The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
More Global Warming Mis-Dis-Information
Roanoke Times, 8/29/07, Pg A6: Main cause of warmth in ’06 in US: human activity --- warming in 2005 was the warmest year on record, topping 1998 according to Martin Hoerling of NOAA.
No that’s not it! Would you like to guess again? How about 1934? The only thing correct about this article is that it’s under the section heading “Political Notebook”!
See The Toronto Star:
The Aug 8, 2007 NASA News ReleaseAccording to the new data published by NASA, 1998 is no longer the hottest year ever. 1934 is. Four of the top 10 years of US CONUS high temperature deviations are now from the 1930s: 1934, 1931, 1938 and 1939, while only 3 of the top 10 are from the last 10 years (1998, 2006, 1999). Several years (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004) fell well down the leaderboard, behind even 1900. (World rankings of temperature are calculated separately.)
Click to view A power-point presentation intended for a high-school level audience:
This power-point presentation compares the Gore-Presentation view of Global Warming with other alternative views that are held by many people.
A more complete and professional level presentation is available in a video:
It’s unfortunate that there is a steady stream of exaggerations by Gore-Presentation supporters. These are also accompanied by very nasty personal condemnations of those people who disagree with many of the cause and effect conclusions and statements in the Gore-Presentations.
If you're right, you don't have to be nasty!-
Prior Items:
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Vick meets Jesus
Apparently VT is a very religious institution
Another Vick Brother meets Jesus
"Hello -- Jesus"-"Hello -- Dawg"-
It's heartwarming that Vick has given himself to God
Note: God spelled backward is: __ __ __ !
Prior Items:
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Not found in the Roanoke Times -- would be front page if said by a Republican wife about another Republican wife
Mrs. Obama to a cheering crowd:-"If you can't run your own house, how are you going to run the White House"?-
Friday, August 17, 2007
Democrats Brown not Green
Roanoke Times, 8/17/07, Pg A11: Senate panel Democrat leader dispels notion of gas-tax increase.
Who are these Democrat people? How are they related to the Democrats who have been lamenting the Bush administration and big business and Chaney-oil for not doing something about fuel consumption and global warming and energy independence?
Improve fuel economy – Democrats – NO
Increase fuel tax – Democrats – NO
Ratify the Kyoto Treaty – Democrats – NO
Increase domestic supply – Democrats -- NO
Other than providing a public forum for their buddy Al Gore to hype his book, the Democrats haven’t done anything to increase the supply of fuel or to improve fuel economy or reduce fuel consumption.
How has anything the Democrats have done solve the issues they ran on?
Who are these Democrats anyway? Does the word Hypocrite seem appropriate?
No wonder they’re at 14% approval rating, one-third of Bush’s rating.
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Court - spying on terrorists OK
Seattle Times, 7/7/07, Pg 1: 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals rejects domestic spying challenge
Isn’t this the allegation that the Democrats are using as the basis for impeaching everyone in the White House and the Executive Office Building
What a disaster? Apparently the Democrats will now have to impeach the judges on the 6th Circuit for not supporting their cause.
Perhaps in time of war (and yes Virginia, radical Muslims have declared and are waging war upon us) this President does have the same authority that all the Presidents have had since George Washington. Bush certainly hasn’t even come close to exercising the war-time domestic powers that Lincoln did.
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Thirty ($30 BILLION) to Israel
Roanoke Times, 8/17/07, Pg A6: Israel, US record ($30 BILLION) aid deal
If you though the Arab world didn’t like us because of our conjoined attachment to Israel before, just wait to see their reaction to this!
And here I though Israel was a self-sustaining independent democratic government.
Haven’t we been subsidizing Israel for 60 years? When is enough – enough – already?
How have the 43 Jewish Congressman and Senators ( been involved in this?
Isn’t this the Congress of accountability? Perhaps the two Senators who most enjoy holding accountability hearings (Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Russ Finegold) could hold these public hearings and get the truth out about this onerous deal.
Yet Another Mohamed
Roanoke Times, 8/7/07, Pg A7, Men charged in possession of explosive
A carefully crafted, politically correct article about two young men (Ahmed Abda-24 and Sherf Mohamed-21) from Univ South Florida in Tampa being stopped in Moncks Corner SC, possession what they said were fireworks.
A more comprehensive article by Fox News the prior day had pointed out that they were in possession of multiple pipe-bombs in the proximity of the Goose Creek Naval Station where numerous terrorists are being held. There has been an outcry of “profiling” by civil rights and religious organizations. Perhaps this was just a 500 mile academic field trip from Univ of Florida and the local cops were just trying to be helpful to tourists.
Apparently we are continuing to see a continuation of home-grown terrorists. Comments by liberal press and commentators about the lack of sophistication of these home-grown type weapons just brings to mind the 55-gal drums of fertilizer and kerosene in a rental truck in Oklahoma!
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The Cross is Back
The Roanoke Times, 8/10/07, Pg Va 5: Cross Back in Chapel at William and Mary
Reluctantly and under great duress Univ Pres Nichol returned the cross to the chapel that was established in 1693 by the Anglican Church. It appears that Nichol’s removed the cross because he concluded that 314 years was long enough for a cross to be in a chapel, there weren’t that many Anglican’s around any more, it would make his friends at the ACLU very happy, and it might not be compatible with his major effort to double the number of foreign students form places like South Korea, China, India and Zimbabwe.
All this at a time when foot-baths and prayer-mats are being installed in public places (in many cases at taxpayer expense) all around the US.
Bobby Dylan was so right – “the times they are a-changin!”
Prior Items:
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Bush up 5%
Not found in the Roanoke Times, clearly not compatible with the RT editorial board
After just two Democrat debates for the next President of the US, George Bush's approval rating jumped 5%!
Apparently after watching the moaners and groaners talk about what they're going to do when elected, Bush is looking better all the time!
And with the new Democrat Congress at an all time low of 14% it is becoming clear to more people that the Democrats and their liberal media friends do not have answers or even good ideas to improve our country.
Just keep talking boys and girls -- appease our enemies, bomb our friends increase our taxes, make lots of promises that you obviously can't keep.
And then the most awful concept of all -- the war may not be lost after all!
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I'm your girl!
Not found in the Roanoke Times -- clearly not compatible with the RT editorial girls
"I'm your girl!" Lindsay Lohen? Paris Hilton? Pam Anderson? NO-- It's Hillary pandering to 1,000 macho union men at the AFL/CIO debate! What an opportunity to show a little "cleavage" again, girl.
What a pathetic spectacle. Where are the NOW girls now? And this is the best the Democrats have to offer for the next President of the US?
I don't ever want to hear another feminist complain about the girl label!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Environmental Priorities
Roanoke Times, 7/29/07, Pg Buss 1: Power Switch by Jeff Sturgeon, Battle of the bulbs, Incandescent light bulbs vs Compact Fluorescent CFL’s.
This is a very good, useful and comprehensive article about an important element in energy conservation. However, the fly in the ointment is way back at the end of page 3. These bulbs contain small amounts of mercury.
Having listened to the media go postal about mercury over the last dozen years one wonders at what point the next article about CFL is a major media induced panic about how to find and dispose of these bulbs, who was contaminated by them, and of course the inevitable class action law suits with the John Edward’s of the trial lawyers ilk getting yet richer.
If these bulbs are an important element in energy conservation, why not pass federal and state legislation that accepts this mercury risk as OK and bars any future lawsuits that may evolve from their manufacture, use and disposal.
Our new improved Democrat Congress could easily include this in one of their energy bills as their first concrete step so far to enact real energy conservation.
Prior Items
250 Years of Current Global Warming Cycle
Roanoke Times, 7/30/07, Pg A 3: Researchers: Number of tropical storms in the Atlantic doubled this century due to man-induced climate warming per Greg Holland and Peter Webster.
An official in the National Hurrican Center called the research “sloppy science” and said improved observations and reporting accounts for this mis&dis-information.
This is not just accidental mis&dis-information, this is a continuation of a deliberate program to influence public opinion with highly biased and slanted and cherry-picked data. The basis for this is the Gore Presentation that takes the current 250 Year Global Warming Cycle and declares that it’s human-caused and that no one is allowed to question that position because “the debate is over”!
This Inquisition is so severe that some scientists who accept the premise of global warming but who question the causes-&-effects and conclusion of the Gore Presentation are being intimidated, locked out of research grants, demoted and some even fired.
William Gray has said that global ocean currents, not human-produced carbon dioxide, are responsible for global warming, and the Earth may begin to cool on its own in five to 10 years. Gray, a Colorado State University researcher best known for his annual forecasts of hurricanes along the U.S. Atlantic coast, also said increasing levels of carbon dioxide won't produce more or stronger hurricanes.
A study by NOAA raises the possibility that global warming might even make it harder for hurricanes to form. The findings, by Gabriel A. Vecchi of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Brian J. Soden of the University of Miami, are reported in Wednesday's issue of Geophysical Research Letters.
16,000 years ago the sea level of the US east cost was 400 feet lower than it is today because the water was tied-up in glaciers at the poles. The Atlantic has raised 2.5 feet/century. The Atlantic is now rising at 1 foot/century. Apparently Global Warming has been around well before mankind could make a difference in climate.
The Current Global Warming Cycle started when the Little Ice Age ended in mid-1700’s. Much of its effects were well underway before the Industrial Revolution.
The debate about Current Global Warming Cycle cause-&-effect is clearly not over and those who demand that it’s over are not scientists but instead represent a new breed of the Spanish Inquisition.
Prior Items:
For an interesting contrarian view of the Gore-Presentation click:-
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Thank the trial lawyers
Roanoke Times, 7/31/07, Pg 1: Pulaski hospital stops deliveries. OB/GYN doctors have stopped delivering babies at the Pulaski Community Hospital.
This article headline and beginning makes it sound like these doctors are not nice people and hides the real issue in fine print back on Pg 6.
The real issue is that trial lawyers and law suits have driven the liability insurance rates up to the point that these doctors are forced to minimize their risk and costs or leave their practice altogether.
Why can’t the editors at the Roanoke Times write an honest and informative headline? Is it because John Edwards is one of these lawyers and the Clinton’s are totally indebted to the trial lawyers association and PACS?
And how disgusting is the Roanoke TV commercial by the bearded wonder telling us how personally concerned he is about our injuries and pain. Don’t you just love the picture of his offlice and his staff and his “castle”. Why does he remind me of Bill Clinton’s “I feel your pain”?
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Rotting fish or Smelly news?
Roanoke Times, 8/4/07, Pg 7, Editorial: We don’t know what we don’t know
Dan R once again lamenting about the bad Bush team. The Dept of Interior made a decision in 2004 to allocate limited river water supplies to farmland to grow food instead of aiding migrating salmon swimming upstream to spawn.
Apparently Dan R would choose salmon spawning over food production. That would be consistent with his community of liberal friends and associates. Let’s sacrifice food for the common man over salmon steaks for the elite.
And Dan’s key shrill hooker: “this decision resulted in tens of thousands of salmon ended up rotting on the river’s bank”.
Apparently Dan doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and that is that ALL the salmon that migrate up the rivers to spawn die and rot! Dan, don’t you watch the Nature Channel?
Left-wing News Problems
Roanoke Times, 8/4/07, Pg Buss 1: Washington Post’s profit falls 13 percent.
Prior RT article on their need to cut costs and reduce staff.
And on top of all this bad liberal press news – Murdoch (owner of #1 rated FOX news) bought the WSJ! How much bad news can the liberal press handle in such a short time?
This has gotten so bad that Hillary, Obama and Edwards are discussing “fairness” options for government intervention in order to keep control with their media friends.
Perhaps the best “fairness” option would be for the left-wing liberal media to start presenting news in a fair and balanced manner!
Also, does the cost reduced staffing at the Roanoke Times include a gender slant? Is there a conscious effort to reduce the levels of testosterone in the staff, or does it just appear that way? Perhaps estrogen is simply cheaper than testosterone and is more compatible with the editorial team.
Perhaps if Dan R. gets any more shrill – he’ll be able to keep his job.
Bush the Comforter
Roanoke Times, 8/4/07, Pg A 11: Bush gets another try as nation’s comforter. Bush plans to visit the Minneapolis bridge collapse today.
At least the RT didn’t follow CNN’s lead with a picture of the fallen bridge with Bush’s photo imposed over it! Wouldn’t want the Minn Governor or the Minneapolis Mayor’s picture superimposed – after all they are directly responsible for the roads and bridges in their areas – however – they’re Democrats aren’t they.
When the New York State Thruway bridge at Amsterdam fell down and scores of people plunged into the Schoharie creek I don’t remember the US President flying in to be the great comforter.
And when the investigation concluded that State building specs and poor maintenance were the cause of the collapse – Democrat Governor Cuomo’s picture didn’t get superimposed over a picture of the disaster. Is there a pattern here or what?
Democrats kill improved fuel economy
Roanoke Times, 8/2/07, Pg A 14: Democrats kill higher vehicle fuel economy in their “energy bill”.
After years of Democrat harping that fuel economy standards should be changed to improve vehicle MPG consumption – at a time when they had the power to “put up or shut up” – they shut up and so did the RT by hiding this nugget in small print back on page 14.
What is in the Democrat “Energy Bill” that results in any increase in fuel availability and or reduction in fuel consumption? Answer – Nothing! What a sad sack of mouthy losers! Aren’t you glad you voted for this “new improved” Congress?
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Scouts Honor
Roanoke Times, 8/2/07, Pg Va 1: 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts by Sheila Ellis.
Sheila Ellis’ wrote a very nice and comprehensive article about the Boy Scouts. Apparently she hasn’t yet attended the RT Editors training program for political correctness and introduction to the “bad characters list”.
Doesn’t she understand that the Boy Scouts are on THE hit list for the ACLU? Doesn’t she understand that the ACLU is second only to the DNC as the most important partners of the Roanoke Times?
Doesn’t she know that the Boy Scouts will not accept openly homosexual men as scout leaders and that they swear an oath to GOD! As a result of these two issues they have been banned from using public facilities, the United Fund has removed them from their list of clients and they have been forced to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in court fees defending their principles.
I Hope Ms Ellis has an updated resume because she is way out of touch with her editors!
Prior Items
Democrats spying on you
Roanoke Times, 8/6/07, Pg 20A: Lawmakers pass wiretapping expansion
So now the “new improved Democrat Congress” has passed major expansions to the wiretapping without warrants FISA act.
Haven’t we been flooded with Democrat claims of violations of the Constitution and proposed impeachments based on administration spying on potential terrorist communications that may also be spying on you and me!
No wonder the editorial wizards at the Roanoke Times put this in small print back on page 20! Now where are the front page stories and editorials attacking Pelosi and Reid for this horrific attack upon the American people and The Constitution!
Apparently spying is not an issue if done by the Democrats!
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