The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Friday, June 29, 2007
Chemical Ali to Hang
Roanoke Times, 6/25/07, Pg 1: Saddam associate sentenced to gallows, convicted of genocide.
The editors just couldn’t print the number. It was 200,000! Two hundred thousand!
Wow! Sadam’s team gassed and killed 200,000 Kurds with WMD’s! Was bringing these butchers to trial important? Was it an important element in launching this war? Of course not! They were just Kurds and they were already dead. No one at the NY Times, or the Washington Post or the Roanoke Times know any Kurds, so who cares?
We were positive about getting Hitler because we all know Jews and many of us have Jewish friends and relatives.
Of course Hitler and Germany had nothing to do with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Neither did Mussolini and Italy. It’s interesting that we went after them first – before Japan.
The article also laments not reinstating the Baath Party people back into positions of power. Why would the editors think that’s a good idea? We didn’t do that with Hitler’s Brown Shirts, Mussolini’s Black Shirts, the Vischey-French or Hirohito’s team!
It’s always interesting to reflect on History and its relationship to today.
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Blacks and the military
Roanoke Times, 6/25/07, Pg 1: Fewer blacks entering military -- daily body counts from overseas are probably factors
As the newspaper in one of the most segregated cities in Virginia with one of the highest crime rates in Virginia one can only wonder about the body-count statistics involved in this situation and decision.
Perhaps the editors of the RT should compare the chances of young black males in the Army getting hurt or killed compared to those who live in Roanoke.
Based on the RT’s news reports of young black men being hurt, being killed being incarcerated and being made vegetables by drugs and being victims of automobile accidents, it appears that serving in the Army would be a much less risk alternative.
They would be out of “the hood”, away from bad influences, learning dignity and respect, and self-esteem and learning about character and the value of work. They would be exposed to competent and professional role models. They would be earning substantial financial credits toward schooling so that they could get good jobs when they return to civilian life.
Perhaps getting these young Black men out of Roanoke and into the Army could be the best alternative that is available to them. And may in fact save their life!
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Democrat voter fraud bill
Roanoke Times, 6/27/07, Pg Va 3: House bill would make voter fraud a federal crime
The John Conyers D-Mich bill is intended to hammer people who convey information about voting to keep others from voting.
It’s NOT intended to focus on illegal voting by people who are not eligible to vote.
So, if you tell an illegal immigrant that he’s not allowed to vote – you have committed a Federal Felony!
If you tell someone that you know voted in the morning that they’re not allowed to vote in the afternoon – you have committed a Federal Felony!
Conyers says it is not a measure that deals with prosecuting ineligible voters unless they try to deceive eligible voters.
This has to be true! You can’t make-up stuff like this!
This is your “new improved majority Democrat” Congress hard at work!
Prior Items:
The President's Lawyer
Roanoke Times, 6/29/07, Pg A 6: President rejects demand by “the new improved majority Democrat” Congress for documents and testimony from his personal Lawyer.
What a pile of heifer-dust. No President of the US has ever agreed to have his personal secretary divulge client-lawyer information to anyone.
On the other hand, it’s physically possible for this Congress to actually talk to Pres Bush’s lawyer as opposed to Bill Clinton’s lawyer. When Congress wanted to talk to him, he wound up on the grass across the street with a bullet hole in his head.
Talk about your rejection of a request for an interview!
Democrats Sink Immigration Bill
Roanoke Times, 6/29/07, Pg 1: Vote blocks Bush’s plan to legalize immigrants.
The “new improved majority Democrat” Congress failed again to support their leaders efforts to enact a major piece of legislation.
The 51 Democrats plus 9 Republicans could have done the job. Instead they couldn’t even muster a simple majority (46 for 53 against).
What a sad sack of losers. No wonder this bunch is down to a 14% approval level.
Now – let’s get a bill that does what’s really important:
Secure the borders and get a proper guest-worker program in place now!
Then, when that has been shown to work, let’s address the who and how of dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants and their families and friends most of whom are good and hard-working people.
A Wilted Flower
Roanoke Times, 6/28/07, Pg Va 1: Dick Cheney is the devil by Shanna Flowers.
What a disappointment. The day following Mrs John Edwards lamenting about personal attacks upon political figures, Ms Flowers resorts to this!
I have followed Ms Flower’s articles over a significant length of time and I have been impressed with her content, points of view and style. Apparently she has now attended too many Roanoke Times Editorial Staff meetings and has become indoctrinated with that group’s views and style.
What’s even more disturbing is the major misinformation in the article. “He thinks he’s above the Constitution”. But the article and the issue is about a Presidential Order relating to the Executive Branch of government and not about the Constitution or to any enacted law.
The Congressional Democrats who cannot agree on any worthwhile thing to do and who cannot get their 51 majority to vote to do anything constructive and who now are down to a 14% approval rating are busy doing the only things they are able to do – griping and grousing and harassing others and using the left-wing media to do their bidding.
I thought Ms Flowers was above this type of yellow journalism, apparently I was wrong!
Prior Items:
Democrat Hot Air Energy Bill
Roanoke Times, 6/23/07, Pg A 10: Senate approves energy bill.
Harry Reid: “This bill starts America on a path toward reducing our reliance on oil.”
Good objective! How does it do that?
It hopes grants for renewable energy results in an alternative to oil. Problem: hope is not a plan. Bush already has a major effort underway to do this. However, the results so far have been disappointing. We have been adding two million people per year for 50 years. That’s the equivalent of two new Boston’s each year. That’s a lot of additional energy requirements!
It requires automakers to improve fuel economy. Two problems: First: This will result in more smaller and lighter cars resulting in more injuries and deaths. (Remember Nader’s “Unsafe at any speed”).
Second: The Democrats are hiding the fact that this bill will greatly reduce the type vehicles customers can buy. Why are Reid and his associates afraid to tell the American consumers there will be no more V8’s, no more F250’s, no more SUV’s and the highway death and injury rates will be substantially increased?
And where’s the Al Gore Kyoto carbon emissions reduction act? Now’s the time for the Democrats to put-up or shut-up! Why aren’t they putting the Kyoto Accord back on the floor for a Senate Ratification? They have the 51 votes to do whatever they want to do, don’t they?
And where’s the net increase in the energy availability to sustain our economy and our population growth? This bill is typical of Democrat hypocrisy! Lots of talk, lots of lofty claims and no beef!
Visit the Automobile Insurance Institute Vehicle Safety Rating Web Site:
Good luck finding SAFE vehicles that meet the new required minimum milage numbers
Not to worry -- Hillary is going to "give" us a new medical system to off-set the increase in death and injuries. John Edwards and his fellow ambulance-chasers will of course be making a "killing" on the increased carnage. It will all be the automobile manufactures fault!
Prior Items:
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Fourteen Percent
Can’t find in the Roanoke Times – but then again their best slant is often based on not covering news they don’t like.
The latest Gallup Poll the
new improved Democrat Congress at 14% approval by Americans, the lowest level ever recorded by Gallup.
Even Pres Bush’s rating is almost three times that level.
Apparently voters found out what some folks knew in advance. Voting for that nice local Democrat candidate would put into power: Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Murtha and friends.
For example here in Virginia a vicious smear campaign made Jim Watts Webb the Democrat that flipped the Senate. What has he done to make Virginians proud? Oh yes, he was directly and personally responsible for a gun violation felony. How did he handle that serious crime? He hid under the covers until his political friends could put in the fix while letting his aide hang and twist in the wind. What a guy!
Prior Items:
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Yet More Misdirected Hostility
Roanoke Times, 6/13/07, Pg Va8:
Editorial: The enemy within
When I saw this editorial heading I was elated. Finally the editors of the RT had figured out that we (the American people) are under attack by bad people with intent to kill us.
No, that’s not it. The enemy is Pres. Bush and as soon as Pres Hillary & VP Boma take over all will be OK and we will be safe again.
The slant used in this editorial is very clever and devious. The editors use the words “civilians” and “US residents” to describe people who have been detained as “enemy combatants”. Their purpose is to confuse and hide the real issue that these people are NOT US CITIZENS. They were here on Visa’s as GUESTS and as such are not subject to the same constitutional protections as are US CITIZENS.
The whole concept after the 9/11 declaration of war against us is that confronting guerillas and terrorists is very different than holding another OJ trial.
Since 9/11 The Courts and Congress have differentiated between these two concepts, apparently the RT editors are unable to do so.
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Monday, June 11, 2007
More Warming Tripe
Roanoke Times, 6/11/07, Pg 1: Global warming swallowing Nags Head
In NC global warming isn’t a future worry. It’s already lapping ashore.
Nags Head Mayor Renee Cahoon sees as the proof of climate change she needs a the end of Old Oregon Inlet Road. The street once led to rows of oceanfront houses. Now it ends suddenly in bulldozed piles of sand.
This is front page “news”? Perhaps Cahoon and the media that promotes this tripe should consult the NOAA National Ocean Services data base for the historical record of ocean levels for NC.
They would find that the long term historical record is for the ocean level to rise 0.73 feet per century.
The “appearance” of the ocean rising is of course also enhanced by the earth sinking (something about plate tectonics) and also the major changes in ocean shoreline caused by storms.
Perhaps NAGS HEAD is a good location for Ms Cahoon and her observations!
Also suggested reading for Ms Cahoon and her associates are:
“About 18,000 years ago, when continental glaciers held much of the world's ocean water, sea levels were almost 400 feet lower than they are today. North Carolina's coastline was 50 to 75 miles east of its present location. At that time, the region's principal rivers-- the Neuse, Tar, Currituck, and Chowan-- flowed across the continental shelf and emptied into the Atlantic Ocean.”
What were people doing back then to cause that level of climate change? I didn’t know they were burning oil and coal. I thought they were just chipping away with flint.
Why are the Roanoke Times and their ilk cutting down perfectly good trees to print this biased and slanted stuff? Don’t they know that trees are key to fixing the CO2 problem?
Prior Items:
Sunday, June 10, 2007
What Scandal?
Roanoke Times, 6/10/07, Pg Horiz 1: Editorial: The US attorney scandal matters
What scandal? The AG Gonzales witch-hunt has not turned up a single example of violations of law and in fact has confirmed what every President and AG has done since way before my time. The bottom line fact is that Federal prosecutors serve at the pleasure of the President (period).
Gonzales was too close to the President, wasn’t he? Not nearly as close as Jack and Robert Kennedy were!
Gonzales was the President’s attorney wasn’t he? Yes, and unlike Bill Clinton’s attorney he didn’t windup on the grass across the street with a bullet hole in his head!
Gonzales has been involved in lots of questionable things, hasn’t he? Things like:
Ruby Ridge – where orders from the Clinton AG (Reno) resulted in the deaths of a boy and his mother in a crime arising out of a contrived violation that didn’t exist before a federal agent caused it to occur.
Waco – where the Clinton AG was personally responsible for the deaths of several dozen children by fires started by federal agents under her command.
Clinton AG Seizure via armed home intrusion of 6 year old Elian Gonzalez from his home and deported him into the open arms of Fidel Castro.
Janet Reno did not get replaced. Bill and Hillary loved her (especially Hillary)!
The bottom line is that Presidents can and do replace prosecutors because they are not focused on the priorities set by the administration. A good example is prosecutors who are not seeking the death penalty in cases of capital crimes. Another example is the lack of a major investigation of the criminally corrupt last governor’s election in the State of Washington:
This vindictive witch-hunt effort is consistent with what the “new in-charge Democrat majority” are doing to divert attention away from their total ineptitude in addressing the major national issues and the platform they ran on.
We have all worked with jerks, like these Democrats, who follow the path of: “if you can’t look good and do good work, try to make others look as bad as possible”.
Prior Items:
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Halt the Wind Farm
Roanoke Times, 6/8/07, Pg Va 3: Opponents of the Highland County Wind Farm program have asked the Va Supreme Court to halt the project
As Al Gore and his supporters lament the use of carbon-based fuels, here in Ole Virginie we don’t have a single Wind Farm complex. West Virginia has Wind Farm complexes. Perhaps it’s time for West Virginians to start telling Virginia jokes!
Now the Supreme Court will wait until at least September to determine if the project should be a Go or a NoGo. The issues: some bats and birds will fly into the blades, and, windmill towers are deemed to be not compatible with the view-shed.
As Al Gore’s projections of huge hurricanes, rising sea levels, devastation of food supplies, rampant malaria, and other things alluded to in the “Old Testament” one wonders about the demise of a few birds and bats and some disruption of our views.
By the way – why isn’t the Gore-team a major participant in these green-energy projects pushing hard to get them on-line ASAP?
Prior Items:
Visible and Invisible Polls
Roanoke Times, 6/8/07, Pg A 9: Poll: Bush’s approval level matches his all-time low.
Isn’t it interesting that the left-wing and liberal media keep us right up to date on their poll results of Pres. Bush.
And even more interesting is that all current polls showing that Bush’s approval levels meet and or exceed the New Majority Democrat Congress and their leaders can hardly be found anywhere!
Slant and Bias work! That’s why they do it! And what could be more slanted and biased than hyping the message you like and burying the messages you don’t like!
Prior Items:
6/12/07 another invisible poll
The Rasmussen Poll shows Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid at 19% favorable in latest polls.
That is one-half (1/2) of VP Dick Cheney's favorables
Don't hold you breath waiting for the RT to highlight that data!
38 vs 51 vs 60
Roanoke Times, 6/8/07, Pg 1, A mix of Democrats and Republicans opted not to break the filibuster.
NO – that’s not it! Would you like to guess again or would you like to continue on with the standard RT slant and bias?
The correct headline would have read: The New In-charge Democrats fail to vote for the Immigration Bill their leaders were pushing!
Harry (the war is lost) Reid couldn’t convince his Democrat team to pass the Immigration Bill. Only 38 senators voted to proceed, 13 less than a required majority and 22 less than a veto over-ride of a filibuster (that the Democrats in the last Congress had established as the “new normal” requirement.)
The New In-charge Democrats have 51 folks on their side of the isle! But at times like this the editorial staff at the RT and Reid do not want to talk about that! Of course not – it’s those bad Minority Republicans and Bush that are to blame – How Lame!
The primary Bill we need right now should only do two things:
2. Provide for an effective guest-worker program
After these two items have been properly implemented and measured and enforced down to the local level – then Bills should be developed that lead to legal status and eventual citizenship for some reasonable number of deserving candidates.
Prior Items:
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Democrat Culture of Corruption
Roanoke Times, 6/5/07, Pg 5: Grand jury indicts La. Representative; Rep. William Jefferson had been under investigation for almost two years.
Another outstanding slant by the Roanoke Times. Missing in the bold print is that Jefferson is one of Pelosi’s favorite DEMOCRATS and is facing over 200 years in jail.
And back on page A5 yet – if this was a Republican you can be assured that it would be on Page 1 in-lieu-of the big Page 1 story about a fish caught in the New River.
While being under investigation and caught with $90,000 in marked sting-money Pelosi assigned Jefferson to the Homeland Security Committee in the “NEW” corruption-free Democrat Congress.
Pelosi is third in-line for President --- what a concept in leadership and judgment. She sure is delivering on her election promise for major improvements in morality and establishing a new standard in Washington.
Congratulations to the Roanoke Times for more fair and balanced news reporting
Prior Items:
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Some Reflections on VT Disaster
Roanoke Times, 5/1/07, Pg 1: Gov. Tim Kaine signed an executive order that denies firearms sales to people ordered to outpatient mental health treatment thereby “closing the loophole” that allowed Cho to legally get handguns.
Does this mean that Gov. Kaine bears significant responsibility for the VT disaster? After all, if he had the power/authority to “close the loophole” after the disaster, why didn’t he close it before Terrorist-Cho acted?
It’s also interesting that “the media” has concluded that Cho’s motives/reasons are not known. Did these folks not see the video of him explaining in great detail that his motive was to strike-out against the affluent members of the “Two Americas”?
He explained in detail the radical-left-wings view that the affluent are bad and deserve destruction. Cho well articulated the message of Karl Mark and his radical-socialistic followers.
Cho’s delusion of course was that his family entered America as extremely poor immigrants and then worked hard within the system to become a solid middle-class family able to send a daughter to Princeton and a son to VT. He was so blinded by vicious anti-American and anti-capitalistic thoughts that he couldn’t even see the fulfillment of the American dream within his own family.
This issue is consistent with many of the very wealthy left-wing folks who bathe in Champaign while telling the working folks that they are one of them as they sit there getting a $400 hair-cut. Those politicians and media people who use social and economic hate mongering for political gain should look again at the Cho video and then look at themselves in the mirror and then reflect on their own public discourse and rhetoric!
There are lots of unstable Cho’s in the world who are easily stirred to violence by feelings of righteous indignation at perceived transgressions. Isn’t this a key element in the World War being waged against us and the recruitment of suicide-bombers? Wasn’t Cho a terrorist-suicide-bomber?
Prior Items:
Four Dollars a Gallon
Roanoke Times, 5/31/07, Pg Bus 1: Increased demand for corn hitting food costs
The $4/gal is not gasoline – it’s the price of milk in Chicago.
The fallacy of pounding our food into fuel is resulting in the chickens coming home to roost. But not to worry – we’re putting into production many of the acres that we’ve been paying “farmers” to NOT grow anything on. What a deal.
Large facilities are being developed and built to provide ethanol as a substitute to some of our gasoline demand. This is encouraging the growth of more corn, but because the demand for ethanol-corn is expanding faster than the supply, the price of corn is going up. The increased cost for corn-based foods and corn-fed animals is resulting in higher food prices and eventually world-wide impacts to food supplies.
The best solution to this world-wide problem is hydrogen-fuel-cell power in which the hydrogen is generated by nuclear powered electricity.
Why hasn’t Pelosi/Reid already established an exit strategy for gasoline-powered-cars and passed a Bill focused on this approach with funding and time-lines and check-points?
Prior Items:
Democrat Leadership Dismal
Roanoke Times, 6/3/07, Pg A 9: Democrats’ successes are few after 5 months.
Analysis by AP: As long as there’s a Republican president with veto power, don’t expect many changes.
What a dose of intense heifer-dust! The Democrats’ are IN-CHARGE! Pelosi/Reid et al can legislate whatever they can get Congress to agree to do!
Then, after they pass whatever Bills they want, they may have to get 60 votes in the Senate to over-ride a veto (if there were a veto)!
The 60 –vote criteria was established by Democrats in the last Congress when they used the filibuster rules to gridlock the Congress on almost all key business items!
Why isn’t the left-wing liberal media holding Pelosi & Reid and their friends in Congress accountable for the “New Direction” that they-all sold to the voters last year?
No – let’s not do that! Let’s just continue to peddle the case that it’s all about Bush. Just how lame is that!
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Yet More Violent Religious Terrorists
Roanoke Times, 6/3/07, Pg 1: Four charged in plot to bomb JFK Airport.
Isn’t it interesting that these guys are Muslims and have a connection to our enemies in Venezuela and Iran.
Apparently we did not follow the Clinton strategy – wait for a terrorist-crime to be committed and then send in the CSI forensics teams and then have a sham trial.
Sure hope we didn’t tap into these guys postal-mail, email, phone calls, library cards or internet searches! We sure wouldn’t want to intrude on the privacy of folks who are working hard to destroy our people and our facilities!
This is reminiscent of: the first World Trade Tower bombing, the seven guys who wanted to blowup the Sears Tower, the guys who wanted to blowup the NY City train tunnels and the recent guys who wanted to machine-gun and bomb our soldiers at Ft. Dix.
Perhaps we are in a world war confronted by people who want to kill us! You Think? If so, let the left-wing liberal media know, soonest.
Prior Items:
The War is not yet Lost
Roanoke Times, 5/17/07, Pg A 6: Senate shuts down Democratic effort to end funding for troops.
More RT and left-wing slant! Apparently it’s NOT a “Democrat effort”! With the Democrats in control of both houses of Congress they clearly can pass whatever they want to pass!
The Senate vote was 67 to fund the war and 29 to stop funding the war! 19 Democrats voted to fund. Not even close to 51 votes no less the new Democrat generated criteria of 60 votes.
The final vote 5/24/07 on the Troop Funding Bill (without a Deadline) was 80 for and 14 against in the Senate and 280 for and 142 against in the House.
During and since the last election the media has presented the false story that Pelosi, Reid, Feingold, Schumer and Murtha represent the majority of the Democrats. That clearly has been proven again to be false!
In their quest to validate this big lie the media have shunned and ostracized major Democrat leaders like Joe Lieberman, who won as an Independent against Howard Dean’s chosen antiwar Democrat straw-man in the BLUE state of Connecticut.
Apparently the left-wing liberal media slant has not yet destroyed our Nations understanding that vicious and strong and determined enemies have declared war upon us and that failure in any of the battle-fields is not a viable option but an invitation to an emboldened enemy.
Prior Items:
Aspiration at the Roanoke Times?
Roanoke Times, 6/2/07, Pg Va 9: Editorial: Aspirational inaction by White House on climate change.
Adjective: aspirational. Having a strong desire for success or achievement
The editorial staff at the RT once again lamenting the lack of enthusiasm by the Bush team to embrace the Gore-presentation.
Three things come to mind:
One: Most people agree that there is an increase of one-half of one degree in global temperature, however, many disagree that humans are the primary driver of global weather. And therefore taking draconian steps to try to change global weather is not appropriate and will have a low probability of success.
Two: The Roanoke Times as a large manufacturing and distribution factory has a major environmental foot-print that they should address if they wish to criticize others.
Third: Their team (Pelosi/Reid et al) is now in charge. What is the new in-charge team doing? Apparently the same thing as Bill, Hillary, Al and Bill Richardson (their energy chief) did for eight years! Whine and pass the buck and kick the can down the road!
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