The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Purging the Deniers
The debate is over and all those who do not sign-up to the Al Gore view that global warming is a crisis and is caused by man-made CO2 are to be banished, shunned and driven out of their jobs and positions of public exposure.
Here in Virginia, no better example could be used than that of Prof. Patrick Michaels, a distinguished scientist and faculty member at VT and UVA who has been personally attacked by Gov. Kaine and who has even been banished from appearing before the governor’s climate change commission.
We haven’t seen anything quite like this since the Pope isolated and vilified Galileo.
And now the University of Colorado is falling in line with the Gore-machine with their treatment of Prof. Bill Gray, the most experienced and qualified hurricane scientist and forecaster in the USA.
Hurricane Expert: School Silencing me over global-warming views
FOX News Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A pioneering expert on hurricane forecasting says he may soon lose funding due to his skepticism about man-made global warming, according to a report in the Houston Chronicle.
Dr. William Gray, who once said that pro-global warming scientists are "brainwashing our children," claims that Colorado State University will no longer promote his yearly North Atlantic hurricane forecasts due to his controversial views.
Gray complained in a memo to the head of Colorado State’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences that "this is obviously a flimsy excuse and seems to me to be a cover for the Department's capitulation to the desires of some (in their own interest) who want to reign [sic] in my global warming and global warming-hurricane criticisms," the Chronicle reports.
School officials denied that Gray’s stand on global warming was an issue, and said that they are cutting back on media support for his forecasts due to the strain it places on the school's lone media staffer.
"It really has nothing to do with his stand on global warming," Sandra Woods, dean of the College of Engineering at CSU, told the Chronicle. "He's a great faculty member. He's an institution at CSU."
In the fall of 2005, Gray passed lead authorship of the yearly hurricane forecasts to his former student Philip Klotzbach, but he continues to head the Tropical Meteorology Project at CSU.
CSU will continue to publicize Gray's yearly forecasts as long as they are co-authored by Klotzbach, officials told the Chronicle last week, but will end their support if Klotzbach, who recently earned his doctorate, moves to another institution.
"It seems peculiar that this is happening now," Donald Wright, a professor on public relations at Boston University, told the Chronicle. "Given the national reputation that these reports have, you would think the university would want to continue to promote these forecasts."
One friend said Gray's views highlight the politically charged atmosphere that surrounds global warming research in the United States.
"Bill Gray has come under a lot of fire for his views," former director of the National Hurricane Center Neil Frank, currently chief meteorologist at Houston's KHOU-TV, told the Chronicle. "If, indeed, this is happening, it would be really sad that Colorado State is trying to rein in Bill Gray."
The Chronicle noted that Gray's views on global warming had become increasingly personal, with characterizations of former colleagues and students who disagreed with him as "medicine men" and a "Gang of Five" conspiring to promote the idea of man-made climate change.
Gray contends it's all a
hoax contrived by scientists hungry for research funding, media professionals thirsting for Pulitzer Prizes and foreign powers seeking to create a single world government.
In fact, he says, the warming cycle will soon end, and the Earth will begin a period of
temporary cooling.
To view the latest NASA Global Warming Data Graphic that clearly calls into question the Gore-hypothesis:
Prior Items:
Monday, April 28, 2008
Preaching to the Obscene Choir
Jeremiah Wright was welcomed (4/27/08) to the meeting of the National Press Club with a rousing standing ovation; this after a warm reception by the mayor of Detroit and receipt of an award by the Detroit NAACP.
Instead of trying to somehow explain or atone for his radical, racial, hateful sermons, Jeremiah chose to expound upon his vile positions as proper and appropriate and proposed that anyone who is disturbed by or speaks out about his behavior is against black-churches!
The real underlining and very disturbing problem that has been revealed here is the attitude and behavior and beliefs of the Detroit NAACP, the mayor of Detroit and the National Press Club.
In defending Wright, these people have publically proclaimed that they support his views and statements that are very similar to the radical Muslim Madras schools that have resulted in violent behavior by many Muslim-terrorists.
In this country we have seen similar behaviors from the followers of Malcolm-X the Black Liberation Army and Louis Farrakhan.
Jeremiah Wright should be shunned until he rejects racism and hatred, not applauded and praised. That’s what happened to David Duke and the KKK and that is what should happen to all those who follow that destructive path.
Voter ID Required
In conflict with the editors of the Roanoke Times and their friends at the DNC and the ACLU, the Supreme Court has ruled that states and the federal government may require that voters provide photo-ID when voting.
AP Story: WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Monday that states can require voters to produce photo identification without violating their constitutional rights, validating Republican-inspired voter ID laws.
In a splintered 6-3 ruling, the court upheld Indiana's strict photo ID requirement, which Democrats and civil rights groups said would deter poor, older and minority voters from casting ballots. Its backers said it was needed to deter fraud.
A “splintered ruling”! Only the AP and their associates would call a 6 to 3 vote splintered. Others would call it a clear mandate for fair voting and elections.
How is it democratic and fair to have people voting who are not eligible to vote?
It takes ID to buy beer! It takes ID to buy cigarettes! It takes ID to get on a plane!But requiring ID for voting is not OK?
Why would left-wing liberals want persons to vote who are not eligible to vote?
Prior Item:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mass Persuasion Exercise
A $300 million dollar “Mass Persuasion Exercise” has been launched by Al Gore’s organization, “The Alliance for Climate Protection”, in order to influence public opinion about man-made CO2 impacts on global warming and climate.
This major propaganda effort is based on a UN group’s (IPCC) hypothesis that man-made CO2 is causing a global warming and climate crisis. However, the IPCC states in their documentation that there is NO scientific proof that man-made CO2 causes global warming or climate change. Instead, they (the IPCC) rely on an ever evolving consensus of opinion that their latest conjecture is scientific fact.
A reasonable and prudent first step for Mr Gore and his group would be to address and explain the global temperature data published by NASA:
click-on graphic to enlarge:
The Chairman of the Board, Al Gore: “The Alliance for Climate Protection is undertaking an unprecedented mass persuasion exercise”
“The Alliance will initially spend $300 million over three years, although Zoi said more could be spent in the future.”
Prior Items:
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Welcome to the Republican Party
As I listen to all the media-talk about young people registering as Democrats, I remember that I became a Republican after looking at all the deductions listed on my first pay day check-stub.
Attached from an unknown author is another lesson that might apply to those who have not yet earned their first pay check.
Father-daughter (son) talk.... A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and among other liberal ideals, was very much in favor of higher taxes to support more government programs, in other words redistribution of wealth. She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his. One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father. Her father responded by asking how she was doing in school.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend, and didn't really have many college friends because she spent all her time studying. Her father listened and then asked, 'How is your friend Audrey doing?' She replied, 'Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She's always invited to all the parties and lots of times she doesn't even show up for classes because she's too hung over.' Her wise father asked his daughter, 'Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA.' The daughter, visibly shocked by her father's suggestion, angrily fired back, 'That's a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I've worked really hard for my grades! I've invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!'
-The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently,
'Welcome to the Republican party.'
Monday, April 21, 2008
Va Gov's Commission on Climate Change
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Obama: the bitter elitist
Having difficulty finding coverage of the latest foot-in-mouth Obama “bitter elitist” debacle in the Roanoke Times (wonder why?)
It appears that there’s nothing like getting with your soul-mates in a fund-raising situation in which you think your words are never going to see the light of day to say what you really feel and think!
It also appears that Obama said what he thought Barbra Streisand, Michael Moore, Ted Turner, George Soros and the other elitist fat-cat community of radical left-wing anti-American extremists in California would like to hear?
I have a life-time hunting-fishing-big-game license in two states and I have been both a Deacon and an Elder in my Christian Church.
About the only thing I’m bitter about is the way most of the media has degenerated into a highly biased left-wing propaganda mess.
In 1982 Ed Koch, mayor of NYC, ran for governor of NY. At some point he publicly commented that small-town upstate folks were so simple that all they did was drive their pick-up trucks down town to Sears to buy Searsucker suits. Koch lost the election primarily by loosing big the upstate vote!
Perhaps small-town folks are smarter than some “sophisticated” people give them credit for!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Lincoln, Hero or Despot
Today, on April 14, 1865, while watching a performance of "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theater with his wife, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated from a gunshot wound to the back of the head at point-blank range by John Wilkes Booth.
History has been very kind to Pres. Lincoln, but not so those who were his contemporaries in both the north and the south in the media and the body politic. Surely when news of the shooting spread, over half of the country celebrated.
Today’s actions by the Democrat party and most of the media relative to Pres. Bush and the Iraq War and the War with Radical Islam is very similar to the environment Pres. Lincoln faced from 1861 until his death.
Some of the key items of similar Democrat & Media focus then and now:-
* Disregard for the Constitution
Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus
Lincoln had war ships fire on the New York City draft rioters
Lincoln had Union Troops quell protesters in the north with deadly force
* Disregard for the Press
News people arrested and organizations seized by Federal Troops:
NY Tribune; NY Express, NY Herald; NY Sun
* Crimes against Humanity
Warfare launched against civilian populations in the Shenandoah Valley,
The siege of Vicksburg, the burning of Atlanta and the genocidal march
To the sea by Sherman.
* Crimes against Rules of War
The inhumane treatment of prisoners at Union prison of war camps with
Rampant abuse and starvation.
* No plan to win the war
The plan was to suffer tremendous casualties over four years with a revolving
List of generals, searching for a leader who could win by out-killing the opposition.
* No exit strategy
The exit strategy was to WIN whatever it took, however long it took
* No post victory (occupation) strategy
The post victory actions became a horrible legacy that endures today
A Reconstruction that resembled primeval survival of the fittest
The Posse Comitatus Act that enabled 150 years of the KKK terrorists
* Totally ignoring the public (media) opinion
Lincoln’s answer to the public out-cry for stopping the slaughter:
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right
as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in.”
Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural address
Given how nicely historians have treated Pres. Lincoln, I wonder how history will view Pres. George Bush and his distracters.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Textbook has conservative bias
Roanoke Times, 4/13/08, Pg A12: Government text draws high school student’s fire for conservative bias.
Some stuff in the book is just plain wrong says a NJ teen. Agreeing with the teen is The Center for Inquiry at Amherst, NY, think tank that promotes science and which has issued a scathing report about the textbook.
The main issue item is: “science doesn’t know whether we are experiencing a dangerous level of global warming or how bad the (CO2) greenhouse effect is, if it exists at all.”
Since when is stating facts a “conservative bias”? The global temperature for the past 100 years published by NASA shows less than one (1) degree warming during the past 100 years and no warming during the past 10 years.
Also well established data that the IPCC publishes is that 95% of the greenhouse effect is caused by water-vapor and that man-made CO2 contributes less than 5% of 5% which is approximately 0.25%.
It would appear that the Center for Inquiry should inquire into the NASA 100 year temperature data and into the IPCC data on the amount of greenhouse effect that can be attributed to man-made CO2. Perhaps a real “think tank” would do that!
It also would appear that the “they say” who are quoted as the source of the stories’ label of “conservative bias” is another gross slant by the AP and their friends at the Roanoke Times.
Perhaps the RT and their friends should publish the facts and leave the “they say” in the clippings on the editorial floor where they belong and present headlines in a factual manner. Something about professional publishing and editing that is taught in journalism 101.
We're Known by the Friends we Keep
NY Times, Pg A14, 12/29/07, Sen. Obama embracing Al Twana Sharpton
It is amazing that Sen. Obama, who presents himself as the new and improved generation of young leaders, could even be in the same room with Al Twana Sharpton.
We are known by the friends we keep and in this case the association paints a very poor image of Sen. Obama who should be repudiating Sharpton and everything he represents!
Prior Items:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Precipitous Withdrawal
USA Today, 4/9/08, Pg 1:
“Nobody’s asking for precipitous withdrawal!”
A direct quote by Sen. Obama to Gen Petraeus during senate hearing on Iraq war status.
“Yet Another Obama Audacity of Insulting Our Intelligence Again”!-
“Nobody’s asking for precipitous withdrawal”? Where has this guy been for the last 3 years? Apparently his amnesia is so bad he can’t remember his own public statements! Did this guy forget to take his medicine or what?
Click to view the top Democrat leadership team and their quest to determine who can name a shorter time table to “cut and run”:
Is this the “change” he has been preaching?
Prior Items:
Are these really "toxins"
Roanoke Times,3/28/08, Pg Va 1 & 4: Toxin levels higher than reported. A seven (7) column expose' on new news about Radford Arsenal TOXIC chemical releases.
I had to read through six columns of really scary descriptions of these horrible TOXINS before I found out that they are primarily nitrogen and nitrates.
Nitrogen is 79% of the atmosphere and nitrogen and nitrates are the primary content of fertilizers aren't they? Those are the primary products put into the soil by legumes and crops like alfalfa aren't they?
Al Gore and our government now think that CO2 is a toxic substance. That's what we breath out and green-plants breath in isn't it?
Why is it so easy to become cynical about what's going on these days?
By the way, if you know of anyone who has ever gotten ill or died from PCB's or DDT or formaldehyde, please send me their name.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Thank You To All Our Service Members
Please click for power point presentation of Thanks
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CLICK (author unknown)
Author unknown-
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Obama & Jeremiah-Bullfrog
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