The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Obama Bars Boeing From South Carolina

Not found in the Roanoke Times: The Obama team is preventing Boeing from producing planes in South Carolina because it is a “Right to Work” State.
Obama and his team have undertaken an unprecedented action in “directing” where a company or business can or cannot do business within the United States.
No other administrations have ever undertaken such a Communist control of the Free Enterprise System in this country. No wonder he calls his henchmen “Czars”.
Hopefully this case can be resolved in favor of the American Free Enterprise System before Obama’s liberal-leftwing-activist judges totally reduce this country to a socialist and fascist state right before our eyes.
How can anyone who believes in the "American System" and voted for Obama not have voter remorse?
He is a bigger disappointment and is doing more damage than Jimmy Carter!
Boeing Facility Opens in S.C., Despite NLRB Opposition
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Friday, April 22, 2011


Obama Takes New & Improved “TaskForce” For Gas Pains

Roanoke Times, 4-22-11, Pg 4: Obama announces gas price task force
Gas was $1.85 when Obama took the wheel for the first lap.
Gas prices are now at $3.85 with Obama going in for a TaskForce Pit Stop.
How many oil wells, tankers and refineries does his Task Force have?
What’s that you say?
They’re just a bunch of bureaucrats that don’t produce anything – bummer!
What to do, what to do? Let’s say speculators and traders are the bad guys. Everyone hates them.
What’s that you say? Bill Clinton tried that and they weren’t to blame – bummer!
Then let’s have some major increases in burning ethanol.
“We don’t need corn for food or livestock – let’s just burn the stuff”!
What’s that you say? It’s part of the reason gas prices have gone up – bummer!
Obama needs to get over to the Middle East and do some serious kneeling and bowing and kowtowing and apologizing! And while he’s at it, get all those righteous-rioters back out in the oil fields pumping oil instead of burning it.
What are the dozens of Czars doing? Aren’t they supposed to be solving all our problems? And how about the Dept of Energy? Weren’t they established over 30 years ago to solve our external oil dependency problem? Another bummer!
On the other hand, isn’t this what our Obama Energy Policy is all about? Drive up the cost of gasoline and electricity so that the solar panels and wind turbines look like a good alternative (when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining).
We are on the Obama path to his energy vision, he just doesn’t want to announce it yet.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


OzoneGate and the Scientific Consensus

Panic Everyone! The End of Life as we know it is at hand! We just reached a consensus that atmospheric fluorocarbons from your air conditioners, your business, your car, your refrigerator, your freezer, propellant in your aerosol cans and in your halon fire extinguishers are destroying the ozone and causing a hole in the ozone layer that will give you cancer and destroy the world! (Not clear which will get you first!)
Congress, scared to death by this apocalyptic scientific consensus passed in 1990 a ban on all Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC’s, that were long considered the ideal refrigerant. Inexpensive and efficient, they are also non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-corrosive and replaced prior used dangerous and toxic chemicals.
The CFC ban impacted millions of people, cost Billions of dollars, resulted in a massive scrapping and replacement of all refrigeration units and processes and during this massive disruptive mess the cost of a pound of CFC was artificially driven by the US Government from $1 to $40!
So here we are 20 years later and the ozone hole over the North Pole (Arctic) is getting bigger and the ozone hole over the South Pole (Antarctic) is getting smaller.
Also there is more warming over the North Pole than over the South Pole.
What to do? What to do? We need a new Scientific “Polar” Consensus!
Where’s Al Gore when you really need him?
This is yet another bunch of Yahoos on a Boondoggle using a totally unproven hypothesis to enact laws to implement actions that are massively disruptive and costly without a clear understanding of the outcomes or of how the natural variability of earth’s systems change over time and space!
Their story line now – wait another 300 years and you’ll see we’re right!
Our so called Science by Consensus has lost its way from The Scientific Method and Cause vs Effect Analysis that has served mankind so well over the past 300 years.
Our So Called Consensus Scientists are fast loosing their credibility with each massive government grant they receive and squander on preconceived outcomes.
Physician Heal Thyself!

Obama’s Air Controllers Union; Not Your Reagan Controllers!

Roanoke Times, 4-20-11, Pg 5: First Lady’s Plane Aborts Landing
Air Controllers asleep within sight of the White House at National. More Air Controllers asleep and then again more Air Controllers asleep. They’ve caught up to five now.
Then Air Controllers abort landing of plane with Michelle on board after directing it to tail-gate too close to a large military plane landing on same runway.
Obama’s action: give the Air Controllers Union an additional paid hour per shift!
This is like a modern Snow White story: Sleepy meets Dopey!
This is your Government Union Employees and their Obama-management team at work!
What a contrast with Republican President Ronald Reagan when he told the Air Controllers Union to shape up or ship out!
They went on strike – Reagan FIRED them ALL; 11,000 of them on Aug 5th 1981!
No wonder the Unions Love Obama!   What’s not to Love?
TaxPayers & Pilots to Tower:    WTF -- Over!
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The Obama-Democrat Credit Score Train-Wreck

Roanoke Times, 4-18-11, Pg 3: Geithner (Obama’s Treasure Secretary) says GOP OK with raising debt limit. GOP Paul Ryan actually says “We want cuts in spending before discussing debt limit increases”.
The Credit Score TV singing boys have been joined by the The 2010 Voters, The International Financial Community, The TeaParty, The Republican Party, The Obama-Debt Commission and now the Credit Rating Services all are telling the world that the Obama-Democrat Spend, Tax and Borrow Binge has resulted in a $14.5 TRILLION Debt Train-Wreck with $1.5 TRILLION added each year.
The Obama answer – we can tax our way out of this mess!
Has any government in the history of the world ever taxed its way to prosperity?
Have not the ones who tried died in unemployment and hyperinflation?
Obama’s Class Warfare Chant: Let’s tax the “rich” more!
After all the top 10% of the income earners (most of whom are small-business owners and therefore the primary job creators) are currently paying 70% of the Federal Income Tax (FIT) collected.
And 50% of the population doesn’t pay any FIT at all! Perhaps that’s why all the polls show 50% of the population are happy with the taxes they pay! You think?
Raising the Federal Debt Ceiling simply keeps the door wide open for more spending and taxing and borrowing. When individuals, companies and governments cannot borrow more money they are forced to make a realistic budget and live within their income. Millions of people and thousands of companies have been forced to do that and they don’t understand why the Federal Government can’t do the same!
Vote NO on raising the Debt Ceiling!
Vote YES on stopping our Federal and State Spend, Tax, and Borrowing Binge!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The Political Video Game: Birth, Birther, ReBirth, AfterBirth

The political Birther video game just seems to go on and on.
It's all just a null game because whatever the outcome; there will be no outcome!
The Obama Citizenship Doubters were labeled by the liberal media as Birthers.  A very parallel 1984-Doublespeak to the label of Deniers for Al Gore AGW Skeptics.
It's always good politics and press to label your adversaries into a negative light.
Just when all this was water under the bridge, enter Mr. Trump as the latest and loudest Birther.
And he's joined by The Canadian Free Press:
All this is placed in focus by the heading:
The unraveling of Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II
It's not clear why Obama hasn't cleared all this up by simply releasing his formal-official certificate.
Apparently he's using this as a diversion to keep people from focusing on his actions and policies.
My personal experience is very simple.  I have tried to use an "informal" copy (albeit that it looks official) on several occasions and was rebuffed and required to send a release to my county of birth who then sent an official certified birth certificate to the requesting agencies that were:
*  The US Dept of State for purposes of obtaining a Pass Port
*  The US Army for purposes of receiving a Regular Army Commission.
*  The US Army (again) for purposes of being processed for Top Secret Security clearance.
*  The Social Security Admin. for purposes of enrolling in Social Security and Medicare.
It's interesting that I was required by the US Government to comply with this formal process multiple times and I wasn't even running for President!
Clearly the US Government is far more interested in my Citizenship status than Obama's!
Apparently this is the ultimate "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Obama The Tea Party Guy?

Roanoke Times, 4-11-11, Pg 1 & 12: Obama’s new focus” 2012 budget, borrowing limits; speech and details to follow.
Talk about your fiscal conservative hiding in a closet!
I (Obama) voted to NOT raise the debt limit!
As a senator in 2006, Obama voted against raising the debt limit.
Talk about singing out of a new book NOW.  What a hypocrite.
The guy who has led the debt-drive to $14.5 Trillion is now the Debt Reduction Czar.
What happened?
The November 2010 Republican election-sweep happened!
The April 2011 Republican Budget Reduction happened!
What to do? What to do? Let’s join the TeaParty!
Debt is bad, spending is sin and budget reductions are good!
I told you my forgotten Debt-Reduction-Task Force was the way to go!
Even a chameleon couldn’t change his colors this fast.
Too bad everyone knows that Obama has driven budget deficits (including his budget of only two months ago) to $1.5 TRILLION each year and increased the national debt to $14.5 TRILLION.
This reminds one of just how contrite and remorseful criminals are after they are caught.
There is a big rumble about to occur over increasing the debt-ceiling that Obama and associates want so they can continue to spend, tax and borrow our country into bankruptcy.
What a fake and hollow line of jive and heifer-dust this guy can spread.
And the bankruptcy of many states is close at hard too:
“But Barclays Capital says taxpayers are at risk of bailing out state workers if states don’t plug a $2.4 trillion state pension deficit (including cities and towns). Other studies peg the deficit as veering towards $3 trillion or more.”
That’s what the Wisconsin union train-wreck is all about:
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Monday, April 04, 2011


Like Crack Addicted Junkies, The Government Just Can’t Cut-Back

Roanoke Times, 4-4-11, Pg 1: State funding cut backs impact localities; funding needs could preclude raises; cutting funding a ‘slap in the face’.
The liberal media continues to lament and highlight and emphasize their views of the disaster of reducing government budgets and spending and borrowing.
Nowhere do they highlight the disaster of the revenue (income) being consumed by the service on the debt (interest payments) and the crushing tax impacts on the 50% of Americans who are carrying the tax load!  In addition these burdens are being compounded by big increases in energy and food costs thanks to the Obama policies on energy and ethanol.
For over indebted individuals, businesses and governments, interest payments consume the funds required for living and growing and financial survival.
Our people, localities, Authorities, states, the federal government and many businesses have sunken into a swamp of debt and financial commitments that threaten their ability to survive bankruptcy. We have a debilitating spending and borrowing addiction with yet another two million home foreclosures in the process.
Obama and the Democrats have totally ignored the results of Obama’s Debt Commission:
NEW YORK ( -- The country got a little shock therapy last week when the co-chairmen of President Obama's debt commission offered their recommendations for curbing U.S. debt. One of their goals: reduce deficits by $4 trillion over the next decade.
If that were done, and it’s clear Obama has rejected his own Commission, it would have a very small impact on the current $14.4 TRILLION national debt and the interest due.
Instead of addressing these critical problems Obama and the Democrats are threatening to shut-down the federal government over a paltry and anemic $60 Billion reduction in this years $1.4 TRILLION budget deficit! That’s a 4% reduction in just the deficit portion of the spending!
The $60 Billion reduction is 1.6% of Obama's proposed $3.7 TRILLION 2011 budget that will result in an additional $1.4 TRILLION deficit and debt.
The people I know have all reduced their spending by a lot more than 2% and they don’t understand why the government can’t do the same!
What a sad and disappointing period in American Leadership History!
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