The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Obama ABC and New Pravda
Pravda (Russian: Правда, "Truth") was a leading newspaper of the Soviet Union and an official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1912 and 1991.
The upcoming ABC special infomercial from the White House staring Obama and friends for socialized-medicine (and excluding all others) is a new high-water mark for the Pravdaization of the American major media.
A free, open, fair and balanced news press has been vital to our national balance of power as implied by the description “the fourth estate”. Because of this history, our courts have even granted the press significant latitudes beyond the first amendment definitions.
The major news media have indeed lost their professional compass and perspective and many are in financial distress, not because of the weak economy or bloggers or other forms of media. It’s because they have totally lost the journalistic concept that with power comes responsibility!
Over time the majority of the Russian people (those not in The Party) came to not only reject Pravda but also to despise it. This process is unfolding in America and the worrisome issues are who and what will replace our old Fourth Estate?
Some examples of the New Pravda:

Monday, June 22, 2009


Obama: America not a Judeo-Christian Nation

Obama declared to the Muslim world in Turkey on April 6, 2009 that America is not a Judeo-Christian Nation.
Watch and listen to Rep Randy Forbes' response and challenge to Obama's declaration:
More hope and change we can believe in?
Prior Item:

Obama Honeymoon Winding Down

After one long year of the most endearing and intensive honeymoon between Obama and the major media, the reality of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid economic, social and political agendas are starting to be understood by the American people.
The following blog items summarize some of the disturbing major realities of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid programs that Americans now recognize are not the change and direction they hoped for:
Obama, Iran, N.Korea, Israel
Economic Reflections & Revisionism
Obama Palliative Care : The New Euthanasia
Obama's New American System

Friday, June 19, 2009


This week: Obama, Iran, N.Korea, Israel

Obama: N.Korea nuclear program poses "grave threat"
U.S. Fortifies Hawaii to Meet Threat From N.Korea
The President yesterday denounced the "extent of the fraud" and the "shocking" and "brutal" response of the Iranian regime to public demonstrations in Tehran these past four days.
JERUSALEM -- A new poll shows only 6 percent of Israeli Jews see President Barack Obama's administration as pro-Israel,
Can you imagine the number of American Jews who are having major buyers-remorse based on the last election investment of their money and votes? Where's Chuck Schumer now?
Apparently Obama’s Appeasement speeches, his Ich bin ein Muslim speech in Cairo and his pathetic pandering with his “we are bad and you have a right to hate us” pronouncements are not working out well. What next? I just called to say I love you?
The wheels are coming off the Obama-foreign-policy-wagon! Perhaps a good move and diversion would be a new election for Vice President: Biden vs Cheney. After what we’ve seen, would there be any doubt about the outcome?
And what’s with the missile defense of Hawaii? Didn’t Obama state he was shutting down the US anti-missile system! See and listen to his commitment to the left-wing fellow-travelers for yourself:
And the major left-wing media continues their pronouncements that Obama is heading in the right direction! What map, what GPS and what compass are these losers using? Talk about your Pied Piper and lemmings!
Prior items:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Economic Reflections & Revisionism

Roanoke Times, 6/10/09, Pg 20: Editorial: Give stimulus time to work, recession was eight years in the making.
The democrats and their liberal media associates are busy rewriting the economic history of the past nine years. Perhaps it would be prudent to look at the nine year economic index before extending the Obama administration spin beyond all fact and reality.
Note: click-on image for full-size
One might also reflect on the government as the primary cause of the current financial crisis through congressional demands on Fannie-May and Freddy-Mac to loan billions of dollars in mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them. These “toxic assets” are still “on the books” with no resolution in sight.
To revisit the highlights of congressional hearings going back to 2001 click-on:
The facts are that the stimulus is NOT working and we are accelerating further into difficulty. Unemployment is over 9%. Foreclosures are still increasing; the government (taxpayers) indebtedness is astronomical and growing rapidly. GM is now in bankruptcy after $50 BILLION taxpayer money thrown away and dealerships and suppliers are falling off a cliff.
The major issue with the “shovel ready” stimulus plan is just that – “shovel ready”. Of all the unemployed, how many run bulldozers, excavators, dump-trucks and jack-hammers? The focus should be on small business stimulation to create and grow private sector real long-term jobs. That’s not being done because the AFLCIO and UAW and other unions may not collect their pay-back from the last election.
It’s also not being done because the team of Obama, Pelosi and Reid are determined to use the crisis to drive the country into a European-socialist economic model that suits their philosophy and cultural vision.
Yet more hope and change we can believe in!
Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity

Obama: Ich bin ein Muslim

Roanoke Times, 6/16/09, Pg 5: Three kidnapped women found mutilated and slain by al-Qaida in San’a Yemen. Two were German nurses and a South Korean teacher. Also missing are a German doctor, his wife and their three children.
How could this have happened following Obama’s “Ich bin ein Muslim” Cairo speech that was advertised as being embraced by the radical Muslims who now are supposed to understand that we are nice people and their friends and we’re not at war with them anymore. That was just a Bush thing!
The nativity of our new leaders is difficult to comprehend and will prove to be like the often repeated processes of appeasement throughout world history.
Prior Items:

Palliative Care - The New Euthanasia

Roanoke Times, 6/15/09, Pg 1, 14: Va Senator Mark Warner kicks off ObamaCare with law that will limit Medicare funding for late-in-life medical procedures.
Roanoke Times, 6/16/09, Pg 1, 8: Obama presents ObamaCare to Doctors. “Cost of health care is an escalating burden on our families and businesses.”
Roanoke Times, 6/17/09, Pg 18: Editorial: “Comfort the dying.”
Not since Orwell’s 1984 has one coined such double-speak!
American’s in general and senior citizen’s specifically don’t need Obama, Warner or the editors of the Roanoke Times to pass laws telling us and our doctors what their medical care should or shouldn’t be! We don’t need rationing or mandated restrictions; we need freedom of choice and an inviolate patient-doctor relationship that is immune to both government bureaucrats and ambulance-chasing-lawyers.
All we really need is for Congress to enact reasonable and prudent limits on lawsuits and litigation so that hospitals and doctors do not have to continue to practice “preventative-lawsuit-medicine” and also pay tremendous liability insurance premiums that are passed on to the public!
That is the central core of our medical care and cost problems; however, the-in-charge democrat party is in the trial-lawyer’s pockets and are not about to bite the hand that feeds them. In their view it’s much better to socialize medicine so that the new medical waiting room can be an extension of the motor vehicle office with all the associated implications.

Gore Girls Doing Hard Time for Him

The guy who would be president, invented the internet and discovered that we have left the little ice age and are in 250 years of natural global warming has outdone himself.
Gores holding company, INdTV, owns “Current TV” an independent media company. In March 2009, two of Gores media employees, Euna Lee and Laura Ling, were arrested by the North Korean’s for entering their country illegally.
On June 8 they were found guilty of illegal entry and committing "hostile acts against the DPRK and subsequently sentenced to twelve years of hard labor.
In the middle of all this, North Korea has been setting off nuclear weapons and firing long range missiles and threatening all people with white-skin and oval-eyes.
Now would be a good time for Gore to do the honorable thing that Capt. Richard Phillips' of the Maersk Alabama did, trade himself as a hostage in exchange for his two female employees!
This act would show what a caring and responsible southern gentleman Gore is and at the same time save the world from more of his misdirected activities for the next 12 years.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Name the New American System

Politicians and commentators, journalists and pundits are trying to assign a name to the New American System of Economics and Government and Industry that is now deeply involved in Government control of:
Automobile Industry
Banking Industry
Mortgage Industry
Energy Industry
Health Care Industry
Railroad (AMTRAK) System
Some are using the old and much maligned Mussolini-Fascism term that some define as a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism) and that historically focused on government-run industry and minimization of profit-driven competitive systems.
Historically America has shunned this approach except in times of crisis as when Harry Truman took over (nationalized) the steel industry to break the steel workers strike during WW2.
Perhaps our major media, and The Roanoke Times, could sponsor a public contest in which all could submit candidate names for the new system; something like Virginia has tried to do for its new state song.
As an aside, it’s not clear to me what portions of the Constitution support government nationalization of private industry and corporations and companies. Didn't the Supreme Court rule in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer that nationalization of private industry in not OK!

Friday, June 12, 2009


David “Gutter-mouth” Letterman & Friends

This week David Gutter-mouth Letterman chose to highlight his monologue with a disgusting rant focused on Alaska Governor Palin’s visit to NY and on her 14 year old daughter whom Letterman disparaged with a disgusting sick joke that she was sexually abused by a Yankee ball player.
This garbage is a youtube item:
Compounding his gross misconduct was the laughter of the audience and the silence of major media, the NOW girls, and the editorial girls at the Roanoke Times.
Apparently all these media folks who pretend to be keepers of civility and decorum are very politically selective when it comes to articulating their standards of decency and speaking out against this type of abuse directed at women and young girls.
Prior item on how supportive all these girls were on Hillarie’s behalf:

Thursday, June 11, 2009


College The New Welfare State

USA Today 6/3/09, Pg 1: 4-year colleges graduate 53% in 6 years
What course of study are you following at college?
And what a convenient major that is and such a nice transition from high school!
Excuse me if I’m not sympatric and also short on empathy but I did my BS in mechanical engineering in 4 years and an MS in electrical engineering in 1 year despite the fact that I was not nearly as quick or smart as many of my contemporizes.
Apparently there’s something about perseverance, work-ethic and determination that clearly can overcome shortfalls in many areas.
So, stay in school and search for yourself. Never mind the concept of “Be all you can be”! And with Dad & Mom paying the bill or better yet, the government handing out lots of grant money, there’s no rush to get out there and join the human-race. How about a nice segway from college-welfare to lifetime-welfare and a culture of dependence and entitlement?
And what about the college view of this? Apparently it’s OK. Lots of additional instructors and seats are required for full permanent growth and accommodation. Big budget increases every year, big increase in tuition every year, no visible or measurable payback in the huge investment in technology over the past 20 years and no thought about fiscal responsibility.
Ever wonder why our productivity and associated standard of living are slipping away compared to many other countries?
Prior Items:

Sunday, June 07, 2009


Dr. Thomas Frieden and Health Malfeasance

Roanoke Times, 6/7/09, Pg 16: Former NY health chief (Thomas Frieden) tapped (by Obama) to head agency (CDC).
A heartwarming summary, with picture, of Frieden’s wonderful accomplishments in NY public health management and his challenges as the nation’s chief public health chief.
Roanoke Times, 8/30/08, Pg Va 9:
NY HIV+AIDS pandemic at least three times worse than national rate and much higher than documented.
Clearly Obama is promoting a public health official who has been complicit in not containing the awful HIV+AIDS pandemic. Frieden and NY government have refused to implement the public health systems that were developed over 100 years ago because of Typhoid Mary. Because of this malfeasance of refusing to implement the same processes and procedures that are used for all major communicable diseases, this pandemic will continue to destroy thousands of innocent lives. The ultimate obscenity is to specifically and officially exclude HIV+AIDS from the definition of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) and thereby negate the health systems that have been used in their containment. Covering-up the magnitude and extent of the pandemic by never listing AIDS as cause of death is a national public health system disgrace. Frieden’s promotion to head of CDC will ensure that this malfeasance will continue. How pathetic!
More hope and change we can believe in!
To view the NY response to this pandemic click-on:
Some Prior Items:

Friday, June 05, 2009


Obama's GM the New AMTRACK

Roanoke Times, 6/2/09, Pg 1: Obama: GM’s nationalization only short term. Obama gives Government 60% and Canada 12.5%.
Nicely tucked away back on Pg 16: Obama gives GM an additional $30 BILLION for a running total of $50 BILLION and gives the UAW 17.5% of GM.Stockholders are wiped out and bondholders get 10%. And to think that the government is prosecuting Madoff for his ponzi scheme!
$50 BILLION and now they go to bankruptcy! What was the $50 BILLION used for?Apparently to pay UAW workers not to make cars. Their reward: 17.5% of the company! What a deal! Sounds like Chavez and the oil company takeovers!
GM has been on a straight line down from 45% market share in 1980 to 35% in 1992 to 28% in 2000 to 22% in 2008. Why didn’t the wonderful Bill Clinton team fix this when it went from 35% in 1992 to 28% in 2000; a time when the UAW forced GM to accept a contract giving them 90% pay when they weren’t building cars, a contract still in place!
So here we are, with a new AMTRACK. A government owed business in which white house aids, senators and congressmen are going to determine, based on politics of course, what dealerships survive, what plants are to be operated and what future car designs should be. What a bargain for America.
Toyota and Nissan meanwhile are doing what free-market enterprise companies are supposed to do: adapt, innovate, and focus on customer-centric products and service. Why didn’t we think of that?
Prior Items:

Thursday, June 04, 2009


An Inconvenient Terrorist Attack

Roanoke Times, 6/2/09, Pg 3: Large Heading and five column large article: Suspect is jailed in shooting death of abortion doctor.
Pg 6: Small heading and small single column article: Arrest made after soldier killed at recruiting center.
June 3, Pg 5: Almost entire page: Obama’s speech to trek rocky political terrain; The president on Thursday will address a Muslim world where distrust runs deep and credibility of the US is lacking.
Thousands of Americans killed by radical-Muslims dating back to the early 1980’s culminating in the horrific 911 attack and the authors of this article and the editors of the Roanoke Times are concerned that the Muslims “distrust” us and that we have a lack of “credibility”!
Reflecting on the Roanoke Times reporting of the two murders and the associated Obama response to them is also a clear measurement of the values and motivations of these two entities.
A domestic-radical-Muslim shot two US soldiers outside an Army recruiting station in Little Rock Ark June 2, 09. One of the soldiers died from his wounds.
Obama was busy getting ready for his trip to Egypt to kiss the feet of the Muslin world and inform them about all his Muslim background and connections.
What an inconvenient time to express his sorrow for our loss! Not the case when a late-term-abortionist was shot and killed the prior day. That was seized upon as an opportunity for a national press-OP to express a strong message of outrage.
What a true measure of Obama, the politician, making clear decisions about expressing dismay over the death of an abortionist vs. a young soldier serving his country, killed by one of our sworn enemies in our homeland on our city street.
Another true measure of Obama’s dedication to our safety is GITMO.
In spite of last weeks vote by both the House and Senate to NOT close GITMO and to NOT bring the GITMO detainees to the homeland, Obama held a new conference and ranted his distain for Congress and the American people and issued an edict that detainees will be brought here and that GITMO will close end of year!
Much to the chagrin of Obama and Democrats and the liberal media, Americans believe, two to one, that GITMO should not close and that the detainees should stay there. They also believe that GITMO and water-boarding have added to our level of safety thereby siding with Chaney and not with Obama.
The American people know that as soon as these detainees are brought here the ACLU will find liberal judges who will throw-out all charges and release them into our communities. The “OJ Dream Teams” and Judge Itos are easy to find! At that time Obama and friends will declare: “not my fault”!
Perhaps Obama and his liberal supporters should start each day reading a brief summary of attacks upon Americas done primarily by the radical-Muslims he is embracing.
This partial list all pre-date George Bush and 911. Apparently it’s not all Bush’s fault!
April 1983: 17 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
October 1983: 241 dead at the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut.
December 1983: five dead at the U.S. embassy in Kuwait.
January 1984: the president of the American University of Beirut killed.
April 1984: 18 dead near a U.S. airbase in Spain.
September 1984: 16 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut (again).
December 1984: Two dead on a plane hijacked to Tehran.
June 1985: One dead on a plane hijacked to Beirut.
After a let-up, the attacks then restarted: Five and 19 dead in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996, 224 dead at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998 and 17 dead on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000.
Simultaneously, the murderous assault of militant Islam also took place on U.S. soil:
July 1980: an Iranian dissident killed in the Washington, D.C. area.
August 1983: a leader of the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam killed in Canton, Mich.
August 1984: three Indians killed in a suburb of Tacoma, Wash.
September 1986: a doctor killed in Augusta, Ga.
January 1990: an Egyptian freethinker killed in Tucson, Ariz.
November 1990: a Jewish leader killed in New York.
February 1991: an Egyptian Islamist killed in New York.
January 1993: two CIA staff killed outside agency headquarters in Langley, Va.
February 1993: Six people killed at the World Trade Center.
March 1994: an Orthodox Jewish boy killed on the Brooklyn Bridge.
February 1997: a Danish tourist killed on the Empire State building.
October 1999: 217 passengers killed on an EgyptAir flight near New York City.
Prior Items:


February 2005   March 2005   April 2005   May 2005   June 2005   July 2005   August 2005   September 2005   October 2005   November 2005   December 2005   January 2006   February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006   June 2006   July 2006   August 2006   September 2006   October 2006   November 2006   December 2006   January 2007   February 2007   March 2007   April 2007   May 2007   June 2007   July 2007   August 2007   September 2007   October 2007   November 2007   December 2007   January 2008   February 2008   March 2008   April 2008   May 2008   June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010   December 2010   January 2011   February 2011   March 2011   April 2011   May 2011   June 2011   July 2011   August 2011   September 2011   October 2011   November 2011   December 2011   January 2012   February 2012   March 2012   April 2012   May 2012   June 2012   July 2012   August 2012   September 2012   October 2012   November 2012   December 2012   January 2013   February 2013   March 2013   April 2013   May 2013   June 2013   July 2013   August 2013   September 2013   October 2013   November 2013   December 2013   January 2014   February 2014   March 2014   April 2014   May 2014   June 2014   July 2014   August 2014   September 2014   October 2014   November 2014   December 2014   January 2015   February 2015   March 2015   April 2015   May 2015   June 2015   July 2015   August 2015   September 2015   October 2015   November 2015   December 2015   January 2016   February 2016   March 2016   April 2016   May 2016   June 2016   July 2016   August 2016   September 2016   October 2016   November 2016   December 2016   January 2017   February 2017   March 2017   April 2017   May 2017   June 2017   July 2017   August 2017   September 2017   October 2017   November 2017   December 2017   January 2018   February 2018   March 2018   April 2018   May 2018   June 2018   July 2018   August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018   December 2018   January 2019   February 2019   March 2019   April 2019   May 2019   June 2019   July 2019   August 2019   September 2019   October 2019   November 2019   December 2019   January 2020   February 2020   March 2020   April 2020   May 2020   June 2020   July 2020   August 2020   September 2020   October 2020   November 2020   December 2020   January 2021   February 2021   March 2021   April 2021   May 2021   June 2021   July 2021   August 2021   September 2021   October 2021   November 2021   December 2021   January 2022   February 2022   March 2022   April 2022   May 2022   June 2022   July 2022   August 2022   September 2022   October 2022   November 2022   December 2022   January 2023   February 2023   March 2023   April 2023   May 2023   June 2023   July 2023   August 2023   September 2023   October 2023   November 2023   December 2023   January 2024   February 2024   March 2024   April 2024   May 2024   June 2024   July 2024   August 2024   September 2024   October 2024   November 2024   December 2024   January 2025   February 2025  

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