The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Look Who's Drilling in the Gulf

Not found in the Roanoke Times -- apparently their news-slots are taken up with policical opinion.
USA Today, 2/22/07, Pg B1: Cuba could end up drilling as close as 60 miles off US shore. Cuba laying claim to 4.6 BILLION BARRELS of oil and 9.8 TRILLION cubic feet of natural gas in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida coast.
Aren’t we glad that the Democrats, the Sierra Club, the so called Environmentalists have prevented the US from harvesting oil and gas off the Florida coast!
Sure glad those nasty US oil companies and Halliburton et al have been excluded from exploration and production in this area.
It’s much better to let Fidel and his associates harvest all these resources and put the proceeds to “good” use for the betterment of mankind.
How does this all fit into Al Gores warming thing? I'm sure that Fidel has promised Al Gore that that none of these fossile fuels will contribute to green-house gases.
Prior items:

Not enough 'news' to fill Page 1

Roanoke Times, 2/22/07, Pg 1: ANALYSIS: Coalition of the willing fades with British troop withdrawal
Once again the RT defers covering the news to highlighting a slanted article by one of their kindred spirits. Apparently if the news doesn’t please them – forget the news – let’s get a buddy to give us something to print that we really like.
So, the British are leaving – not quite! They are redeploying some troops from their area of responsibility in the southern section of Iraq to increase their contribution to the UN forces in Afghanistan. Oh yes. Let’s not mention the major Bush success in having NATO take over the responsibility for Afghanistan. Talk about the importance of your ‘Coalition of the willing”!
In the meantime, the British are sending the British Prince (heir to the throne) to their sector of the war zone. Not exactly a declaration of US surrender that is being pushed by Pelosi, Reid, Webb and associates.
This is also a stark contrast with Va. Sen Jim Watts Webb’s comments about his professional-soldier-son serving his country in a time of war!
It’s noteworthy (but of course not included in the front page ANALYSIS) that the northern third of Iraq and the southern third of Iraq have stabilized to the extent that they are getting close to the level of violence found in Roanoke and Richmond.
Perhaps as the “surge” progresses the middle third (including the Sunni triangle and Baghdad) will also become stabilized. Given that the radical Muslim religious leaders are key leaders of this war there may not be a total stop of the violence in our lifetime.
New relevant book: God's Terrorists: The Wahhabi Cult and the Hidden Roots of Modern Jihad by Charles Allen, DaCapo Press.
The RT editors are encouraged to print this analysis on their next front page.

Yet another legal win for Pres Bush

Roanoke Times, 2/21/07, Pg A 6: Ruling a win for Bush’s anti-terrorism plan.
The US Court of Appeals has rejected arguments that non-US enemy combatants (that are working diligently to kill us) should have the same legal rights as US citizens
The Democrat and Liberal whining and court challenges to the post-911 anti-terrorism processes have met again with a reasonable and prudent court ruling.
The only better result would be if the court ruled some of these folks were to be handcuffed to their guardians like Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, Harry Reid and numerous others who do not yet understand the nature of the enemy or this war.

Still Stuck on Mis&Dis-information

Roanoke Times, 2/21/07, Pg A 8: EU ministers agree to 20% emissions cut.
“Pres Bush has kept the US out of the Kyoto treaty”
The inconvenient truth is that:
Bill Clinton brought back the Kyoto Treaty.
The US Senate refused to ratify the treaty on a 99 to 0 vote.
Bill, Hillary and Al were not able to get a single (not 1) Democrat Senator to vote yes to ratify this treaty.
And now it’s all about Pres. Bush – how pathetic!

Monday, February 19, 2007


Business Tax Cuts

Roanoke Times, 2/18/07, Pg A 18: Business tax cuts pave way for increased wages (minimum wage rate).
How could I have missed this during the 12 months of intense campaigning by the Democrats and their media outlets?
The 'nasty, vicious, mean, capitalistic, blood-sucking' businessmen are going to get a tax cut (offsetting incentive) as part of the increase in the minimum wage! How can this be?
Where is the Roanoke Times editorial board and their righteous indignation?
Apparently the “blue-dog” democrats are being heard in the halls of Congress and Nancy 'the-broom' Pelosi isn't really as important as she thinks she is!
Prior Items:

Still Stuck on Stupid

Roanoke Times, 2/18/07, Pg A 8: As the influx of residents back to the city levels off, New Orleans suffers accelerated ‘brain drain’. The ‘brain drain’ of professionals that the city was experiencing before the storm appears to have accelerated.
Hello! Perhaps reelecting Mayor Nogin and the continuation of the corrupt and incompetent policies of his past administrations may be related to this trend!
What a pitiful excuse for leadership and competence!
Perhaps an election with no verification of voter registration or qualification doesn’t result in good outcomes!
We require identification and use written tests to get a drivers license don’t we?
New York State required a written test to vote only 50 years ago!
Oh yes! Pardon me! I forgot! It’s all FEMA’s fault!
Prior Items:

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Giving Aide and Comfort to the Enemy

Roanoke Times, 2/17/07, Pg 1: House votes to rebuke Iraq Surge Policy
United States Representative Virgil H. Goode, Jr. (R-VA-5th District).
Click for:
Speech on Floor of House of Representatives and Guest on FOX News:
Requires high-speed internet and pc video player
Congressman’s web site:
Apparently Congressman Goode clearly understands both his oath of office “to protect the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” and the gravity of the war that has been launched against us.
Click for Prior Items:

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Should have, didn't, too late now!

Roanoke Times, 2/3/07, Pg 1: World climate is in tailspin, (some) scientists say.
Global warming to last centuries no matter what is done.
Wow – why didn’t they do the right thing and avoid this unfixable hole we’re in?
Bill, Hillary, Al and their energy secretary Bill Richardson had the data, the opportunity, the motive and the right timing to have changed our collision course with disaster. A lot of good things could have happened during the last 14 years.
By now mobile energy users would be running on water (hydrogen fuel cells) and fixed energy users would be running on solar panels and nuclear plant generated electricity.
We certainly would have reversed the buildup of greenhouse gas emissions by now.
But apparently, as the song says: It’s a little too late to do the right thing now!
Hopefully, during the upcoming election cycle Hillary, Bill, Al, and Bill Richardson will explain why they didn’t take decisive action to get energy action plans implemented to avoid this disaster in a timely manner.
The answer will probably prove to be similar to why they didn’t engage terrorism on their watch. It was hard and unpleasant and their pollster Dick Morris told them it would be unpopular! So, let’s just kick-the-can down the road and let someone else handle it! And then we can complain about and criticize whoever's on watch when it hits the fan.
So much for responsible leadership and good stewardship and moral integrity.
Some Prior Items:

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Hiding Even More Good News

Not found in the Roanoke Times
FRONT PAGE in The Washington Post 2/1/07, Economy Gained Strength In 2006
“A strong performance of growth of 3.4% in 2006!”
“Dispelled any lingering doubts about the momentum of the economy”
“Unemployment and inflation fell in 2006, while wages and salaries rose at the quickest pace in five years”
And this after 15 increases, over the last two years, in the Fed Funds Rate to slow-down the economy to control inflation.
The George Bush Tax Cut Economic Program continues to work!
Why can’t the Editorial Staff of The Roanoke Times print one simple “news” story about this big national success that even the Washington Post (certainly not a Bush-friendly media outlet) has found fit to print as FRONT PAGE NEWS!
Just another example of the RT being a propaganda vehicle for Howard Dean and friends who cannot find anything positive to say about the USA.
What a sad example of journalistic bigotry, bias and slanted “news”.
Prior Items:

The Journalist Dishonesty Continues

Roanoke Times, 2/1/07, Pg A 9: House approves spending measure.
Paragraph One: House passed spending bill that covers about one-sixth of the federal budget as Democrats cleared away the financial mess they inherited from Republicans.
Paragraph Five: It is generally a Republican leaning measure that keeps to the same overall cap that Bush and congressional Republicans insisted on last year.
Paragraph Six: Spending levels for most agencies and programs are the same as in last year’s budget.
Talk about a “news” organization insulting their reader’s intelligence!
So – where’s the mess?
So – what’s the Democrat value-add?
So – what’s with the false and misleading headline and lead-in paragraphs?
So – what’s with the journalist dishonesty?
The editorial staff at the Roanoke Times need to make a new-years resolution to start presenting fair, balanced and honest material to their readers.
Prior Items:


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