The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, February 29, 2008


Homeland Insecurity


Making George Bush and John McCain Look Good

Click-on to see why George Bush and John McCain are looking better every day!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Global-Warmers Snowed Under

USA Today, 2/25/08, Pg 3A: Massive snow will add 50 feet of water to Lake Powell, some areas have 180% above normal, Colorado is 132% above normal.
Roanoke Times, 2/27/08, Pg Va3: Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover is at a 42 year historical record.
NOAA/National Climatic Data Center
Not only is there snow cover – but it’s deep too! Seattle ski areas have over 200 inches of deep snow. All across Asia and Europe snow and cold records are being met or set.
So – where’s Al Gore and his 1500 scientists and all his fellow-traveler journalists who just love to pickup on every storm and explain it as man-made global warming?
The reality that Gore and friends don’t want to address is that we are in a 250 year global warming cycle that started in 1750 at the end of the “little ice age” and that has very little to do with man-made anything!
This cycle is a gradual ( less than (1) degree per 100 years) change that has significant hot and cold spell variations. One of the large and long variations was the cold spell that lasted from 1940 to 1975. Perhaps we’re entering another one of these variations, perhaps not – at any rate Gore and his friends do not have any credibility in forecasting changes nor in establishing cause-effect relationships for weather or climate changes.
If it weren’t politically incorrect – one might even call them high-rent medicine-men and snake-oil salesmen making a killing on fear mongering. How pathetic!
Prior Items:

Friday, February 22, 2008


Like The Last Recession -NOT!

Roanoke Times, 2/22/08, Pg 8: Economy: slowdown is similar to eve of most recent past recession in January 2001.
No it’s not at all like the Clinton Recession! During Bill Clinton’s last year of 2000 the economy was sinking like a rock. But Bill and Hillary continued to crow about how great things were and not a single major media outlet breathed a word about the big economic slide leading up to the 2000 presidential election!
The attached chart was developed from internet data that had to be dug-up as a rebuttal to the Democrat lie-machine.
Only after George Bush was president did the media jump on the recession and obviously blamed it on Bush. They never have published this charted data!
Even today, the Democrats and Hillary continue to deny the economic documented reality and they continue to brag about how good things were when they left office!
In this current down-turn, after 52 months of continuous and uninterrupted net job growth (the historical record), George Bush has been the leader in addressing this slowdown and has proposed and signed a stimulus package to help avoid a recession.
What a huge difference from the Clinton’s, who just let the economy sink while they hid behind a cloud of heifer-dust in order to try to win an election with lies.
What a sad sack of pathetic losers’! And now even their own party has turned against them.
Et tu, Brute?
Prior Items:

Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Roanoke Times, 2/13/08, Pg 1: William & Mary president, Gene Nichol, resigns under duress
Apparently The Board of Visitors had had enough of this arrogant, elitist, liberal snob!
Among his major accomplishments is that he has established himself as a hero to the left-wing community by arrogantly and unilaterally removing the Christian Cross from the W&M Chapel that had been there in the Chapel for 314 years.
Apparently Nichol concluded: that’s long enough, times up; and anyway, who cares?
Prior blog item about Nichol:
One would guess that he will now “move-on-up” and join other like-minded jerks like Andres Serrano who collected $15,000 of taxpayer-funded money from the National Endowment for the Arts for his photographs of Jesus submerged in a container of urine.
It’s reassuring to know, that at least here in Virginia, there are people of substance who do care!
Prior Items:

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Star-Wars: From Sputnik to SM3

Roanoke Times, 2/21/08, Pg A10: Missile hits satellite; its effects are unclear
The tone and content and heading and location of this Roanoke Times article really reflects the view of our national defense as practiced by the liberal left-wing element of our society and media.
Fortunately a more complete and compelling coverage of this outstanding major technological, political and military feat can be found in other media
This of course goes back to the Ronald Reagan initiative and the left-wing reactions to it:
These anti-US-defense views and activities have continued through today:
Click for recent news-blog items:
My history with this subject started in an engineering class room at Rutgers Univ. on October 5, 1957, the day after the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I.
Upon arrival at class, the professor set aside the lesson plan for the day and proceeded to derive, using physics and calculus, the speed and altitude a rocket must reach in order to achieve earth orbit. He also derived the speed that would result in a rocket leaving earth’s gravity and escaping into outer space.
On that day we were all clearly aware that the Soviet Union, who had obtained our nuclear bomb design secrets from the Rosenberg’s, were now in a position to rain nuclear bombs down onto our cities without any means of our defense. This capability was now owned by a country ruled by a tyrant who pounded his shoe on the UN podium and announced to the world that he would bury us. It’s interesting how those memories and feelings were refreshed as I watched the movie October Sky several years ago:
My later missile experience was as a Nuclear Missile Artillery Officer in Germany where we were facing 2 million east-block troops with 60,000 tanks. This at the time when our enemies built the Berlin Wall and assassinated our President.
Although our left-wing liberal community and press railed against Reagan’s Star Wars initiative, history has shown that it was the primary element that convinced the Soviet Union to give-up the arms race.
Yesterday this SM3 missile was fired from a ship at sea. It had a solid warhead, not an explosive. It intercepted and physically hit an object traveling at 17,000 miles an hour approximately 150 miles high.
Anyone in the media who does not understand and appreciate the military-political importance of this shoot-down and its relevance to our safety and security is indeed severely intellectually-challenged or are so politically blinded by ideology that they cannot comprehend the risks of the world that we live in.
The really good news is that for the first time in 50 years we have demonstrated that we can protect our people from an incoming missile-warhead with an operational defensive "star-wars" system.
Those who beat their swords into plows will plow for those who didn’t!

Boy Scout Supporter

Roanoke Times, 2/21/08, Pg A5: Gov. Rick Perry of Texas supports the Boy Scouts and admonishes the ACLU in his new book “On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth Fighting For.”
The book outlines the past 30 years of attacks on the Boy Scouts by the ACLU and their associates.
This is a most welcome component in the effort to support a great organization that has provided very significant value to the lives of many young men. It is particularly important because the Governor directly confronts those who lack the civility to respect the valid and honorable beliefs of others and to allow individuals and organizations to follow their beliefs and values.
Apparently the ACLU is all for “celebrating diversity” as long as you agree with their definition of diversity.

Democrat Media Smear Machine

Roanoke Times, 2/21/08, Pg A3: McCain reacts to New York Times smear attack

The New York Times published a totally unsupported “anonymous source” attack article stating that Sen. McCain had a personal and professional inappropriate relationship with a lobbyist.
One would think that at this point in time the New York Times would have the literary integrity to provide very significant evidence of wrongdoing before personally attacking and smearing Sen McCain or any other candidate for President.
However, this attitude and behavior is completely compatible with the keynote commencement speech by Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger at SUNY New Paltz in June 2006.Mr. Sulzberger’s address (video by CSPAN – click on link) was a hostile and negative political diatribe delivered to a captive audience of young people who deserved better than they got.This level of bias and destructive vindictiveness by the leader of one of our largest news media should be of concern to everyone interested in a free press.
Prior Items:
This all sure smells alot like things we've seen before, like:
NBC's RatherGate and
Newsweek's QuranGate

Monday, February 18, 2008


Lake Mead going dry and it's your fault!

Roanoke Times, 2/14/08, Pg A 7: Lake Mead, AZ, going dry.
Changes in climate and strong demand for Colorado River water could drain the lake by 2021.
“Reservoir faces increasing threats from human-induced climate change”
Yet another Gore-knee-jerk comment being passed off by the media as fact.
At what point is the media going to stop regurgitating this type of tripe?
There isn’t any scientific evidence no less a study that shows a cause-and-effect relationship between human-induced climate activity and the Colorado River water shortage.
The primary human impacts are increased water requirements for farming and population growth.
Climatic Fluctuations, Drought, and Flow in the Colorado River Basin
Prior Climate Items:

Judicial Nominations Waiting

Roanoke Times, 2/12/08, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Now that House Republicans are done playing chicken with judges, it’s time to compromise on appointments.
The RT’s indignation about Republican behavior relative to Kaine’s candidates is interesting relative to the RT’s total silence about the 200 Bush nominees waiting for a Senate confirmation process that is totally stopped by Dem Leader Harry Reid.
Just another example of the “new improved Democrat leadership control of Congress” and the Roanoke Times editorial team that loves them!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Global Warming - What would Jesus Do?

Roanoke Times Ad, Global Warming debate at Roanoke College, 2/1/08
Thomas Derr vs Richard Cizik
Unfortunately I was not able to attend this meeting; however, even without a religious debate, we fortunately have the physical evidence that clearly demonstrates we are in a 250 year Global Warming Cycle that far transcends human activity. Perhaps Jesus would tell us that many of the things we experience in life have been programmed into what we call “Mother Nature”.
This warming cycle started at the end of the little ice age in 1750. There have been and are variations in global temperatures over time and space, however, the trend is clear for all to see by simply observing our land-based glaciers.
It’s very disturbing that the fraternities of man-made global warming people do not share this type of information and perspective with the public. That’s what happens when people become so dogmatic that they declare: “the debate is over”.
Prior items:

Ethanol - burning our food

Ethanol – burning our food

The Roanoke Times, 12/19/07, Pg Bus 7: Bill increases ethanol output, would mandate a fivefold increase in production by 2022.
Roanoke Times, 2/7/08, Pg Bus 1: More GM vehicles to run on ethanol.
USA Today, 1/14/08, Pg B 1: No relief in sight at the grocery store. Increasing corn prices impacting: hogs, cows, poultry and cereal and dough.
So the Democrat Congress, surrogate for the little-people, in a totally misguided leap to do something, anything, for global-warming decided to mandate virtually all our corn resources to make ethanol to burn in vehicles.
Ethanol is of course a carbon-based fuel that requires large amounts of carbon-based fuels to produce and which then results in lots of CO2 emissions when burned.
And how does Congress “mandate” ethanol production? Sound like something the old Kremlin did back in the “good old days”. How many acres of corn do Reid and Pelosi plant each year? How many refineries are they going to build? Here in Virginia we just rejected a proposal to build an ethanol refinery and the Editors of the Roanoke Times had a celebration party.
It just took Virginia over four (4) years for an energy company to get “initial” approval to build a small wind-farm facility. How much longer to get “final” approval and to prep the site, build the towers, install the turbines and extend the power-line to the facility?
Doesn’t appear that Gov Kaine and his administration are very interested in getting “green energy” and “energy independence” established in Virginia. It’s great to talk about it, but let’s not do anything!

Happy UAW Strikers

Roanoke Times, 2/2/08, Pg 1: UAW members at Dublin’s Volvo plant walked out. Big photo of happy smiling workers carrying signs.
What a sad and pathetic sight. Unions have historically been very good organizations to represent workers. However, they also have been very bad forces that work against the best interests of workers.
Volvo-Dublin pays well, particularly relative to current economic conditions and the Dublin Va south-west location and they provide a good, safe and friendly workplace.
Volvo is under great business stress as are all American manufacturing companies. Foreign competition combined with stifling regulation at the local, state and federal levels have resulted in “made in the USA” a dwindling label and there are powerful groups dedicated to totally wipe it out ASAP.
The new diesel emissions requirements have already had a major negative impact on sales and production:
The current economic slowdown will only reduce further the market for new Volvo-Dublin manufactured trucks. Given this workplace and business environment how can this union act in such an irresponsible manner?
Oh yes, Hillary and Obama have heartily endorsed this strike. Something about a Democrat primary election next Tuesday. How dull and lame is that!
On the one hand they lament to loss of “middle income” jobs while at the same time they support taxes and regulations that drive manufacturing out of the US. What a team!

Flood Control NOT

Roanoke Times, 2/5/08, Pg Va 1: US Army Corps of engineers: Roanoke River flood reduction project won’t prevent floods.
Roanoke Times, 2/9/08, Pg Va 1: Pres. Bush’s proposed budget includes only about $1 million for the Roanoke River flood control effort.
Over $65 million spent and finally the “officials” acknowledge that the Roanoke River “Project” will NOT prevent major flooding over the same area that has flooded many times before and where major new projects are planned to be built. Does New Orleans mentality ring a bell?
And now that nasty Bush is only budgeting $1 million of additional funding for the “Flood Reduction Project”.
$65 million dollars spent on cleaning up and clearing out the banks along the river, clearly something the City, the County and the State should have been doing every year for the past 100 years!
This is not flood control, it is not flood prevention it is simply “river-side dress-up” at a tremendous cost!
Your government tax dollars at work and the RT is totally clueless as usual.
The real solution to making a major effort at “flood control” was to do major dredging to make the river at least twenty feet deep. There was no way this was going to happen because of the “log-perch” that are clearly lots more important than flood control.
Yet another incredibly stupid environmental decision!
All this was clear and obvious and documented in this blog two years ago!

Saturday, February 09, 2008


The Surrender Game Iwo Jima

This election campaign has now clearly presented the American people, for the first time in our history, with a clear election choice to:
Surrender to our enemies in a major world-wide war.

Surge not working!

USA Today, 2/7/08, Pg 3A: Crime wave has grip on city
Roanoke Times, 1/9/07, Pg A5: Surge in crime follows surge in police and troops
Murder, rape, robbery is surging after two years of intensive build-up of local police, state police and National Guard troops.
Murder rate is 50% higher than two years ago.
Baghdad? No! New Orleans!
Apparently “The Surge” is working much better in Iraq than in Louisiana!
May have something to do with the fact that Mayor Nogin is still in-charge.

Monday, February 04, 2008


It's Crying Time Again

It’s the day before Super-Tuesday

Click for the Music to cry and cut yourself by


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