The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, August 30, 2008


AIDS+HIV Pandemic Worse Than Reported

Roanoke Times, 8/30/08, Pg Va 9: Very good article by Pam Meador: AIDS prevention depends on knowing who has it.
Major and very disturbing data of reported increasing cases in Virginia. The CDC reporting the pandemic is worse than previously known.
Fox news HIV+AIDS article that NY has 3 times the national rate
NEW YORK — New data show New York City residents are contracting the virus that causes AIDS at three times the national rate.“The city health department said Wednesday that almost 4,800 New Yorkers were infected with HIV in 2006. That number represents 72 of every 100,000 residents, compared to a national rate of 23 per 100,000.The figures pinpoint when people became infected with the virus, not just when they were diagnosed.Health officials attribute the city's relatively high rate of new infections to its large populations of gay men, blacks and other groups on whom HIV has traditionally taken a heavy toll.Assistant health commissioner Dr. Monica Sweeney says the figures underscore the continued need to promote HIV testing and prevention.”
This awful pandemic that strikes people of every category continues because our government refuses to implement the public health systems that were developed over 100 years ago because of Typhoid Mary.Until “we” implement the processes and procedures that are used for all major communicable diseases, this pandemic will continue to destroy thousands of innocent lives.
Click back through the following links for a brief summary of just how much talking has been done and how little action has been accomplished.

Gov. Sara Palin

Roanoke Times, 8/30/08, Pg 1 & 4: McCain takes a gamble with Palin.
The Roanoke/AP spin and slant on the very first day:
“She is younger (44 vs 47) and less experienced than Obama --- A governor for just 20 months following two terms as mayor of Wasilla, Ak. Where the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the dog-mushing race.
She served in her statehouse 20 months. Obama served in his statehouse for eight years.”
Some anti-spin anti-slant views:
Sara Palin was elected and served as the chief executive officer of a city and then the governor and chief executive officer of the state of Alaska.
Gov. Palin is the commander of the Alaska National Guard.
Gov. Palin is the chief executive of the state containing the major source of US energy.
Obama is one of 100 senators who have no direct personal responsibility or accountability for anything and who has served in that seat for 140 days with no visible or documented significant accomplishments.
It’s clear that the Republican VP nominee (Palin) is more qualified to be chief executive officer of the country than the Democrat presidential nominee (Obama).
In retrospect, Dan Quayle who served in Congress and the Senate was more qualified for national office than Obama.
Prior Items:

Friday, August 29, 2008


Playing the Race Card Again

The Roanoke Times, 8/29/08, Pg 1: Obama acceptance speech at Democratic Convention.
“I don’t fit the typical pedigree of a presidential candidate.”
This after: I don’t look like the guys on the American money.
Obama’s selection by the Democrat party is indeed a major milestone in American history; however, apparently he just can’t get through a major speech without playing the race card!
Obama’s lack of management and government experience and solid proposals that will improve our national issues are being hidden behind this ongoing game of appealing to the guilty consciences that all good and decent voters are supposed to have.
Perhaps Obama is also trying to divert voters attention away from what many feel is the game that has already been established by his 20 year immersion in Rev. Wright’s church of the “God Dam America” congregation.
Senator Obama, you are much more likely to achieve your goals by focusing on solid achievable proposals to improve our country than to continue to follow this divisive and diversionary tactic.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Obama in Martinsville

Roanoke Times, 8/21/08, Pg 1 & 8: BIG Coverage: 2” X 8” HEADLINE with a 9” X 10” article with BIG PICTURE! ECONOMY KEY DURING OBAMS’S VIRGINIA TRIP
Wow – talk about your ROCK STAR COVERAGE! But what about the substance?
Obama: “I’m not saying that every job is going to come back to Martinsville just because I’m elected president”
There are three things wrong with that statement:
No where was it mentioned that the jobs that have been lost were the direct result of DEMOCRAT Bill Clinton’s NAFTA legislation.
When McCain indicated in Detroit that many of the rust-belt jobs would not come back, the Left-wing liberal media when postal. Nary a whimper on this occasion!
Third: We are now on our second DEMOCRAT Governor and the job losses continue. What have Warner and Kaine done to stop the bleeding?
Obama: “But what I can do is I can say that I’m going to wake up every day thinking about you and thinking about how to make your life a little bit better.”
Incredible! Sound like something that the number three Democrat presidential contender, John Edwards probably said to his girlfriend!
But the left-wing liberal editors and writers are not deterred in their enthusiastic support for this guy who has served just 140 days in the US Senate.

Biden and the Dead Cat Bounce

Not found in the Roanoke Times in spite of incredible amount of free political advertisement in every copy every day.
Obama picks Joe Biden as his VP
Obama outspends everyone in history,
The National Democrat Convention starts
and then:
Gallup does an update to their poll and the results are:
Obama drops 3 points to below McCain
Clearly there will only be one poll that counts, however, it’s certainly clear that this news doesn’t make Michelle proud!
Prior Items:

Clinton's Treasury Secretary

Not found in the Roanoke Times in spite of their extensive coverage of the current economic issues (all Bush’s fault of course)
Remember Clinton’s financial wizard and Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin. He landed a big job with Citigroup and then copiloted that corporation into the ground!
4th Qtr 2007 – 10 BILLION LOST
1st Qtr 2008 - another 5 BILLION LOST
“Business News: 8/25/08
Citigroup changed former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin's title at the financial conglomerate to "senior counselor" and dissolved the board's executive committee. Citi said the responsibilities of the executive committee mainly involved calling special meetings. Previously Rubin served as chairman of the executive committee.”
How can anyone really believe the Democrats have the answers to our economic issues?
Prior Rubin items:
Click for the Clinton Recession that the major media cannot bear to acknowledge.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


McCain the Executive and Obama the College Philosophy Professor

The sort-of debate Sat night Aug 16, 2008 made very clear many major differences between McCain and Obama.
Obama presented himself as a walks-the-walk and talks-the-talk salesman of fine and polished things, carefully parsing out and finessing the controversial and politically incorrect issues. His polished Harvard Law school training was there for all to see. His major advisors are wife, mom and grandma.
McCain presented himself as an executive who sees issues as challenges to be addressed and solved. His major advisors are outstanding people in the fields he sees as very high on the presidential to-do list. He confronted head-on all the controversial issues of our time with a what-you-see is what-you-get directness and openness.
On the issues Obama went directly down the standard old left-Democrat path.
On the issues McCain showed true political diversity, supporting the paths he feels is right for the country and the future.
The choice is clear, we can have a smooth left-wing talker or we can have a middle-of-the-road doer!
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Roanoke Times & AP Playing the Race Card

Roanoke Times, 8/13/08, Pg 1 & 6: Pollsters unsure of white-people’s answers
The jist of this extensive article is that in the Va. Gov. Doug Wilder and the LA Mayor TomBradley elections and now with the Obama election, white folks lie to pollsters about who they will vote for.
This clearly is a not so subtle way of accusing white folks of racism. However, instead of racism, perhaps we have brow-beat people into the behavior that being Politically Correct is more important than being forthright and honest. Especially when talking to someone from the media.
Thank goodness black people are being honest. They say there are voting for Obama and by golly 95% are. Good for them! Honesty beats bias every time.
To avoid being labeled racist by focusing on color instead of content, here is my approach to the upcoming election.
I will reflect on Booker T. Washington. This is easy to do since I was a visiting professor of electrical engineering at Tuskegee University and now live 7 miles from his birthplace.
I will reflect on MLK and his love for his country in spite of the awful treatment he and many black people experienced during his time.
I will reflect on Bill Cosby and his message of personal responsibility and self-empowerment.
I will reflect on General Colin Powel and his service to his country as an army officer and later as a statesman.
I will reflect on Ms Condelisa Rice and her success and contributions to our country in spite of the significant challenges of being both black and a woman.
I will then reflect on Barak Obama and his proposed First Lady. I will think about the people they associated with for the past 20 years, I will think about her master’s thesis at Princeton and her inability to be proud of her country. I will think about his lack of experience and avoidance of taking principled stands during his time in state office. I will think about his record of being the most liberal left-wing senator in our government. And I will think about his incredible abdication of responsibility for our national defense as so clearly articulated in his YouTube video:
I will reflect on all of this and then in a totally non-racist and non-biased and non-partisan manner:
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Blindly Following Obama and Change

Blindly following change has been going on for a very long time
Click for one of the classic examples:
Prior Items:

Roanoke Times News Blacked Out Again

Not found in the Roanoke Times although wildly covered in other media is the latest John Edwards embarrassment. (no, not the guy from Roanoke! THE John Edwards)
It was reported in other media that Sen Edwards was intercepted by news people while he was "visiting" a lady friend in a high-class hotel in the middle of the night. This while his wife is very ill at home.
But that's not the bad news! The bad reported news is that he purportedly has a child by this friend.
Apparently, in-addition-to his other short comings he suffers from the ignorance about safe-sex due to Pres. Bush's abstinence sex-ed program.
Seems to be a pervasive political-Democrat problem - click for more insight.
It appears that this story and the discovery of and shipment out of Iraq of 550 TONS of "yellow cake" nuclear material do not meet the Roanoke Times criteria for publication. They're so selective you know!
One might wonder how the RT would have handled the news if it involved one of the three finalist in the Republican presidential primary process?
Don't you just love fair and balanced reporting?

Obama Slipping

Roanoke Times, 8/6/08, Pg A 9: Poll shows Obama losing hold on core groups and has lost his national poll lead.
Familiarity breeds contempt! Especially when the behavior is contemptible.
20 years under the influence of Jeremiah-Bullfrog Wright and other members of the radical-left.
And now we are told by all the major media and the DNC that we are to follow the "pied-piper of change”
Perhaps symbols are an indicator of what change to expect:
Like the symbols on his campaign plane:
And the change in the national anthem that his supporters are promoting:
Perhaps as voters are getting to know Obama better, they are recognizing a charlatan when they see one.
Prior Items:

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Very Dull Cartoon

Roanoke Times, 8/4/08, Pg Va 6: Cartoon comparing Obama' resume to Ronald Reagan's.
Perhaps the Editors of the Roanoke Times and their cartoonist should compare Obama's total lack of experience and accomplishments with Reagan who was Governor of California, 1967 to 1975, a state of 20 million people, governing more than twice the populations of countries like: Portugal, Belgium, and Austria. And more than three times the populations of countries like: Switzerland, Libia, Denmark and Finland.
Other than 20 years of close association with people like Jeremiah Bullfrog Wright
and hiding from controversial votes in his state elected office and being a water-person for Harry Reid for the past several years, it's not clear what Obama can state in his resume that even comes close to Ronald Reagan.
Of course, Obama does have a lock on being a post-turtle and it's nice that his wife is now, for the first time in her adult life, proud to be an American!
Some Ronald Reagan references for the RT editors and their friend:
Some Prior Obama Items:

Obama - the Post-Turtle

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old Texas rancher whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President.
The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle.'
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.
The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain.
'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there in the first place.'

250 Years of Natural Global Warming

Ref: From The Sunday Times, August 3, 2008
Captains’ logs yield climate clues
Records kept by Nelson and Cook are shedding light on climate change
Jonathan Leake
It’s interesting that as every week goes by there is yet another significant scientist and scientific study that demonstrates that we are experiencing a natural global warming cycle that started in 1750, at the end of the little ice age, and that it has very limited connections to human activity.
Can all these scientists be kooks, nuts, and disaffected politicos? Apparently NOT!
Clearly the debate is not over and Mr. Gore and his fraternity of UN experts are loosing credibility everyday in spite of their $300 Million dollar advertising campaign and Mr. Gore’s $250,000 speaking fee.
The following are excerpts from the latest news article:
“The logbooks kept by every naval ship, ranging from Nelson’s Victory and Cook’s Endeavour down to the humblest frigate, are emerging as one of the world’s best sources for long-term weather data.”
“A preliminary study of 6,000 logbooks has produced results that raise questions about climate change theories. One paper, published by Dr Dennis Wheeler, a Sunderland University geographer, in the journal The Holocene, details a surge in the frequency of summer storms over Britain in the 1680s and 1690s.
Many scientists believe storms are a consequence of global warming, but these were the coldest decades of the so-called Little Ice Age that hit Europe from about 1600 to 1850.
Wheeler and his colleagues have since won European Union funding to extend this research to 1750. This shows that during the 1730s, Europe underwent a period of rapid warming similar to that recorded recently – and which must have had natural origins. “
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Monday, August 04, 2008


If I Die Before You Wake

Take a minute to watch, listen and think!
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