The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Praying for a Hurricane

Roanoke Times, 12/25/07, Pg A5: Forecaster: next years’ drought shaping up to be even worse for south-east US.
Where are Gore and his 19 esteemed hurricane scientists the Roanoke Times so enjoys to quote? All these folks were telling the world that Global Warming caused the 2005 hurricanes and that this was just the start of the apocalyptic disasters that were coming.
(They never did explain what caused the 1926 Miami hurricane, the most devastating storm to ever hit Florida or the Galveston Hurricane of September 1900, the most devastating storm to ever hit Texas.)
What came was 2006 and 2007 with only several low-impact storms. So low in fact that the entire south-east (including Florida) are in dire drought. This entire region depends on the tail-end of hurricanes to fill the streams, water-tables and reservoirs.
No hurricanes = drought!
The fact is that we are in a 250 year natural global warming cycle that certainly was not caused by man-made CO2:
But not to worry, the global-warming heifer-dust continues unabated with heaps of scorn and distain for anyone who questions “the prince of darkness” and his fraternity.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Greenland Ice Melts From the Bottom

After 250 years of natural Global Warming
(click graphic to enlarge)
(The Mendenhall Glacier is in Alaska)

We're now being told that man-made CO2
is melting the Greenland Ice
Since the IPCC temperature data indicates that
Greenland's Temperature is within its normal
50 year range, what could be melting the ice?
Could it be that natural forces like magma is
melting it from the bottom?
Would surface melting form huge holes hundreds of feet deep?
(Click graphic to enlarge)
Some recent "minority-denier" government links:
Some prior blog items:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Christmas at Arlington

Monday, December 10, 2007


Waterboarding with Nancy Pelosi

After months of vile and nasty Democrat statements on the interrogation techniques that have been used with the Terrorists, who have launched a world war against us, now it turns out that the top members of Congress and the Senate had been briefed in detail about the activities over 30 times starting in 2002!
This includes detailed briefings with Nancy (the broom) Pelosi and the key Democrat members of the Intelligence Committees. None of whom objected or even expressed concerns with the methods being used to get vital information from terrorists about plans to attack US.
Reflecting on Nancy and her Democrat associates, one can only conclude that they’re a group of nasty, hypocritical, and anti-American losers!
Now the Democrats and their friends are trying desperately to deflect attention away from themselves and toward the CIA tape-wiping activity. If you were in the CIA would you trust your safety and the safety of your family to these losers who would do anything in the name of politics?
Prior Items:

Saturday, December 08, 2007


KUDO's to the Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 12/7/07, Pg 1 & 9: Pearl Harbor
What a very comprehensive and professional and personal coverage of this historic event!
Neil Harvey and the RT deserve a well earned thank you.
This is both a reflective article for those who remember WW2 and a very good educational piece for younger folks.
Congratulations also to the artists for the fine photos and the graphics!
Prior blog items:

Friday, December 07, 2007



Thursday, December 06, 2007


Tens of Thousands of Virginians Dead

Roanoke Times, 12/6/07, Pg Va 10AP: Number of Virginians with HIV+AIDS on rise.
Virginia HIV+AIDS Pandemic Getting Much Worse
There are 18,587 Virginians known to be living with HIV+AIDS, up from 6,730 in 1997 according to Va Dept of Health 2008 COMPREHENSIVE HIV PREVENTION PLAN!
CDC estimates these numbers are low by 6,000! 38% are due to male homosexual activity. Young black women are at very great risk.
These numbers, as disturbing as they are, do not disclose HOW MANY DIED during the past 10 years? 16,000 Virginians died during the War Between the States (Civil War), clearly many LESS than have died from HIV+AIDS!
This death rate is many times greater than the number of gun related deaths in Virginia!
One would think our representatives and the Editorial Staff of the Roanoke Times (and their associates) would be demanding that the State and the Nation implement all the laws and processes used to successfully combat and isolate contagious diseases that have been in place and enhanced since Typhoid Mary.
The failure of our government to protect our people from the spread of this plague is gutless, heartless and a level of malfeasance never before seen in this country!
The only analogy I can think of is the giving of blankets infected with small-pox to the plains-Indians.
We have the knowledge, we have the technology, we have the systems; we use them successfully every day for a multitude of contagious diseases.
However, apparently we don’t have the will to protect tens of thousands of innocent lives from this awful epidemic.
God help us and those who have the authority and the responsibility to act, but who choose to just stand and watch!
Pray for your children and grandchildren!
Prior Items:

Monday, December 03, 2007


UN: US owes poor for climate change

USA Today, 11/28/07, Pg 7 A: UN: Poor need aid for climate change.
The UN wants $86 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR from U.S. until 2015 to help vulnerable people to cope with climate-related risks.
It’s now clear for even the most naïve liberals and socialists to see the UN Global Warming SCAM in action!
We are in a 250 year global warming cycle.
The UN “scientists” claim that it’s caused by burning carbon-based fuels
Get the U.S. (Gore et al) to confess that we’re primarily responsible
Have the UN-world demand hundreds of Billions of dollars in Reparations
What a deal!
Here’s a plan UN: send the bill to the Saudi’s, the Norwegians and the other oil producers who have all the oil money – good luck collecting!
Prior Items:

Bob Rubin - What's Your Credit Score?

USA Today, 11/28/07, Pg 9 B: Abu Dhabi bails-out Bob Rubin’s Citigroup with $7.5 BILLION DOLLARS of oil money. The bail-out amounts to a major portion of the ownership of one of the US’s biggest banks!
You remember Bob Rubin – he was Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and purported to be a smart financial operator. His contribution to the Clinton-Recession was never documented; however, he was at the wheel!
Bob’s role in crashing Citigroup into the ground will probably never be made public. However giving lots of folk’s mortgages who couldn’t afford a big mortgage does not seem to require very much intellect. What were they using as the TV-advertised Credit Score? A first year accounting major should be able to handle that job!
You remember Abu Dhabi? Those were the folks the Democrats went postal over relative to management of our ports. Interesting that they never had a problem with Jimmy Hoffa mafia-types running the ports!
At any rate, the Democrats apparently are OK with Rubin welcoming in the Abu Dhabi folks into managing one of our largest banks! What could go wrong with that?
What’s interesting now is that Hillary has apparently gotten selective amnesia relative to the Clinton-Recession
and she may bring Bob Rubin back again as her Treasury Secretary.
What a deal. What a team.

Radiation and Cancer and Air-bursts

Roanoke Times, 12/2/07, Pg Hz 2: Editorial: Over-used CT scans could lead to increased cancer risks down the line.
USA Today, 6/13/07, Pg 3 A: Federal panel backs compensation payments to 4,000 of 15,000 nuclear weapons workers at Rocky Flats, Co.
For over 50 years the media has projected stories about radiation causing cancer. Stories included: X-rays, cell-phones, watch-dials, Radon in the home, flights in jet planes and metal tooth fillings to name just a few.
The real radiation damage to people was done by nuclear air-burst testing. Over 500 in-the-air tests were done in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Radioactive residue was carried in the winds aloft to many parts of the globe and entered the food chain and water supplies
Governments have tried to minimize the scope of this problem by only accepting thyroid cancer as being caused by fall-out.
The adverse cancer consequences of these tests will be measured by a reduction in cancer rates by those people who were born after 1970. Some of this data is already showing up.
Click on link for a more detailed view:

Surrender Quick! - Before We Win!

Roanoke Times, 11/18/07, Pg Hz 2: Editorial: The surge might be working
12/2/07, Pg A 13: Sen. Jim Watts Webb returns from first trip to Iraq – “found signs of progress that the surge is working” BUT we must retreat post-haste!
Based on the current situation on the ground in Iraq it’s vital for Democrats Webb, Murtha, Pelosi and Reid to set a quick surrender date before there’s no one to surrender to!
Perhaps they will all go over to Iran and surrender to President I’mAnutJob!
Has this country ever had such a sad sack of losers in our government?
Former Georgia Democrat Senator Sam Nunn must be very sad to see what has become of his party.
“Democrat” Joe Lieberman recently summed up the situation:
Prior Items:

Not responsible on account of youth

Roanoke Times, 12/1/07, Pg 1 & 6: Teen brain not developed – should not be treated as adults for crimes.
Another liberal shrink turning over every available stone to make the case that teenagers should not be held accountable for rape, murder and assault until their brain fully develops at 25.
Apparently we should adopt a youth-amnesty no-fault law in which we simply remind young people that we all understand that they are not responsible for their actions and that we won’t hassle them over youthful indiscretions like rape, murder and assault. After all, boys will be boys! We’ll check back to see how you’re doing when you’re 25!
This is reminiscent of an 1800’s poem:
"Little Willie"
Little Willie hung his sister
She was dead before we missed her
Willie's always up to tricks
Ain't he cute?
He's only six!
Prior Items:

100 Year Anniversary Eviction

Philadelphia Boy Scouts Face Eviction Over Anti-Gay Policy,2933,314570,00.html
According to a letter the Boy Scouts received from City Solicitor Rome Diaz, the Boy Scouts have until Dec. 3 to sign a new lease (that accepts homosexuals as scout leaders) and start paying for the use of the property, or the city will find a new tenant and the scouts will be evicted.
Diaz, who is openly gay, refused FOX News' request for an interview.
What a great opportunity for the Roanoke Times to follow-up on their Roanoke Times, 8/2/07, Pg Va 1: 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts by Sheila Ellis.
Attached are some reference items for Ms. Ellis to use. The best example is the huge experiment the Catholic Church undertook and how that all worked out.
Also a good local example is the Gay Boy Scout leader issue in Bedford several years ago.


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