The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Obama’s Street Army

Not Found in The Roanoke Times (for obvious reasons)
This week, 3/28/09, the Democrats in the Senate and House introduced a devastating new bill – the so-called Generations Invigorating Volunteers and Education Act (S.277) – that would allow politicians to funnel billions of tax dollars to leftwing organizations that they could then use for political purposes
It's being done under the guise of enabling Barack Obama to build his “volunteer” youth corps – “just as powerful, just as strong” as the U.S. military, as he promised during his campaign speech in Colorado Springs:
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Can you imagine how the Democrats and the left-wing liberal media would have related to such a move by the Bush Administration?
This is very disturbing because we have seen this before in world history.
The Robber-Barons had their Brinks thugs.
Jimmy Hoffa had his head-busters.
Hitler had his brown-shirts.
Mussolini had his black-shirts.
Obama is establishing and funding with our public tax money his green-shirts!
If the so-called GIVE Act is passed in its present form, groups like ACORN and Jessie Jackson's PUSH will receive multi-million-dollar grants of YOUR TAX MONEY for lobbying, community organizing, protests, strikes – and just about any other activity they believe would further their hard left agenda-Support the DeMint Amendment that would prohibit “advocacy” groups or groups co-located with advocacy groups from receiving any assistance under the Act. The DeMint Amendment would automatically prohibit any organization “engaged in legislative advocacy” – or working hand in hand with such organizations -- from receiving assistance under the GIVE Act.
More Hope and Change we can Believe In!-

Thursday, March 26, 2009


More Clinton Hypocrisy

Roanoke Times, 3/26/09, Pg 7: Clinton: US shares blame for Mexican drug wars;
“Because of “our” demand for drugs!”
Perhaps the words and deeds of our national leaders are important.
Perhaps making jokes about personal illegal drug use has an impact on impressionable young people. Maybe that’s why major advertisers targeting young people use highly visible personalities.
So – Bill Clinton smoked marijuana, but didn’t inhale!
Obama smoked marijuana – and did inhale – that was the point!
Cute pandering to the hemp-heads and yuppies for votes!
Then Hillary shows up at the Border and declares “we’re all to blame”!
No girl, we’re not ALL to blame! And your hypocrisy is disgusting!
Just secure the border instead of continuing to embrace the illegal immigrant traffickers in your disgusting pandering to the 12 million illegal immigrants for future votes!
Prior Items:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


More Hope and Change

1. The team of Obama, Pelosi, & Reid who demanded an open border with Mexico and who pushed for amnesty for illegal immigrants are now sending large numbers of marshals and soon National Guardsmen to help secure the Mexican border. Apparently the illegal cross-border traffickers’ really were and are a serious problem as the Bush administration stated.
2. Turns out the carbon-credit-trading-scam that’s making Mr. Gore heaps of money now have a direct Chicago connection to Obama who is pushing to force it onto the entire country through mandatory laws intended to limit and ration energy.
3. Obama the Pied Piper Uniter of the World has now alienated the European Union members with his “stimulus” plan and criticism of the EU’s approach.,2933,510445,00.html
Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, whose country currently holds the EU presidency, told the European Parliament that President Barack Obama's massive stimulus package and banking bailout "will undermine the stability of the global financial market."
He slammed the U.S.' widening budget deficit and protectionist trade measures — such as the "Buy America" — and said that "all of these steps, these combinations and permanency is the way to hell."-"We need to read the history books and the lessons of history and the biggest success of the (EU) is the refusal to go this way," he said.-"Americans will need liquidity to finance all their measures and they will balance this with the sale of their bonds but this will undermine the stability of the global financial market," said Topolanek.
4. The Obama plan for military action in Afghanistan is totally devoid of the “Coalition of Forces” he so eloquently projected. In fact, the remaining coalition forces are avoiding direct combat roles, instead most are securely sequestered in Kabul and other major city enclaves, and clearly not where the fierce combat is taking place, that’s for US to do!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Yet Another NASA Self-serving Study

Roanoke Times, 3/20/09, Pg 3: NASA study: Ozone disaster avoided.
“A” NASA study presented by “A” NASA scientist says his computer simulation of the ozone-hole reduction shows that eliminating the old-Freon air-conditioning chemical has saved the world from a horrible disaster. We would all be fried by now from a large ozone hole if the changes hadn’t been made!
This is very interesting because other recent studies have concluded that natural forces have had a major effect on the ozone-hole and that it hasn’t shrunk no less gone away.
The current NOAA graphic data clearly shows the last 10 year history does not support the conclusion that eliminating the old-Freon has made a major change.
In fact the data shows that the 2006 & 2008 hole is larger than the 10-year average for 4 out of the 5 tracking months shown.
NOAS web site:
An interesting footnote to this subject is that the current NOAA view is that IF the ozone-hole becomes significantly smaller – Global Warming will INCREASE!
Don’t you just love all the conflicting stories and data and simulations?
And these are the folks that are telling our government to make major changes to what we do and how we do it because their simulation-models know what’s going to happen years into the future.
Perhaps they should join the wall-street crowd and the mortgage folks and tell us how they saved us from a financial melt-down! Talk about global warming!
Prior similar items:

Monday, March 23, 2009


No New Energy Jihad

Roanoke Times, 3/22/09, Pg 6: Democrat Ca Senator Feinstein opposes using Mojave Desert to produce energy.
3/22/09, Pg Horiz 1: Editorial: Conservation of energy could offset need to build 40 new coal electric power plants
Is there anyone anywhere who does not recognize that these articles and their authors, in addition to the examples of the Kennedy-Nantucket Wind Farm and the Virginia Highland Wind Farm represent a “No New Energy Jihad” movement?
The short-term objective is to stop enhancements of and-or remove current power systems wherever possible and to stop any new power systems however green.
The overall objective is to reduce availability of power thereby driving up its costs and enabling a government rationing system to control its use.
The membership of this movement is dedicated to the premise that only the Federal Government should control all energy resources from the source to the end users and that will then become subservient to the UN as the ultimate control authority.
The UN-IPCC climate change hysteria is currently the vehicle that is being utilized by these organizations to support the contention that this Jihad is required in order to “save the planet”.
Not included in this scenario is who will save us from “big brother”?
The Kennedy’s, Walter Kronkite and the Nantucket Wind Farms

Friday, March 20, 2009


Bonus Countrywide Dodd

Roanoke Times, 3/20/09, Pg 5, House bill would tax bonuses for execs of bailed-out firms.
Page 17, Editorial: Bonus rage
Both the lengthy “news” article and the editorial missed some very important “news” items. Perhaps missed is the wrong word. An act of slantful omission might be more correct. After all how could you write hundreds of words about this without mentioning Democrat Senator Dodd?
The key Democrat in this Democrat Senate in collusion with the Democrat Treasury who is personally responsible for inserting the “bonus’ are OK” clause in the AIG bailout Bill was none other than:
Chris Bonus Countrywide Dodd, Democrat of Conn., Head of the Senate Banking Committee.
Dodd initially pointed the finger (you know which one) at Treasury Sec. Geitner, but then when the heat hit he was forced to admit “it was me”. Not exactly the “cherry tree” story.
We remember Dodd – he’s the Senator who got a sweet-heart mortgage from Countrywide (the company at the epicenter of the mortgage mess that precipitated the current financial crisis).
Dodd is also the top recipient of campaign cash from AIG employees over the years.
The Congressional vote on taxing the bonuses is an act of malfeasance on top of malfeasance! Every member of Congress knows that the Bill is unconstitutional and a gross act of patronizing a population who are enduring a major problem and who will be paying for the next 20 years the ONE TRILLION DOLLAR per year debt of the Obama-Reid-Pelosi budget and bail-out mess.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Prior Items:

Monday, March 16, 2009


Not Weird Just Wrong

Roanoke Times, 3/16/09, Pg 15: Commentary by K. Parker: Weird new media world. Ms. Parker laments the downward spiral of print media and blames bloggers, right-wingers and ignorant youths for the problem. She worries that a free press is vital to a free society.
Ms. Parker is right on the importance of a free press to a free society. However, the rest of her messages are misdirected and way off target.
The “free press” has been hijacked by liberal and left-wing ideologues that are using bias and slant to further an economic, political and socialist agenda.
This blog contains over 1,000 items that details many examples of this wrong behavior by the Roanoke Times and their associates.
For an outrageous example of the views and beliefs of a major leader of “free press” read the commencement address to the graduating teachers of New Paltz College by New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger:
With that level of publicly pronounced bias and venom, how can he or any of his subordinates represent a fair, balanced and free press?
If the NY Times declares Chapt 11 this year, it’s not because of the weak economy or bloggers or other forms of media.
It’s because they have totally lost the journalistic concept that with power comes responsibility! People vote with money and their attention and not just with ballots!
In fact, this referenced commentary by Ms Parker is itself lacking the responsibility to face-up-to the realities of the cause-and-effect of this problem and by failing to make a focused appeal to her fellow journalists to report the news in a fair and balanced manner so that the reading public can regain trust and confidence in the media.
How many of the media are even qualified to apply for a Tim Russert medal?

Thursday, March 12, 2009


No New Energy Jihad

Roanoke Times, 2/4/09, Pg Va 9: Commentary by Rick Webb of UVa: Wind power needs regulation.
Roanoke Times, 3/12/09, Pg 19: Commentary by Rick Webb of UVa (AGAIN) Wind project deserves no stimulus
The highland wind-farm project has been in the Virginia regulatory swamp for 5 years. After all the smoke has settled the two issues the so called “environmentalists” are hung-on are the numbers of bats and birds that may fly into the blades. Apparently akin to the flock of geese that flew into the compressor-blades of the US Airways jet in the Hudson River.
What are we doing about the hundreds of millions of birds that are killed each year by outside-house cats and other animals and birds of prey? What are we doing about the bats that die each year from rabies and now the tens of millions that are dying from “white nose syndrome”? Apparently Mother Nature has her own blades.
Why are the Virginia wind turbines a monumental risk while less that 50 miles away in Tucker Mills, West Virginia their wind farms are producing megawatts of clean-green energy? Are our birds and bats less risk averse than theirs?
Prior Roanoke Times opinion articles gloss over as trivial the restrictions that Virginia bureaucratic regulators have placed on the Highlands turbines. For perspective, suppose you apply for a home building permit and the building inspector tells you that “you can build the house, but, every week there will be an inspection and if more than two birds per week are killed by flying into your windows and glass doors, you will have to tear down the house”. Would anyone build under those conditions, and would any bank provide a mortgage on such a house?
Apparently there are lots of green-power proponents who are all talk about how they’re going to replace fossil fuel in 10 years but then refuse to recognize that all power generation has adverse consequences and so they obstruct making the changes that are required. When you blow away their smokey wind, the bottom line is obstructionism as an end in itself and a commitment to the Jihad of no more power development of any kind no matter how green.
Prior Items:

Monday, March 02, 2009


Federal Employee Civil Disobedience

Dr Jim Hansen, a NASA employee, apparently is a self-proclaimed major player in today’s, March 2,2009, mass civil disobedience action in Washington DC.
Hansen is a key player on the Gore-hypothesis team while at the same time being paid by the taxpayers to be an independent and unbiased scientist tasked to explore the scientific facts associated with our 250 year global warming situation.
It is very disturbing that he does not have the professional integrity to resign from his government position in order to pursue the Gore-agenda.
What other Federal employee could promote an outside interest to the extent of fomenting mass civil disobedience without being terminated?
Apparently more change we can believe in!
Dr. James Hansen on coal, civil disobedience
March 2nd, 2009
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