The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Monday, November 19, 2007
ID NOT Required
Roanoke Times, 11/16/07, Pg Va 1: State ACLU upset that voters were asked for ID. Virginia ACLU Director, Kent Willis, said “The fewer barriers there are to voting, the more democratic and fairer the process”
Is this jerk insulting our intelligence on purpose, or is it just working out that way?
How is it democratic and fair to have people voting who are not eligible to vote?
It takes ID to buy beer! It takes ID to buy cigarettes! It takes ID to get on a plane!
But requiring ID for voting is not OK?
So let’s do what they do in Chicago: Vote early, Vote often!
Let’s also have the convicted felons and the deceased vote (early and often too)!
And to really make it “democratic and fair” let’s have 12 million illegal’s vote too!
Apparently Willis is not alone; in fact he is right in-sync with his “democrat” party: What a team!
Prior Items:
Sunday, November 18, 2007
CNN and Their Global Warming Conflicts
CNN’s Anderson Cooper (Gloria Vanderbilt’s kid) just completed a daily week-long special hyping the Al Gore view of our current global warming cycle.
The interesting part was the total silence about CNN being owned by GE and that major conflict of interest. At the least, Cooper and CNN should have made GE’s green-business a major disclosure for this non-news propaganda special.
GE stands to reap big benefits from the current rush to “do something quick” in the areas of: nuclear power plants, wind farms, solar panel systems, the new mercury Compact Fluorescent CFL’s and many other products. One wonders how many of GE’s energy-team was involved in producing this program?
This total lack of transparency is interesting because the Gore-team makes a big deal out of any connection with the energy industry that a “denier” might have had.
Something about fair and balanced!
Prior Items:
Friday, November 09, 2007
Mother - Daughter - Holy Ghost
Not found in the Roanoke Times
Once again a big-time Democrat converting a pulpit into a political podium.
Would have been big RT news if a Conservative or Republican were photographed doings this!
Yet another example of RT political slant and double-standards
That's why blogs like this exist!
ps: the outstretched arms are a nice touch!
Prior Item:
Democrats Indicted - Judgement TBD
Lieberman Blasts Democrats Over Partisan-Driven Foreign Policy - Nov 8, 07
Sen. Joe Lieberman on Thursday painted a dim picture of his party, saying Democrats have given up their moral authority on foreign policy because they are more concerned with opposing Republicans than doing what is right.-
The former presidential candidate and hawkish senator from Connecticut also came down hard on critics of a resolution he and Sen. John Kyl, R-Ariz., co-sponsored calling on the Bush administration to label the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.
"For many Democrats, the guiding conviction in foreign policy isn't pacifism or isolationism, it is distrust and disdain of Republicans in general, and President Bush in particular," Lieberman said at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.
"In this regard, the Democratic foreign policy worldview has become defined by the same reflexive, blind opposition to the President that defined Republicans in the 1990s — even when it means repudiating the very principles and policies that Democrats as a party have stood for, at our best and strongest," Lieberman continued.
Lieberman — who has run for the top spot in the Oval Office as well as the No. 2 — is unique in the Senate, having won re-election last year following a Democratic primary election defeat tinged with anti-war sentiment. He ran a rare successful independent campaign by stumping largely on his foreign policy stance in support of the Iraq war and against terrorism. Lieberman has maintained his Democratic affiliation, caucusing in the Senate with Democrats.
On Thursday, Lieberman waxed nostalgic over foreign policy giants Democrats like Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John Kennedy, but said that after Vietnam, it took until the Clinton administration to regain an internationalist, interventionist attitude among Democrats.
Just as soon as that attitude returned, it left again once the Bush administration took the reins in the post-Sept. 11, 2001, atmosphere. He said President Bush's call for the spread of democracy across the globe followed a campaign in which, as Lieberman described it, Bush was less interested in foreign policy than his Democratic opponent, Al Gore. Lieberman was Gore's running mate.
"The Bush administrations post-9/11 ideological conversion confronted Democrats with an awkward choice. Should we welcome the president's foreign policy flip-flop? Or should Democrats match it with a flip-flop of our own?" Lieberman said.
"I felt strongly that Democrats should embrace the basic framework that the president articulated for the War on Terror as our own — because it was our own. It was our legacy ... But that was not the choice most Democrats made. Instead, they flip-flopped," he said.
Lieberman said Democrats aren't being guided by principle, but partisanship.
"Even as evidence has mounted that General Petraeus' new counterinsurgency strategy is succeeding, Democrats have remained emotionally invested in a narrative of defeat and retreat in Iraq, reluctant to acknowledge the progress we are now achieving, or even that that progress has enabled us to begin drawing down our troops there," he added.-
Just as Lieberman was speaking, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House will take up a temporary Iraq spending bill which will curb the war in Iraq. The plan, known as the "bridge," provides $50 billion for four months in Iraq and starts a withdrawal of troops to be completed by next December.
"This (war strategy) is not working. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. We must reverse it. We will again make a distinction ... to show a new direction in Iraq. The goal is ending it within a year and leave behind just a small force," she said.
Lieberman defended the IRGC amendment adopted in September as a peaceful resolution designed to avoid further conflict with Iran, which military officials accuse of waging a proxy war against U.S. forces in Iraq.
Sen. Clinton was among those voting in favor of the amendment, but others have attacked the resolution and Clinton because of her support for it. Critics argue the resolution could give Bush the authority to attack Iran.
One of the amendment's chief critics, Sen. Jim Webb, said that by labeling the Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization, it is tantamount to a war declaration on Iran because it is labeling the country's elite military organization as a terrorist group.The amendment was adopted on a 77-22 vote, with two senators not voting. Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Joe Biden and Chris Dodd voted against the amendment; Barack Obama did not vote.
Lieberman said while he thought the amendment would be a no-brainer, what resulted was a "case study in the distrust and partisan polarization that now poisons our body politic on even the most sensitive issues of national security."
He said left-wing blogs offered "wild conspiracy theories," and the amendment had "nothing that could be construed as a green light for an attack on Iran."
"There is something profoundly wrong — something that should trouble all of us — when we have elected Democratic officials who seem more worried about how the Bush administration might respond to Iran's murder of our troops, than about the fact that Iran is murdering our troops.-
"There is likewise something profoundly wrong when we see candidates who are willing to pander to this politically paranoid, hyper-partisan sentiment in the Democratic base, even if it sends a message of weakness and division to the Iranian regime," Lieberman said in a thinly veiled swipe at Clinton's Democratic challengers.-
Source:,2933,309620,00.htmlPrior Items:
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Massive Flooding - 1850 killed
As a major flood-tide approaches England this evening one can reflect on the destructive forces of ocean waves.
Massive Flooding - 1850 people killed -- Katrina -- New Orleans -- No
During Katrina and afterward many people compared New Orleans to the Netherlands where it was alleged that their levies (dikes) gave them complete protection from the elements.
Not True!
During the night of 31 January 1953, a flood disaster hit the South-west of the Netherlands. About 1850 people and tens of thousands of animals lost their lives. Around 100,000 people had to be evacuated, 4500 buildings were destroyed and many more were damaged. Almost 200,000 hectares of land were flooded. Nine months later the last hole in the (50 failed) dikes was closed.
It's interesting how people describe other situations that are much better than our situation, but when examined it turns out not to be true.
For another good example take a close look at the Canadian health care system, what it
provides and what it costs!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Democrats at Wheel in SubPrime Crash
Several years ago I watched Congressional hearings on the Mortgage and Banking Industry. The Democrat members were hammering the managers from GinnieMae, FreddieMac, leading bankers and realtors for excluding the poor and downtrodden from participation in the booming housing market.
Not only were they accused of being Scrooges but they were also accused of bigotry and racism.
So the mortgage and banking folks buckled-under and complied. They participated in underwriting and holding mortgages with terms like:
No money down
No documentation (no proof of: good credit or income or savings)
Delayed initial payments
Reduced closing costs
Very low initial interest rates (future rate resets)
Certainly no bigotry or racism there! Also no responsibility or accountability or liability!
Why are we surprised that someone who meets these criteria and who have no equity (sweat or otherwise) in these homes just default and walkway when things get tight?
Certainly there’s no skin off their hides and no downside either!
So, as major banks and mortgage companies and their investors and the taxpayer’s pickup the tab, these same Democrat politicians want to hold hearings to find out what happened.
What happened was that you jerk’s held hearings and initiated this mess!
Isn't it interesting that Bob Rubin ( Co-Head, Risk Management ) at CitiBank is now the new chief after this subprime fiasco ousted the current CEO. You remember Bob Rubin -- he was Bill Clinton's Treasure Secretary!
Goode beats Kaine, Webb and Mark Warner
The outcome of yesterday’s elections in the 9th Delegate District of Virginia was a major victory for GOP Congressman Virgil Goode.
Congressman Goode strongly and personally supported a GOP ticket that won each of their contests.
Attacking Congressman Goode and the GOP ticket was the Democrat Trifecta
of Democrat Gov Kaine, Democrat Senator Webb and former Democrat Gov. Mark Warner.
These high-rent Democrats invested massive amounts of money into this campaign and their personal time, reputation and political-capital.
Bottom line: One Goode Beats Three of a Kind-
A Bright Ray of Sunshine
We have been waiting patiently since Oct 20th for the Roanoke Times to do a comprehensive article on the Governors race in Louisiana.
Apparently the outcome of that race was not consistent with the liberal and left-wing elements of the press (print or TV) so their best slant is to act as if it didn’t happen.
On Oct 20, 2007 the voters of Louisiana elected GOP Congressman Bobby Jindal Governor of Louisiana!
This is indeed a bright ray of sunshine for a state that has had an incredibly bad history of corruption and malfeasance and incompetence.
The only real sunshine being the song authored by La Gov Jimmie Davis in 1960.
Hopefully the new Governor will have success in dealing with the massive problems of the state and particularly the “stuck on stupid” mayor Nogin and his cronies in New Orleans.
Feed the Hungry Beasts
Roanoke Times, 11/7/07, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Newly elected candidates should support massive increases in funding for higher education; UVa tuition going from $6,100 to $13,900 by by 2013.
Why doesn’t it occur to the editorial board of the Roanoke Times, that the first step in addressing the run-away costs at the universities in Virginia is to do a comprehensive study as to WHY this is happening!
Sending a steady stream of ever increasing money (public and private) is just reinforcing really BAD behavior.
There is no other entity that has had such an explosion of costs over the past 20 years. Graduates are exiting college with $100,000 in college loans.
This RT position is just the latest in a long string of similar articles (following) that indicate that the RT’s editorial board just doesn’t care what the costs are, just keep raising taxes and tuitions and feed the hungry beast! Socialism is like that!
Roanoke Times, 3/19/05, Pg VA 1, 8: Tuition at community colleges to increase; have increased by 83% since 2002.-Once again The Editor presents these massive increases in college costs without one word about the underlying elements of cost and what is causing them and what options are available to stop the hemorrhaging. Apparently college cost is no problem for The Editor and his associates and media partners. His answer: don't ask, don't tell: just raise taxes and fees!-
Roanoke Times, 3/12/05, Pg VA1: The Va Tech Board to consider a 9 percent raise in tuition and fees.-Nowhere is there one word about why costs are rising more than three times faster than inflation. A real "news"paper would make it their business to help taxpayers, parents and legislators understand the reasons for this runaway financial situation. If "news"papers aren't doing that -- what are they doing?-Click for prior Public College funding blog items:-
The Paper, 2/22/05, pg 10: The College Bill article is one of an ongoing series of articles that is positive about freeing VA public colleges from some state oversight requirements.-This change is supported by The Paper and others to somehow help control tuition costs in some magical way. I have not seen in any of the articles a definition of the problem. A real "news" organization would publish data on the education costs per year for the last 10 years and would relate that data to "the rate of inflation plus increase in student population". Then they would point out where and why the costs are escalating above and beyond these parameters. Then they would show how this Bill will help solve the problem. Sure sounds like a lot of real journalism work would be required! By the way, whatever happened to the economy of scale? As more students are added, do you not reduce unit cost? And what about the payback and cost reductions from big investments in technology that the taxpayers have already paid for?
Monday, November 05, 2007
Most Dangerous Concealed Weapon
Roanoke Times, 11/5/07, Pg A3: HIV infected soldier sentenced to 3 years in prison for knowingly having unprotected sex with a teenager in North Carolina.
It’s interesting that the RT and associates have been running numerous large front page stories about staph infections that have killed a few people while at the same time totally hiding the tens of thousands of deaths from HIV+AIDS (the most dangerous concealed weapon in our society).
It’s noteworthy that both the military and North Carolina requires by law anyone with HIV to notify their partners and to use condoms. Would be newsworthy and educational for the RT and their associates to do major articles on this subject relative to the laws in Virginia and other states and to explore how well any existing laws are being enforced. After all, this is a life and death issue more important than motorcycle helmets and seat-belts!
And isn’t it also time to explore and expose the malfeasance and criminal conduct of the CDC and states like NY and California relative to the history of this deadly epidemic.
For details see:
Prior Items:
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Separate but Equal Now OK
Roanoke Times, 11/1/07, Pg Va 6: Editorial: Gender in the classroom. Experiment with single-sex classrooms deserves support.
Celebrate diversity? Separate means NOT equal by any “liberal” definition, doesn’t it? Where are the folks from the ACLU and the girls from NOW now?
Just a short time ago the Roanoke Times editorial team went “postal” over separate but equal classes at VT: See Roanoke Times articles and blog items:
8/5/05, Pg 1: Classes for Saudis separated. Gender-specific classes are given at Tech this summer for people from Saudi Arabia.
8/10/05, Pg 1: Tech professor calls setup (gender-specific classes for Saudi faculty members at a seminar at VT)
a hostile environment and files a formal complaint and gathers other birds-of-a-feather to support her complaints.
8/11/05, Pg 1: VT may take weeks to review case.
Ms. Coupey said the classes created an unpleasant work environment for women.
So, after all these BIG PAGE 1 stories describing the horrors of gender-specific classes for adults at a university level, how could anyone even think about having separate but equal classes in public schools anywhere?
Do we have to get MS. Prof. Coupey (the gender police heroine of the Roanoke Times) down here from VT to explain to these Roanokers about the hostility and the unpleasantness of a gender-specific program and if necessary have her file a discrimination complaint against this school system also?
Apparently the RT bases right and wrong not on what is being done, but who is doing it!
Yet another example of more RT slant and confusion!
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