The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Monday, October 29, 2007
SCHIP - More Misguided Welfare
Roanoke Times, 10/29/07, Pg 1 & 6, SCHIP The New uninsured
The author and editors set out to slam Pres Bush’s veto of the latest Reid/Pelosi national welfare extension act, but instead made the case for why this is the wrong program for an extension of health welfare insurance to low-income uninsured children.
Their example is a Roanoke family of four with income of $43,000 per year. The Roanoke median family household income is $38,000 and the poverty level for a family of four is $19,000.
The point is that there are many uninsured children below the $25,000 level who should be the focus and target of any extensions to the health welfare program and that is precisely what the President and Republican members of Congress are supporting.
Clearly a Roanoke $43,000 family ($5,000 above the Roanoke median) should be managing their finances and budget to take care of their family needs without receiving tax supported health welfare assistance.
This Reid/Pelosi SCHIP Bill is another good example of their efforts to use tax dollars to buy votes instead of focusing on the real needs and priorities of uninsured children who need help and have very limited options.
Some Roanoke Cost of Living Sites
Prior Items:
ALSO: the bill that Bush vetoed contained clauses removing any requirement to provide ID to sign up for SCHIPS and MEDICAID! Talk about fraud and the abuse by illegal aliens?
ALSO: The slam-Bush piece was a "nice" RT precursor to the flowery coverage of the Jim Webb trip to the Roanoke area and his support for the Reid/Pelosi Bill. Slant not news!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
More Rubbish-Science
Roanoke Times, 10/21/07, Pg A7: South Pole ozone hole back to normal, scientists say the current fluctuation in the ozone levels are due to weather, not to true recovery. Hole shrunk 16% from last year says guy named Newman.
Back to normal on its own! After spending BILLIONS of dollars and major disruption to every air-conditioner, heat-pump and Freon based process in the world, in the Rubbish Science panic to immediately fix this “ozone hole problem”, it’s now back to NORMAL on it’s own.
Page 1: Some “leaf peepers” in New England are blaming climate change on a less than “vivid” leaf color change this year. The Al Gore Hypothesis of man-made global warming strikes again, and conveniently so soon after his metal!
It’s interesting that the “current natural 250 year global warming cycle” has hit the maple leaves at this particular time! Apparently the “scientific leaf peepers” haven’t figured out that it’s the shortening of daylight that turns the leaves to red and that lack of rain and onset of frost contributes to the intensity of the changed colors, something that has happened many times before without the help of Al Gore.
The media propagation of Rubbish Science just marches on unfazed by the never-ending list of bunk and discredited rubbish they print. This guy named Newman who is involved in this piece; didn’t we see him on the cover of a magazine a few years back?
Prior Items:
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Aiding and abetting child abuse
Roanoke Times, 10/19/07, Pg 1: Maine school board to give birth-control pills to 11 year old girls without parental notification.
The Roanoke Times/AP presents this story in such a nice, warm, positive manner that one might think this is all a proper and pleasant response to a normal situation.
Why doesn’t it occur to these editors that this story is about the incredibly sad abuse of little 11 year old children? This is about pedophilia, child sexual abuse, and rape and is most likely being inflicted by family members or friends of the family.
Why doesn’t it occur to these editors that what’s desperately needed here are not pills but criminal investigations and perhaps the removal of children from their abusive situation?
Why doesn’t it occur to these editors that pregnancy may be the least of the serious and life-threatening issues these children are being exposed to?
Why doesn’t it occur to these editors to seriously question the actions of these board members who have a sworn duty to protect the health and life of their students?
Is this the kind of Village it takes to raise a child?
Perhaps these thoughts do not occur to these editors because they have totally lost their moral compass on their way to some liberal Neverland Ranch!
How very sad for these children and our society!
Prior Items:
10/21/07: Where is the Children's Ombudsman for the State of Maine?
They are supposed to be a resource for families concerned about STATE of MAINE's Department of Health and Human Services involvement with their children!
Why are they not intervening on behalf of these 11 year old victims of abuse?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Take the God Out?
The quote of the month is by Jay Leno:
"With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks,
are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"-Prior Items:
Media slant kills troops
Not found in the Roanoke Times (for obvious reasons!)
WASHINGTON — The former top commander of coalition forces in Iraq may have called U.S. efforts there catastrophically flawed and unrealistically optimistic, but much of the criticism of the media by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez has been left unreported.
In his speech to the Military Reporters and Editors Association in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Sanchez accused reporters of "unscrupulous reporting, solely focused on supporting an agenda and preconceived notions of the U.S. military."-
Without naming a specific company, Sanchez said "parent media organizations" have political agendas that direct the news coverage of the war and in some cases put U.S. service members in deadly situations.
"What is clear to me is that you are perpetuating the corrosive partisan politics that is destroying our country and killing our service members who are at war.-
My assessment is that your profession, to some, has strayed from these ethical standards and allowed external agendas to manipulate what the American public sees on TV, reads in newspapers and what they see on the Web," Sanchez said.
Click back through prior items on this subject:
Sunday, October 14, 2007
250 Years of Global Warming with Al Gore
Roanoke Times
1) 10/13/07, Pg 1 & 5: Al Gore gets Nobel Peace Prize
2) 10/14/07, Pg 1 & 15: Year of climate likely to head downhill
It was nice that Norway, the third biggest exporter of oil in the world, bestowed such a big honor on Mr. Gore. However, if they’re so concerned about man-made CO2 emissions, why don’t they just shut down their north sea oil wells and give their medals to themselves?
Reminds one of the medal they bestowed on Jimmy Carter for establishing peace between Israel and the Arabs.
An interesting side note is that Norway is rushing to claim land and oil rights under the North Pole ice pack that is shrinking from 250 years of global warming. So, is this an incredible piece of hypocrisy or what?
The "year of climate going downhill" article is yet another lame and pathetic political shot at Pres. Bush. The article fails to point out that when Clinton-Gore brought back the Kyoto Treaty for Senate Ratification – the vote was 99 to ZERO. Bill, Al and Hillary couldn’t get even ONE Democrat to vote for it.
Also not mentioned is that the Senate and Congress are now under the new improved Democrat Party. What are they doing to solve this or any other major problem? Why doesn’t the Democrat Senate bring up and vote on the Kyoto Treaty TODAY? (somesthing about put-up or shut-up!)
The bottom line is that Pres. Bush is doing much more for green and renewable energy than Bill, Al and Hillary did during their eight in-charge years. If they had done what they claim needs to be done while on their watch -- then apparently all would be OK by now!
The basic facts are that we have been experiencing 250 years of Global Warming that started at the end of the “little ice age” in 1750, and there is great doubt that man-made CO2 has ever been or is the cause of the current global warming cycle.
Prior Items:
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Democrats need shots for NASCAR visit
Not found in the Roanoke Times (wonder why?)
The Democrat Congressman “new chief” of the House Homeland Security Committee, Bennie Thompson, told congressional aides to get real-life immunizations against several communicable diseases — including hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus and influenza before traveling to look at preparations being made by local first responders for hypothetical scenarios at the tracks in Talladega, Ala., and Concord, N.C.
"I am beginning to get offended," said Republican Rep. Robin Hayes. "We thought it was silly that you needed to get a vaccination to come to Concord to go to the NASCAR races. This is the greatest sport on Earth today and you sure don't need a shot to come down here."
Don’t you just love the “new improved in-charge Democrat Congress”!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Good Torture to save Democrats
After listening to and reading all the left-wing and Democrat tripe about torture at Gitmo and in the war zones I was reminded of two really good examples of “really appropriate good torture”!
The first was watching movie “Guarding Tess” a 1994 movie starring Shirley MacLaine and Nicolas Cage in which MacLaine plays the part of fictional former First Lady Tess Carlisle (Bess Truman) who was kidnapped held for ransom and buried alive. Her Secret Service agent extracted the key and only vital information about her location by shooting the toes off her chauffer.
It turns out that this is almost an exact play-by-play to the real-life case of Democrat Congressman Joe Resnick of Ulster County, Ellenville NY, whose niece was kidnapped and held for ransom and buried alive. In a very short amount of time the NY State Police were able to extract the information about her location from the kidnappers and then dig her up before she expired (died)!
The NY State Police never revealed how they got the information from the bad guys, however, water-boarding; exposure to naked women, confrontation by nasty dogs, sleep deprivation, cold showers and exposure to loud noises were probably not utilized!
Perhaps if a few of our current Democrat Congressmen were to reflect on Democrat Congressman Joe Resnick’s experience they might view aggressive interrogation of bad folks who hold the key to the life and death of Americans in a different light!
Prior Items
Monday, October 08, 2007
Politicizing the Pulpit
Roanoke Times, 10/80/7, Pg A 7: Obama discusses his faith during address at church.
Obama preached from the pulpit Sunday to 4,200 worshippers that “faith plays every role in my life”
Once again we have a Democrat politician, running for office, converting a pulpit into a political podium. Are we hearing blasts of media criticism about this? Apparently not! Apparently this is only a problem if a Non-Democrat addresses a religious gathering.
How biased and slanted is that!
Prior Items:
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Praise for the Nonparticipants
Roanoke Times, 9/24/07, Pg 1 & 6. Little Rock observes role in integration, a ceremony will feature former President Clinton.
While Bill Clinton was President he was also host to the students involved.
Praises and accolades for Bill Clinton at the Little Rock High School desegregation anniversary? What a gigantic pile of liberal media and leftwing heifer-dust! Bill Clinton and his Arkansas Democrats should be the last people to be feted for this major desegregation milestone.
Why wasn’t General John Eisenhower, as the son and representative for his father
General and Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the focal point for each and every and all recognitions for this major event?
It was
Republican President Eisenhower who acted on behalf of the black students being barred from entry to the High School, and thereby acted for all black Americans. Eisenhower was instrumental in appointing a Supreme Court Chief Judge who brought integration to the Brown vs Board of Education decision. Eisenhower then carried out the Supreme Court order that the Little Rock High School was required to admit black students.
Eisenhower nationalized the Arkansas Guard and commanded and confined them to barracks (the military equivalent of house arrest). He then sent in federal marshals and the 101st Airborne Division to establish marshal law and carry out the Court’s order.
Prior to this Eisenhower had desegregated the District of Columbia, the armed forces and all military dependent schools.
Why can’t the Democrats, their friends in the media and black leaders acknowledge and give credit where it’s due? What a pathetic bunch!
For those who wish to learn real history and not the left-wing rewrite of history read: A Matter of Justice: Eisenhower and the Beginning of the Civil Rights Revolution, by David Nichols; Simon & Schuster.
Prior Items:
Saturday, October 06, 2007
It's Still the Economy Stupid
Roanoke Times, 10/6/07, Pg B 11: 111,000 more new jobs (a main pillar for the economy) eases fears of recession.
Was this news presentation the result of a RT Editorial decision meeting that went like this?
Major good economic news? Let’s put this in tiny fine print back on the inside of the Saturday Bus. Page! If only Bill & Hillary were in the White House we would put this on Sunday’s page 1 in BIG PRINT like we did with the “ginned-up good news” during the 2000 election, even though we knew that the economy had already entered the Clinton-Recession before the election.
So, the Bush-Economy has turned around the Clinton-Recession and the huge impact of the 9/11 attack and the RT and their friends still can’t say “well done” – how pathetic!
And all this after listening to months of Democrat and liberal media doing the “Hee Haw -- doom, despair and agony on me, routine”.
Some Prior Examples Economy Slant by the Roanoke Times:
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Courts require balance to Gore-Presentation
UK School Reverses on Showing of Al Gore Climate Change Film
The Times of London, Thursday, October 04, 2007 Will Pavia
A truck driver from Kent has forced the British government to rewrite guidance for schools that want to show Al Gore’s climate change film, An Inconvenient Truth.
Stewart Dimmock, a father of two, brought a High Court action against the screening of the documentary in schools, claiming that it was “politically partisan” and “sentimental”.
His lawyers argued that the film contained serious scientific inaccuracies. They accused the government of backing the film, by the former U.S. Vice President, as a way of “brainwashing” pupils on global warming.
Mr. Dimmock, a school governor with children aged 11 and 14, said at the outset of the hearing, “I wish my children to have the best education possible, free from bias and political spin, and Mr. Gore’s film falls far short of the standard required.”
Yesterday the High Court judge Justice Burton said that the film did promote “partisan political views.”
In an indication of his ruling, he said that schools should follow the new guidance, which calls for balance when showing the film, which has been sent to more than 3,500 schools and is aimed at 11 to 14-year-olds. He said that he intended to give his full ruling next week.
There are contrarian views to the Gore-Presentation and the cause/effect of our current 250 year Global Warming Cycle
A power-point presentation and a video are available at:
There is also a short video on YouTube comparing the Gore-Presentation to the findings
and positions of scientists who disagree with the Gore-view:
There is also a short video on YouTube by ABC News John Stossel
There are also numerous articles available that address many of the issues with the Gore-Presentation
Simply click back through the hyperlinks
The Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007, introduced by Sens. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M. and Arlen Specter, R-Pa.
Given that you buy into the hypothesis that man-made CO2 causes global warming and that you then buy into the accuracy of the UNs-IPC climate models:
The latest EPA estimates of CO2 vs Cost vs Temperature are:
One Trillion $ (just first 10 years) ==> -23 ppm CO2 ==> -0.17 Deg C = => by 2095
Is this what the Global Warming hysteria all about?
Clearly we need lots of debate to shine as much light on this issue as possible
If a doctor wanted to perform major sugery on you -- wouldn't you get a second opinion first?
DEMAND-DEBATE on the causes and effects of Global Warming,2933,299419,00.html-
British Court Rules Al Gore Film Exaggerated Climate Claims
Justice Barton of the UK High Court in London --10/10/07
Al Gore’s award-winning climate change documentary was littered with nine inconvenient untruths, a judge ruled yesterday.
In what is a rare judicial ruling on what children can see in the class-room, Justice Barton was at pains to point out that the “apocalyptic vision” presented in the film was politically partisan and not an impartial analysis of the science of climate change.
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