The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Racist Statistics
Roanoke Times, 9/27/07, Pg A3: Black students more likely disciplined
This racist and race-bating article quotes a series of statistics that proportionally blacks are disciplined more than whites or Hispanics.
At no time does it state the discipline statistics based on the number of incidents of bad behavior. This would of course be the correct and honest way to state this problem.
At the end of the article it states that black students are no more likely to misbehave than other students from “similar social and economic environments.”
And how do those statistics relate to the bogus “likely to be disciplined” statistics?
What the authors of this tripe don’t want to address is that kids from the ghetto’s (whatever color or ethnic group they may be) and who have a major fatherless issue, form a group that is prone to discipline issues. These issues manifest themselves from the streets, through school and all the way to the Red Onion maximum security prison.
Instead of exploiting racial issues, the Roanoke Times and the Chicago Tribune and their friends like Al Twana Sharpton should be working diligently on THE root cause of this major issue in our society – that is: Children growing up without Good Fathers!
And Good Fathers doesn’t count the guy who shows up at tax time to claim some of the kids for a nice big “head of household tax credit”!
Young black males in trouble is a national crisis and we don’t need racists in the media exploiting and misrepresenting the issues. What we need is a focus on the words and ideas of people like
Juan Williams -----
And Bill Cosby ---
And Principal Joe Clark ---
Some prior articles that might enlighten the editors about problem students and their impacts on our public schools:
The Real Jim Webb
Roanoke Times, 9/29/07, Pg A 8: Glowing article about Va Freshman US Senator Jim Webb and his sponsorship of a Bill to investigate US contractors in the War Zones. These brave people, much like the merchant mariners of WW2, are fighting and dying to protect our troops and our people with little or no recognition or appreciation.
Pg Va 3: Yet another article about how wonderful Jim Webb is and what a wonder anti-war job he is doing for Howard Dean and the team at MoveOnDotNasty.
What wasn’t mentioned in either article was the real Jim Webb:
* Writer of x-rated materials you don’t want your children to read?
* The nasty college kid roaring through Watts pointing a gun a people and yelling racial slurs?
* The three times married family man?
* The Secretary of the Navy who stated that “the girls at The Naval Academy were only there for the sex”?
* The Senator who has voted to unilaterally surrender “now” to Osama Bin Laden, even though the three top Democrat Presidential Candidates have stated it will take them, if elected, at least another five years before the US can complete our mission in Iraq
* The Senator whose latest proposal for unilateral surrender was to dictate rotation policy to the military leadership. Virginia Senior Senator John Warner declared “ the Webb Bill would have disastrous consequences” and voted against it, as did 44 other Senators.
It was nice to see, that after great prodding, both the US Senate and Congress passed resolutions chastising Webb’s friends at MoveOn for the abuse of General Petraeus.
Apparently Jim Webb’s motto is: If you can’t be helpful, be nasty and negative.
It works for Howard Dean, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and their associates.
Prior items:
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Northwest Passage Opening Again Soon
Northwest Passage
Roanoke Times, 9/16/07, Pg A 24: Arctic ice shrinks to lowest level on record as shown by satellite images.
The current 250 year Global Warming is indeed having a major impact on arctic ice. This was clearly demonstrated by the Titanic in 1912 and by the fabled Northwest Passage navigated by Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen in 1903 to 1906 and the historic 1969 passage of the oil tanker SS Manhattan that set out to test a route for the shipment of
Alaskan crude oil from
Alaska through the
Northwest Passage, and then on to east coast refineries.
The motivation for using the Northwest Passage is a saving of 4,000 miles in the trip from Asia to Europe.
The RT article doesn’t say what the dates are for the “oldest record”. If they are based on satellite images, they do not reflect a significant time-frame. After all, Sputnik was launched my Junior Year in College!
The instrument records for Greenland date back to the mid-1800’s, the ice-core data goes back thousands of years.
Just 3,000 years ago Greenland was 3 degrees C warmer than it is now. Clearly the satellite images from that period would have show the Northwest Passage far different than it is today!
It’s interesting that the Gore-team UN scientists are all in a panic because their models do not show nor did they predict the current situation. Why are they surprised? The complexity and number of variables in weather and climate are staggering!
Just reflect on the fact that the weather gurus were totally blown-away with their projections just one day before Hurricane Humberto hit Texas last week! If these folks can’t predict the weather one day in advance, what makes them think they can tell us what the climate is going to be years from now?
Click for items challenging the Gore-Presentation view of the cause/effect of global warming:
Power Pt and video:
Virginia Wind Farm Someday?
Roanoke Times, 9/15/07, Pg 1: High court OKs wind farm plans, project still requires SCC approval before final OK. Future appeals and years more delay probable.
This Virginia Wind Farm has been in the news since before May 2005! With all the man-made global warming hype in the Roanoke Times one might wonder why the RT and their associates in Greenpeace, Sierra Club and Gore-team haven’t been major and highly visible supporters of this project. After all, even WEST Virginia has a similar project at Tucker Mills generating lots of green-energy:
Also – has the Roanoke Times purchased “green tags” for purchasing the electricity to be generated by this super-green project? And if not, why not? Good time to put-up or shut-up and stop whining!
On the other hand, the Roanoke Times has a dismal record of facing up to their own “environmental footprint”. Apparently it’s lots more fun to throw stones than to do useful and meaningful green-work!
How can this high-priority green-energy project continue to languish through endless delays during our second Democrat Governor? After all, the Roanoke Times and their associates have constantly told us that it’s the big bad Republicans who are blocking all the green-energy initiatives! Perhaps not! Just checkout the road-blocks put up by the Kennedy-clan to the wind farms off-shore Nantucket:
Prior ongoing items:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Nasty & Vile Democrats
Howard Dean, The chairman of the Democrat Party, had his internet junkyard dogs (moveon) run a full page $65,000 ad in Sect A of the 9/10/97 New York Times with the title:
"General Petraeus or General Betray Us"
The lack of condemnation of this nasty and vile smear of a distinguished soldier by Dean and his associates is clear proof that the Democrat leadership and the Democrat party have sunk to an incredibly low state.
The absence of a rejection or condemnation by the editorial board of the Roanoke Times indicates that they accept and approve this behavior by one of their friends and associates.
To add insult to this act it was published to be available just in time for the 6th anniversary of 9/11!
Prior items:
Saturday, September 01, 2007
VT and The Cost of Privacy
Roanoke Times, 9/1/07, Pg Va 1:
The governor said there needs to be a balance between privacy rights and public safety and that authorities "didn't connect the dots"!
Hello – isn’t this the entire discussion about the Patriot Act! Does this mean that the demise of 32 VT students have awaken folks who have refused to reach this same conclusion after loosing 3,000 of our people on 9/11?
Gov Kaine’s focus on the lack of records from Cho’s high-school being forwarded to VT is incredibly insincere. According to the report Cho’s high-school issues were trivial compared to the reports from VT students and VT faculty that was totally ignored over a long period of time.
Interestingly, in public schools, behavior issues are not even passed between teachers of a problem student within the same grade no less when moving to the next grade. Guidance counselors do not coordinate or communicate with teachers relative to students who have demonstrated hostile and aggressive and violent behavior. As a teacher, you’re just supposed to step on that land-mine without a map or a warning.
The Commission white-wash of Administration behavior during that morning is very disturbing.
Fact: early in morning two students found shot to death in a dorm room
Fact: no weapon was found, therefore any reasonable and prudent person would consider this a double homicide
Fact: the Administration basically did nothing
Fact: reasonable and prudent administrators would have called up all available police on and off campus to present an immediate presence at every possible location
Fact: there was considerable delay from the double killings to the start of the massacre
Of course the basic fact is that police do not exist to protect YOU! They exist to protect THE PUBLIC!
No police officer or police-force has ever been successfully held accountable for not protecting a person, as is so well demonstrated by the number of battered women who are killed while under a court protective order, and many who were witnesses in a legal case.
The privacy laws now in effect are very disturbing. Many of them were put in place to hide the identity of HIV+AIDS victims in the 1980’s
a major impact of these laws is that if you are in an accident or ill and in a hospital, your spouse and or children will not be able to find out any information about your condition or situation! This is especially concerning if you are a long distance from home and or both spouses are hospitalized!
Just more unintended consequences of our increasingly law-bound society.
Prior Items:
Throw Craig from the train
Roanoke Times, 9/1/07, Pg A 7: Idaho Senator Craig plans to resign today
Part 1: Republican Senator Craig should be out of government! Not because he’s gay, not because he tapped his foot on the floor of an airport men’s-room; he should be out of government because he’s incredibly stupid! He had the right to remain silent – but he didn’t have the ability! After listening to the tape recording of his interview with the police it’s clear that the cops had no case and in fact should have been chastised for harassment. Goodbye Craig!
Part 2: This is yet another example of the hypocrisy of the Roanoke Times relative to homosexual issues. Not a word of support for a alleged homosexual who has clearly received bad treatment by the police, the media and his associates. If you are a Democrat-homosexual the RT and the ACLU will be Johnny-on-the-spot to defend you as was done with Congressman Studds of Mass who had sex with a 17 year old male Congressional page and continued on with his career.
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