The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, January 31, 2014


TeaParty Takes Virginia By Storm

Some personal observations and reflections about the ultimate take-over of the Virginia Republican Party RPV, by the TeaParty, that was completed with Irrational Exuberance at the Richmond Republican Convention of 2013.
The outcome of that Convention was the selection of candidates that resulted in the loss to the Democrats of the Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General.  This is in addition to both US Senators now Democrats and the subsequent special elections have given control of the Va. Senate to Democrats.
In the last national election the TeaParty Leaders ran Sharron Angle (instead of a so-called organization candidate) against Harry Reid which sealed the Senate for Democrats, and with Mark Warner’s able assistance, sealed the vote for ObamaCare and lots of other regressive wrong-headed actions we will be living with indefinitely.
Apparently our TeaParty Leaders support candidates who do NOT appeal to:  Most Republicans, Lots of Independents and Some Reagan Democrats; and they like to select them at caucuses and conventions instead of inclusive open primaries.
From the numerous Emails I am receiving, from around the country, it appears the TeaParty Leadership are now busy locating any surviving Moderate Republican Senators, Congressmen and local Officials so that they might “help” them as well.
Perhaps one of our Lady Delegates can come up with yet another Magic-Wand that can help the Democrats totally convenience voters that Republicans really do dislike women.  And while we’re at it let’s bring-in Pennsylvania Loser Rick Santorum
 to convince voters that we’re really not interested in governing, we just want to proselytize about ideology and litmus tests and labels like Rhinos.
Also, let’s shut-down the government again and suffer more nonproductive self-inflected wounds just to demonstrate how pain-tolerant we are.
The current view expressed by some of my TeaParty-Fundamentalist friends is that we’re losing elections because we’re not conservative enough!  That certainly isn't clear to me.
Winning Battles and then losing the War is NOT a plan for success!
You can’t drive a train from the caboose or win a game from the bleachers!
You have to be in it, to win it!
Storms Never Last:  Jessi Colter and Waylon Jennings

Obama’s State Of The What?

A few highlights from Obama’s State of the Union statements:


You’re safer now because alQaida and Terrorism are on the run:
Intel Chief Clapper before Senate Committee on Jan 29th:
We’re as vulnerable now as we were on 9-11-2001
The job situation is getting much better:
Weekly  Jan 29th jobless claims raise to 348,000
and latest monthly results were:
Obama Jobs = Need 200,000, Expect 120,000, Got 74,000, Lost 374,000

The unemployment rate is down:
The rate is down because people are leaving the job market and
2013 ends with weakest job growth in years
Home sales are doing well and is leading the economy out of recession:
Pending Home Sales Slide to More Than Two-Year Low
My Syria WMD policy is working as we dismantle Syria’s poison gas:
The US says only around 4% of the chemical weapons “declared” by the Syrian government has been removed.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The Sad State Of Our DisUnion – No Time For Schadenfreude

Disunion = the splitting up of something into separate smaller parts or groups
Schadenfreude = German for pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
The content and tenor of the “State of The Union” was a sad occasion for all Americans.
Instead of a “United” States of America we are now “Divided” into groups aligned by economic, social, political, ethnic and religious interests without the positive leadership necessary to bring these elements together for the good of all.  We are now closer to the state of the union in 1860 and we are very far from that “Shining City on The Hill”.
It would have been better for the country if Obama had forgone his speech last PM and instead used the joint meeting of Congress to address the list of jobs and economic growth bills that the House has passed.  He could have used positive leadership to establish the priority of the bills and then he and the Senate and the House could have negotiated and enacted good bills for the welfare of everyone in our country.

Now that we’ve banished God from our midst, it’s probably a little late to call upon his help and good Grace.
  How sad is that!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


The State Of The Union: No Wind, No Sun, No Alternative Power

Roanoke Times, 1-28-2014, Pg 6: Conserve power as cold hits, utility asks
Today, Jan 28, 2014 is yet another very cold day in the South with no wind, no sun and therefore no alternative power can be supplied by our local grid, PIM, that serves 61 million people in 13 area states.

It’s unlikely Obama will focus on these facts during his State of The Union tonight; he and his minions and Pravda Media are very selective.

Obama will likely continue to hype his war on the discredited hypothesis of man-made global warming and climate change AGW that he claims can be won with solar panels and wind turbines.  Really?  Apparently it’s a good thing he hasn’t been able to shut down all our current power plants already!
Like most of Obama’s other failed initiatives, his war on our current utility power infrastructure systems will result in massive additional problems and not positive solutions.
It’s difficult to find examples of prior administrations that have been so misdirected and inept.
-What Catastrophe? MIT’s Richard Lindzen, the unalarmed climate scientist

Click through these links for a realistic view of this situation:

Monday, January 27, 2014


Andrew Cuomo And New York Karma

Andrew Cuomo, the arrogant and unpleasant governor of NY, is featured in this cartoon relative to recent hostile public comments he made about conservative activists.
The bizarre aspect of this story is that for over 200 years NY thought they owned Liberty Island and therefore the Statue of Liberty; but NJ, through a court case, now owns Liberty Island – and so Andrew -- Lady Liberty has already gotten out of NY as have most businesses and millions of productive tax-paying residents.
Ronald Reagan said that when a state fails to meet its people’s needs and expectations, they will move, and they do!
What is there about NY that breeds people like Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Schumer?
It’s not the water because NYC stole all the Catskill’s wonderful water over a hundred years ago.  So much for those country bumpkins!



The State of Obama

Tuesday is scheduled to be The State of The Union Day.
However, that program will be interrupted for a presentation of all the reasons why our current national challenges are NOT the responsibility of the occupant of the White House who has performed so miserably for the past five years.

The American People are well aware of The State of The Union
A January 2013 Poll of The American People indicates:
                       Approve   Disapprove

Obama Job       42%           53%

Economy          38%           59%

HealthCare       38%           59%

Iran                   35%           53%

Deficit               28%           66%
No measurement is starker or more foreboding than the January Jobs Report:
Obama Jobs = Need 200,000, Expect 120,000, Got 74,000, Lost 374,000
The early news from Obama’s minions is that he will seize additional power through “executive action” because he can’t unilaterally get his agenda enacted.  Apparently the “Constitutional Professor” has not yet grasped the concepts embedded in The Constitution.  How sad is that!
The House of Representatives has passed numerous bills that address the major issues clouding our economic recovery.  All Professor Obama need do is call Harry Reid and his Democrat associates in the Senate and address these job and economic stimulating initiatives:


Sunday, January 26, 2014


Roanoke Co. ICLEI: False Premises And Alternatives

Roanoke Times, 1-26-2014, Pg 1, 13: Roanoke Co. sets hearing over ICLEI
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
A long and laborious and tedious article that weaves a web of confusion and false premises and false and limited alternatives.
Premise: The County must belong to ICLEI in order to be a good steward of the environment.
Fact: The County has a responsibility to be a good steward of the environment totally independent of any remote organization be it part of the UN or not.
Premise: One has to subscribe to the Gore-Mann man-made global warming AGW hypothesis in order to be a good steward of the environment and do good things for sustainability.
Fact: Being a force for sustainability is totally independent of buying into the AGW hypothesis.  Sustainability is an important effort to minimize our impact on the earth, improve the environment and provide a healthy place for our people and if done correctly can be very cost effective.
Premise: Leaving membership in the ICLEI is a statement of rejection of being good stewards of our environment.
Fact: Most municipalities and most people don’t belong to the ICLEI and don’t even know what the organization is.  Stopping membership in ICLEI may well improve Roanoke County’s environmental stewardship by stopping nonproductive discussions and wasted time and instead focusing on the core elements of implementing good sustainability standards and actions and measurements.
Premise: The Roanoke County supervisors must choose between membership in the ICLEI or being labeled not good supervisors (perhaps not even good persons).
Fact:  A good supervisor does the right things for the right reasons for the people he/she represents.  Membership in the ICLEI is immaterial to good governance and good sustainability outcomes in Roanoke County and should not be a litmus test for anything.
Observations by a nonresident admirer of Roanoke County.
LB Hagen, Scruggs Va.
What Catastrophe? MIT’s Richard Lindzen, the unalarmed climate scientist


Juxtaposition Of Political Cartoons vs. Reality

Juxtaposition: The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
Haven’t seen these cartoons in the Roanoke Times.  They’re so selective.

Click for very enlightening Benghazi Press Conference
How can all these mouthy major media people have nothing to say?

Huffington Post: Sun Involved In Global Temperature Changes

You know that the AGW Gore-Mann alarmists are in trouble when an article like this appears in the Huffington Post:
Solar Lull Could Trigger Another 'Little Ice Age,' Sun Scientists Say
Did this “Sun Scientist” not see the Al Gore, Mike Mann Inconvenient Truth and be informed that the “primary and immediate controller” of earth’s temperature and climate is man-made CO2?
Perhaps this Scientist read about Donald B. Lawrence who studied the “Glacier Fluctuation for Six Centuries in Southeastern Alaska and Its Relation to Solar Activity” and published his views in Vol. 40, No. 2, Apr., 1950  the American Geographical Society Issue in jstor:
One can Google: “earth temperature and sunspots” to see that numerous other credible scientists have also documented a relationship between the cycles of sun activity and corresponding variations in earth’s parameters; but they have all been dismissed and discredited as “deniers” by the Gore-Mann team and their media minions.
From 1940 to 1975 there was a "consensus" that another ice age was upon us and we were going to starve and freeze:
Newsweek, April 28, 1975 Text Article:
Time, June 24, 1974
Weather extremes around the globe and arctic ice thickening and displacing wildlife southward.,9171,944914,00.html

The earth’s temperature and climate have always been changing without any help from man-kind – perhaps variations in the sun, the earth’s primary source of heat, might be involved; You Think?
FACTS: there has been less than one degree change in the global temperature in the past 135 years and no significant change in the past 17 years.  The primary connection to man-kind is man-kind’s faulty computer models and discredited AGW hypothesis. 
KUDO's to the Huffington Post for publishing this article that informs the public that there are other major variables in addition to CO2 in the complex equation of earth's environment.  The two largest contributors are water vapor and clouds!
What Catastrophe? MIT’s Richard Lindzen, the unalarmed climate scientist


Click for PowerPoint realistic view of Global Warming and Climate Change
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature
AGW Alarmist Compelled By Reality To Reassert Their Hypothesis

Saturday, January 25, 2014


The Convoluted Interesting World Of ObamaCare

 Roanoke Times, 1-25-2014, Pg 4: Health law enrollment reaches 3 million.
ObamaCare is so much more interesting than the major liberal media is reporting!
It’s interesting that many of those “enrollees” already had insurance and “enrolled” in ObamaCare to get a taxpayer funded subsidy;  Just another component of welfare!
It’s interesting that 6 million people have had their existing policies cancelled because of ObamaCare, twice as many as current “enrollees”.
It’s interesting that many companies and government entities have limited their temporary help to fewer than 30 hours due to ObamaCare.
It’s interesting that Trader Joe’s, “Target, Home Depot, Walgreens and numerous other companies have “moved” their part-time employees off their corporate plans.
It’s interesting that “little” companies like IBM have terminated their corporate group plans for retirees and directed them into exchanges where they must find coverage independently for themselves and their spouses.
It’s interesting that Obama uses the term “enrollees” so glibly.  Apparently Obama and associates don’t know how many have paid premiums or how many have policies issued by insurance companies or how much taxpayer money is required to “subsidize” the insurance companies due to healthcare expenses being greater than premium revenue; clearly the current case.
It’s interesting that the Administration fears part of health care system is so flawed it could bankrupt insurance companies and has described those fears in writing to yet another no-bid contractor:
It’s interesting that 59% of all voters now oppose ObamaCare
Apparently voters have now read it and are “feeling the love”!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Obama The Constitutional Professor Fails Constitution 101

Roanoke Times, 1-24-2014, Pg 1, 3: Government panel urges end to phone data spying.
The panel that Obama appointed to give him cover on the NSA spying program, instead pulled the covers back and left The Emperor with no clothes.
The Senator, who eviscerated Bush over unconstitutional limited spying on Americans with the Patriot Act after 9/11, now explains to America that he really needs to keep ALL your telephone call and Email data just in case you become identified as a “bad guy” sometime in the future. Talk about hypocrisy and double-talk and just plain jive!
If You Like Your Privacy, You Can Keep Your Privacy
Obama has bragged to us on numerous occasions that he’s a Constitutional Professor and expert.  Apparently one can use expertise for good – or – not good!
Guess which is the operative use in this case?
White House rejects review board finding that NSA data sweep is illegal
Orwell’s 1984 Comes Home To Roost With Obama
With the people, programs and data bases that are available to Google’s Schmidt in collaboration with Obama’s NSA-PRISM, CIA, ATF and FBI resources we truly have arrived at Orwell’s ‘1984’ capabilities and environment.
Apple's 1984 Superbowl Ad portends the final stark result of Doublespeak and the resources and capabilities of a Obama-Google-NSA-PRISM syndicate:
Click to View the Video (sound on):

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Professor Embraces Obama’s Failure To Launch

Roanoke Times, 1-23-2014, Pg 8: Costly do-nothing government by a “Professor Emeritus” of political science at Hollins University.
We are so impressed to see Obama’s current talking points about “wealth inequality” being regurgitated by a distinguished academic at a local institution. 
Lacking in both their hyperbole are two salient points:
1.  Obama has been in office five years and his policies are a key component of the economic problems we now suffer.
2.  The key to personal wealth is JOBS STUPID!
Perhaps they both should focus on the latest jobs results after five years of Obama’s failed on-the-job-training and relate that to “wealth inequality”.
Obama Jobs = Need 200,000, Expect 120,000, Got 74,000, Lost 374,000
Obama and the good Professor clearly are not supporters of the American Free Enterprise System and the associated focus on stimulating small business creation and expansion!
Or as Obama said at Fire House # 1: You didn’t build that – with the associated implication that it’s the “government” that is the important element in our economy.
Of course it’s understandable that tenured professors and street organizers would not be enamored with “real jobs”; like I worked at for over 40 years.  That “tenured” thing sure makes socialism a nice warm reality!  Good for you Professor!
The following chart contains just a sample of the job bills that have been passed by the House, none of which has the Democrat Senate even discussed.  Perhaps Obama and the Professor could focus on these constructive bills as a starting point for getting our people back to work and thereby improving their family condition, assets and wealth.
- -

Gay Scoutmaster Breaking Bad

Roanoke Times, 1-23-2014, Pg Va.2:  Ex-scoutmaster pleads guilty to 36 felony sex crimes out of 70 charges.
The Roanoke Times and their liberal friends have hammered the Boy Scouts for years because of their oath to God and their exclusion of known-homosexual candidates to be scoutmasters.
The national Boy Scout organizations have indeed tried to exclude known-homosexuals and when inappropriate issues have occurred they have taken steps to protect their young boys including removing the accused party, establishing an “offender database”  and in some cases referring the situation to the legal system.
In contrast the Catholic Church has suffered mightily from their decision to embrace homosexual priests based on the premise that they would be compatible with their duties as parish priests.  Because of their faulty decision the Church’s offender and victims lists are huge and unfortunately in many cases their faulty issue-resolution-process perpetuated the abuse cycle.
This article in the RT contains quotes that go right to the core of the problem that it appears liberals and particularly women do not seem to comprehend.
These homosexual men have sexual feelings and attractions to those of the same sex and some of them pursue those feelings by seducing vulnerable young boys.  Not pedophile little boys, but clearly boys that have achieved functional maleness.  In most cases the seduction process is nonviolent and based on misdirected trust and misguided confidence and instilled feelings of guilt which results in a code of silence.
  ”Watkins’ lawyer said that none of the acts against the three children, now men, whom Watkins admitted to abusing between 2006 and 2009, were violent.
“There are laws that restrict age for a reason, but I want to reiterate that this was not an actual force case,” Andre Hakes said.
Prosecutors said Watkins used his command of Keswick Troop 1028 to manipulate his son’s friends, learning their interests and gaining their trust at group sleepovers. Lowe said what began as inappropriate behavior, such as skinny dipping, escalated into groping and other sex acts.
“He was in a position of trust with those young men,” she said.”
The liberal community, including their enforcement team at the ACLU, continues to attack those who are making reasonable and prudent policies to avoid the situations and environments that have shown to have significant probability of bad outcomes.  It’s puzzling that these attacks are from folks who pride themselves in having taken lots of courses in Psychology and claim to be very knowledgeable about all types of human behavior.  Apparently Not!
Wakeup and smell the coffee Already – it could be your youngster that’s victimized next! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


AGW Alarmist Compelled By Reality To Reassert Their Hypothesis

Roanoke Times, 1-22-2014, Pg 4: Studies: 2013 was one of hottest years.
NOAA and NASA and friends trying vainly to explain, in the middle of yet another very cold blast, that it’s really very warm and that man-made global warming AGW and climate change are real and their draconian consequences are soon upon us. All this as if there’s never been the natural kind of variations in temperature and climate!
If you ignore (as Gore and Mann and The Inconvenient Truth did):
the medieval warm period,
the little ice age,
the massive northern hemisphere glacier retreat from 1750 to 1950,
the significant cold period from 1940 to 1975,
that thermometers were first introduced circa 1895,
that  Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen sailed through the Northwest
     Passage (that’s through the Arctic) in 1903,

that the arctic ice sheet grew by one million square miles in 2013 and
that there hasn’t been  any significant change in global temperature for 17 years
that there has been less than one degree global warming in past 135 years
if you ignore all that and lots more –--
then you can probably rationalize almost anything!
Isn’t it interesting that these Gore-Mann folks and their friends in the liberal media never present or print the NASA data graphics from their own “official” website or address any of the above items!

Click to view A Presentation to Salem Rotary Club in 2013
How I became a Man-Made Global Warming Anthropogenic
(AGW) Skeptic And Why I Still Am And Why You Should Be Too
The great tragedy of Science:
The slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. Thomas Huxley 1860

Miami Herald Likes Roanoke And Roanoke Valley

Very comprehensive and positive article  By Irene Middleman Thomas    Special to the Miami Herald

Read more here:
"Virginia’s Roanoke Valley encompasses the lovely Grandma Moses-like patchwork of the city itself and the surrounding villages of Bedford, Catawba, Fincastle, Salem, Troutville, and others along the densely wooded Blue Ridge Parkway. With a population of more than 300,000, it is the largest metropolitan center in the Blue Ridge Mountains, offering a heady mix of outdoor beauty and recreation, culture, folk heritage, history and Southern hospitality."

Read more here:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


KUDOS To Roanoke Times For Publishing Contrarian Global Warming View LTEs

A good new year’s start to a more fair public exposure of responsible contrarian views of the Gore-Mann man-made AGW global warming and climate change hypothesis.
Roanoke Times, 1-20-2014, Pg 6: LTE: Easy steps to ‘fix’ global warming by Phillip Unger, Blacksburg, Va:

Roanoke Times, 1-21-2014, Pg 7: LTE: Scaremongering the climate science by Richard Gardner, Buena Vista, Va:

Click to view A Presentation to Salem Rotary Club in 2013
How I became a Man-Made Global Warming Anthropogenic
(AGW) Skeptic And Why I Still Am And Why You Should Be Too
The great tragedy of Science:
The slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. Thomas Huxley 1860

Incredible NY Democrat Arrogance

Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life people not welcome in New York
“Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay?  Is that who they are?  Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Gary McCoy

One can only imagine the major media outcry if a Republican Governor had said something like this about left-wing progressives!

Monday, January 20, 2014


Obama Playing The Race Card Again With A Drag Of Pot

Roanoke Times, 1-20-2014, Pg 3: Race affects approval ratings, Obama says
For a leader who has fanned the flames of racial discord, Obama clearly has lost the moral high-ground of crying racism against his detractors.
The hypocrisy of a black man elected twice to the presidency to now claim that his ratings are down because folks don’t like him because he’s black is ridiculous.

The good news: apparently he has stopped blaming Bush for everything.
Isn't it interesting that Obama chose to play this race-card on MLK day!
Obama, your ratings are down because of a steady flow of bad decisions, bad actions and lack of positive leadership; some of which are summarized in the blog items below:
Obama-Reality Starting To Sink-In

Liar of The Year

Obama No-Jobs

IRS Malfeasance

NSA Overreach

Fanning Flames of Racial Division

Mocking Business People (the real job creators)
Syria Blood Bath
Egypt & Muslim Brotherhood

Iran Nukes
Yet again today Obama had more “good” advice for our children:
Obama: “Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol”
What an inspirational leader; setting the standard for successful living for our children!

Obama: Are these Democrat Senator Ladies also Racist and smoking Pot?


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