The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Memorial Day
President Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Address
Audio -- Johnny Cash
'Il Silencio' (The Silence)
The conductor of the orchestra is Andre Rieu from Holland.
Melissa Venema, age 13, is the trumpet soloist.
The Original version of Taps was called Last Post, and was written by Daniel Butterfield in 1801. It was rather lengthy and formal, as you will hear in this clip, so in 1862 it was shortened to 24 notes and re-named Taps. Melissa Venema is playing it on a trumpet whereby the original was played on a bugle.
Vietnam War Casualties Listed by Home of Record-
Cpl. Jared Kubasak's FCJrROTC Scholarship
Franklin County Virginia
Arlington National Cemetary
Medal of Honor
If I Die Before You Wake
Tribute to Our Troops
Friday, May 27, 2011
Global Cooling Will Stop Tornadoes
Roanoke Times, 5-26-11, Pg 1 & and 7; Global Warming Causing Tornadoes
Global warming “may” be storm culprit says "a scientist"
If Global Warming is causing Tornadoes, then Global Cooling Will Stop Tornadoes, Right? You know, Global Cooling like we had from 1940 to 1975! Apparently you can’t make two wrongs equal a right!
This article, like most of its ilk, expounds on the Gore-AWG opinions of someone labeled a “scientist” without any data or references to data to support any of the claims or hypothesis. This is yet another Roanoke Times propagation of Gore&Associates Alarmist Heifer-Dust. Do they get paid to push this stuff, or is this just a free ad for their friends? There is no valid scientific data anywhere that establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between tornadoes and our less than one degree-C temperature rise in the last 130 years (1880 to 2010).
Stop publishing this pseudo-science tripe in the gross effort to mislead and scare the public!
There is something called “Tornado Alley” in the US and it has been in existence for many years, well before any warming issues became the current “boogey-man” to explain any and all of earth’s weather anomalies.
“One of the deadliest tornado in American history was invisible. In 1925, the Tri-State Tornado ravaged a mile-wide path for 220 miles across Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana at 60 to 70 mph—twice the forward speed of the average tornado. It lacked the classic funnel cloud, but the damage was catastrophic: nearly 2,000 people were injured, property losses totaled more than $16 million, and over 700 people died. This event also held the known record for most tornado fatalities in a single city or town: at least 234 in Murphysboro, Illinois.”
There is a cataloguing program that is documenting US tornadoes. They have only gone back to 1950, but have already documented 54,529 tornadoes resulting in 5,064 people killed. Their web site shows the map locations of these storms. Hopefully they will be able to extend their research back to 1900 which would include the above example.
Over 54,500 tornado maps. U.S. tornadoes 1950-2010.*
Click-on link to view maping of all 54,500 tornadoes.
Tornadoes, over time, should not be measured by their impacts to people and facilities. In 1920 there were 106 million people in the US, now there are 308 million.
From a tornado’s view we have become a “target-rich environment”.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just get back to real-science and the scientific-method that served us so well and leave tabloid tripe to the tabloids!
Prior Items:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Yet More Left-wing Hate Speech And Vile Slurs
Ed Schultz has been suspended (FOR ONE WEEK!) from MSNBC for calling conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" on his syndicated radio show.
ONE WEEK! The penalty is more gross and obscene than the crime!
Yet more left-wing nasty speech that the liberal media treats as OK while jumping upon any conservative deviation from the politically correct path.
Is there any company anywhere in the US where an employee who commits this level of obscene and unacceptable behavior on company business and in a public forum would not be dismissed?
Where are the expressions of outrage from the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times?
Have they compromised their ethical standards in order to stay entrenched in the left-wing liberal club?
It’s time to take off your NOW-bras and slam the purveyors of vile slurs against one of your media-sisters! And where are your NOW sorority sisters at times like this?
It is very disturbing that in addition to the nasty liberal lawmakers like Schumer and Waters who are often joined by friends like Sharpton and Jackson and Rheiner we must also endure a stream of nasty-mouthed extreme leftists on MSNBC of the likes of Keith Olbermann and Uncle Ed!
The recent Union thugs in Wisconsin and their Representatives and Media supporters reached a level bordering on mob-action with little reaction by the major media.
Unfortunately the Liberal-Media looks the other way, away from their friends and associates, just as many parents explain: “My child would never do that and if he did it wasn’t his fault!”
Some prior items:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
UVA And Global Warming Alarmists Court Ordered To Let Sunshine In
The Elitist Global Warming Alarmists who have spent hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money are finally being forced to share with the public the who, how, when and where of their secret activities.
It is difficult to envisage the level of arrogance of people, working in secret, who are directing the governments of the world to enact draconian changes to world energy policy, who refuse to make their data public and who refuse to openly and fairly debate the parameters of their hypothesis.
Court Orders University of Virginia to Produce Documents of Dr. Michael Mann
If you cannot read this press release, please click here:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Christopher Horner,
Paul Chesser,
MANASSAS, Va.—On Tuesday, more than four months after the American Tradition Institute’s Environmental Law Center requested emails and other files from a specific University of Virginia back-up computer, the University was hauled into court and made to stand and agree to comply with the Commonwealth’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Under Virginia’s FOIA, ATI and co-petitioner Delegate Bob Marshall (R-Manassas) asked UVA to disgorge the emails and files that Virginia’s Attorney General also sought under other authority. The emails are specific communications sent and received by Dr. Michael Mann during his tenure at UVA in which he corresponded with, or discussed other, leading voices that represent the climate alarmist perspective. Seminal among them include discussions about his now infamous and discredited 1,000-year temperature reconstruction known as the “hockey stick.” There also already appears — from records ATI has received – to be additional information of the kind released in the “Climategate” emails that originated at the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University.
Under FOIA the University was required to produce the documents within five days of its receipt of payment for “accessing, duplicating, supplying or searching” for the documents. Alternatively they could have entered into an agreement with ATI on when they would supply the documents, or they could have gone to court to ask for more time. They did none of the above. Instead they promised to provide some of the documents “shortly” on April 6; then specifically on May 6, 2011; and always stated they would get to the others later on. They did none of this either, so ATI went to court to compel production and compliance with the law.
ATI finally received the first approximately 20 percent of the 9,000 pages of documents that UVA says are responsive to ATI’s request and that it possesses, only after ATI filed its petition ( ) , and two working days before the judicial hearing. Most of what ATI received in this seemingly hurried production, which was more focused on showing volume than content, were ads for Halloween costumes, public news releases from lay and scientific journals, and a few emails that were printed in computer code so as to be unintelligible in that form. Despite this product of (according to the University) 75 hours of review and more than four months, the University stopped work on producing anything further. Nevertheless some substance made it through UVA’s filter, which ATI will discuss after we review the withheld records.
The failure of UVA to honor its own commitments or to follow the law forced ATI to petition the court for relief. ATI filed its petition on May 16th, and the Court heard the matter Tuesday.
It took a petition to force UVA to agree to produce the documents that by statute they should already have produced. The day before the court hearing, UVA finally agreed to a date when they must produce all the documents they believe are not protected from disclosure. The court entered an order ( ) that forces UVA to honor that agreement and to produce the documents in easy-to-read electronic form so that ATI can make them available to all who wish to review the work of this highly controversial former Virginia employee. They must produce those documents by August 22nd.
In addition ATI has won the right to look at all the documents beginning no later than September 21, including those the University refuses to make public. The court issued a protective order ( ) that allows ATI’s attorneys, David Schnare and Christopher Horner, to see them all so that they can challenge any further UVA refusals to supply what the public paid for. The records constitute a history of the “hockey stick” and the activities of Michael Mann, who also during the relevant time served on, e.g., the UN’s IPCC, all of which have been the subject of intense scrutiny.
“By the end of this year, ATI and UVA will obtain judicial review of the University’s obligation to fulfill the public’s right to know how taxpayer-funded employees use the taxpayer’s resources,” said Mr. Horner, director of litigation at ATI’s Environmental Law Center. “The court will determine whether this can be hidden behind the ivy covered walls of our public colleges and universities under a non-existent FOIA exemption of ‘academic freedom,’ which Virginia’s legislature has never recognized.”
ATI also put a final issue before the court. Under the Virginia FOIA, UVA is not allowed to impose fees on ATI to recoup the general costs of creating or maintaining records, or of transacting the general business of the University. The University has already admitted that it must obey several laws in fulfillment of its duty to protect some of its records, such as medical files and student information. This is part of the business of the University, just as any governmental body must protect its sensitive records. UVA, however, demanded that ATI pay $8,500 to offset UVA’s costs of doing precisely this regular business, which must be performed when releasing any information, under any authority. ATI argued, and existing case law indicates, this is simply not allowed. The University disagreed, and the court will issue its opinion on that matter on June 15th.
“ATI pursues important public issues,” said Dr. Schnare, director of ATI’s Environmental Law Center. “This case is about whether the government can put up a pay wall to frustrate the public’s right to transparency. If it can, the public can’t hold government employees to the high standards of conduct they should meet.”
See Prince William County (Va.) Court’s Order to Produce Documents in ATI Environmental Law Center’s Freedom of Information Act case against the University of Virginia ( ).
See Prince William County (Va.) Court’s Order on Protection of Documents in ATI Environmental Law Center’s Freedom of Information Act case against the University of Virginia ( ).
For an interview with American Tradition Institute senior director of litigation Christopher Horner, email or call (202)670-2680.
Some Prior Appropriate RoanokeSlant Blog Items:
Monday, May 23, 2011
Crop Loss And Heifer-Dust
Roanoke Times, 5-22-11, Horiz Pg 3: Crop loss and our warming planet.
The highly biased and slanted article describes the results of a mathematical computer study that alleges that global warming is reducing wheat and corn production relative to what would have been produced if the temperatures had not changed during the past 30 years; therefore we must do something now!
Before totally freaking-out one might reflect on the following items:
There has been less than a one degree average global warming in the last 100 years, hardly a significant or noticeable change relative to all the major variables that affect crop production.
Global warming is primarily due to natural variations in the earth’s long term systems so all we can reasonably do is prepare for the changes.
The Medieval Warm Period was much warmer that it is now and food production was greatly enhanced by the warming. It was the Little Ice Age that caused massive starvation and death. During the period 1940 to 1975 there was a global cooling period that resulted in “scientific consensus” that we were entering another “Ice Age” and that our food supply was in jeopardy.
What a different song the major media were singing during our significant cooling from 1940 through 1975. Major articles by renown scientists including front page graphics:
Another Ice Age is Coming and we will all freeze and starve to death!
Newsweek, April 28, 1975
Text Article:
Time, June 24, 1974
Weather extremes around the globe and artic ice thickening and displacing wildlife southward.,9171,944914,00.html
Washington Post November 2, 1922
"Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt."
The 1922 article, obtained by Inside the Beltway, goes on to mention "great masses of ice have now been replaced by moraines of earth and stones," and "at many points well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared."
During the period 1996 to 2009 World Wheat Production increased from 585 to 682 million metric tons: a 16.5% increase during a time in which Al Gore and the AWG Alarmists claim there is significant global warming.
There are many studies that indicate global warming up to 5 degrees will greatly improve food production albeit that some crop substitutions may be necessary in some areas.
Perhaps if the Roanoke Times and this author and the sources of the article are worried about corn production they should contact Obama and tell him to stop burning our food (ethanol) in our cars!
Also, the Editors of The Roanoke Times should consider publishing some balanced views of the Global Warming debate instead of their steady diet of Al Gore and Associate Alarmist Heifer-Dust.
Prior Items:
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Jewish Liberals Need To Wakeup Already
Having grownup in NY State, I have a sense of the level of commitment of the Jewish Community to support Liberal candidates and activities. However, at some time it should occur to these folks that the American Free-Enterprise System has been the most compatible and rewarding system for their people and culture, far more so than any Socialist type system ever established at any place or any time. The Conservative philosophy of individual initiative, personal responsibility and a free enterprise marketplace is embedded in the Jewish Culture and they should consider supporting those political candidates that best personifies those values.
“Enough already with the Progressive-Socialist-Democrats”.
Democrat President Jimmy Carter’s performance and his subsequent self-revealing book about his anti-Israel biases should have been a turning point in Jewish political affiliations.
Apparently it wasn’t because it appears that 78% of Jewish voters voted for Obama!
Now Obama is following Carter’s lead in proposing that the Israelis accept the pre-1967-war boundaries as the legitimate current boundaries between Israel and their bordering Arab States. This is particularly disturbing given the recent new and more powerful alliance of Hamas, Fatah, Syria and Iran who are forcing the “unstable governments” of the region to join in confronting Israel and opposing the fast evaporating pro-Western leaders in the area.
Fortunately Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a meeting yesterday made it clear to Obama that the Obama proposal is completely unacceptable and is a blatant unilateral de-commitment by the US Government to the safety and security of the Israeli State and people.
Obama’s public positive stance toward the Muslim Revolutionaries in the streets of Middle-east countries (without knowledge of who is initiating and leading these “spontaneous” bloody insurrections) and his kowtowing to Muslim Leaders and his total inability to label those who kill our people as “Radical Muslim Terrorists” should be of deep concern to people in both the US and Israel.
Hopefully this latest Democrat Administration’s reduction in support of Israel will cause the Jewish-American Community to “wake-up and smell the coffee” and take a new look at their political affiliations and support.
Prior Item:
Friday, May 20, 2011
Bush & Obama: The Tale of Two Stories
These two pronouncements tell us all we need to know about two Presidents
George W. Bush speech after capture of Saddam: (It's all about our people)
The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation,
I thank the members of our Armed Forces and
I congratulate 'em.
Barack Obama speech after killing of bin Laden: (It's all about ME)
And so shortly after taking office,
I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community,
I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground.
I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan . And finally, last week,
I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and
I authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today,
at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan .
Prior Item:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Obama The Consummate Chameleon
This is not about skin color – this is all about political color!
The 2012 Obama Budget expanding the deficit and debt by another $1.4 TRILLION dollars; followed three months later by Obama the TeaParty budget–hacker and debt-reducer.
Obama: The “No More Coal and Oil development and production” to “gasoline is over $4 per gallon --- the election is coming --- let’s get those rigs drilling”!
Obama: from the “lets treat our enemies with kindness and gentleness” to “shoot-to-kill the #1 enemy combatant on sight”.
Obama: the “only place a noncombatant can get Justice is in Federal Court in Manhattan” to “Justice was done by our guys, following my orders to shoot and kill an unarmed noncombatant”. (Apparently Obama’s AG Eric Holder wasn’t available to read him his Miranda Rights so BANG!).
Obama: “homosexuals serving openly” to “military chaplains to stop leading Christian prayers and start performing same-sex military weddings”.
Obama: “ObamaCare is just right for all America” to “the law should be modified while we give tens of thousands of exemptions and exclusions to our political friends”.
Obama: “no President can deploy troops without Congressional approval” to “I have attacked Libya and I don’t need no approval from anybody”.
Obama: “there should be no further extensions to the National Debt Limit” to “It’s absolutely necessary and right that we raise the $14.4 TRILLION Debt limit so that my associates can continue to spend, borrow and tax our way to prosperity”.
Obama: “the economy is looking-up” to “don’t be looking at those 9% unemployment numbers, those additional 2 million foreclosures in process and the continued drop in home values and sales”.
Obama: “science will trump politics”: to “classify the non-endangered polar bear as endangered”.
Obama: “raise the Federal Debt Ceiling by Monday or the world’s finances will collapse” to “its Wednesday and perhaps we can cut back on spending and not go bankrupt”.
Obama: “riots and revolution in the Middle East is a good thing” to “now we don’t have any stable friendly governments in the Middle East - what to do - what to do?”
As we watch Obama flash through his Chameleon political colors the questions are:
Who is the real Obama, and can he fool most of the people most of the time especially at election time?
Just more and more hypocrisy we can believe in!
Friday, May 06, 2011
Guns Linked to US AG Eric Holder Kill American Border Agent in Mexico
Not found in the Roanoke Times!
Border Agent and former marine Brian Terry was killed by Mexican Terrorists Dec 2010 while driving on a public highway.
In now appears certain that the Terrorists used guns that have been traced back to a program by US AG Eric Holder. The Obama-Holder scheme involved smuggling illegal guns to Terrorists in Mexico so that they could embellish their public relations program for outlawing guns along the Mexican border and for outlawing some specific types of guns in general.
US Attorney General Eric Holder said today. (Feb 25, 2009)
"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.
Since the illegal weapons scheme involved the AFT (a organization under the direct control of Eric Holder) it is doubtful that the whole truth will ever come out as to who or how Holder had this fiasco executed; even though Congress has started to hold hearings into this incredible stupid act (certainly wouldn’t have been investigated under Nancy Pelosi leadership)!
Eric Holder is an embarrassment to the office of US AG!
His tour started with his famous “Americans are Cowards”
through publicly stating that he would no longer uphold specific laws that conflict with his views and his position that the Armed Black Panthers in front of a polling station was OK with him.
It’s way past time for Eric Holder to resign and find another line of work.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Obama: The Bin Laden Bounty Hunter
Roanoke Times, 5-2-11, Pg 1: Osama Bin Laden Dead
What a difference ten years can make! When Bush announced a big reward for Osama Bin Laden (Dead or Alive) the liberal-media went “postal” labeling Bush a “Cowboy”.
But now when our military was finally able to track him down and kill him the liberal media is playing “Hail to the Chief” and giving vivid first hand accounts of Obama’s purported intense personal involvement in each step of the mission. These tracking skills must have been based on his personal experience as a Chicago Neighborhood Organizer.
And what’s with this dude, who chastised Bush for the sins of water-boarding and imprisonment at GITMO, who now is ordering our troops to “terminate with extreme prejudice”. Obama’s announcement that “Justice has been done” is interesting; perhaps a better phrase would be that “Vengeance has been done”. Prior to this, Justice could only be dispensed by a Federal Court in NYC.
Based on Obama’s Predator strikes and now the Osama termination, Obama has decided that sudden and violent death is a much preferred choice than imprisonment, interrogation and subsequent military tribunals. Apparently this is a Big moral improvement over the Bush process which was labeled as immoral and an “international embarrassment”.
Isn't it ironic and interesting that the initial leads that led to Bin Laden were originally developed by the "aggressive interrogation" of those poor and mistreated nice folks at GITMO!
Aside from all the Obama and liberal-media hypocrisy – it’s a very good thing that Bin Laden is gone – it will bring closure to thousands of families -- let’s all thank our soldiers for one more courageous and high risk mission accomplished in an ongoing war with no visible end in sight.
Prior Items:
Sunday, May 01, 2011
The New-Egypt Joins Hamas And Fatah
Roanoke Times, 4-30-11, Pg 5: Egypt Opens Borders For Hamas-Fatah opening wide the supply lines for terrorists and weapons to be used against Israel and pro-Western leaders.
A new and more powerful alliance of Hamas, Fatah, Syria and Iran are forcing the unstable “governments” of the region to join in confronting Israel and opposing the pro-Western leaders in the area which are fast evaporating.
As this blog predicted: The celebration of the fall of Mubarak of Egypt was premature and misplaced as is the support for Radical Muslims rioting for “Jobs and Democracy” across the region.
Jimmy Carter gave Iran the Ayatollah Khomeini and now Obama is giving us a litany of Violent Radical Muslim “leaders” with no idea of the outcome for regional or world peace.
Just more of Obama’s change without regard to a thought-out plan or a positive outcome.
Perhaps we are closer than anyone can imagine to a rerun of Charlemagne’s Crusades. The stakes and risks are enormous and the outcomes totally unknown.
And is personally and publically targeting Gadhafi a good idea? The last time we targeted a foreign leader his guys assassinated our President JFK!
Something about the “Fair Play for Cuba Committee” thing!
And wasn't his brother Bobby cut down by Sirhan-Sirhan (how soon we forget)!
Prior Items:
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