Gestapo Team descended on Rocky Mount Va. to get “the goods” on Virgil Goode for his position on Muslim immigration and his objection to use of the Koran for the congressional swearing-in oath.
What a sight! CNN’s swat-team members being recorded looking throughout Rocky Mount for anyone who would chastise Rep. Goode for his documented and verbal position.
After a fruitless search through the Town, the Swat Team landed on The Hub Restaurant. Their hostility and frustration then became focused on the restaurant’s menu. On the back of the menu were three pre-meal prayers: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish.
What an outrage! No Muslim prayer on the back of The Hubs Menu!
The Swat team then descended on the manager/owner back in the kitchen area. Why not a Muslim prayer they demanded? The manager acknowledged that he didn’t know any Muslim’s were eating there, but assured the CNN Gestapo Commander that if any Muslims proposed such a prayer, he would add it to the menu.
This is TRUE! You can’t make up stuff like this – and – if you don’t believe it, let me know and I’ll send you a copy of my Tivo recording!
The only thing missing from this media circus were members of the Roanoke Times Editorial staff who somehow didn’t get the word to join in the raid.
I lived for over 50 years in New York State where these Gestapo folks originated. In all that time I never saw any menu’s that had any prayers printed on them. Also, unlike my time in Tuskegee Alabama and here in Virginia, I never saw any New Yorker bow their head in prayer before a meal in a public restaurant!
Talk about Hypocrisy! What a bunch of jerks! And on national CNN TV too!
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Sunday, January 07, 2007
Searching for Whom?
Roanoke Times, 1/7/06, Pg Horiz 1: A call for local columnists by Dan R. of the RT.
Wow! Dan R. used up 60 square inches of high-grade news print to announce that:
“we’ll be keeping a sharp eye out for thoughtful conservatives who can present views that differ from the Roanoke Times editorial board.”
There are a number of folks who would vote that the “RoanokeSlant” blog is just such a vehicle!
Perhaps Dan R. could just refer to on the RT editorial and commentary page once in a while to help achieve his goal of editorial inclusiveness.
Another nice touch would be to stop rejecting items from the RoanokeSlant that are submitted to the RT Letters to the Editors.
At any rate, best of luck to the Conservative writer who is to be hand-picked by Dan R.
Good News From Somalia?
Roanoke Times, 1/7/06, Pg A 4: Islamic militants in violent protest in Somalia.
It appears that troops from neighboring Ethiopia with sea support from US Navy ships off the coast may have the Islamic militants on the defensive and perhaps even on the run.
This is an encouraging development in that it involves African’s helping African’s in a positive and constructive manner and leaves US in a supportive role.
An interesting component is that Ethiopia is primarily Christian. This begs the question: Is this World War really about religion? And if so, are we now back with Charlemagne on the Crusades and “Onward Christian Soldiers”? What a disturbing thought!
Prior Items:
A Very Sad Milestone
Roanoke Times, 1/1/07, Pg 1: US troop’s death toll hits 3,000.
The article includes data on the death tolls in past wars which were also very sad commentaries on the price of freedom for ourselves and others.
It would have been fitting and proper to include in this article some data that relates to the reasons for the sacrifice of lives and wealth that have been expended in this new World War that has been launched against us by radical extremists.
3,000 US citizens died on 9/11/01. Many lost and hurt in The US Embassies in Africa, the Kobar Towers, the First World Tower strike, the sailors on the Cole, The marines in Lebanon, the Blackhawk down in Somalia and the devastating death of 180,000 Iraqis by Sadam and his policy of genocide against his own people with weapons of mass destruction.
We suffer over 3.000 men, women and children killed each month on our highways for absolutely no noble cause.
I would like to believe that the 3,000 soldiers we have lost over the last 4 years have given their all for a noble and proper cause to confront evil and help give millions of others the opportunity for a better life. Hopefully these people will be able to exploit this opportunity for themselves and their country.
I find it difficult to understand why the liberal media and many in politics will not acknowledge the basic importance and necessity of engaging the enemies who have attacked us.
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007
A New Direction for America?
The Democrat-controlled Congress's promise for "A New Direction For America"
The stock market is at a new all-time high and America's 401K's are back.
A new direction from there means, what?
Illegal immigration has been reduced 47%. A new direction from there means, what?
Unemployment is at 25 year lows. A new direction from there means, what?
Oil prices are plummeting. A new direction from there means, what?
Taxes are at 20 year lows. A new direction from there means, what?
Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs. A new direction from there means, what?
The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as predicted over last year. A new direction from there means. what?
Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years. A new direction from there means, what?
Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows. A new direction from there means, what?
Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11/01. A new direction from there means, what?
Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave A new direction from there means, what?
Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US and British Intel, including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo Jets being exploded in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate the anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks. A new direction from there means, what?
Millions of Iraqi's now have an opportunity for life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. A new direction from there means, what?
Mission Accomplished
Roanoke Times, 12/24/06, Pg A 7: The president used to declare, Mission Accomplished, but now, we’re not winning, we’re not losing.
I believe we said “mission accomplished” when we:
* Took the Hessian garrison at Trenton
* Stopped the Mexicans at the Alamo
* Established and held the Normandy beachhead
* Took Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima
* Established the Inchon beachhead in South Korea
The list goes on of “mission’s accomplished” during protracted wars. The term was used for the mission of the aircraft carrier and combat pilots and crew in supporting one of the most successful military campaigns in history in getting from Kuwait to Baghdad in record time with very limited losses.
It’s unfortunate that the left-wing media finds it impossible to support the men and women who accomplished this major achievement. Truly “Mission Accomplished” was and is well deserved.
Some prior items:
Sandy Scissorhands Final Report
Roanoke Times, 12/24/06, Pg A7: Clinton’s National Security Advisor hid classified documents, meant to be used by the 911-Commission, under a trailer in the capitol parking lot.
Clearly Berger was covering-up for the Clinton’s administration’s complicity and inaction relative to 9/11.
Great Roanoke Times slant by first not covering and then minimizing (in small print on Pg 7) a significant news item.
Just imagine if Condi Rice had done this to cover-up for George Bush! Talk about your front page major news special. Just more fair and balanced news from the RT!
Prior Items:
Save the trees?
USA Today, 12/21/06, Pg 1 & 7: Reforestation lags amid record wildfires
8.7 million acres burned in 2005, an additional 9.6 million acres burned in 2006.
9.6 million, that’s more area than the states of Connecticut and New Jersey combined!
How many mature ready to harvest trees burned up instead of being harvested for lumber and other wood products (like printing the Roanoke Times)?
And now the same folks, who don’t want mature trees to be harvested and oppose building access roads in the forest for harvesting and firefighting, now want the taxpayers to fund replanting 9.6 million acres of forest. Why would we do that? After all, these are the same folks who told us that Yellowstone replenished itself just fine.
Given that one would want to do that, how does one get there? After all, there are no roads! Talk about your Catch-22 situations! Do any of these folks recognize how conflicted they are?
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
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