The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Democrats Crash & Burn Again
Roanoke Times, 9/30/08, Pg 1, 5 & Va 8 Editorial: Bailout burns out!
So after two weeks of Democrats Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their friends telling us that they had a plan (NOT the Bush plan!) and that they had the votes to pass it, what happened?
The Roanoke Times was busy as usual with their Democrat cover story.
Not one word about the Democrats being IN CHARGE of Congress and the Senate.
Not one word about the miserable state of Democrat Congressional leadership.
Not one word about the fact that the Democrats have enough votes to pass anything they want to pass in Congress (235 of which they only produced 140 of the 218 required).
---------------------- YES ----- NO ---- TOTAL --- REQD TO PASS
Democrats ---------140---------95 ----- 235 -------- 218
And where’s Obama's strong and forceful support for his team's Bill?
Voting a virtual PRESENT again!
And what are the Democrats doing about the energy crisis?
They’re not going to address that until next year!
And now the Roanoke Times and their friends want to give all three branches of government to the Democrats!
What are they thinking?
Apparently just because you went to journalism school, doesn't qualify you to be a journalist.
Prior Items:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Roanoke Going Green
Roanoke Times, 9/24/08, Pg Va 4: A meeting sought ideas from guests to help the city reduce its carbon footprint.
Going Green is a major component of moving toward sustainability.
Roanoke leaders and employees should be commended for their efforts in these activities.
A very puzzling item is: “where are the Roanoke Times Green efforts”?
The RT is a major manufacturing business with a large carbon footprint that starts in the lumber forests and extends through distribution and recycling.
The RT likes to write about other people’s greenness or lack thereof, however, there is a total lack of visibility into their calculation of their carbon-footprint or their plans and actions to become a member of the Green Community. How sad!
Click to view prior RT items on this subject; seems like something should have happened since the Dec 2006 blog item was sent to them:
A good way for all of us to participate in going green is to support and attend:
November 7 and 8, 2008
Roanoke Civic Center (Special Events Center)
Roanoke, Virginia
Prior Items:
Watching the NY Times
If you like some of the items in blog roanokeslant:
You're going to love the NY Times Watch blog:
A good current example would be a current view of the slant and bias of the NY Times relative to the McCain-Obama race:
Prior NYT items:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Obama & Ayres: Team Teaching
Wall Street Journal, 9/23/08, Opinion by Stanley Kurtz
This insight into the Obama-Ayres relationship is far more disturbing than the Obama-Wright relationship.
“Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.”
“The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. Among other feats, Mr. Ayers and his cohorts bombed the Pentagon, and he has never expressed regret for his actions. Barack Obama's first run for the Illinois State Senate was launched at a 1995 gathering at Mr. Ayers's home.”
“The CAC's agenda flowed from Mr. Ayers's educational philosophy, which called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in favor of activism.”
Click-on to read this complete and informative article:
It’s condemnation by deeds and actions, not by associations!-
Prior Items:
Monday, September 22, 2008
More Vicious Nasty Liberal Garbage
The Saturday Nite Live show continues to be another left-wing garbage vehicle for the liberal media and the moveon.garbage crowd.
Last Saturday nite was a new low in attacking Gov. Palin and her family with allegations of family incest during prime time TV.
In Saturday Night Lives’ second attempt to mock this year’s vice presidential race, a sketch lampooning The New York Times as out of touch has instead touched off a firestorm by casually throwing out a much more insidious inference — incest — between Todd Palin and his pregnant, teenage daughter, Bristol.
In the sketch, New York Times reporters are sitting around an assignment meeting discussing what about Palin to investigate next.-One reporter asks: “What about the husband? You know he’s doing those daughters. I mean, come on. It’s Alaska.”
Guest host James Franco, who played the assignment editor, sets up the joke of proving a negative, saying, “He very well could be. Admittedly, there is no evidence of that, but on the other hand, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary. And these are just some of the lingering questions about Governor Palin.”
It’s difficult to understand how good and decent Democrats can embrace this whole segment of the radical left that is key to the fundraising and support for Obama!
What are they thinking?
Prior Items:
The Financial Domino Effect
Roanoke Times, 9/21/08, Pg 1 & 7: US tosses convention, history aside in bailout.
The Financial Domino Effect: from home mortgages to those who can’t afford them to financial institutions and banks who hold these defective and defaulting loans to the taxpayers left holding this bag of garbage.
How did this start? Just look at the Expanding American Homeownership Acts of 2006 and 2007 in which Congressmen and Senators spearheaded action to extend mortgages down to “borrowers who are underserved”! They cajoled and harassed the lending institutions with public-hearing accusations of being bigots and racists because the housing boom was not reaching down the economic ladder far enough!
The House Bill HR 5121 passed the House 415 to 7
The companion Senate Bill S3535 (109th) is in Sen Chris Dodd's (D-Conn) Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
Yes folks – that means those whose credit and income are not consistent with paying for home: down payment + monthly mortgage payment + home insurance + monthly utility bills + property taxes + maintenance & repairs.
But the new left-wing liberal movement is that everyone “deserves” homeownership and they will now make that a reality by forcing the government (taxpayers) to hold and subsidize these mortgages for all those who by any reasonable standard should be renters and not owners.
The RT pg 7 picture on this subject is Sen Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., chairman of the Senate Banking Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. In this capacity Dodd has not only been key to causing this problem but he’s still in charge even after accepting special mortgage treatment by none other than Countrywide, the #1 villain in handing out these bogus mortgages! Sen. Dodd is now in charge of S 3535. Just how gross is that!
-EXPANDING AMERICAN HOMEOWNERSHIP ACT OF 2006 H.R. 5121 (a) Findings.--The Congress finds that-- (1) one of the primary missions of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) single family mortgage insurance program is to reach borrowers who are underserved, or not served, by the existing conventional mortgage marketplace;
- (b) Purposes.--The purposes of this Act are-- (1) to provide flexibility to FHA to allow for the insurance of housing loans for low- and moderate-income homebuyers during all economic cycles in the mortgage market;
- “What I would say is that we both have the same intent, affordable housing for as many Americans as possible. That should be the intent with this legislation, and I think it does, in terms of the reforms implemented for the government-sponsored enterprises that we are
talking about today.”
Prior Item:
Can You Say 60,000?
Roanoke Times, 9/22/08, Pg 8A: VP pick campaigns in safe GOP territory (The Villages, Fl).
RT editors, can you say or type 60,000? That’s how many folks attended this Palin political function! Every other media coverage I checked headlined this number! Apparently you were just not able to find the number keys for this article.
And given the current history of Florida voter registrations and election results, it’s amazing that the RT editors would describe Florida as “Safe GOP territory”.
Apparently the RT editors and their liberal associates will spare no slant to minimize and marginalize this very significant woman. That’s very interesting given the amount of estrogen that pervades the RT editorial staff. So much for having a real interest in being fair and balanced to other women who are not in their flock.
On the other hand, they just love women like Nancy Pelosi who has proved to be a very dull choice for “leader” of the House and only two heart-beats away from being President and Commander-in-Chief (talk about your worst nightmare scenario).
Prior Items:
Ike Damages Energy Assets
Ike destroys energy assets
Roanoke Times, 9/21/08, Pg 12A: Ike destroys 49 oil platforms across Gulf, 3800 production platforms remain shut down, 12 refineries remain shut down, five gas transmission pipeline systems damaged
The Roanoke Times now has Gov. Kaine trying to figure out and investigate why the price of gasoline increased after the hurricane!
Just how dull are these people?
Prior Items:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pelosi Insulting Our Intelligence Again
The Roanoke Times, 9/18/08, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Democrats drill for political cover. House Democrats passed an offshore drilling bill that won’t lead to much drilling.
KUDO’s to Editor Dan for getting this story right!
This bill is a total sham and clearly confirms what most folks know: the Democrats are primarily responsible for our energy dependence and expense and associated national security problem and they still don’t get it and refuse to work on a meaningful fix.
Who’s going to drill over 100 miles from shore, off the continental shelf, in super deep water and if oil is somehow found, build an underwater 100 mile pipeline to get the oil to shore?
As an added thought about Pelosi – right now she’s just two heart-beats away from being President of the United States and Commander-in-chief!
Perhaps the media should be “vetting” her instead of Gov Palin. You think?
Click for Prior Energy items and those in denial:
Singing for Supper
Couldn’t find coverage of the Obama dinner and song fest in LA Sept 17th. Apparently the Editors of the Roanoke Times didn’t want all the poor and down and out folks in Martinsville:
to know that Obama’s Hollywood friends spent $28,500 for dinner and then an extra $1,500 to hear Babs sing to Obama.
It’s noteworthy that the meal was worth 20 times Babs’ song fest!
So much for the poor Democrat little people and the rich fat cat Republican people!
As an aside: The (4) four richest Congressmen are Democrats! How can that be?
1. John "Heinz" Kerry (how many houses does he have?)
2. Jay "Oily" Rockefeller (fits in well with West Va folks?)
3. Herb “Prada” Kohl (only rich folks shop in his stores?)
4. Jane "Rich Hubby" Harman (why make money when you can marry it?)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Second Guessing Gas Prices
Roanoke Times, 8/16/08, Pg 1 & Editorial Pg Va 8: Puzzling prices, Roanoke area more expensive than Virginia average.
First of all, US gas is amazingly cheap and has been so for all of my 70 years. Europe and Japan, for example, pay three and four times as much as US car drivers. In july I paid $12 per gallon in Norway, the number 3 exporter of oil in the world.
Second: if you operate a gas station, you must base your price primarily on what you will have to pay to replace the fuel in your tanks, not just on what you paid for the fuel that’s now in your tanks.
With a major hurricane damaging and shutting down major fuel facilities in the gulf, what would you, as a local dealer, guess will be the cost of your next tractor trailer load of gas going to be?
How are you going to buy the next load of $5 gas if you sell out the gas you now have for $4 a gallon? A wrong guess could put you quickly out of business!
The downward movement of costs and prices is much less risky AFTER it happens.
Instead of crying “foul” and berating these businessmen, perhaps the writers and editors should buy gasoline futures on the open market and show us how well they can guess what future prices are going to be.
Ref: 49 platforms damaged by storm:,2933,425061,00.html-
Prior Items:
Sunday, September 14, 2008
You Can't Fix Stupid
You can fix a broken arm or leg. You can fix a cataract. You can fix ulcers.
BUT YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID!Roanoke Times, 9/14/08, Pg 1 & 8: Tens of thousands of people failed to heed officials’ warnings of Ike’s danger and are now stranded, some perhaps dead.
However disturbing the print media description of these people, the TV one-on-one coverage with the “I’m riding it out people” was truly gross.
And now it’s government’s responsibility to put rescue personnel in harms way to “save” these people!
Stupid is as stupid does! Now CNN and all the TV bobbling-heads will demonstrate how poor our government services are and how they “let down” these poor and depressed people.
Perhaps all people living in Galveston should have been required to have a tattoo on their arm as a memorial to the 6,000 people who died there in the hurricane of 1900!
Every adult with a pet should be charged with animal cruelty.
Every parent should be charged with child abuse.
Every adult should be required to serve a minimum of 6 months of community service.
There must be something bad about eating crayfish more than twice a week instead of using them for bait.
"Life is tough -- it's even tougher if you're stupid" -- John Wayne
Vote Right Bumper Sticker
Friday, September 12, 2008
Presidental Technology Required
Quayle vs Brown Revisited
Roanoke Times, 9/12/08, Pg 1 & 8: Growth in out-of-wedlock births ripples in society. One scholar warned that the burgeoning number of such families presages “disaster.” Taxpayers spend thousands on unwed moms.
How could the liberal media even think about publishing this stuff, no less on the front page?
Seems like only yesterday the liberal media lambasted, broiled, cooked and deep-fried VP Dan Quayle for having the gall to question the wisdom of the media hyping and showcasing and glamorizing the wonders of single woman Murphy Brown having a baby out-of-wedlock.
In fact, even now, it’s difficult to type no less say the totally politically incorrect term “out-of-wedlock”! I’m sure the PC-police will be rolling into my driveway any minute!
What happened to totally change the landscape? Oh yes! Gov. Palin’s unwed daughter is pregnant and intends to keep her baby!
Another example of how lame and hypocritical and totally dull these liberal media folks and their NOW girlfriends really are!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9/11 Reflection and Recognition
Click-on to view a tribute to 9/11 and those who serve for us
Desperate Democrat Anti-Palin Attacks
The 9/11/08 Roanoke Times Editorial calls McCain and Palin liars and worse. Sounds like it was written by Howard Dean himself. What a poor excuse for a professional journalist group and certainly clears up any hint of being impartial.
Apparently the post GOP convention polls and the 23,000 folks that showed up in Fairfax for a McCain-Palin rally have the Democrats and their friends in the left-wing media in a mad panic.
Some responsible media editors focused their editorials today on the reflections of 9/11 and the personal losses and national economic and social impacts of that dastardly and cowardly attack and the major successful effort to thwart additional attacks.
The RT editors rebuffed the “lipstick-pig” issue as just ordinary rhetoric everyone uses when referring to a female governor. That fits in well with the announcement by
he Chairman of the South Carolina Democrat Party that” “Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's top qualification seems to be not having had an abortion.”
Of course the RT editors didn’t address this in their news or editorials. Part of their get Obama elected at any cost crusade excuses or excludes the Democrat smear campaign and totally avoids his history of associations with people totally outside the American mainstream and his anemic record of accomplishment and experience.
Obama’s mantra: not nice, not ready; probably never will be!
The Editors of the Roanoke Times mantra: we're not proud or professional, we're just dedicated to getting Obama elected at any cost.
Prior Items:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
More Green Virginia Jobs?
Roanoke Times, 9/10/08, Pg Bus. 1: Push for ‘green’ jobs earns area support.
How can any ‘Virginia-green-advocate’ say with a straight face that they ‘support’ green power in Virginia.
For over four years the Wind-turbine project in Highland County has been hogtied by the greenes, the Sierra Club, and every no-anything activist group in the state.
It’s clear that the so called ‘environmentalists’ are dedicated to the premise that no new or additional energy systems are to be developed anywhere, in spite of our increase of two million people per year for the past 50 years.
These groups and their left-wing political friends have been so successful that now we find ourselves short of energy and being blackmailed into the biggest transfer of wealth out of our country in the history of the world.
When will we see the local and state officers of the Sierra Club stand up and publicly support major green-megawatt facilities and then exert their lobbying, legal and financial resources to make it happen?
Prior Items:
Yet More Nasty Obama Stuff
Obama drew a pig analogy when describing his opponents before a Lebanon, Va., crowd Tues Sept 9th.
“But you know … you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. You know, you can … wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change, it’s still going to stink after eight years.”
McCain’s campaign called Obama’s comments “offensive and disgraceful” and said he owes Palin an apology.’t this the guy who was going to rise up above personal attacks?
Sounds like the garbage that comes from Rev. Wright!
Is this the type of thing that makes Michele proud?
Some Prior Items:
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
The Experience Comparison
John McCain--------26 YEARS--------22 YEARS
Obama--------------143 DAYS---------- 0 (Zero)
Just think how great a professional of any kind you could be with only 143 days of experience!!! People want change so badly? . . . . maybe we should lower the experience requirement for doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, etc. This would cause some change!
Obama’s 143 Days of Senate Experience
Just how much Senate experience does Barack Obama have in terms of actual work days? Not much. From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory Committee, he logged 143 daysof experience in the Senate. That’s how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. The one single Senate committee that he headed never even met once.
After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan.
Think about it....143 days -- 20.4 weeks -- 4.7 months Our children spend more time in pre-school getting ready for kindergarten
Monday, September 08, 2008
Who are the bad guys?
Roanoke Times, 9/7/08, Pg A13: Rhetoric from the Bush administration and John McCain suggests rising tensions with Kremlin.
Who wrote this biased and slanted headline, Howard Dean?
Let me get this straight. Russia launches a major armored attack and invasion of the independent and democratic country of Georgia, and is still occupying that country.
Did I miss the 17 UN resolutions condemning Georgia for something and giving Russia approval to attack that tiny country of four and one-half million?
Bush and McCain publicly state that the Russian action is unacceptable and must be dealt with by the international community.
And the Roanoke Times headlines that Bush and McCain are the cause of rising tensions!
The editorial staff of the RT is either
A) Totally brain-dead or
B) They are incredibility partisan and irresponsible.
C) All of the above
Two of the Nastiest Flushed
MSNBC announced Monday that Olbermann and Chris Matthews have both been booted as co-hosts on political night coverage in favor of David Gregory, whose White House press corps experience may make him better suited to deliver sober and less opinion-driven assessments of the news.
At last MSNBC got the message that vile and nasty people do not deserve a place of major media visibility and prominence on a “news” program.
The only comment one might have is:
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Moose Mom Bites and Kicks
After several weeks of incredibly offensive attacks upon Governor Sarah Palin and her family by the Democrats, MoveOn.garbage and shameless liberal media, she had an opportunity to respond at the Republican National Convention.
Her direct and straightforward responses to her critics were very effective and professional.
She has clearly demonstrated that she is an articulate, sharp, experienced and real person who has and will honorably serve the public cause.
Ridiculing and belittling and marginalizing her in the major media, before she even had an opportunity to introduce herself to the American people has been shown to be totally without merit and downright nasty.
It’s now clear that she is just as or more qualified to be president as Obama and without the 20 year history of close associations with incredibly racist and anti-American people like Rev. Wright and his church of the “God Damn America Congregation”!
Prior Items:
Gross Weather Politics
As I watched the Weather Channel Monday night from the RNC Convention in Minneapolis I couldn’t believe what the “on the site” weatherman blurted out in a gross Freudian slip:
“This (Gustav) is not the hurricane we needed”!-
It has been obvious that the “new owners” of weather channel were in Al Gore’s pocket; however, I couldn’t believe that they would actually be disappointed that Gustav wasn’t catastrophic enough to cancel the Republican Convention.
It is shocking that these kinds of people have hijacked this media resource that is so important to our people.
Hopefully there are people who will react appropriately to this gross misuse of an important national media resource.
Prior Items:
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