The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Obama Talking Points For Remembering 911

The White House has issued to domestic and foreign government workers guidelines on what to say and do during remembrance functions for the victims of 911.
Did FDR or any other President do that for Pearl Harbor?
Talk about Political manipulation of public discourse and managing history!
• Praise Mayor Greenburg for forbidding religious participation during proceeding in NYC
• Praise Mayor Greenburg for helping to build the WTC Muslim Victory Temple
• No mention of “Radical Muslim Terrorists” at any time by anyone
• No mention that the 911 Radical Muslim Terrorists have not yet, after ten years, gone to trial for murdering 3,000 innocent American people
• Emphasize that 911 is not unique – there have been lots of violence in the world
• However, No mention of terrorist attacks upon Israel (apparently Jews don’t count)
• Highlight Obama personally killed Bin Laden (no mention of trial or judicial process)
• Highlight that Obama has personally destroyed Al-Qaeda and we now have nothing to fear but fear itself
• Conclude with Apology for all America’s bad behaviors that justified actions by those aggrieved people who carried out 911 attack (bad karma event)
• Play Hail to The Chief during entire proceedings
• Minimize public display of American Flags
• No “missing man” flyover formation by Air Force
• Acorn personnel to handle real-time on-site voter registration and fund raising
Don’t you just love all this Obama Hope and Change!
Click Graphic to Enlarge:

Monday, August 29, 2011


Al Gore Calls Man-made Global Warming Skeptics Racist

The Alarmist Army of taxpayer supported pseudo-experts and charlatans have reached a new level of panic and they are now left with vile name-calling as their consensus action plan. How pathetic is that!
Gore has reduced himself to an Al Twana Sharpton level of discourse and behavior instead of coming out from under the veil of secrecy and openly publishing the taxpayer funded data they claim overwhelmingly “proves” that mankind is causing catastrophic changes in the earth’s atmospheres and only draconian government measures can save the planet.
The Skeptic Community has successfully educated people around the world to the basic fact that the Alarmist claims are not scientific proof of their hypothesis and that until the data and methodology are made public and are publicly scrutinized in an open forum, all their hype and claims should not be accepted as facts but instead treated as blatant propaganda by a community of people that are placing self-interest and political ideology above the public-interest.
A classic example of the fight to hide the Alarmist Data is being waged at the University of Virginia where tax-paid bureaucrats are defying subpoenas and FOI requests to hide data that should have been placed in public repositories as part of the normal scientific process and in response to the “climategate” scandal. Hopefully the veil of secrecy at UVA will be ripped-off and the public can then assess the data for themselves.
There is a Man-made Global Warming Consensus:
It’s to hide the tax-paid data at all cost while making outrageous claims of world-wide destruction and smearing and disparaging those who do not sign-up to their bogus pseudo-scientific fraternity.
How I became a Skeptic and why I still am

Monday, August 22, 2011


Liberal Media Attacks Gov. Perry – Global Warming and Genesis and Black Clouds

Roanoke Times, 8-18-11, Pg 3: Perry says he doubts global warming is real.
“Perry’s home state of Texas releases more heat-trapping pollution carbon dioxide – the chief green-house gas --- than any other state in the country, according to government data.
Honest and truthful Liberal media attacks upon Texas Governor Rick Perry should be part of our political system (they sure didn’t cover any of Obama’s negatives, however, but that was OK because he was running as a Socialist and not a Republican).
However, why is it necessary for the major media to lie as part of their attacks?
CO2 is NOT the CHIEF green-house gas! Not even close!
The chief green-house gas is WATER-VAPOR both in amount in the atmosphere and in its ability to “trap” the sun’s heat in, on and near the earth. Didn’t these people take earth science in 7th grade? Water Vapors contribution is 36 to 72% vs. CO2 which is 9 to 26%. Even Wikipedia publishes the basic facts agreed to by both the Alarmists (IPCC) and the Skeptics.
And ONLY 0.117% of the greenhouse effect is due to atmospheric CO2 from human activity!
The earth’s climate is changing - The earth’s climate has always been changing! The cause/effect of the less than one degree warming over the past 250 years should be studied and debated (too bad the alarmists will not make their tax-paid data and studies available to the public for such an important thing to happen)!
And then to add insult to injury this Perry candidate for President, who apparently is a “skeptic” also says he’s more inclined to believe the earth as we know it was the result of divine intervention (Genesis) than “The Theory of Evolution”. There’s a reason it’s called a “Theory”! Of course the Anti-Christ folks who attack the Boy Scouts are surely not going to let Perry get away without attacking his Christian beliefs. After all, he’s from the Bible Belt and we all know what those folks are like! Better we should elect a Muslim and their Sharia beliefs.
And then Perry referred to a “black cloud” hovering over our country! Mr. Ed and left-wing friends at MSNBC jumped on that labeling Perry as a raciest!
Is there anyone in this country that hasn’t used “black cloud” as a foreboding term to mean things are dark, bleak and menacing? Is that not a good description of our financial and economic future if we do not get our country back on the right track?
As the 2012 election campaign progresses, hopefully the voters will reflect on how the major liberal media handled Obama’s campaign (just like the old song: “accent the positives and eliminate the negatives”) and then the voters should reflect on how that all worked-out for US!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Conservatives Must Avoid Misdirected Hostility

This blog item is in response to a recent LTE in a local paper.
A very conservative gentleman strongly articulated his frustration with the state of our Nation; a frustration that most American’s are experiencing. After lofty Obama promises of positive change we have a pile of new negative changes that are also compounding our ongoing fiscal, financial, regulatory and employment problems.
The current financial mess of spend, tax and borrow went into high-gear in Jan 2007 when Pelosi and Reid took control of the legislative branch, the branch of government that controls taxing and spending. Unfortunately Pres. Bush did not veto the escalation of spending nor did he oppose the elimination of home mortgage rules that led directly to our financial disaster.
In 2010 we elected a significant number of strongly conservative Congressmen who have totally changed the situation in Congress. They have brought the spend, tax, and borrow issues to the front page and halted the Obama, Pelosi, Reid train and even have Obama now talking about fiscal responsibility. Talking being the operative word!
We now have to focus on the 2012 elections and replace Obama and the majority of Democrat Senators who continue to drive their reckless and damaging agenda. That is the only way to change direction and national policy. Stopping the train was important, redirecting the train is critical. It’s also imperative that we don’t destroy what we are trying to save. Something about babies and bathwater!
Our challenge now is not to berate our newly elected Conservative Congressmen but instead we should be thanking them for helping to stop the Washington madness.
Past misdirected hostility, toward those who are doing all within their power to solve our problems, resulted in the reelection of Reid and two other Democrat Congressmen who are major contributors to the problem. At this critical time we cannot afford to have any more friendly-fire casualties from misdirected hostility.
Obama and his entire team, down to the local level, will be working hard to create a “fog of conflict” intended to generate confusion and misdirection. We cannot allow that to happen.
We know who votes for spend, tax and borrow policies and we know who opposes those policies.
We need to support our Conservative-Republican team with our words and deeds.
Freshman congressman (Robert Hurt)  navigates Washington's political maze
By JONATHAN PARKER/Special to the Star-Tribune
Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:30 AM EDT
Prior Items:
It’s the Spending and Economic Policies - Stupid!
USA: What’s Your Credit Score?
For John Stewarts commentaries on Obama’s Positions click-on the following link:
Are The Good Times Over For Good?

Monday, August 15, 2011


Roanoke Times Editors Finally Get No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

Roanoke Times, 8-1-11, Pg 10: Editorial: Not every place is Lake Wobegon where all the children are above average.
“Yet, NCLB has not failed in is mission. Quite the contrary. It forced habitually failing schools to confront the miserable job they were doing and held them accountable.”
Educators are now crying out that their student performance has “leveled-off” and they cannot continue to improve academic performance thereby evoking draconian penalties.
The concepts behind the Virginia SOL’s and NCLB are that:
1. All children can learn to an acceptable level
2. Starting from first grade, students must be on an improved “learning curve”.
3. Assessments must be based on objective testing and not subjective feelings.
The first concept, that all children can learn, is the basis of every course in the Teacher’s College curriculum. However, as we all observed when we were students, there is a big range in “intellectual horsepower” between students. Also the concept of “intellectual curiosity” and work-ethic are key components that can off-set shortfalls in a student’s intellectual capability. And then there is the “teaching-learning environment” that has been decimated by the “empowered, self-centered, and disruptive” new-age students.
It is painful for professional educators to be forced to admit that nature’s statistical “normal curve” applies to student learning and that there are students who cannot keep up with the standard curriculum at an acceptable rate.
The second concept, that each starting class must be on an improved “12 year learning curve”, is the key to ever increasing performance. This requires that each grade implements their contribution to the overall accumulative learning process. As students move-up through the grade levels their performance should be improved over the class before them. That educators have concluded that the improvement process is not working is a difficult position for them to take and requires examination of what is not working.
The cries of “too much testing” and “we only have time to teach to the test” is probably true because only when the class that started on the new “12 year learning curve” graduates (that takes 12 years) can the follow-on classes perform at the required levels with additional class time available for enrichment content. “Dumbing down” the 12 year process and curtailing the test-measurement systems are clearly not the answer to our educational challenges.
Educators – put away the white flags of surrender and get out the red-white-blue flags of we’re Americans and we can compete with any educational systems in the world so that our people can compete in a one-world workplace.
Peruse the prior links for views on why our educational system is not OK:

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Connecting the Corn Dots: Famine, Food Prices, Exports, Ethanol

Roanoke Times: 8-12-11, Pg 1: Famine, which child dies
Pg 7: Weather damages corn crop
USA Today: 8-12-11, Pg M1: Trade deficit +$2.3Billion, exports fall as corn prices double over last year.
As we learned from the Indians, corn is important and has been important since we immigrants landed here in 1620.  Until recently its primary use was feeding animals (including people) and due to our amazing agricultural processes and productive land we produced excesses that supported exporting large amounts of corn to other countries.
But now we have a new contrived and artificial use for corn; ETHANOL that we mix with gasoline to burn in cars. To make this work we have large taxpayer funded subsidies to pay Ethanol producers to manufacture this massive waste of a major food product causing competition between this ludicrous use and our food chain.
Also, the total ethanol process requires a net increase in required energy and results in a net increase in CO2 byproducts over refined oil.
The adverse consequences of this totally misguided program are:
• Higher prices at the grocery store for all meat and most cereal products.
• Less corn available for export to other countries thereby impacting our already dismal balance of trade.
• Inability to respond to famine situations in places like Kenya.
• Increased energy consumption and byproducts.
• Increased cost of living; less consumer money = less jobs
The Obama Administration now is blindly moving to increase the Ethanol in gasoline from 10% to 15% with no consideration to any of the adverse consequences.
Has there ever been a dumber and more counterproductive government program than this?

Friday, August 12, 2011


Global Warming Alarmists Still Stonewalling Freedom of Information

The latest (Sept 6, 2011) FOI stone walling by Prof Mann, UVA and the AGW-Alamist gang all trying desperately to keep the public from seeing what was done with taxpayer money.
UVA and their Global Warming Alarmists associates have used every means to not release taxpayer paid-for-data from their files associated with Prof. Mann (their former Global Warming Guru and a central character in the GlimateGate scandal.
UVA And Global Warming Alarmists Court Ordered To Let Sunshine In
Now the Union of Concerned Scientists, a group with a long history of supporting left-wing views and positions, have entered the fray writing that the Freedom of Information Laws do not apply to those accademics conducting research with taxpayer financed grants.  ATI, a main participant in the FOI and subsequent court ordered directive to UVA to comply with the law, released the following statement:
ATI Responds to Union of Concern Scientists', et al, Efforts to Stop Agreement with UVA to Turn Over Michael Mann Records
If you cannot read this press release, or wish to access embedded links, please click here:
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Contact: Paul Chesser, Executive Director,
This week four groups, whose boards represent a distinctly liberal worldview and who oppose scrutiny of taxpayer-funded science by academics, asked the University of Virginia to disregard its agreement before the court ( ) with American Tradition Institute to provide the records of former climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann, which belong to the public. The groups, led by the far-left Union of Concerned Scientists, sent a letter to University president Teresa Sullivan on Tuesday complaining the agreement gives ATI’s in-house lawyers “needless access” to documents that ATI’s Environmental Law Center requested, and the agreement “threatens the principles of academic freedom protecting scholarly research.”
Response to Union of Concerned Scientists, et al, from ATI Environmental Law Center director Dr. David Schnare:
“The groups seek to have the court create a non-existent ‘academic freedom’ exemption, and also claim there is a so-called ‘balance’ between academic freedom and public accountability, which is similarly imaginary. The court’s, and UVA’s, only fealty is to follow the law, which our agreement reflects.
“The groups appeal to lesser authorities such as a state advisory board and — amazingly — a Washington Post editorial, as opposed to what the FOIA law clearly says, as justification to toss aside our agreement with the university. Their objection to scrutiny is new-found and selective as well, since they seemed to have no problem when Greenpeace sought the records and emails of academics who do not accept the alarmist perspective on global warming.
“The groups also insult our professionalism with the insinuation that we would risk disbarment by violating a gag order that prevents us from disclosing possibly exempt records we review pursuant to the agreement. Such an accusation only reflects poorly on the integrity of UCS and their letter’s co-signers.”
Response to Union of Concerned Scientists, et al, from ATI executive director Paul Chesser:
“Once again these self-interested groups — who hope to protect their billions of dollars in government funding of dubious, unsupportable research — accuse ATI of ‘harassment and intimidation’ of scientists. It shows how blind they are to the fact that ATI has acted in the interest of sound, verifiable science and for the protection of the hard-earned money that taxpayers are forced to relinquish for such research.
“A Rasmussen Reports survey out earlier this week shows that that 69 percent of Americans say it’s at least somewhat likely that some scientists who study climate change have falsified research data in order to support their own theories and beliefs, including 40 percent who say this is ‘very likely.’ Only 22 percent believe it’s not likely that some scientists have falsified global warming data to fit their theories.
“Considering this is how the public sees them, UCS and their cohorts in academia need to look in the mirror and try to figure out where it all went wrong. Meanwhile, ATI will continue its pursuit to hold them accountable.”
For an interview with Dr. David Schnare or Paul Chesser, email  or call (202)670-2680.
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More Global Warming Alarmist And Fracking Issues

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Two $15 Million Obama-Union Hit Jobs

Roanoke Times, 8-11-11, Pg 14, Small print in small article hidden way back on Pg 14:
 Republicans keep control of Wisconsin Senate.
Obama and his Union friends and associates attacked, via recall elections, six of the Wisconsin State Republican Senators with $30 MILLION dollars and an army of union organizers from major union centers from Minneapolis to Chicago to Gary Indiana.
Two of the six were recalled and replaced by Democrats who now can join the fourteen Democrat Senators who ran away (AWOL) to other states to avoid their sworn obligations to participate in state budget business. Apparently these are the kind of public servants that Obama and the Union Bosses want in state legislatures.
Two State Senate Seats for $30 MILLION; $15 MILLION per seat!
This is the kind of money Obama and the Democrats and Unions are spending to support the totally lopsided advantage unions have above private industry at the expense of public indebtedness and ever increasing taxation.
It’ interesting that the major media somehow doesn’t focus on this part of the story!
These six legislators had supported Gov. Scott Walker’s initiative to limit union demands and fiats on municipalities and school districts across Wisconsin in many cases holding local boards hostage to their unrealistic demands.  This is exactly how government business is also done in New York State.
Gov. Scott Walker has made major progress in getting Wisconsin Government fiscal affairs in order and balancing their budget. Gov. Walker presented the Wisconsin challenge and solution to Congress who clearly are unable to get the federal government spending and debt under control.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011


It’s the Spending and Economic Policies - Stupid!

Roanoke Times, 8-8-11, Pg 1 – 12: The US Downgrade and European debt problems threaten to feed on each other.
8-9-11, Pg 1: Turmoil descends on Dow - down 15%
Pg 14: US (Obama) fights back on credit rating
Pg 13: RT Editorial: The AAA Downgrade (understandable)
All this print on all this paper and the RT and their media associates “still don’t get it” or if they do, they sure aren’t printing it!
Obama’s responses to the stalled nonexistent US economic recovery and the stock market drop of 1600 points (13%) in 12 days”
It’s George Bush’s fault
It’s the Republican’s fault
It’s the Tea Party’s fault
It’s the nasty and incompetent people at Standard and Poors
“I’m good! If you don’t believe me just watch me raise campaign funds!”
Obama and associates -- wakeup and smell the coffee!
It’s not just the $14 TRILLION of debt
It’s not just the Obama Budget deficit of $1.4 Trillion each year
It’s not just the $62 TRILLION of unfunded obligations that amount to $534,000 per household (USA Today 6-7-11)
It’s not just the 9+% unemployment and the 18+% underemployment
It’s not just the stalled and nonexistent economic recovery
It’s not just the Obama Administration Jihad against Private Enterprise and the Capitalist System and our energy infrastructure.
It’s all of the above plus a total Obama Administration ignorance and disregard for what makes America’s economic system work at a “community organizer” (small business) level.
Obama’s “Tax the Rich” jihad was well spoofed by Jon Stewart:
The magnitude of our problem can be viewed by “total confiscation of all the assets” of the top 25% of Americans who own $44 Trillion in assets.
Could be done – was done in 1918 in Russia!
$62 Trillion of unfunded liabilities minus the “richies” $44 Trillion still leaves $18 Trillion of debt to be paid by less than 25% of Americans (25% have been left penniless and 50% of those filing tax returns do not pay any taxes, thereby leaving 25% to pay off the $18 Trillion and pay the ongoing taxes necessary to carry the yearly national budget).
This is Obama’s “Donner Party” solution to the financial challenge.
We all should have seen this “change” coming on November 6, 2008 and bought gold at $880 per ounce!
Are The Good Times Over For Good?

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Roanoke Times Likes Property Taxes

Roanoke Times, 8-7-11, Pg 1-2: Godsey take on taxes, careless
An RT writer questions the statement by one of the candidates for State Senator that property taxes are “fundamentally wrong”; and indicates there will be follow-up articles about this subject.
The challenge by the RT is easy to understand since their collective editorial view would be that land owners are the rich and land taxes are an ideal method of legally stripping them of some of that awful wealth they have wrongfully accumulated.
Hopefully this ongoing quest will address some of the following points:
Most landowners are not rich. They are the small-businessmen, farmers, loggers and homeowners who represent the middle class and who are family people and retired people.
The premise that land taxes are justified because they support the services they demand is false. Land doesn’t need schools. Land doesn’t need government or social services. It is people, not land that demands government services supported by taxes.
In most places there is not a cap on the amount of taxes that may be levied upon a persons land, either in the total amount or the rate of increase. This has resulted in massive amounts of government confiscation of property and or forced sale of property. Many of those displaced people were and are retirees. I know many examples of them personally.
Property taxes are usually based on governments assessed (guestimated) value of the property and not what the current owner paid for the property. A working family or retired family has not realized any gain upon their home that they haven’t sold; so why are they taxed on something they don’t have yet? Also most of the gain is government-driven inflation. Several years ago I sold a house for the value of 12 Oldsmobile’s. I had bought that home 18 years prior for 12 Oldsmobile’s. So where is the “profit” upon which I paid both yearly taxes and then sales taxes? There was no profit – it was all inflation!
Hopefully the RT writer will explore and explain the fairness of each of these items, not just as a convenient tax target-of-opportunity to “get the rich”, but from the point of view of supporting the small-businesses, working families and retired people who are the primary owners of private taxed property and are getting hosed by their government.
This blog item is now referenced in:
Tripp Godsey for Senate; Virginia Senate District 21
Based on the literary horsepower being applied, it appears that putting down and marginalizing Mr Godsey is really important at the Roanoke Times!
Dan Casey’s Roanoke Times article
Dan Casey’s Roanoke Times blog
Blue Ridge Caucus blog
by Adams and  Sluss (also writers for the Roanoke Times)
Why does this look like yet another Roanoke Times free contribution to some yet to be identified political campaign?

Saturday, August 06, 2011


Obama and Panetta: Moral Cowards Hiding From Bad News About Seal Team-6 Losses in Afghanistan

Obama and his political hack Secretary of Defense Panetta didn’t have the courage or decency or intestinal-fortitude to announce to the American people that we lost 31 Special Forces soldiers yesterday, including many from Seal Team 6, the unit involved in the Bin Laden raid.
Instead of making the announcement "first" themselves – they had Karzai (the stooge of Kabul) make the public announcement for them. What a sham! What a disgrace! What a pair of losers!
Obama sure didn’t waste any time exploiting the success of Seal Team 6, but then hid behind his birthday party and campaign trip when it came time to be the real Commander-in-Chief and address the sad and shocking side of “his good war”.
Click on the link to see the stark comparison between Bush (the "we" did it man) and Obama (the "I" did it man).
Panetta as recently as two weeks ago announced:
Al-Qaeda, lately without its late leader Osama bin Laden, is on the ropes and defeat of the terror group is "within reach," Leon Panetta said today. En route to his first trip to Afghanistan since taking office, the new defense secretary told reporters that intelligence from Abbottabad indicated that the US campaign against al-Qaeda had whittled it to some 20 leaders.
Perhaps he could include those claims "from his first trip to the war zone"  in his eulogy at each of the 31 funerals.
God Bess our fallen hero's and their families and give them peace.
May God look kindly upon those who gave their lives for Liberty and Freedom.
In Remembrance:
Click for "Some Gave All" -- sound ON

Friday, August 05, 2011


USA: What’s Your Credit Score?

Credit rating agency Standard and Poor's on Friday downgraded the United States' credit rating for the first time in the history of the ratings.
Click Image to Enlarge Your Credit Score Card:

Roanoke Slant: August 1, 2011
And it’s now clear that the “deal” will not be even close to $4 TRILLION in debt reduction and that will be the major driver of a downgrade in US Credit Ratings in the very near future. So much for all the liberal Credit Rating mis-disinformation!
Roanoke Slant: August 3, 2011
The bottom line is we just took out another multi-Trillion-dollar credit card that we’re going to use to pay the interest on all the credit cards we already have maxed-out, and then Obama and the Democrats are going to continue to SPEND, BORROW AND TAX.
Roanoke Slant: April 20, 2011
The Obama-Democrat Credit Score Train-Wreck
The Obama answer – we can tax our way out of this mess!
Has any government in the history of the world ever taxed its way to prosperity?
Have not the ones who tried died in unemployment and hyperinflation?
The Deficit SoapBox Drama: “Did I Shave My Legs For This?”
Are The Good Times Over For Good?
Bob Rubin - What's Your Credit Score? December 3, 2007

Thursday, August 04, 2011


Apparently The Roanoke Times Endorses TaxPayer Subsidies of $3,700 per AirLine Passenger

Roanoke Times, 8-3-11, Pg 1; 5: No tax revenue as FAA shutdown continues
RT:  Take-2: 8-4-11, Pg 6: Stalemate over bill to fund FAA
Two big RT articles explaining how some FAA construction projects are stopped by those awful and irresponsible Republicans (apparently just because they’re mean people?).
Not one word or example of the REAL ISSUES involved!
Not one word about the $3,700 per passenger taxpayer subsidies for selected persons at selected airports. Even NPR (the bastion of liberal dribble) relented and printed the dreaded real issues including the $3,700 number.
But not the editorial girls at the Roanoke Times! They apparently are so entrenched into the DNC and Obama’s reelection campaign organization that they just cannot bring themselves to print any real and valid issues the Republicans may have. We can only conclude that they approve and endorse this abuse of taxpayer money.  How sad!
NPR: Unionizing, Flight Subsidies Central To FAA Standoff by Brian Naylor
A provision attached by Republicans would roll back part of the Essential Air Service program, which subsidizes commercial flights at smaller regional airports like Ely, Nev., where flights are subsidized to the tune of some $3,700 per passenger.
The rollback included small marginal airports supported by some key Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller, chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.
The John Murtha airport in Johnstown Pennsylvania is one of the most egregious examples of massive subsidies for a hand-full of passengers.
For example, a round-trip in Montana from Miles City to Billings — a two-hour drive away — costs passengers just $88 with a 30-day advance purchase on Big Sky Airlines because the government kicks in $779.
John Mica's (R., Fla.) bill would cut off funding for small airports within 90 miles of larger airports, and for airports that receive subsidies exceeding $1,000 per passenger. Thirteen airports would be affected.
An interesting reflection on all this might be the “Bridge to Nowhere”!
That was a proposed bridge in Alaska (a shovel ready job) that would connect the town of Ketchikan (population 8,900) with its airport on the Island of Gravina. Connection to the island is by small ferry boats, not a convenient trip anytime and a very unpleasant trip in bad weather and high water (remember it’s in Alaska! Something about Deadliest Catch!
The Island is also the only available land to provide additional residential and commercial expansion of the town that is a main port for Alaska tours.
Over 800,000 tourists visit Ketchikan each year.  Based on the failed Obama Stimulus mess, looks like the "Bridge to Nowhere" would have been a good investment!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


The Deficit SoapBox Drama: “Did I Shave My Legs For This?”

Roanoke Times, 8-3-11, Pg 1;6, Committee to Reduce US Deficit
Why does this whole Washington manufactured drama remind one of Deana Carter’s song:
"Did I Shave My Legs For This?,"
Jon Stewart well summed up Obama’s performance:
The Roanoke Times summarized the major point of the “compromise deal” as “it cuts spending by $2.1 Trillion over the next 10 years” or $0.2 Trillion per year.
Hello!  Obama’s budget, including this year’s budget, adds $1.4 Trillion per year of spending to our existing $14.4 Trillion debt.
So every year we’re going $1.4 minus $0.2 = $1.2 Trillion per year MORE in debt!
How can anyone declare that this is a positive outcome on any level?
What Obama did was to kick the can down the road past the 2012 elections.
What Obama also did was to scare the hell out of the world-wide financial markets, got investors spooked and rattled and drove the stock markets down 1,000 points in the DOW (so far).
Obama sure reminds one of the song by Bobby Bare - "The Winner - and other losers":
The bottom line is we just took out another multi-Trillion-dollar credit card that we’re going to use to pay the interest on all the credit cards we already have maxed-out, and then Obama and the Democrats are going to continue to SPEND, BORROW AND TAX.
Washington has spent most of my contributions to the Social Security and Medicare “Trust Fund” for other stuff;
I though I’d be gone before the roof falls in; now I’m not so sure!
The 2012 Elections will be the most important elections of our life!
Pick One: _____ Socialism or ____ Americanism
Are The Good Times Over For Good?
Did I Shave My Legs For This?
The Winner

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


More Hate Speech From Our Vice President

Not found in the Roanoke Times – why disturb a perfect record!
Vice President Biden was criticized Monday over reports of a private meeting he had with House Democrats in which Tea Party Republicans were compared to “terrorists,"
This from the Vice President of the United States; and after Obama directed that his team specifically and the American people in general stop using this type of political dialogue.
The silence from the Editors of the Roanoke Times and their associates in the major media demonstrates their acceptance and approval of this vile behavior by their friends, while they search diligently for any transgressions by those viewed as opponents of their liberal and progressive friends.
What a sad commentary on the unprofessional level of the major media.

Monday, August 01, 2011


Harry Reid and his Senate Democrats Lost 50 to 49

If the Harry Reid Democrat Debt-Limit Bill fell in the Senate, would anyone hear it?
Roanoke Times, 8-1-11, Pg 1 – 8: Emergency debt-limit deal announced.
The RT and their liberal media friends had a wonderful time ranking on the Republican Congress during their debates and votes while passing not one but two (2) extensions of the debt-limit. Not discussed was the voting down of both bills in the Democrat Senate without any consideration or debate. What statesmanship!
Then Harry Reid put his bill on the Senate floor for what rightfully was a super-majority 60 vote required for passage of critical and important issues.
BANG it went nowhere! Not even close!
Then the Republicans compromised yet again and stood aside for a simple majority vote.
BANG – killed – 50 to 49 by a Democrat controlled and Reid led Senate!
No media coverage of this significant event – didn’t see it on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, nor any print including a total black-out by the Roanoke Times! So much for the Debt-Limit mis&disinformation! And so much for a fair and balanced major media!
We’ve also had a steady liberal drumbeat that the Republican-TeaParty folks were the cause for a drop in the DOW and the coming Credit Rating Downgrade.
As of noon today the Senate Democrats, who couldn’t even pass their own Reid Bill, say they will go-along with the Republican-Obama Compromise.
Guess what? The Dow is down 130 today at noon because of a dismal manufacturing report and general malaise in the economy: So much for the DOW-Debt mis&disinformation!
Latest News,  Tues 8-2-11,  Senate Passes the Debt-Ceiling Bill -- and
It's 2:00 PM and the DOW is Down another 168 points --- totally crushing the Obama-Democrat-Media story about the Dow going down because of the Debt-Limit Bill delays.
More Latest News, Tues 8-2-11, It's 5:00 PM and the DOW has crashed down minus (-265) through 12,000 down to 11,866.   Would Obama and his Democrat associates and his friends in the media please explain this.   After telling the world that it was NOT raising the Debt Limit that was hitting the markets, here we are with the Debt Limit raised and the markets are almost in free fall!
And it’s now clear that the “deal” will not be even close to $4 TRILLION in debt reduction and that will be the major driver of a downgrade in US Credit Ratings in the very near future. So much for all the liberal Credit Rating mis&disinformation!
It is sad that the major media is so committed to the Obama reelection activity that they cannot present even a semblance of fair reporting on major issues of our times.


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