The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, October 26, 2008


The Tale of Two Bad Guys

Roanoke Times, 10/26/08, Pg 1 & 17: William White of Roanoke, a self-described radical, is in jail because of violent items he wrote in his on-line web pages.
Not in jail, but a college professor and associate to the presumptive next president, Sen. Obama, is Bill Ayers, a leader of a radical group that didn’t just talk about violence but set-off bombs that killed and hurt people.
Based on the news coverage of these items, somehow the Roanoke Times and the liberal media seem totally OK with how this story is playing out! That’s particularly interesting based on their rabid defense of their view of and their exercise of the 1st amendment.
Apparently if you’re associated with Sen Obama it really doesn’t matter what you say or do, it’s OK, and if covered at all, it’s in small print buried in the back pages.
A few, of the many, prior items of the RT’s fair and balanced journalism – NOT:

Classroom Colors

Roanoke Times, 10/21/08, Pg Va 9: The classroom isn’t the place for partisanship, by Becky Mason a teacher in Roanoke area schools.
Ms Mason’s commentary is in response to the head of the Virginia teachers association who apparently sent out an email to all teachers in the VEA that they should show their support for Obama by wearing blue ribbons in school classrooms. Clearly this was an inappropriate and unprofessional directive.
Ms Mason’s response was fair, reasonable, responsible and totally consistent with the ethical standards we expect from those to whom we entrust our children’s education.
Her bottom line was priceless and cannot be improved upon:
If you’re going to wear a ribbon in the classroom, it should be red, white and blue!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Vote Early

Roanoke Times, 10/22/08, Pg Va 10: Editorial: Vote early in Virginia. Election officials want Virginia voters to consider casting an absentee ballot. Good Advise.
There’s two major things wrong with this article.
First is the fact that Virginia law requires one to “certify” that there is a “legitimate” reason why one cannot vote in person on Election Day. Therefore those who promote this action without changing the law are aiding and abetting a crime.
Second is the total hysteria the editors of the Roanoke Times expressed over absentee voting in Gate City in 2005. They were shocked and appalled that having absentee paper ballots given to people to be filled out in advance was so shocking that the voting registrar should have been removed from office. Their view was that absentee voters were extremely likely to be unduly influenced by shady politicians. Apparently that won’t happen in this election!
What changed? Oh yes, we now have the acorn nuts registering every name they can think of on behalf of the Obama campaign. And, the registration deadline is extended for absentee paper ballots.
Now combine that with the Roanoke Times crusade for no voter-ID
And we have a greatly increased opportunity to elect the candidates supported by the editorial board of the Roanoke Times to further their personal agendas.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yet Another Personal Slant Best for the Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 10/21/08, Pg 1 & 6:
“Page 1: Folks in the heart of the Appalachia aren’t amused that Pres. Bush, with the stroke of a pen, has redrawn Appalachia’s geographic boundaries in a way that could take federal money away from some of the poorest communities in the US.”
Wow! Just how mean is this guy? And just in time for Scrooge too!
But wait – there’s more in tiny little print back on page A 6:
“Page 6: Pres. Bush recently signed a measure increasing the counties eligible for federal funds set aside for poor mountain communities. Counties added (10)”
Are the editors at the Roanoke Times trying to insult our intelligence or is it just turning out that way? Trust me, they’re trying real hard! Just read the other 1,000 items in this blog.
Moral of Story: just because you went to journalism school, doesn’t mean you can be a good journalist.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Race Trumps Character & Judgment

Roanoke Times, 10/20/2008, Pg 1: Gen Powell endorses Obama, he touted Obama's economic abilities.
What economic abilities? He accomplished virtually nothing in his 140 days as a senator. As a state official his primary contribution was to vote "present". He never has held a finance job and there's no evidence he can even balance his checkbook.
Bottom line:
Gen. Powel endorsed Sen. Obama this weekend
Not exactly a surprise!
What else could he do?
One might even go so far as to observe that this didn’t qualify as a ribbon for a “profile in courage”.
An interesting view is that as an army commanding officer, Powel would never approve a Secret clearance for someone to serve in a nuclear weapons unit whose profile indicated he had 20 years of close association with people who include those who are racist, anti-American and anarchists.
Clearly Powel would have concluded that this person lacks the character and judgement to be in a position of critical importance.
Prior Items

Saturday, October 18, 2008


ACORN - nuts fall close to tree

Roanoke Times, 10/18/08, Pg A5: Challenge to ACORN thwarted. The US Supreme Court said the GOP in Ohio lacks the standing to sue the voter registration organization.
What a total and obnoxious suppression of the critical issues of this situation.
200,000 names for the 2008 Virginia election that the Republicans registered to vote have been determined by Gov. Kaine to not match the state data base of social security numbers and driver license numbers for these names.
Gov Kaine has decided not to share this data with county election officials.
Kaine said at a news conference:
“This is a test! Let the counties find out for themselves who is legally OK to vote, and I am reminding them again, that voter ID is not required to vote at the polls!”
What a change in attitude and actions that would bring at the RT!
It’s disturbing that the editorial board members of the Roanoke Times would participate in suppressing and slanting information that is key to the basis of our form of government. Clearly they view the end of electing their favorite candidates is more important than the integrity of our voting system.
What a sad example of journalists.
Prior Items and Examples:

Friday, October 17, 2008


Vote Fraud is not Important to the Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 10/16/08, Pg A12: GOP rails against group’s (ACORN) missteps in voter registrations.
Editorial, Pg Va 8: Vote fraud rarely amounts to much
The RT editors have a history of marginalizing voter fraud if it’s done by their friends. In this set of articles they make this out to be just GOP bad-guys trying to keep poor and downtrodden people from the polls and even if that’s happening, it’s not such a bad thing.
Not covered is the fact that the attorneys generals in twelve states (including both Democrat and Republican AG’s) now have ACORN under criminal investigation and that Obama has major financial ties and contributions to ACORN.
Even CBS news has covered this very inappropriate relationship among other.
Also not covered is the fact that the original bailout bill the Democrats supported included massive amounts of taxpayer money to be sent to ACORN per the WSJ.
It continues to be difficult to understand how the Roanoke Times can continue to present itself as a professional news organization.
Prior Roanoke Times and Democrat Party coddling of voter fraud:

Monday, October 06, 2008


Biden Debate Winner of mis&disInformation

Roanoke Times, 10/4/08, Pg A7: Polls indicate Biden clear debate winner (Biden was the more knowledgeable)
Sen. Biden made at least 10 major factual errors in his statements.
Can someone win a debate with mis&disinformation? Apparently so!
1.Sen. Biden stated that in Article I of the US Constitution, it describes the duties of the Vice President.
FACT: The Vice President is not discussed in Article I of the Constitution, that is about the Legislative Branch. The Executive Branch is in Article II. It is usually a good idea when you are applying for a job, to know where your job description is listed.
2. Joe Biden stated that both John McCain and Barack Obama voted for the tax increase for anyone making over $46,000.
FACT: Senator McCain voted AGAINST raising taxes on anyone making more than $46,000.Yet another sign of how Senator McCain always stands up for the average American.
3. Sen. Biden stated that both Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama voted for cutting off funding for the troops..
FACT: Senator McCain opposed an amendment for a time-line, NOT the bill itself. Sen. Obama voted to cut off desperately needed supplies to our fighting men and women. He attempted to deny them the tools they need to protect us.
4. Senator Biden stated he supported Clean Coal Technology.
FACT: Sen. Biden DOES NOT support Clean Coal Technology. In the comment he made at a rally, he stated, "No Coal Plants in America, if you are going to build them, build them over there." The only person taking Biden's comments out of context is himself. It is evident the Obama/Biden Administration would not utilize our rich and abundant Energy resources here at home.
5. Sen. Biden denied that Sen. Obama had made a disparaging quote about our troops in Afghanistan.
FACT: Sen. Obama DID say in a previous interview that our troops in Afghanistan were "air raiding small villages and killing innocent civilians."Senator Obama stated it at a rally in Nashua, NH. Sen. Obama's lack of understanding of mililtary operations is dangerous to the security of this country.
Click-on link for Obama’s dangerous national defense positions:
6. Sen. Biden stated, "It would take ten years to produce oil here at home."
FACT: Off-shore drilling rigs can be operational in two years, which would help to reduce America's addiction to foreign oil.
7. :Sen. Biden stated that, "John McCain support tax breaks for oil companies."
FACT: It was Senator Obama who voted for the energy bill that was loaded with goodies for the oil companies. It was Senator McCain, who stood up for the American taxpayer and said, NO.
8. Sen. Biden denied that Sen. Obama stated he would meet with tyrannical, dictatorial leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
FACT: Sen. Obama stated in a September 2007 news conference that he would meet with Ahmadinejad WITHOUT preconditions. Another sign that Obama's misguided understanding of foreign policy is a dangerous prescription for America.
9.Sen. Biden claimed that the Iraq Resolution was not a Resolution for Military Action.
FACT: The 2002, resolution, that Sen. Biden voted for, was indeed a resolution to authorize the President to take military action against Iraq.
10. Sen. Biden claims that the current 250 year Global Warming is caused solely by people.
FACT: Click-on link for factual data on our current 250 year Global Warming:

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Global Warming & the VP Debate

It's interesting that the Al Gore section of the Democrat Party and the liberal media have not made a big item about the difference between the Global Warming positions of Sen Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin.
Click for a view of the data that clearly supports Gov Palin's position and makes the Sen Biden position patently false.
Prior Items:

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


The Youth Vote

Roanoke Times, 10/1/08, Pg 1 & 9: Hungry for change at VT.
Radford voter registration issues.
Not found: Ohio simultaneous register-vote this week with no opportunity to validate the legality of the registration.
The overwhelming front page expose about VT student voting is clearly a free ad for Obama and should carry his footer “I’m Obama and I approve the Roanoke Times”.
Even the pictures of students involved are amazingly biased and slanted.
The two key issues with youth voting that are conspicuously avoided are:
1) Where is their legal residence? Usually a person’s driver’s license is the basis for residency. Apparently current convention is that you live where you say you live.
2) Most young college voters (18 – 21) have not held an ongoing job and therefore have no appreciation for the tax burden on working taxpayers. After many of these early voters are in the work force for awhile they will have a much better understanding of the cost of government and the trade-offs of politics.
My first vote was at 21. I had had very significant summer jobs during college and was very aware of what “deducts” are all about. I was in the Army and voted military-absentee-ballot.
It’s easy to remember because it was the election in which Daley’s Chicago and LBJ’s Texas “delivered” the election to JFK the day after.
A very interesting perspective about the maturity of college age folks involves the national minimum drinking age. Apparently all 50 states and the national government agree that young people are not responsible enough to drink until 21. It’s interesting that people would think that they’re responsible enough to select a president at 18!


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