The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Radical Muslin Brothers Taking Cairo

We’re watching history repeating itself.
We watched as Jimmy Carter verbally and politically escorted Ayatollah Khomeini and his Revolutionary Guards into Tehran and now we’re watching Obama verbally and politically escorting Mohamed ElBaradei (the UN nuclear loser) and his Radical Muslim Brotherhood into Cairo.
As the Radical Muslims take over Lebanon, North Africa, Palestine, Pakistan and continue to wage major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama chooses to ignore the world disorder in his State of The Union Speech last week and he continues to avoid acknowledging that Radical Islam is waging World War against us.
Apparently calling this world war that has been launched against us a “War on Terrorism” might make our enemies upset. We never had that issue before with any previous President of the US! We could sure use a man like Theodore Roosevelt again!
Obama’s “reaching out” and KowTowBowing to our enemies has emboldened them and they have consolidated their efforts to attack us and our friends with an increasingly violent and ever widening front. Something about Chamberlain and Hitler!
And to reflect that we had to listen to Obama and Hillary denigrating Condoleezza Rice and her conduct of foreign affairs. What a pathetic memory!
What a sad sight watching Americans scrambling to escape from a country that has been a friend and ally for many years. Wonder what the Israeli’s are thinking today?
So you keepers of the Democrat and Left-wing view: Are we and the world safer now than we were two years ago?
So much for Obama and his’ Hope and Change!
And N0 Mr. Democrat Congressman Moran from Northern Va, it's not his skin that's a problem, it's his thoughts, views, policy, decisions and choices that make him unsuited to be President of the US!
Prior Items:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Obama: I Have Just Begun To Spend Your Money That We Don't Have

Obama's State of The Union ignored his two years of multinational foreign failures and the domestic decline and stagnation and the impacts of $14 TRILLION of debt we can't pay back.
Apparently not important in the State of The Union is the $14 Trillion debt, the $1.4 Trillion deficit, the one-half million new weekly jobless claims or the 1 million home foreclosures in 2010 that are projected to be repeated in 2011.
Instead of addressing these dramatic failures, he surged ahead with pompous vigorous proposals to spend yet more trillions of dollars of debt money we can't pay back.
The old Civil War Song says it best:
Neck deep in the big muddy and the big fool says push-on.
Apparently he believe what he said back in Oct 2010: "Americans are so "scared" they're not thinking straight!"
And based on that premise, there's no limit to what he believes he can sell to the American people.
Now he's repackaged and is selling his "shovel ready jobs" as "investments". He still doesn't understand that businesses generate most of the American jobs. He still doesn't understand that we are spending over $12,000 per student per year and that our educational problems are not because we're not spending enough! And he still doesn't understand that our federal and state governments are dedicated to ensure that businesses can't be formed or grow due to overwhelming bureaucratic regulations. He still doesn't understand that abundant cheap energy is key to our competing with foreign cheap labor and their minimal restrictions.
How could he know - he nor his associates have ever started or run a real business.
Going forward we have to have hope in four things:
1. The American people have had it with the jive and now see the reality of Obama's change.
2. The 60 new Congresspersons will hold the line on spending and Federal expansionism.
3. Bluedog Senators will join Republicans in stopping the Obama-Reid agenda.
4. The 2012 elections will get America back on the track to success.
Some prior items:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Obama Energy & Climate Czar Out

No more strip mining for coal (the #1 US energy source)
No more drilling for oil off-shore or in Alaska
(we can buy all the oil we need from my Muslim friends)
I'm ensuring that the US is going out of business and
we don't need any additional domestic cheap energy
Now, get out of here quick before my State of The Union speech
and before my Republican-enemies can question you about
what you've been doing for me for the last two years.
The Obama Browner Team
Reducing the US to a second rate country as fast as possible
Prior Items:

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Yet More Roanoke Times Global Warming Tripe

Roanoke Times, 1-16-11, Pg 3: As global warming trends continue, experts say, more extreme weather could become the norm. Global land and ocean surface temperatures rising 1.12 degrees F above normal.
Without presenting any data, the authors (and their unknown experts) state that global climate will create more extreme weather than “normal” (whatever that is) and that things will get really bad because we’ve had a 1.1 degree F increase above normal temperature (whatever that is).
Why are the Editors of the Roanoke Times cutting down perfectly good trees to print this tripe?
By totally natural variations, since 950, the earth has gone through the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age without benefit of man-kind activity. It’s interesting that the darling of the Climate Alarmists, UVa Prof Mann, ignores these major climate periods and does not include them in his totally discredited “hockey stick” prediction of global apocalypse (the highlight of the Gore Inconvenient Truth diatribe).
The following Jan 12, 2011 NASA graphic indicates that the earth has warmed 0.85 deg C (1.5 deg F) over the past 130 years. During the period 1880 to 1940 the warming was about 0.4 deg C. Then there was a significant cooling of about minus 0.2 deg C from 1940 through 1975 (this in spite of major increases in CO2 due to WW2 and increased post-war industrialization). The subsequent warming of about 0.6 deg C leveled off in 1998 and there as been no significant warming in the past 10 years although there have been some hot days and some cold days.
So why does the liberal major media and their friends at the Roanoke Times continue to publish mis&disinformation? What are their agenda and objectives? Perhaps they just love Al Gore and his obscene accumulation of wealth based on generating mass fear and anxiety. Or perhaps they have major holdings in alternative energy stocks that aren’t doing very well. Or perhaps they just blindly follow their mentors at the Washington Post without question or analysis or alternative sources of valid data. Whatever it is, it’s quite sad. One should really concentrate on spreading heifer-dust on fields and not on people.
Click on Graphic to Enlarge
Prior Items:
Yes Virginia (UVa) You Do Have To Share the Mann Data
The Blizzards of 2010 – Yet More Global Warming

Friday, January 21, 2011


Armstrong & Reynolds: The Democrat Energy Bait & Switch

Roanoke Times,1-21-11, Pg 9: Ward Armstrong and Roscoe Reynolds sought to give regulators more discretion over setting utility power rates.
What a study in demagogy! Obama and his fellow traveling Democrats have instituted a national program of choking off the supply of additional sources of energy including coal mining and oil exploration, and have added massive expensive mandates upon current generating facilities all with the objective of making all current forms of energy in the US more expensive and increasing our dependence on foreign supply.
Their misguided “the end justifies the means” energy policies are intended to make other marginal and intermittent sources of energy more attractive while blaming the energy industry and utilities for the shortages and escalating costs.
Armstrong and Reynolds are insulting the intelligence of their constituents by pretending that the power utility companies are the bad guys when they know full well that it’s their own party leaders that are purposely causing the energy shortages and increases in cost.
AEP Rates: The Reality of Democrat Energy Policy
The Obama competitive energy response to China and our competitors is:
Stop strip mining coal and stop drilling for oil in the US!
The United States is now a second-class country that’s going out of business and we don't need additional energy sources!
Selected Prior Items:
Rejecting and Stalling APC’s Renewable Wind Energy
Obama’s Nuclear Power Fiasco
Tim Kaine, Mark Warner, Obama – Green Energy & Jobs NOT
A VT Energy Assessment Challenge

Monday, January 17, 2011


Obama Spearheads Americas Decline

Not found in the Roanoke Times: Don’t want to harry the multitudes.
The January 16, 2011 declaration by Chinese President Hu Jintao is that the world-wide competition for economic and national leadership is over and the Chinese have won!
The Chinese declaration of world supremacy:
The new world-wide currency base: The dollar is out and the Yuan is in!
You are $14 TRILLION in debt, much of which we hold!
We own you; we can buy and sell you any time we want!
If we slow down our purchase of your debt – the US economy will collapse.
We are now the world’s manufacturing and production leader.
We are a military power and our new Stealth Fighters will more than match yours.

New China Stealth Fighter-bomber

Obama’s answer to China’s declaration of unilateral victory:
Yet another KowTowBow:

Obama’s domestic answer: More Socialism and Personal Dependence and Destructive-Regulation and $1 TRILLION deficit again this year!
Roanoke Times, 1-16-2011, Pg 9: Congress grapples with $14 Trillion-plus debt; A fight is ahead on Capitol Hill, inflamed by the passions of tea party activists and deficit hawks.
Why is there a fight? Does not Obama, the Democrats and their supporters understand the depth and width and magnitude of our financial problem? And why is the media presenting this issue as only a tea party issue when it should be everyone’s issue?

China’s consumption of coal has gone exponential.
(click to enlarge graphic)

The Obama competitive energy response:
Stop strip mining coal and stop drilling for oil!
The United States is now a second-class country that’s going out of business and we don't need new energy sources!
Obama's direction to the country to address this National crisis:
Talk nice, don’t raise your voice, don’t resist, be compliant:
just follow the old gross locker room saying:
“Rape is inevitable, so relax and enjoy it!”

Monday, January 10, 2011


Roanoke Times Editors Isolated From News

Roanoke Times, 1-9-11, Pg Horiz 3: A guide to our daily editorial pages.
The news people, on the first floor, at the Roanoke Times, are independent and isolated from the editors on the second floor who are totally surprised each morning when they read the news section of the paper.
What a hoot! Are these folks insulting their reader’s intelligence on purpose, or is it just turning out that way?
Like the news people are so incredibly dense that they don’t know what the chief’s desires and requirements and biases are? Like there aren’t management meetings each day to select the paper’s contents and detailed layout?
This blog has over 1300 items written over 5 years most of which highlight the bias and slant of the Roanoke Times not just in it’s editorials and commentaries but in its selection of and presentation of “the news”.
This article causes one to reflect on the classic management-employee outhouse! It's good to be the Queens on the second floor!
Click on Graphic to Enlarge:


Only Conservatives Use Dangerous Discourse

Roanoke Times Subject Continuation, 1-11-11, Pg 15: Political "Cartoon" (adjacent to editorial about the Tucson massacre) showing three men firing pistols at a shooting gallery labeled "the school of American political discourse".
Interesting that the major liberal media didn't have any negative news, editorial, opinion or cartoons when the following occurred:
"NY Dem. Sen. Schumer is the man who would put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it."
The nasty, vicious, vile Democrat who said this is not a half-drunk, low-life talking through his beer at a local gin-mill.
No, this is NY State Comptroller Democrat Alan Hevesi, long term prior professor of government and politics at Queens College, who made this statement while participating in the commencement address at Queens College!
Don't these Democrats and their media friends and sponsors ever look in the mirror?
Roanoke Times, 1-10-11, Pg 1&14: Ref. The Tucson Massacre “some people point to increasingly heated rhetoric” as the cause of the shootings.
Once again the liberal press launches a preemptive attack on their “political enemies”!
Let’s not wait for the facts on the psychopath who committed this atrocity, let’s paint the Conservatives as bad guys again and then call it a day!
The following is just a sample of some recent left-wing and liberal rhetoric that The Editors of The Roanoke Times have not found objectionable enough to comment on:
Google: bush Nazi comparison -- And view the hundreds of gross and obscene left-wing incidents of just this one example of Dangerous Discourse.
Obama Calls Republicans “Enemies”
Obama & Biden: Desperately Searching For An Enemy of The People
The Danger of Arrogant Disregard For The American People
Obama Hawking Class and Race Warfare
Obama: Conservatives clinging to their guns and Bibles.
Hyping Domestic Political Violence
It’s worthy of note that all those who “incited violence” against George Bush and his administration for eight years were not labeled by the liberal media as potential domestic terrorists but wonderful patriots; including those who produced and distributed a movie about the assassination of President Bush while he was still in office.
Another prime example of the media hypocrisy is the gleeful and jovial manner they treated the attack upon Ann Colter while she was giving a speech at a University. The liberal clowns on late nite TV found the attack lots of fun. Clearly not the media reaction if a left-wing liberal (like one of the girls of the Roanoke Times Editorial staff) suffered a similar attack.
SNL – Sept 2008: Todd Palin may be the incestuous father of his daughter’s baby.
Howard Dean and his Sept 97 full page NY Times article: “General Betray Us”
Roanoke Times, 6/17/05, Pg A 7: Number 2 Democrat US Senator Durbin equating our facility at Guantanamo to Nazis, Soviet gulags and Cambodian butcher Pol Pot
Jan 2010: MSNBC’s Olbermann:
"In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees,"
"NY Dem. Sen. Schumer is the man who would put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it."
The nasty, vicious, vile Democrat who said this is not a half-drunk, low-life talking through his beer at a local gin-mill.
No, this is NY State Comptroller Democrat Alan Hevesi, long term prior professor of government and politics at Queens College, who made this statement while participating in the commencement address at Queens College!
Oct 26 2010 12:07 PM ET
'The View': Joy Behar tells Sharron Angle to 'go to hell, bitch'
Google the following left-wing personalities and view what Vile and Nasty Discourse really is:
Al “Twana” Sharpton,
Jesse “Castrate Obama” Jackson
Maxine “Potty Mouth” Waters.
Rob “MoveOn” Reiner
The Rev “Wrong” Wright
All this is not to say that there are not Conservatives that use inappropriate and inflammatory rhetoric.
It is to say the liberal media and The Editors of The Roanoke Times find it convenient to not address left-wing transgressions and highlight them as inappropriate and in some cases dangerous.
Just more slant and bias we can depend on!

Saturday, January 08, 2011


GOP Moves on ObamaCare Repeal

Roanoke Times, 1-8-11, Pg 3: The House (with the 60 newly elected members) voted 236-181 to move forward on ObamaCare Repeal.
“Would add $230 Billion to the federal deficit over 10 years.”
The Editors of the Roanoke Times simply cannot help themselves from propagating lies and distortions about ObamaCare. Not one word in this article that the 230 number is not only in dispute but has been totally debunked by not only Republican Congressional Budget experts but also in very vivid detail by the Wall Street Journal:
“The accounting gimmicks are legion, but we'll pick out a few: It uses 10 years of taxes to fund six years of subsidies. Social Security and Medicare revenues are double-counted to the tune of $398 billion. A new program funding long-term care frontloads taxes but backloads spending, gradually going broke by design. The law pretends that Congress will spend less on Medicare than it really will, in particular through an automatic 25% cut to physician payments that Democrats have already voted not to allow for this year.”
In addition to these numbers at the Federal level there are Billions of dollars of massive impacts to the Medicaid costs of the states and the taxes and fees and premiums on each American.
The Repeal Vote is very important because it will clearly identify to the American Voters who they need to focus on replacing in the 2012 elections.
112th Congress to Slash Spending
Tax Misrepresentations Become Outright Lies
ObamaCare: Hire 16,500 IRS Agents, Reward Lawyers, Dis The Doctors

Thursday, January 06, 2011


Yes Virginia (UVa) You Do Have To Share the Mann Data

Yes Virginia (UVa)You Do Have To Share the Mann Global Warming Grant Data that you have been hiding from the public!

The Global Warming Alarmists and the Goreites (supported by The Roanoke Times) have participated in a major cover-up of the data used by Prof Mann at UVa to obtain tax money grants for his projects that are now in question.
The UVa Administration have resisted efforts to provide the requested data to organizations using the (FOIA) the freedom of information act and requests by the Attorney General of Virginia.
The UVa Administrators have claimed the data is gone! How convenient!
Much like the 18&1/2 minute gap in the Nixon tapes!
New News! The data is not gone; it resides on the backup servers!
It’s now time for the UVa Administrators to make all the data available as requested in the FOIA’s and by the Va AG so that the people who paid for these grants can read them and determine the facts for themselves.
Why would this be a problem for UVa or for The Editors of the Roanoke Times?
Do both these organizations not cherish and promote openness and transparency?
Click to view the Daily Show’s View of Prof. Mann’s contributions to science:
Hal Lewis: My Resignation From The American Physical Society
Friday, 08 October 2010 17:19 Hal Lewis .From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Robert Hurt 5th Congressional District of Virginia


Sunday, January 02, 2011


112th Congress to Slash Spending

Roanoke Times, 1-2-11, Pg 6: Money matters to set tone for 112th Congress. Obama makes it clear that Republicans share responsibility for finding a long-term solution to keep the government running and raise the debt ceiling.
It will be difficult for Republicans to participate in government processes when they’ve been told by Obama that they’re “Enemies” and must sit in the back of the bus!
Obama Calls Republicans “Enemies”
"We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
Apparently Obama and friends have not yet comprehended that the 60 new Congressmen who will be sworn in on the 5th were not sent there by “The People” to support continuation of the Democrat spending and debt-death-spiral and massive expansion and reach of the federal government.
Massive spending cuts should start immediately with the priority on the huge bureaucracies that overlap and duplicate, at great taxpayer expense, the States responsibilities, including:
• Dept of Education
• Dept of Transportation
• Dept of Energy
• Dept of Environment
• Dept of Health & Human Services
• Dept of Housing
• Executive Departments including the over two dozen Obama-Czars
Of particular focus must be:
1. Freeze all funding for: ObamaCare
2. Freeze EPA funding for carbon restrictions
3. Establish a no-increase in spending budget
(Obama and the Democrats don't even have a budget!)
4. Rollback the spending and don't increase taxes on anyone
We don't have a taxing problem, we have a spending problem
5. Stop subsidizing the burning of our food (ethanol)
6. Crank-up domestic energy production including nuclear power plant construction.
7. Reduce the endangered species list to a maximum of 100 entities that are truly important and in our national interest. Call it the Charles Darwin act of science instead of politics and misdirected emotion.
Some Prior Items:

Saturday, January 01, 2011


RoanokeSlant New Years Reflections & Resolutions

The motivation to start writing the RoanokeSlant Blog ( five years and 1300 items ago remains valid today:
”After reading the Roanoke Times newspaper for 15 years it is
clear to me that their "slant" on the information they publish is not even
close to neutral or balanced on many economic, social and political issues.
The Roanoke Slant "blog" is intended to be a very brief "diary" of some
examples of their slant by contrasting it with an opposing view.
Some of the Papers slant methods include:
* Not covering a story
* Blatant in-your-face bias
* Size and content of headlines
* Subtle bait and switch
* Area and location of coverage
Upon review of these items, over a period of time, one might conclude that there is an undeniable pattern of behavior.
This may be helpful in the future by enabling objective vs. subjective discussions.”
This blog’s feedback comments, active links to this site, volume of views and the numerous LTE’s in the paper all indicate that the author is in good company and that responsible and appropriate critique is well warranted.
The issues many people have with the Roanoke Times Editors are not the editorial content; their major issue is with the slant and bias of news selection and reporting and presentation. It’s not clear why it’s so hard for them to present the “who, how, what, when, where and why” of the news in a reasonably fair and balanced manner.
Many people want the Roanoke Times to succeed and provide a very important service to the businesses and residents of the area. They are hoping for a Christmas miracle:
“May the blessings of the season descend upon the RT Editor’s and enlighten them and moderate their afflictions.”
May our New Year be a transition to a better future than the past and may America truly become that “Bright Shining City on the Hill”.
Our Senior Citizens New Year’s Toast:
God made life a game of chance
Let us celebrate,
That we are still in the game
God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood


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