The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Obama, The Czars, The Minions & Gen. McChrystal

Roanoke Times, 6-23-10, Pg 1: McChrystal delivering resignation to Obama.
The Democrat and White House thrashing machines are in full gear.
How could General McChrystal be disrespectful to Obama, his crown of Chicago hoods and his army of Czars who have been injecting themselves into situations for which they have no Constitutional or Congressional authority or business?
The White House spin is how ungrateful he is! We gave him everything he asked for and made him chief and now he does this!
Over a year ago McChrystal asked for 60,000 troops ASAP.
After months of delay Obama agreed to 30,000. (The muller-in-chief)
The 30,000 still aren’t there!
Instead of getting the assets he requested, McChrystal has had to cow-tow to a steady stream of Czars, minions and political hacks who bounce around Kabul and kiss-up to Karzi’s tantrums and empower his corrupt crowd.
The height of Obama-team malfeasance is that US troops are directed not to disturb the poppy fields that supply millions of dollars of drug money to the enemy. Obama and Karzi don’t want to upset the farmers and they sure don’t want to stop all the corrupt payoffs going to Karzi and associates.
General McChrystal certainly did make one major error.
It was his obligation to resign before Blasting the Obama-team.
As a military General Officer that was his duty and obligation.
Prior Item:
Obama The Muller-in-Chief October 4, 2009
Roanoke Times, 10/3/09, Pg 1, 3: White house considers narrower war effort.
Roanoke Times, 10/4/09, Pg 1, 10: US strategy at a crossroads in Afghanistan as Obama mulls what to do.
Apparently Obama is trying to vote “present” on his responsibilities as commander-in-chief as our troops fight and die in a war he declared is the “right war”.
In March Obama replaced the army commander in Afghanistan with his choice and declared that Bush had low-balled that war and his (Obama’s) new strategy would fix yet another Bush mess!
Now, six months later, he proclaims to our troops and the world that “we don’t have a strategy in Afghanistan” and he is trying to find one. His key in-putter is none other than Joe Biden. He’s the guy who demanded two years ago, that we break Iraq into three separate countries! Now he wants to fight the Afghanistan war with drone missiles and much fewer troops than Bush deployed!
This Biden brain-storm was publicly shot-down and discredited by Gen. McChrystal, Obama’s general choice, from whom Obama now refuses to accept his input for the requirements to fight Obama’s March-strategy War!
Can you imagine the Democrat and left-wing media rant if this mess were being done by Bush? Instead, the liberal media tells us this mulling-mess is a good thing! Good for who – our enemies?
What if your son were killed in Afghanistan in a war the president says has no strategy and “will not have a defined mission accomplished”; how would you feel then about our new: CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN!
Prior Items:

Monday, June 21, 2010


Yet More Gross Roanoke Times & ACLU Hypocrisy

Roanoke Times, 6-19-10, Pg 14: Obama team monitoring the Internet.
Janet Napolitano says fighting homegrown terrorism by monitoring Internet communications is a civil liberties trade-off that the government must make to beef up national security.
This major item buried back in small print on Pg 14 on a weekend!
This monitoring is not just inter-country of suspected bad guys, it is intra-country!
During the Bush years the Roanoke Times and their associates in the liberal press put every Patriot Act activity on the front page in BIG letters bashing Bush for violating The Constitution and our Civil Rights and the ACLU was in court demanding this all be stopped. And Senate Democrats were filing bills of censure against the President.
Apparently now the Editors of the Roanoke Times and their associates at the ACLU aren’t concerned about monitoring internal US communications anymore! Apparently it’s not a civil rights or privacy issue if Obama does it! After all, what’s the chance that a bunch of guys from Chicago would use intercepts of private communications for other than legitimate national security protections?
The level of Hypocrisy by the Roanoke Times, their associates at the ACLU and the major media in general is very disturbing. There are no checks and balances for Obama; just a continual suckingup to their prince.
Apparently Pravda is alive and well in the US.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Prior Items:
How does this relate to Sen. Dem Leader Reid’s March 2006 proclamation that:
"The Patriot Act is Dead"
Dem. Sen. Feingold’s formal motion in the US Senate to censure Pres. Bush for the NSA surveillance of terrorist communication into and out of the country
The RT Editors should have apologized to all Americans and our allies for their efforts to kill the Patriot Act,
The ACLU sought out Judge Taylor to "hear" the ACLU’s case that the interception of calls between suspected terrorists abroad with persons in the US to be unconstitutional.–The highlight of her learned legal opinion was that:"THERE ARE NO HEREDITARY KINGS IN AMERICA" and that these interceptions are unconstitutional.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Who’s Protecting Us From Our Government?

Roanoke Times, 6-16-10, Pg 10: Rules put new limits on card companies. The Federal Reserve adopted new rules aimed at protecting credit card customers from getting socked by lofty late payment charges (more than $25) and other penalty fees.
What an incredible and gross hypocritical pile of heifer-dust!
Want to see late charges, interest and penalties?
Just be late filing and paying your income taxes!
And we’re not talking about $25 !
And one of the biggest Government financial-atrocities of all:
The penalties for senior citizens who fail to take the Required Minimum Distribution from their 401’s or IRA’s.
This is without warning, without notice, without remorse!
These draconian and confiscatory penalties are extracted from senior citizens, many of whom may not even be aware or understand or comprehend the requirement to make yearly minimum withdrawals based on a federal table they may not even have.
Example: A senior has a $100,000 IRA that is the major asset to his/her retirement that they have accumulated over a life-time of work.
A typical distribution factor (divisor from an IRS table) would be 25.
$100,000 / 25 = $4000 the RMD (required minimum distribution)
50% penalty X $4000 = $2000 penalty for this senior citizen example
And these jerks in this news article are talking about a $25 penalty!
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can believe in!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The Obamanation Continues

Roanoke Times, 6-13-10, Pg 1: At lease 18 dead from flood waters at Albert Pike Recreation Area in the Ouachita National Forest.
A nature induced disaster enabled by the National Forest Management who build rental cabins in a floodplain close to a river and who had no warning system to alert sleeping campers of the coming disaster.
Obama wanted to kick butt for the Katrina disaster.
Obama wants to kick butt for the West Va. mine disaster.
Obama wants to kick butt for the BP Gulf drilling disaster.
Don’t hold your breath for Obama to kick butt for the Albert Pike disaster.
After all, government is the answer to all problems and can do no wrong!
And what’s with Obama’s Politics over Science with the Gulf drilling moratorium?
Obama’s political hacks, Carol Browner and friends, added their own spin paragraph to a report written for the White House by a selected team of scientists.
The scientists are now being trashed by the White House because they have “gone public” with their rejection of the Browner addition to their report, which they reject and had not seen until after it was published.
The Gulf Oil spill is NOT Obama’s Katrina. At least for Katrina, Bush tried!
Obama dallied over a month before taking this problem seriously. After 8 weeks he still has not waived the Jones Act of 1920 that is prohibiting foreign-owned ships and skimmers from being employed to help clean-up the oil! Pres. Bush waived the Jones Act immediately during Katrina.
Obama doesn’t want to annoy the Maritime Unions! This is his idea of doing everything possible to address the problem?
Bush 50% vs. Obama 35%:
Louisiana voters think President George W. Bush did a better job handling the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina than President Obama has done in the wake of the BP oil spill, according to a new poll.
The Public Policy Polling survey showed 50 percent of state voters rated Bush's performance in 2005 as better than Obama's. Just 35 percent picked Obama.

Spirit Airline Union members walked off the job leaving 16,680 passengers per day stranded. Didn’t Obama just impose a $27,500 fine on the airlines per passengers who are delayed by more than 3 hours?
No action now on behalf of the traveling public; it’s a union thing.
Obama is NOT going to court for an injunction against the unions no less fine them consistent with his draconian approach to the airlines. How pathetic & hypocritical!
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


More ClimateGate Doublespeak

Roanoke Times, 6-10-10, Pg 13: Lies won’t set us free.
The RT article title is true – so why don’t you stop?
A convoluted paper by Ms. Oreskes of UC San Diego who’s claim to fame is “establishing a consensus” of global warming and climate change alarmists.
How do you establish a scientific consensus, and if you could, why would you?
Einstein, Galileo, Edison, Newton and the other outstanding scientific minds of history developed a hypothesis, developed the factual data to upgrade their hypothesis to a theory and where possible upgraded their theory to scientific fact.
They didn’t need snake-oil salesmen to sell their hypothesis, couched in a so-called consensus, and become personal millionaires by doing so.
If one were to go for consensus, why not go with the 30,000+ scientists and engineers who have signed the Petition Project and whose name and ID are identified on the web site. “The purpose of the Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming “consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatological damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. As indicated by the petition text and signatory list, a very large number of American scientists reject this hypothesis.”
Ms. Oreskes devotes much of her paper to cigarette smoking. I don’t remember 30,000 scientists and engineers signing a petition that smoking is OK. So what’s her point?
Of all the alarmist tripe and mis-&-disinformation the most egregious is the 1984 Doublespeak that “global warming” means temperature change that’s caused by mankind. For millions of years the earth’s climate has been changing and the temperature and atmospheric CO2 have gone through many large cycles.
At no time, including now, has CO2 or mankind caused significant temperature change or climate change!
It’s noteworthy that the Alarmists like Ms. Oreskes never participate in open debate with Skeptic scientists such as those at the Heartland Institute and at the recent
Fourth International Conference on Climate Change
Held May 16-18, 2010 in Chicago, Illinois
Apparently it’s more comfortable to stay tucked away in their consensus groupie and have their liberal media peddle their elixir.
A commentary article by Cal Thomas, Roanoke Times, 6-9-10, Pg 17: Sinking climate change outlined the current demise of the “science behind manmade climate change” including the NY Times lamenting the lack of creditability of the alarmists and their misdirected consensus.
A little historical reflection: there was also a consensus among the crowd that yelled “give us Barabus”!
Some prior items:

More ObamaCare Lies and Deception

Roanoke Times, 6-12-10, Pg 8: Maybe you can’t keep your current health plan (after all)! New requirements will affect insurance for more than half of US workers. In just three years 51% will be impacted by new federal requirements.
ObamaCare has become the old “Chinese water torture” method of incrementally driving the victim insane. Bit by bit, day by day we find out that the major claims and accolades were bogus and the reality is that ObamaCare will be disruptive, costly, rationed and policed by the IRS.
What could possibly go wrong with that picture?
That’s why Pelosi said “let’s pass it so we can then read it!”
There are ample and valid reasons why good taxpaying people are so upset!
And it’s not the racism – stupid!
Take the time to click-back through some of these items:

Blindly Buying the NoName Brand

Roanoke Times, 6-12-10, Pg 7: Alvin Greene wins South Carolina Democratic primary for US Senate.
Alvin Greene had: no campaign, no money, no visible experience or history and no one vetted him to determine his qualifications for US Senate or for any public office. However he did have a current sex related charge pending against him that no one saw.
This is the new norm. The Tea Party is backing candidates with just such a non-resume. Here in Franklin County, Va. there is a new PAC devoted to supporting just these type candidates.
“Our PAC will be seeking to find candidates who have never run for public office before, but who share our conservative values and desire to serve our country in its time of need.” Sounds just like an Alvin Greene type candidate, doesn’t it!
This is all very interesting. During my professional life I hired a number of technicians, programmers and engineers. I never hired anyone whose claim to fame was that they had no education, experience, background or references that related to the job.
This is made even more problematic by an attitude that “the good guys” must avoid negative campaigning but there seems no bound on the “other guys” as was very evident in the recent 5th District Republican Primary in which six of the seven candidates were never vetted by anyone; we still don’t know who they really are!
Apparently the “good guys” have to adhere to The Socrates Test of Three:
In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?"
"Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Test of Three."
"Test of Three?"
"That's right,"Socrates continued "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to test what you're going to say. The first test is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"
No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it."

"All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second test, the test of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?"
"No, on the contrary..."
"So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him even though you're not certain it's true?"
The man shrugged, a little embarrassed.
Socrates continued. "You may still pass though, because there is a third test - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me?"
"No, not really..."
"Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all?"
The man was defeated and ashamed.
This is the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.
It also explains why he never found out that Plato was sleeping with his wife.
In Reflection:
Isn't this exactly how we elected Obama and Perriello into office?

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Obama The Farmer



Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Liberals & Democrats & Jews Dump Helen Thomas

Roanoke Times, 6-8-10, Pg 14: Helen Thomas was caught on video saying Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine”
She also said they all should be sent back to Poland and Germany, a not so veiled reference to Auschwitz and Dachau.
Helen Thomas has been the darling of the liberals, left-wingers and Democrats for half a century. They reveled and cheered her nasty behavior during both of the Bush Presidencies.
Her friends in the liberal media kept her right up in the front row of the Presidential Press Briefings, she served their purposes well, even though she no longer qualified under their own rules for that position.
Obama and Clinton enjoyed her support for them thereby encouraging and enabling her gross and biased journalist misbehavior.
Click to enlarge image:


Goodbye and good-riddance to a very vile and nasty liberal-press person.
Perhaps this was a Jewish wake-up call!
At what point will the American-Jewish community figure out that their history of liberal and left-wing political affiliation is not in their best interests? What left-wing governments, throughout history, have ever treated them as well as American free enterprise and capitalism?
Prior Items:

Sunday, June 06, 2010


D-Day June 6,1944

D-Day June 6, 1944

Memorial Bedford Va

click to enlarge image


Saturday, June 05, 2010


More Roanoke Times ObamaSlant

Roanoke Times, 6-5-10, Pg Bus 7: Big Print Headline: May brings 5th consecutive month of job growth.
The devil and the slant and bias are in the fine print!
43,000 private sector jobs in May
400,000 GOVERNMENT jobs
Is this what we are getting for $1-Trillion in taxpayer funded stimulus money?
The investment community was so impressed that the Dow dropped 323 points on the news.
Professor Obama told folks at a truck plant in Maryland that “This report is a sign that our economy is getting stronger by the day” and “the recovery is moving in the right direction”.
Just more ObamaJive that we can believe in.
The list of serious national issues continues to pile-up on the Obama desk but he and Pelosi and Reid continue with their socialist jihad of:
And then they wonder why businesses aren’t expanding and developing good free-enterprise jobs.
Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity
Some prior items:

Rejecting and Stalling APC’s Renewable Wind Energy

Virginia wind energy could become a reality if only the hot air and wind from Richmond and Washington and GoreLand would blow upon a wind-turbine.

Roanoke Times, 6-4-10, Pg 1 & 8: SCC takes wind from Appalachian’s sails
The Kaine-appointed SCC Commission rejected two wind farm purchase agreements because they were too costly for consumers.
Hello Commission Members! We all know that renewable energy is more costly than Virginia’s primary source of coal power.
However don’t we have a goal for all investor owned utilities to increase the percentage of renewable energy every year achieving 15% by 2025. Pray tell how that’s going to happen without increases in electric rates and development and installation of new generation and distribution facilities?
Roanoke Times, 4-9-10, Pg 9: Wind farm construction set to resume in Highland County.
The highland wind-farm project has been in the regulatory swamp for over 5 years and now we’re set to start. Don’t hold your breath waiting for all those green jobs and a reduction in our energy dependence on our enemies!
Roanoke Times, 5-2-10, Pg Horiz 1: Wildlife and wind fare better at sea.
Have wind farm plans not been rejected off the coast of Massachusetts since before 2005 by the Kennedy-family-environmentalists. They even had none other than Walter Cronkite make anti-wind TV ads for them. Click to be enlightened:
A somber nautical thought: When you observe the devastation of hurricane driven winds and waves destroying everything in their path one can only imagine how wind mills will fare out in the open sea.
Roanoke Times, 4-9-10, Pg 9: Poor Mountain is rich in wind.
Since the passage of the Va Energy Plan in 2007, Va has taken a leadership role nationally to achieve energy independence.
Have you ever read such a pile of heifer-dust?
What leadership role? The only real Virginia renewable energy project is Highland and that’s been on hold since well before 2007 by the state SCC and government bureaucracy.
We will all indeed be poor from imported energy before Poor Mountain generates enough power to light the display you’re looking at.
Roanoke Times, 5-30-10, Pg Horiz 2: A U-turn on wind farms, by a Mr. Mills who lives on Poor Mountain and who comments: “It seems no one wants to be near these things, apparently for good reasons.”
Don’t worry Mr. Mills, based on the past and current track records, you and I will be history before any turbine blades rotate on Poor Mountain.
The fact is we cannot talk our way to energy independence and conversion to more renewable assets. We need leadership not talk and platitudes and not CO2 carbon credits, nor Cap&Tax.
We went to the moon with grit and leadership and technology innovation and yes Virginia, some good men and women died making it happen.

Some prior items:
Some items on the dismal green energy history of the Roanoke Times

Friday, June 04, 2010


ObamaCare Reality Starting to Sink In

Roanoke Times, 6-1-10, Pg 1: Medicaid costs to take bite out of Va.
A bite as in a nibble? No that’s not it!
ObamaCare costs are not a bite, they are a tsunami of rules, regulations and costs to individuals, taxpayers, employers and all levels of government!
The Virginia current Medicaid costs are equal to public school funding. The impacts of DOUBLING the recipients will more than double the demands on the taxpayers as costs escalate under ObamaCare.
Of course the liberal and Democrat answer is simple – just raise more taxes!
Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Perriello are all for that!
Then they all wonder why businesses are not expanding and hiring more people.
The reality of the ObamaCare requirement that adult-children up to 26 are to be included in the family healthcare package is now sinking in. Many parents don’t want their 26 year old to depend on them and increase their premiums and costs. However, the 26 year old can demand and get onto their parents policies at the parents expense.
Something about personal responsibility and leaving the nest, not hanging on to it!
The mandates that everyone must buy insurance under penalty of fines and harassment are an unacceptable intrusion on individual rights and freedoms.
Deploying the IRS as the ObamaCare enforcement police is the ultimate insult!
There are ample and valid reasons why good taxpaying people are so upset!
And it’s not the racism – stupid!


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