The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Antarctic Ice Still Hanging in There

Roanoke Times, 4/4/09, Pg 4: Ice shelf could break away from Antarctic coast.
“The beginning of what appears to be the demise ---“
The message: Be afraid, be very afraid.
However - the reality is: (not covered in the Roanoke Times – for obvious reasons):,2933,517035,00.html
Ice is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap. The results of ice-core drilling and sea ice monitoring indicate there is no large-scale melting of ice over most of Antarctica, although experts are concerned at ice losses on the continent's western coast.
Australia Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica.
Ice core drilling in the fast ice off Australia's Davis Station in East Antarctica by the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Co-Operative Research Center shows that last year, the ice had a maximum thickness of 1.89m, its densest in 10 years.
A paper to be published soon by the British Antarctic Survey in the journal Geophysical Research Letters is expected to confirm that over the past 30 years, the area of sea ice around the continent has expanded.
After 250 years of global warming (the little ice age ended in 1750) there is still lots of ice in the Antarctic! However, even if there wasn't -- man-kind has not caused the 250 years of global warming and man-kind is powerless to change it. The Darwin plan - adapt!
Be afraid -- Be very afraid of those who would exploit our natural climate cycles for personal gain.
Prior Items:

Friday, April 17, 2009


The Stimulus Anchor

Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity
Click on the video to see how the
new captain of our ship is dropping
the anchor of state upon
our small businesses
We're the government and
We're here to help!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


A VT Energy Assessment Challenge

A Virginia Tech. Energy Assessment Challenge

Our state and national leaders have launched massive changes to our national and personal energy systems based on the UN-IPCC group’s hypothesis that: man-made CO2 is causing major global warming that is resulting in catastrophic climate change that will result in the end of life on earth as we know it!

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – also called the UN’s climate panel – was set up in 1988 by the UN’s Environment Programme. They have issued numerous reports documenting the hypothesis of CO2 caused global warming that have become the basis for Mr. Gore’s Inconvenient Truth Program and numerous other supporting and contrarian activities, reports, conferences and legislation.

The changes are currently being implemented by stopping construction of and support for additional current technology power plants (coal, oil, gas, hydro, nuclear), imposition of massive taxes on energy (directly and through cap-and-trade), limiting supply and diversion of food growing resources to fuels.

As a substitute energy system our leaders are implementing alternative energy systems that have never been scaled-up to this level and that will cost consumers many times more than current energy. It is not clear how or when these profound changes will support the needs of our current population nor the two-plus million people we add to our population every year (equivalent to two cities the size of Boston).
As a leading institution of scientific and business knowledge and analysis, it is fitting and proper that the VT faculty and staff and students should analyze these massive energy changes, the alternative energy substitutions, the impacts to standards of living and the UN-IPCC hypothesis that is driving these decisions. It is appropriate to conduct a series of ongoing seminars of open and inclusive public dialogue to be presented by the major academic departments with participation by all students, faculty and the public.

Engineering: Comparisons between current technology energy systems and current state of the art alternative energy systems including the parameters of cost per kilowatt, energy storage and peak-power supply and demand and distribution. How many wind mills equal one current power plant? How many square miles of solar panels equal one current power plant? How to plan for those time periods when the sun doesn’t shine and-or the wind doesn’t blow?

Economics: Impacts on people’s standard of living caused by the increases in energy, food, and transportation costs and the rationing of energy and the resulting major increases in off-shore and out-sourcing of jobs to China and other countries that are not changing or limiting their energy systems.

Agriculture: Impacts of CO2 regulation and alternative energy on the cost of producing fertilizer, food, amount of tillable acreage to be converted from production of food to ethanol, the impacts to agriculture exports and the impact of the bovine-methane tax.

Civil Engineering: Quantify impacts of CO2 regulation and increased costs to produce concrete and other building materials and increased cost of construction and maintenance and infrastructure.

Political Science: Outline the American political, social, legal and life-style changes that are required to implement the UN-IPCC goals of major reductions in the per capita consumption of energy by means of major increased costs and rationing of energy similar to the processes used during WW2.

Environmental: Analysis of the UN-IPCC hypothesis upon which these self-imposed actions are being taken. Inclusion of contrarian views and conflicting historical and current data. Comparison of man-made CO2 to all forms of CO2 generation. The magnitude of the temperature reductions that are anticipated to result from a 50 percent reduction in US CO2

The Bottom Line: These are the most massive changes to our society and infrastructure since the Industrial Revolution and all VT students and faculty and the public should be fully informed and participate in the dialogue about the causes and effects of these self-imposed massive changes, the basis upon which they are being made and the reasonable and prudent actions that should be undertaken.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


GM Sinking With Our Tax Money

GM Sinking With Our Tax Money

USA Today, 4/14/09, Pg M1: GM stock sinks amid fears of bankruptcy; Automaker seeks more government loans.
GM & Chrysler are operating on a combined $17.4 BILLION in government (that’s us!) loans, and the two have asked for $21.6 BILLION more from us!
The wheels are coming off the “plan” to have French-Fiat take over Chrysler.
THIRTY-NINE (39) BILLION DOLLARS of tax payers money into two Obama, Pelosi, Reid sink-holes that are going under with no hope of recovery of taxpayer money.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Unsafe at any Speed II

USA Today 4/14/09, Pg M1: Tests show gas savings can risk safety.
Crash-test scores drop when small cars are in collisions, but they get good gas mileage if you don’t mind the potential injuries and-or death.
Deja Vu all over again! For all you who don’t remember or weren’t around in the 1950’s, there’s a list of “small fuel efficient American made cars” that include: Corvair, Henry-J, Crosley and others. Imports included the VW-bug, Renault, MG and Triumph.
Why did we (the American car manufacturers) stop making them?
Pick up a 1965 book titled “Unsafe at any Speed” and read the same type of results that the current crash-test results are showing now for “today’s small” cars.
This book made Ralph Nader a multi-millionaire, a left-wing celebrity, a perennial presidential candidate and killed Detroits efforts to continue development of small fuel efficient cars.
There are basic principles of Physics and Mathematics that apply to objects that are in collision. The ultimate example would be a motorcycle impacting with a car.
Legislation increasing the fuel-mileage requirements for cars results in reducing the weight of cars that results in less protection for the passengers.
It would be “truth in advertising” for the government to be honest with consumers and tell them of the increased risks. Isn’t that what the government requires of manufacturers? Why should they be held to a lesser standard?
Perhaps this is why Obama, Pelosi and Reid are in such a hurry to enact socialized nationalized medicine!
Prior Items:

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Brown Polar Bears at Risk

Roanoke Times, 4/12/09, Pg 18: Melting of sea ice picking up speed. Arctic sea ice could be gone in 30 years (according to complex computer models of weather and climate).
Apparently these models couldn’t predict the current 250 years of global warming, 35 years of cooling from 1940 to 1975, nor the past ten years of no net global temperature change nor what caused the little ice age to arrive no less stop in 1750.
The picture of a forlorn polar bear resting on the ice was a nice touch.
As a contrast click to view three of the 2100 happy bears in Greenland’s Davis Straight:
Ah yes – only 5.4 MILLION SQUARE MILES of artic ice this winter.
But be afraid – it’s mostly new ice and new ice isn’t good ice unless you’re making a cocktail.
Our climate is changing – our climate has always been changing!
The glaciers will continue to retreat and ice will continue to melt until the 250 years of natural global warming abates and then either stabilizes or we once again enter a cooling period. Click the link to view the factual recorded data that somehow seems out of reach of the “complicated be-afraid models.”
An interesting point is that the polar bears are not a unique species but instead are grizzly brown bears that have adapted to cold climates. As our natural global warming continues, Darwin would expect future generations to adapt once again to more open water and land vegetation environments or perhaps as Darwin so well describes – they may not.
A light-hearted optimistic view might be a quote from Thor Hammer: speaking of homework.... what's really going to be funny is how the polar bears will evolve once global climate change really kicks in -- they'll evolve BACK into the grizzly bears from whence they came. They won't drown. They'll simply walk away and switch to Pepsi.
Have you noticed how liberals love to quote Darwin when they’re Jesus-bashing, but show them a snail-darter or a spotted owl and they suddenly never heard about Darwin and instead scream that we must save yet another endangered species.
They’re so selective!
Be afraid – be very afraid of those who would exploit our natural climate cycles for personal gain.
Some Prior Items:

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Obama, North Korea Missiles & Nuclear Weapons

Obama warned North Korea not to fire their intercontinental missile capable of hitting US cities, telling them bad things will happen if they do. Ooooooh!
Then Hillary warned North Korea not to fire their intercontinental missile capable of hitting US cities, telling them bad things will happen if they do. Ooooooh!
Then the North Koreans fired their missile!
And the bad things that happened?
A resolution of condemnation by the UN! Ooooooh!
North Korea has tested a nuclear bomb and has material for more. Upgrades and repackaging to fit into the nose of their missile is just a matter of time.
This is just a continuation of the Clinton-North Korea history in which the US gave them money, fuel and a nuclear plant in exchange for a promise to not develop nuclear weapons! We all know how that turned out!
However, that’s not the bad news! The bad news is that Obama has pledged to disarm the US antimissile defense program in order to play nice with others:
Unilateral Disarmament
And he has promised to eliminate the US nuclear arsenal:
The lessons of history are clear:
Those who beat their swords into plows will plow for those who didn’t!

More Hope and Change we can believe in!

The Audacity of Groveling

Prince Obama Bows to Saudi King Abdullah
Not found in the Roanoke Times (for obvious reasons)

Obama’s foreign trip was not only filled with pathetic apologies and groveling to the world but the ultimate embarrassment was his obnoxious display of US subservience to Saudi King Abdullah with his grotesque 15th century bow to the monarch.
And the Democrats and Liberal press are so quiet you can hear the notes fall due down at the bank!
Could someone please tell Obama that America is not subservient to any king anywhere and that we fought a Revolutionary War to ensure that we do not bow to monarchs.
Especially ones who have and are fleecing the American people and from whose country 19 of the 21 - 911-terrorists were outsourced.
And all this silence by the Democrats and Liberal Press after spending 8 years whining about the alleged close relationship between Pres. Bush and the Saudi’s.
For those nonbelievers that this happened – click on the youtube video:
Prior items:
The President of unilateral disarmament:

Friday, April 10, 2009


The Audacity of War Funding Hypocrisy

Roanoke Times 4/10/09, P g8: Obama seeks billions for Iraq, Afghanistan military operations.
Did Obama the US Senator not oppose and vote against this same funding a year ago and did he not campaign against these operations and funding as a candidate for President?
The real hononable people I know who take a strong position on a subject and then do a total reversal make the effort to explain to their associates and constituents why they were originally wrong or how there has been major changes in the situation to cause such a major change.
Obama does neither – he simply takes major contradictory positions without any consideration for veracity or creditability. This works well for him because the liberal and leftwing media do not hold him accountable for anything!
Is this not insulting the intelligence of the American People?
Apparently not – no one is complaining at ABC, NBC., CBS. CNN, or MSNBC or the Roanoke Times!
Prior Items:

Sunday, April 05, 2009


Sunspots Climate and Claptrap

Sunspots Climate and Claptrap

Roanoke Times, 4/5/09, Pg 11: AP: Quieter sun (fewest sunspots since 1913) bodes well for Earth. Nice for GPS, satellites, shrinks the atmospheric boundary by 125 miles and marginally reduces the global warming by about 0.3 degrees.
NASA’s chief solar physicist Hathaway says we don’t know why it happens.
NOAA director Bogdan says solar activity should be increasing “anytime now”.
These are the chief scientists of the US who are primary operators trying to invent data to support the Gore-Hypotheses that man is responsible for global temperatures and climate changes!
“We don’t know what causes this BUT it should change anytime now!”
These are two of our top climate scientists?
They sound like Abbott & Costello!
Be afraid, be very afraid! Not of global warming but of high-paid guys like this who are spending hundreds of millions of tax dollars to build a story to support the flawed heifer-dust behind the Global Warming Hysteria
Marginal reduction of 0.3 degrees!
That’s 60% of the amount of Global Temperature increase in 70 years (since 1939):

This takes us back to before any significant atmospheric CO2, natural or man-made.
Click to view past 100 years of Global Temperature and atmospheric CO2
Click to view past 10 years of Global Temperature and atmospheric CO2
Click-on the link to view the graphic showing a much closer association between sunspots and global temperature than atmospheric CO2 and global temperature. There is a very long and voluminous history and data on this phenomena dating back to Galileo, the inventor of the telescope.
Anyone who enacts any laws, rules or mandates based on the scientific consensus
of guys like this should be removed from office before they vote, not after, and these guys should go out the door with them! Talk about putting politics ahead of science!
Prior Items:

Saturday, April 04, 2009


The Roanoke Times Climate Scientist

Roanoke Times, 4/4/09, Pg 15: Opinion by Editor and Self-proclaimed Climate Scientist Dan Radmacher who out-of-hand rejects contrarian views about the extent and causes of our current 250 years of global warming in his lame slam at comments by George Will.
It’s interesting that Dan refuses to address or publish the NASA data on this subject but instead hides behind the cloak of “a consensus of UN scientists” who have never taken a public recorded vote amongst all scientists qualified to express their collective consensus.
The use of the Orwellian 1984 double-speak is a nice touch too!
If you believe in global warming you therefore believe it’s man-made and it’s your fault!

The fact we’re not still in the little-ice-age is certainly an indicator that we have had 250 years of global warming. The factual scientific recorded data clearly shows that CO2 has not played and is not playing a significant role in this warming and all the hundreds of millions of tax dollars spent trying to develop simulators to show the connection has been in vain.
To view some data on this subject simply click-on these links because you certainly will not see factual data in the Roanoke Times:
NASA 100 year and 10 year scientific record:
Global Warming and total CO2 (natural + man-made) for past 10 years
Global Warming and total CO2 (natural + man-made) for past 100 years
A glacial view of our 250 years of global warming
For the scientific reports by a consensus of other highly qualified Climate Scientists peruse The second International Conference on Climate Change March 10, 2009 in New York City the theme "Global warming: Was it ever really a crisis?"
Some Prior Items:

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Obama = Mr. Goodwrench

Obama is now your car guy!
Buy an American car and when you have problems – bring it to the White House for warranty service!
Obama fired the GM CEO and is now “the GM guy in-charge”.
How can he do this you ask – easy – he has an unlimited line of credit from Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – he can call Bubba and Junior to fix-up your car for free!
Well -- not exactly for free – it actually will be charged to the tax-payers!
So – if you bought a Toyota or Nissan because they require less maintenance, guess what, you now get to pay for all those GM problems you wanted to avoid.
More hope and change you can believe in!

Obama’s Afghanistan War

Roanoke Times, 3/28/09, Pg 1: Obama: 4,000 troops to Afghanistan.
The Roanoke Times and the AP present this as a great new Obama move.
Apparently they have developed severe journalistic-amnesia since last year to wit:
No mention of an EXIT strategy.
No mention of the number of US troop planed build-up.
No mention of a plan to get Pakistan to either clean-out their border area or let US clean it out.
No mention that Russia has undone our airbase of support in Kyrgyzstan making support and re-supply of our troops difficult and dangerous.
And most important of all:
No mention of number of NATO forces to deploy to and throughout Afghanistan.
Isn’t NATO Responsible for Afghanistan
Didn’t the RT announce that back in May 2006!
Roanoke Times, 5/5/06, Pg A7: NATO takes over responsibility for Afghanistan.6,000 NATO troops move into south-Afghanistan.US to reduce 19,000 foces starting in August.
Why isn’t Obama and Clinton using this current trip to get NATO to fulfill their responsibilities and commitments and “direct” Russia to not interfere with our military bases and supply lines?
Prior Items:
4. The Obama plan for military action in Afghanistan is totally devoid of the “Coalition of Forces” he so eloquently projected. In fact, the remaining coalition forces are avoiding direct combat roles, instead most are securely sequestered in Kabul and other major city enclaves, and clearly not where the fierce combat is taking place, that’s for US to do!
5. Sen. Biden denied that Sen. Obama had made a disparaging quote about our troops in Afghanistan.FACT: Sen. Obama DID say in a previous interview that our troops in Afghanistan were "air raiding small villages and killing innocent civilians."Senator Obama stated it at a rally in Nashua, NH. Sen. Obama's lack of understanding of mililtary operations is dangerous to the security of this country.Click-on link for Obama’s dangerous national defense positions:
Obama – commander of unilateral disarmament:

Raise or Lower Auto Fuel Mileage?

Roanoke Times 3/27/09, Pg 6: Environment: White House to raise fuel efficiency standards
Great Slant! Back to 1984 double-speak (again).
The Obama team is REDUCING the new fuel efficiency standards from the levels the Bush administration proposed to Congress last year!
You only get this message if you read the really fine print four paragraphs down the text!
Only a slant-meister could write the RT’s headings!
The Obama folks explain this by saying they only had two months to work on this item!
More Hope and Change we can believe in!


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