The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, November 29, 2013


ObamaCare: It’s Not Just The WebSite – Stupid

Roanoke Times, 11-29-2013, Pg 4: Obama getting cold shoulder from Democrats
Website fix is almost here – then all will be much better
Ah yes – they will come home, wagging their tails behind them!
Little Bo Peep and her half-full Sippy-cup
A significant majority of Americans have now figured-out that Obama and ObamaCare are NOT what they were made out to be by Obama himself, Obama’s PR machine, the DNC and the Liberal Pravda Press.  Pelosi ‘opened the kimono’ (not a pretty sight) with her proclamation “we have to pass it so that we can read it”!  It’s been all down-hill since then.
Huffington Post (clearly NOT a conservative outlet)
Majority Of Americans Think Obama Is Not Honest Or Trustworthy:
The poll also found that 53 percent of those polled said Obama is not honest or trustworthy, marking the first time that the CNN/ORC polling found a clear majority questioning the president's integrity, CNN said.
Insurance cancellations are NOT some unintended unexpected adverse consequence of The ObamaCare law.  On the contrary the basic design premise was to cause most insurance policies to be terminated thereby forcing policy holders to reinsure at much higher rates which will be used to off-set or subsidize all those new policy holders that will be underpaid.  Included in the law is a government subsidy program for insurance companies to ensure they don’t loose money – how generous with our tax dollars!
This is simply another Obama-DNC program to redistribute the American wealth and it will work just as designed.  What a joy – Just more Hope and Change.
The article states that “Obama is now ‘allowing’ insurance companies to reissue their canceled policies for another year”.
Are we in Russia or China or some other dictatorial state?
Is ObamaCare not the law?
How can Obama give anyone ‘dispensation’ or ‘relief’ from lawful requirements?
And the Pravda Press goes right along like a well trained ‘lap dog’.
No editorials of righteous indignation to be found here.
Gee, Toto:   I don’t think we’re in America anymore!
Roanoke Times, 11-29-2013, Pg 11 (same paper): Editorial “A homegrown health solution”.
The best health care marketplaces are being operated by states, not the federal government.
WOW!  The RT Editors have just discovered the 10th Amendment to The Constitution!
Is it because we now have a Democrat Governor?
Is it because it’s now clear to the most dull amongst us that the Federal Government does very few things well and that growing that over-grown brush-lot is not helpful?
Is it because ObamaCare now looks more like Detroit than a Shining City on a Hill?
Did Obama, the DNC and his Pravda Press not ridicule and belittle and marginalize Massachusetts’ State HealthCare Program because Romney was governor when it was enacted?  Too little, too late, not inclusive enough – etc, etc.

Roanoke Times, 11-28-2013, Pg 1, 20: Small Business online portal delayed by year
Foxnews, Nov 22;  The Department of Health and Human Services said Wednesday that it will delay the launch of the online SHOP Marketplace -- which is meant for small businesses -- until November 2014.
Yet another one year delay ensuring voters don’t see yet more onerous aspects of ObamaCare -- moving this Turkey out beyond the 2014 elections and forcing Small Business to be burried in the paper swamp.  How convenient!

And let us not forget that:  HealthCare Insurance is NOT HealthCare
For example -- how are the Doctors embracing ObamaCare?  Apparently not all that well!
Survey finds doctors rebelling against Obamacare, famous hospitals declining to join.
ObamaCare applicants across the country are finding their premiums are tripling, their favorite doctors aren't available, the physicians they can see are often far away and many prestigious hospitals offering specialized care are off-limits to them, according to a Washington Examiner survey of health insurance agents and brokers across the country.
Didn't find any of this in the Roanoke Times - they are so selective!
Obama’s fellow travelers, the DNC and his Pravda Press will now pull out all the surgical gauze to stop the hemorrhaging and restore the Prince to his lofty perch.
Even Obama’s “wag the dog” fiasco with the Iranian so called nuclear agreement is being hyped as a major achievement.  However even key Democrats see through this sham.
The Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Robert Menendez of New Jersey,   accused the Obama administration Wednesday of using "fear-mongering" rhetoric in urging Congress to delay new sanctions against Iran as world powers try to secure nuclear concessions from Tehran.
Hopefully most Americans who gave thanks yesterday for our wonderful county also said a prayer for good, honest and capable people to come forward and lead us on a better and sustainable path to that “shining city on the hill”, instead of leading us to Detroit and Chicago.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation -- Thank You Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 11-28-2013, Pg 18: Major part of page -- the reprint of Linclon's Thanksgiving Proclamation on the occasion of Thanksgiving's 150th Anniversary
Thank You Editors of the RT !
Blog Item: 11-27-2013
Lincoln's Proclamation of Thanksgiving
Washington, D.C.
October 3, 1863
Click for full speech:

Did Obama Really delete "Under God" from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?
Apparently he did!  If you don't believe it -- Play the video!  How sad is that!
And to think that Obama and the Progressive and Liberal elements in our country are working diligently to reeducate our people that this country never was a Christian Nation founded on Christian values.
How sad is that!

Krauthammer on Obama-Iran-Nukes

Posted: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 12:00 am

Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON — A president desperate to change the subject and a secretary of state desperate to make a name for himself have struck an “interim” nuclear agreement with Iran. France called it a “sucker’s deal.” France was being charitable.
The only reason Iran has come to the table after a decade of contemptuous stonewalling is that economic sanctions have cut so deeply — Iran’s currency has collapsed, inflation is rampant — that the regime fears a threat to its very survival.
Nothing else could move it to negotiate. Regime survival is the only thing the mullahs value above nuclear weapons. And yet precisely at the point of maximum leverage, President Obama is offering relief in a deal that is absurdly asymmetric: The West will weaken sanctions in exchange for cosmetic changes that do absolutely nothing to weaken Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.
Don’t worry, we are assured. This is only an interim six-month agreement to “build confidence” until we reach a final one. But this makes no sense. If at this point of maximum economic pressure we can’t get Iran to accept a final deal that shuts down its nuclear program, how in God’s name do we expect to get such a deal when we have radically reduced that pressure?

A bizarre negotiating tactic. And the content of the deal is even worse. It’s a rescue package for the mullahs.

It widens permissible trade in oil, gold and auto parts. It releases frozen Iranian assets, increasing Iran’s foreign-exchange reserves by 25 percent while doubling its fully accessible foreign-exchange reserves. Such a massive infusion of cash would be a godsend for its staggering economy, lowering inflation, reducing shortages and halting the country’s growing demoralization. The deal is already changing economic expectations. Foreign oil and other interests are reportedly preparing to reopen negotiations for a resumption of trade in anticipation of the full lifting of sanctions.
And for what? You’d offer such relief in return for Iran giving up its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Isn’t that what the entire exercise is about?

And yet this deal does nothing of the sort. Nothing. It leaves Iran’s nuclear infrastructure intact. Iran keeps every one of its 19,000 centrifuges – yes, 19,000 – including 3,000 second-generation machines that produce enriched uranium at five times the rate.
Not a single centrifuge is dismantled. Not a single facility that manufactures centrifuges is touched. In Syria, the first thing the weapons inspectors did was to destroy the machines that make the chemical weapons. Then they went after the stockpiles. It has to be that way. Otherwise, the whole operation is an exercise in futility. Take away just the chemical agents, and the weapons-making facilities can replace them at will.

Yet that’s exactly what we’re doing with Iran. It deactivates its 20 percent enriched uranium, which besides being chemically reversible, is quickly replaceable because Iran retains its 3.5 percent uranium, which can be enriched to 20 percent in less than a month.
Result: Sanctions relief that leaves Iran’s nuclear infrastructure untouched, including — and this is where the French gagged —– the plutonium facility at Arak, a defiant alternate path to a nuclear weapon.

The point is blindingly simple. Unless you dismantle the centrifuges and prevent the manufacture of new ones, Iran will be perpetually just a few months away from going nuclear.
This agreement, which Iran could interpret as granting the “right” to enrich uranium, constitutes the West legitimizing Iran’s status as a threshold nuclear state.

Don’t worry, we are assured. The sanctions relief is reversible. Nonsense. It was extraordinarily difficult to cobble together the current sanctions. It took years of overcoming Russian, Chinese and Indian recalcitrance, together with foot-dragging from Europeans making a pretty penny from Iran.
Once the relaxation begins, how do you reverse it? How do you reapply sanctions? There is no appetite for this among our allies. And adding back old sanctions will be denounced as a provocation that would drive Iran to a nuclear breakout – exactly as Obama is denouncing congressional moves to increase sanctions as a deal-breaking provocation that might lead Iran to break off talks.

The mullahs are eager for this interim agreement with its immediate yield of political and economic relief.
Now that they have it, we have removed their one incentive to conclude the only agreement that is worth anything – a verifiable giving up of their nuclear program.


Burning Our Food

Roanoke Times, 11-16-2013, Pg 3: EPA proposes reduction of ethanol in fuel supply.  Biofuels not working well.
Proposal is to reduce 2014 mandate by 3 Billion gallons (from 18B to 15B)
Unhappy are Corn Farmers, Distillery operators and Al Gore and associates.
Happy are those who buy food and consume gas in their vehicles.
In the Total Process -- Ethanol consumes more energy than it delivers and the overall process generates more CO2 than it saves.

It is unfriendly to most vehicle engines.

It reduces vehicle mileage i.e.: miles per gallon consumed.

It increases the cost of fuel and is heavily subsidized.

It diverts food production resources and drives up food costs.

How could this fiasco ever become law – and – why is it still law?
Yet another negative and misdirected activity because of the Gore Hypothesis about CO2 that clearly HAS NOT been demonstrated to be valid in modeling or reality and is clearly not improved by the ethanol mandate.
Make good things like food, feed, cereals and bourbon from corn --- NOT fuels.

Let’s feed people and animals- NOT vehicles.

Only make ethanol-fuel from non-food or non-feed materials.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


More ObamaCare MisAndDisinformation And Outright Lies

Roanoke Times, 11-26-2013, Pg 3: Affordable Care Act benefit could save your life and job.  Dr M. Roizen of The Cleveland Clinic and Dr Oz of “The Dr. Oz Show”
A sugar-coated description of the wonders of ObamaCare and how lucky employers and employees will be to have this program.
Apparently instead of Dr. Oz what we have here is “The Wizard of Oz”!
Not mentioned is that Cleveland Clinic accepts dozens of insurance plans if you buy one on your own. But go through Obamacare and you have just one choice: Medical Mutual of Ohio.
I know many folks who have traveled to the Cleveland Clinic for critical care operations – I’ll bet very few if any had “Medical Mutual of Ohio” Insurance!
Also not mentioned is that Cleveland Clinic is shedding 3,000 employees just as ObamaCare is kicking-in and adding lots of new “clients” to their healthcare load.
Clinic spokesperson says they’re not “laying off” just “shedding”.  Really?
Also the good Dr. did not mention all the jobs that are being reduced to 29 hours per week and the layoffs and non-hiring because of the cost and complexity and uncertainty of ObamaCare:

Also not mentioned is the special deals and excemptions that Obama and the DNC are giving to unions and major donor groups (the lists are secret of course and the Pravda Press has yet to file any FOIAs to get the data)
Roanoke Times, 11-26-2013 (same paper) Pg 11: Health benefit costs rise 7.6% in Virginia but only 2.1% nationally.   Really?  That’s what the RT and their buds at the Richmond Times thinks is happening to healthcare costs.
Isn’t it interesting what’s not mentioned  when ObamaCare is the subject?  For instance “little company”  IBM has just changed their healthcare support for their retirees from a Group Plan to an Individual Plan managed by an Exchange.  My premiums are going from $300/month to $600/month for equivalent MediGap Plan F and Drug and Dental and Eye coverage.
That’s a $3600/year or 100% increase isn’t it?  Really!!!!!
And not mentioned to date is an ObamaCare provision that will require taxpayers to “subsidize” Insurance Companies if they lose money on ObamaCare.  Pelosi was right – now we can read it and every day a new worm pops up from under another rock.
And not mentioned is that a Second wave of health plan cancellations looms
Up to 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict
And not mentioned is that Obama is extending the 2015 ObamaCare signup until after the 2014 elections to minimize the voters exposure to the big increases in premiums’, copays and deductibles.
The ongoing ObamaCare slant, bias, cover-up and outright lies being told by Obama, his minions and his Pravda press is without precedent.  Clinton was impeached for lying about Monica and “The Girls” – that’s trivial compared to the lies we’re being exposed to and the extent to which they are “Insulting Our Intelligence” each and every day!
ObamaCare: The 30% Is Broken, 70% Not Yet Built

Monday, November 25, 2013


More Of The Three “News” Fixations Of The Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 11-25-2013
Pg 1: Two male homosexuals from Norfolk want to get married
Pg 10: Rating schools is a D for dumb idea
Pg 11: Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman
Interesting what the editors of the RT consider “current relevant news”:
Not much on the adverse consequences of the ObamaCare Mess
If we don't print it or talk about it -- it'll get better
Not much on the comparison between Nukes in Iran vs North Korea
Not much on the $17 TRILLION debt and its draconian adverse consequences
Not much on the ongoing Benghazi cover-up and survivor investigations
Not much on the falsification of the Employment Numbers just before the 2012 election – isn’t that illegal and yet another scandal?
Not much on those who choose to tolerate homosexual behaviors but who do not accept or promote it:
Not much on the comparison between Trayvon Martin and Philip Chism who raped and killed his teacher.  RT too busy rehashing the Martin-Zimmerman trial.  Apparently not news-worthy because he doesn’t appear to look like Obama’s son, or does he?
Not anything about the malfeasance and conflict of interest in awarding Michelle’s bud from Princeton a $678 Million NO-BID contract to do the website and programming for ObamaCare:
It’s always interesting and educational to reflect on the slant and bias of the Roanoke Times:

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Build Arks Not Dams? Roanoke Flood Control Not!

Roanoke Times, 11-24-2013, Pg 1, 14: Safety, property rights big issues with dams.
“how would dams be affected by roughly a year’s worth of rain falling in less than a day”
Weatherdb indicates 41.25 inches per year in Roanoke (and that’s an average not a max.)
Talk about pie-eyed and unrealistic and alarmist.  This is only outdone by Gore’s Inconvenient Truth Apocalypses and the associated movie The Day After Tomorrow with the Atlantic washing over the top of the Statute of Liberty.
Let’s reflect on Roanoke City “Flood-Control” Flooding from just 5 Inches Of Rain

Where does our government come up with people who put this kind of foolishness into law?  Of course many dams would be in peril with this deluge;  also every road culvert and every bridge would be in peril depending on the size-area of the upstream watershed.
Somehow our government has lost its perspective and common-sense and everyone is trying to CYA in the event we should be building Arks and not dams, culverts and bridges.  Hopefully somewhere there are responsible and reasonable and realistic people who will moderate these issues.  Perhaps not!
Directly associated with this subject is Obama’s-EPA regulating the collection and  processing of surface water thereby regulating every home, building, structure and driveway in the country.
Roanoke has initiated a tax on everything that isn’t covered with grass to do some undefined thing to catch all surface water and then do something to it.
What could possibly go wrong with that plan and collected tax-money.
You can get a tax-credit if you have a rain barrel!  Really?
The mayor and administrator have stated on local TV that a key part of this plan is to control flooding!  Really?
Separating run-off from septic water going into the city septic treatment plant is indeed important – wouldn’t that be THE MAJOR STATED OBJECTIVE!  Apparently Not!
In perspective, it appears everyone just loves the Blue Ridge Parkway.  If it weren’t built back in the 1930’s --- we certainly couldn’t possibly build it today?
The same is true for SML that provide “the big battery” needed by alternative energy generation systems like wind and sun.
As Obama said at Fire House #1: You can’t (didn’t) build that!  How sad!
By the way -- who's going to collect and process all the water that falls upon the black-topped Blue Ridge Parkway?


Iran Nukes A DéjàVu From North Korean Nukes

Roanoke Times, 11-24-2013, Pg 1,3: Obama: Nuclear deal with Iran an ‘important first step’
Six powers clinch breakthrough deal curbing Iran's nuclear activity
Not included in the “deal” is Israel – the closest target for an Iranian nuclear strike and a country and people that Iran has declared should be annihilated.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khomeini has declared that Iran has the “right” to refine nuclear material and clearly has done so to near weapons-grade level and has the ability to continue to do so secretly at his will.
We all remember the Ayatollah from the Jimmy Carter Embassy Hostage Crisis:
How can an administration that can’t build a web site in 4 years for $678 Million possibly negotiate a nuclear weapons deal with Iran that the American and Israeli people can trust?
What a wonderful extension of Obama’s Arab Spring!
What could possibly go wrong with this plan?
A DéjàVu From North Korea Nukes:
Boom! The Sound Of Appeasement Of North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program
Obama’s mentor, Bill Clinton had Bill Richardson (then his Energy Secretary) negotiate One-on-One with North Korea to stop their nuke development. Clinton-Richardson gave them money, fuel, food and a nuclear power plant for a "promise" to stop nuke development.
Talk about failed policy, failed diplomacy and lame-brained appeasement!
Sleep Tight – Commander-In-Chief Obama and NotSoSwiftBoat Kerry have your back!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Democrats Launch Senate Nuclear Option Strike

Roanoke Times,  11-22-2013, Pg 3: Democrats vote to curb filibusters
The Roanoke Times and their associates at AP did an outstanding job of covering this cow-pie with sugar, honey and whipped-cream.  This article totally marginalizes the impacts of this rule change and its adverse consequences that have protected the minority party’s interests for over 250 years.
Not once did they describe this change in the US Senate rules and procedures as “The Nuclear Option” which was the term the Democrats invented when they thought the Republicans might make this change in 2005.
Click-on the following Flashback as Senate Democrats make case against the nuclear option:
Obama, Biden, Reid took to the Senate floor in 2005 and described the dreadful consequences of enacting “The Nuclear Option”:
Talk about the arrogance of hypocrisy!
This change has poisoned the well of any bipartisanship for the remainder of Obama’s term and will be employed in the future by the Republicans in an ongoing war of polarization and pay-back.
This from Obama who ran his campaign as “A UNITER”!  Really?
We haven't seen a "scorched earth" policy like Obama-Pelosi-Reid since Sherman's march to the sea!

Send in the Clowns – Don’t Bother – They’re Here
Click-on  with Sound-ON -

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Remembering JFK

Roanoke Times, 11-21-2013, Pg 1, 12: JFK’s visit to Roanoke Nov 1963
Remembering JFK in Germany:

JFK committed tens of thousands of American service members to man the line in the defense of liberty with his commitment from the wall:
 “I will leave, but America will stay”.
I was one of many who stayed and served in Germany in a nuclear missile artillery unit from 1961 to 1964 during the building of the wall, the Cuban missile crisis and the assassination of our President by our enemies.

For video of JFK’s view of the fruits of Karl Marx’s socialist philosophy and the evil empire as expressed at the Berlin Wall: click-on:
And this would be a good time to reflect on JFK’s inaugural address Jan 1961:

“And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
We don’t have JFK anymore; we now have Obama, what a sad substitution for America!
President Reagan recognized the evil described by JFK at the wall and continued and enhanced a policy of the containment of communism. His most public and pointed positions were stated in his visit to the wall:
Click to view: Reagan - Tear Down This Wall

The Berlin Wall: Reflections on Communist Tyranny and JFK’s Response
Berlin Wall, JFK, Reagan, Obama

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


More Nasty Rhetoric From Foul Mouth Liberals

No mention of this in the Roanoke Times who historically portents to be a keeper of Conservative Media decorum and civility.
Palin kills Matt Lauer interview over Martin Bashir slur
MSNBC’s "Nightline" co-anchor said Palin should be subjected to an ancient slavery punishment in which someone would defecate and urinate in her mouth. 
MSNBC has not suspended Bashir and the network has had nothing to say publicly about Bashir's sliming of Palin.
Click back through these blog items as “just a sample of left-wing vile and nasty dialogue” with no objections from Democrat or Liberal keepers of civility:

This list of examples just keeps getting longer:


ObamaCare: The 30% Is Broken, 70% Not Yet Built

Latest (11-26-2013 update):
Not much of this “reality”  in the Roanoke Times including their ongoing flowery series of “how good ObamaCare is going to be when you get it.”
ObamaCare CMS Official: 60 to 70% of Obamacare Architecture Not Yet Built -- Deputy Chief Information Officer for the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Henry Cho, appeared before a congressional committee on Tuesday to testify about the state of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. When questioned by Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) about the federal government’s preparedness, Cho confessed that between 60 and 70 percent of the architecture required to make the Affordable Care Act function has not yet been built.
Sounds like a rerun of Obama at Roanoke Fire Station #1:
Obama – you did not build this!

Look who’s crying now!  Obama’s poster lady who he publicly touted as a wonderful example of his program has lost her tax credit and now the real cost most of us are saddled with has come home to roost.
She will not be invited back for a second look at the rose garden!
The Pied Pipers youthful disciples are now starting to wake up to the ObamaCare reality.
Students suffer ObamaCare sticker shock as premiums soar, plans get cut
At Bowie State University in Maryland, the cost of student health insurance policies went from roughly $100 a year to $1,800 a year.

And where’s the investigation into the $678 Million No-Bid ObamaCare website contract “gifted” to Michelle’s Princeton College Bud?
Townes-Whitley and her husband enjoying “Christmas with the Obamas” at the White House in December 2010,

If you’re a government official you better follow the party line and bow and kowtow to Obama or you’ll be fired!
DC insurance commissioner fired after criticizing president’s proposed ObamaCare fix
Gee Toto, I don’t think we’re in America any more!
Temporary Fix for ObamaCare Website Activated
Please click-on "Apply Now"  Thank You
Hitler finds out Obamacare will not let him keep his doctor
ObamaCare: Is It The Law Or Not?
ObamaCare Ad Sexist And Dangerous
ObamaCare’s Acorn-Navigators Another Nut Case
Obama: Can’t Even Apologize Honestly


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