The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, March 27, 2008


The Audacity of Plausible Deniability

Roanoke Times, 3/27/08, Pg 4A: Obama wants people to forget pastor’s words
Roanoke Times, 3/27, 08, Pg 6A: Saddam paid 2 million barrels of oil for three Democrat Congressmen to visit Iraq as the UN passed the 16th resolution of condemnation.
Obama’s answer to his pastor-disaster is that he didn’t know that his pastor was an anti-American racist fanatic who turned his church into the equivalent of a madrassa type of facility full of anger instead of Christian-love.
Senator Obama, are you trying to insult our intelligence – or is it just turning out that way?
Saddam’s paid trip for three Democrat Congressmen: Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California resulted in their support for his continued position of power in Iraq and his continued gassing of Kurds in his own country and many other well documented atrocities by Saddam and his sons and his regime.
The Senators deny knowing who paid for their trip. Who did they think paid for their trip and why did they think that was OK whoever it was?
What a sad sack of losers!
Prior Item:

Friday, March 14, 2008


Obama's Rev Wright Very WRONG

Major News Item – but, not found in Roanoke Times


Apparently Senator & Mrs Obama’s pastor and close advisor and associate for many years is not a nice person and certainly has very negative views of our country. He has also been a close associate of Louis Ferricon, (another not nice person)!
Perhaps this explains the negative attitude about our country that Mrs Obama has publicly expressed during the campaign.
Some quotes from an available for sale DVD include:“Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person.”
In a Jan. 13 sermon, Wright said:
“Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty.”
Perhaps there are some things we need to learn about the Obama’s and their close associates before we elect them to the White House. You think?

Achieving Low Expectations

Roanoke Times, 3/12/08, Pg Bus 8: Gov Kaine introduces German firm to Franklin Co.
Franklin County welcomes McAirlaid’s Vliesstoffe and hopes that they will do well and prosper and encourage other businesses to locate here.

However, albeit that reversing or even slowing the exodus of businesses from south-side Virginia is welcome news, one wonders about Gov Kaine’s objectives and expectations.
Gov Kaine called this announcement “one of the most significant economic development projects of his administration.”
Gov Kaine gave this German firm $3.5 Million in incentives to bring a “projected or anticipated” 165 new jobs that pay $15 per hour.
If this is “one of the most significant economic development projects of his administration” for the entire state of Virginia, one might wonder what the pay-back is on the total Virginia (state and regional and county) economic development budgets and expenditures.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Your Daughter has VD and the President is Responsible

Roanoke Times, 3/12/08, Pg A5: AP: 1 in 4 teen girls has STD
Roanoke Times, 3/13/08, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Abstinence doesn’t work
The AP article launches into a diatribe accusing Pres. Bush of being responsible for this sad situation. The RT editor piles on with even more details, chastity belts and visceral condemnation of the President and abstinence sex-education.
The AP news article and the RT editors hold Pres Bush personally responsible that your daughter (one out of four teenagers) has some form of VD (the new PC name is STDs). STD does NOT of course include HIV+AIDS. This is because our government and media do not want the public health systems to intervene in the HIV+AIDS pandemic.
Pres Bush is responsible because he supports “abstinence” as the primary method of “safe- sex”. Apparently he’s on the side of science which states that all other methods of sex have a significant “failure rate”. Perhaps if many young girls were not practicing abstinence the statistic would be much worse with two or more out of four with VD.
Does anyone believe that there is any middle school student anywhere in the US that does not know about condoms? Have we not seen countless clips of “if you forgot it – forget it!”
Clearly not at fault is the liberal community that flood young people with intense sexual material in magazines, books, internet, movies and music. According to the liberals, all that stuff is good for young people, liberating them from bad inhibitions and religious dogma. The ACLU and liberal judges and a totally corrupt entertainment industry can’t be responsible for these outcomes; they are just exercising their first amendment rights to corrupt our children!
Also not identified as responsible are the parents! Wouldn't want to burden them with this problem.
And certainly the non-safe-sex role models are not responsible. People like the Hollywood Stars, Sports Stars, Bill Clinton, Kobe Bryant and now Governor Eliot Spitzer. According to the RT editors logic their unsafe sex practices must also be directly the fault of Pres. Bush and his abstinence policies.
Perhaps a good start would be for Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood and the RT editors to get with these guys and instruct them on the virtues of safe-sex and then do demos on how to roll-on-a-banana. Apparently they missed these classes in high school.
I’m sure their at-risk wives would be very grateful!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Schadenfreude Spitzer

Roanoke Times, 3/11/08, Pg 1: NY governor (Eliot Spitzer D-NY) linked to pricey prostitution ring,2933,336688,00.html
Several words come to mind when reflecting on this self-anointed high-priest.
Schadenfreude: German for taking delight in someone else’s misfortune.
Hypocritical: pious while condemning others as being less virtuous than oneself.
Comeuppance: A punishment or retribution that one deserves; one's just deserts:
The NY Times must be very pleased. They wanted to have a story about a politician involved with “another woman” with the objective of destroying that man’s chances of becoming President. Now they have their story! Be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it!
One might wonder what Mrs Spitzer is most upset about: the infidelity, the prostitute, the unsafe sex or the $4,000? What a guy!
Many men are also upset about the cost inflation and the new expectations that this establishes: $50 to $500 to $5,000. Sure changes the old standard of dinner and a movie!
This has to be caused by those darn Bush economic policies.
We need to get Bill Clinton back in the White House and get this fixed.
ps1: The Associated Press, quoting unnamed law enforcement officials, said Spitzer's running tab for the trysts could have been as high as $80,000. Earlier Tuesday, the New York Post reported that Spitzer has been soliciting prostitutes at least since 2002, according to unnamed sources.
If Spitzer was Client #9, after spending $80K over 6 years -- who are # 1 thru 8 and how much are they spending?
And I though the cost of college was out of sight!

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change

A comprehensive review of information about global warming, climate change and the effects of man-made CO2 was conducted at:
The 2008 International Conference on Climate Change,
Sponsored by The Heartland Institute, March 2 - March 4, 2008, New York City
The conclusions reached are that "Global warming" is not a global crisis and that significant negative economic, social and political consequences can result from misguided actions.
Click for the Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change
Prior Item:

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Ill Defined Commission and Objectives

Roanoke Times, 3/3/08, Pg Va 7: Climate change is Virginia’s concern. A lengthy commentary by Preston Bryant, chairman of Gov Kaine’s climate change commission.
There are two major things wrong with this article and Governor Kaine’s direction to this group.
The first is that by name and mission this group is focused on a natural phenomenon that has never been managed by mankind. The IPCC, the UN group, upon which Mr. Gore bases much of his presentation, states in their documentation that there is NO scientific proof that man-made CO2 causes global warming or climate change. Instead, they (the IPCC) rely on an ever evolving consensus of opinion that their latest conjecture is scientific fact.
If there is some moderate level of warming, clearly less than one degree in the last 100 years and none at all in the past 8 years, it is not going to be significantly impacted by any changes mankind is going to make. The best we have done in the past and the best we can do in the future is to adapt (something about Darwin).
The second is that the mission should NOT be “climate change” but should be “energy change”. This is very important because our “new improved congress” has already made major and serious mistakes that impact our economy and food supply by focusing on the wrong objectives and mandating that we burn our food in our vehicles:
(ethanol is corn and corn is flour, meat, milk, cheese, eggs and tacos!).
The correct objectives are that we develop and implement energy systems that phase out dependence on organic based materials that are limited in quantity, that create significant emissions when consumed and which cause us to have an unacceptable dependency on others. There are many sustainability advocates who would like each and every community to be energy-independent so that we can all touch, see and feel the sources of the energy that we consume.
The current alternative green-energy candidates are: hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear and fuel-cells. Virginia has no wind farms and in fact has held-up the only application for over four years out of misguided concern for bats and birds. With that kind of impetus for change it’s not likely that Gov. Kaine or his commission is going to have a significant impact on our energy systems in our lifetime and this is especially true if they are chasing the wrong objectives!
What’s important about the definition of an objective? Albert Einstein wrote that a problem well defined and stated is a problem half-solved.


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