The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Sunday, September 28, 2014
LTE: Ed Gillespie will make us proud again
Published in the Roanoke Times, 10-8-2014: Thank You RT Editors:
I encourage all Virginia
voters to cast their vote on Nov 4th for Ed Gillespie to represent
them in the US Senate. Unlike Mark
Warner who has not fulfilled his commitment to be independent, work with
others, and carry out the will of the people of Virginia; Ed will honor his commitments, and
replace and repair the failed policies of Obama, Reid and Warner and make us
proud again.
Warner has voted 97% of the time with Obama’s initiatives
including ObamaCare; making him appear more like a conjoined Obama twin than an
independent Virginian.
He reneged on his promise “not to support ObamaCare if we
couldn’t keep our Plans and our Doctors”.
He has not been a leader on affordable and reliable energy policy;
control of the $17 TRILLION debt, securing the borders, deporting law-breaking
illegal immigrants, and confronting Obama and Holder on the numerous scandals about
which they have arrogantly stone-walled the American people. It also would have been good of Warner to
support our military leaders who implored Obama not to abandon that for which
our soldiers had sacrificed so much.
Because multimillionaire Warner can’t run on his record, he
is instead running millions of dollars of negative TV ads trying to besmirch Ed
These ads focus on Gillespie’s former law firm that had
represented an energy company.
The law firm has not been accused of any wrongdoing; the
firm made $700,000 from their valid work for the energy company. Contrast that to Obama squandering over $535
Million of taxpayer money on just his Solyndra energy company debacle.
At this point, it appears Warner’s hope for success resides
with a third party candidate. Hopefully those
supporters will come to realize that a vote for Gillespie is their best course
of action if they want to send a message to Obama and Washington. Sending Warner back is not a message, it
would be an abomination.
Senator Warner please stop airing those negative and
misleading ads. The voters are starting
to wonder: “are you trying to insult our intelligence, or is it just turning
out that way”?
Not approved by any candidate or party
Authorized by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Warner Stalling -- Gillespie Gaining
Gillespie within single digits of Warner in new poll
“U.S. Sen.
Mark R. Warner has a 9-point lead over Republican challenger Ed Gillespie with
six weeks to go before Election Day, according to a new poll that finds the
incumbent’s advantage narrower than in other recent surveys.”
“Warner had a
22-point lead over Gillespie in a poll released about two weeks ago from the Wason
Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University.”
“The poll
comes as Gillespie, who has been outspent 3-to-1 on television advertising,”
The Democrat
outspending the Republican by 3-to-1, how did that happen?
According to
the Pravda Media, it’s the Democrats that are poor and underprivileged.
So here we
have a multimillionaire Democrat running tens of millions of dollars of TV ads
complaining that the law firm Gillespie worked for made some money.
How much
money? Less than one weeks TV ads run by
Is Warner
trying to insult our intelligence – or – is it just turning out that way?
Friday, September 26, 2014
Obama’s Lawyer Leaving
New News Just In: Time to get out of town -- here comes the Judge!
Holder's resignation comes on the heels of a ruling today by a federal judge that the contempt of Congress citation against Holder can proceed to the next level.
Eric Holder is leaving! Don’t let the door --- etc. etc.
Holder’s formal title was
Attorney General of the US;
but that wasn’t his job!
He was Obama’s taxpayer
funded personal lawyer and race-baiter with all the resources of the Dept. of
Justice including the FBI all working diligently to cover Obama’s posterior!
And what a great job he
did! As soon as there were questions
about government malfeasance, Holder immediately claimed he was investigating
the issue and until he was finished, his department, the targeted persons and
any and all witnesses were sequestered under penalty of law.
We all know about the big
cover-up jobs like:
Fast and Furious
The Black Panthers at the
Polling Station
Tapping phones and monitoring
IRS abuse of Conservative
Obama’s summary executions
of Americans
Trading GITMO killers for
deserter Bergdahl
However, the one I find most
interesting is the ongoing investigation of General Petraeus’ infidelity. Yes – that was the
charge—infidelity. And brought by a
Democrat Administration. Talk about your
But the charges are still
under investigation! And they will be
under investigation until it’s clear that Petraeus will not have any statement
to make about the Obama and Hillary culpability over Benghazi
and the troop pullouts from Iraq
and Afghanistan and the
handling of the Syrian redline and the ISIS and the Iran nuclear fiasco.
As the top General in the
combat area and then as CIA director it is critical for Obama and Hillary and Holder to
keep Petraeus locked-down and shut-up!
Just More Hope and Change We
Can Depend Upon from the most transparent administration the world has ever known!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Hey Obama, This Looks A Lot Like Combat
Hey Obama, This Looks A Lot
Like Combat; apparently you didn’t end the wars in the middle-east, or anywhere
else for that matter!
Roanoke Times,
9-18-2014, Pg 1, 8: House approves arms for Syrian rebels.
“The president
emphasized the US will not
have a combat mission in the effort to dismantle and defeat Islamic
State militant in Syria and Iraq.”
US, allies strike at two militant groups
along with five Arab allies, launches an intense campaign of fighter jets,
bombers, Predator drones and Tomahawk missiles, seen above, against ISIS
targets in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa, while American planes also hit
targets near Aleppo associated with an Al Qaeda-linked group believed to be
plotting attacks on the West.
Obama The War
The Republican Clash Between Two Banners
New News Item:
Bedford County TeaParty-Fundamentalists Masquerading As Republicans
The Republican Party in many areas of the country is locked
in conflict between two banners.
The Elephant Banner of the GOP
and The Snake Banner
of the TeaParty-Fundamentalists.
During the past few years, the TeaParty has had a profound
and mostly negative impact on the GOP party, GOP candidates and the GOP brand.
The interesting aspects are that the TeaParty platform and
stated values are very compatible with most Conservative Republicans. However, the actions, behaviors, and methods
of their leadership are not compatible with most Republicans and are well
outside the acceptability of the general voting public.
In Virginia,
the TeaParty took control of the GOP state unit, the RPV, and cancelled the
planned primary (in which all Republicans could vote in their local polling places) to determine the candidates for the states highest offices.
The result was a TeaParty compliant ticket, chosen at a convention in Richmond, that resulted in
the biggest campaign failure in the history of the Virginia GOP.
Undaunted by this massive rebuke by the voters of Virginia, the TeaParty
continued their crusade by seizing control of multiple county GOP
units in a massive hostile-takeover campaign.
This resulted in the ouster of Eric Cantor and a major
challenge to other Conservative Republican candidates and local units and office holders.
In most cases, the GOP
Conservative Common Sense Candidates
fare much better in the general elections than do the TeaParty candidates.
The message from those experiences leads one to conclude:
If GOP members continue to salute the Snake
In the near future,
there will not be a GOP Banner to salute
And the Democrats
will continue to be in control for the foreseeable future
Friday, September 19, 2014
Obama WordSmithing The War On Radical Muslim Terrorists
Roanoke Times, 9-18-2014, Pg
1, 8: House approves arms for Syrian rebels.
“The president emphasized
the US will not have a
combat mission in the effort to dismantle and defeat Islamic State militant in Syria and Iraq.”
The man still can’t say:
Radical Muslim Terrorists!
No boots on the ground! No combat mission! Really?
Israel tried that
with their recent war in Gaza. Hezbollah immersed themselves within the
population and the resulting air strikes caused massive civilians killed and
injured and homes destroyed.
Pg 8: “Militants adjust to blunt US
airstrikes. Islamic State fighters have
moved into urban areas to become more difficult targets.”
Hello! Who could have guessed that would happen?
RT, 9-17-2014, Pg 3: “General US may put ground troops in Iraq.” (Dempsey, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff):
Is there any US Generals who
agree with Obama that ISIS can be defeated by bombing them while they wrap
themselves in innocent hostages (Christians wherever available).
What a way to start a
war! Oh, that’s right, it’s not a
war, it's not even a combat mission! Like Korea was a “Police Action” that
cost over 50,000 American soldiers lives.
Has any military action ever
started out with the leader stating all the things he’s NOT going to do?
Little wonder our allies don’t trust us and
our enemies don’t fear us.
Must be time
for another Obama Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize!
source unknown but very insightful
Obama The War Leader?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Hillary Joins Obama In The 2014 Kiss Of Political Death
Hillary to the Ohio
Rescue Mission
Hillary Clinton's weekend
visit to Iowa
understandably stirred more 2016 speculation, but the first order of business
for the former first lady is 2014. And Mrs. Clinton and her husband were in the
Hawkeye State because the Democratic Senate
candidate, Bruce Braley, is in trouble.
The next day the Republican pulled ahead of the
Republican Joni Ernst has
pulled ahead of Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley in the Iowa Senate race
Accomplished –
Now both Obama and Hillary have proved to be a drag
on the Democrat Candidates!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Obama Low Approval Rating Sad For All
Obama's poll numbers are amazing at only 38% positive!
All Americans should pause at this news and realize that this is very sad news for all of us.
We need a healthy vibrant government to manage the many challenges we face now and going forward.
We have a polarized Congressional entity, but, most of Obama's creditability issues are of his own making.
Instead of being forthwright and speaking to the American people in plain unambiguous terms he has consistently been "much to clever" with his descriptions, explanations and commitments many of which then turn out to be less than factual or truthful.
This has now become a major creditability gap with the majority of Americans.
Adding to the word-smithing issues is the reality that Obama and Reid have totally frozen the Congressional Bill Processing System. The House has sent dozens of Bills to the Senate where Reid refuses to bring them up for debate and negotiation to arrive at actions that are in the best interest of our Country.
Obama is then using this Process Stoppage to claim he must act alone as if he were head of a Constitutional Monarchy.
Obama ran on a platform of uniting the Country and improving the governmental process and outcomes.
Clearly he has not done so. It's not to late to change to a better course and path.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Another Injection Of “1984 Style” Class Warfare Serum
Roanoke Times, 9-15-2014, Pg
2: AP: Report links wealth gap, Va tax
revenue shortfall
The article starts out with a
bunch of undecipherable data from which one cannot determine cherry-picked fact
from opinion; however, the message is that the rich are getting richer and not
paying their fair share of taxes and this is causing large Va revenue
But then the authors inadvertently
expose the fact that federal government cutbacks are the major factor in
reducing Va State Income Tax revenues!
Clearly, those cutbacks affect government workers who
are neither fat-cats nor alley-cats, thereby nullifying the article headline
and premise.
And then there’s the
shortfall in capital gains taxes. Apparently,
folks are not cashing in stocks that have gained in value. The 5-year Obama Nonrecovery economy and
$16+TRILLION debt, have held back the stock market and limited capital gains. Very last sentence quotes Gov McAuliffe
saying federal tax policy is a major factor (not fat-cats).
So where exactly is the Va budget shortfall the fault
of the 1% rich fat-cats?
Also not mentioned are the
major increases in taxes on fat-cats enacted in 2013 and kicking in now:
* Top marginal tax rate of 39.6 percent for
those at higher incomes
* Itemized deductions and personal exemptions
phased out
* Higher capital gains taxes — 20 percent for
some taxpayers.
* New taxes for higher incomes to help pay for
health-care reform ObamaCare
* An additional 0.9 percent Medicare tax
* A 3.8
percent tax on investment income.
* Plus all the ObamaCare Taxes including federal tax on home sales
Funny how none of this news
managed to get into this Obama ClassWarfare booster shot.
Just More Hope And Change
That We Can Believe In from Obama and his Pravda Press
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Obama The War Leader?
Obama states that ISIS are not really Muslims! Really?
Obama still can’t say
Radical Muslim Terrorists after all that’s happened since well before 9-11,
9-11 itself, Benghazi and now watching them behead three journalists this
month on TV.
Obama says he’s going after ISIS in some selected places.
Biden says he’s going to
chase them to the gates of hell (and he knows where that is).
Kerry, The US Secretary of
State, says, “we’re not at war with ISIS”!
Has there ever been such a
bunch of Key Stone Cops running this county before now?
Obama claimed and claims to
be the World’s Consensus-Leader. How's that working out for him and us?
Why did Obama call ISIS a JV
team-level player?
They number more than two infantry
divisions and have taken major parts of Iraq!
Bush never called the
Radical Muslim Terrorists minor league players or tried to down-play their
capabilities or intent.
Where’s Obama’s UN Resolutions against ISIS?
Bush had 18 UN Resolutions
before going into Iraq.
Where’s Obama’s List of the “Participating”
coalition members now?
Bush had 31 coalition
members supporting war into Iraq.
Bush had 2X coalition
support in Iraq vs. Obama
into Libya
Who are Obama’s “boots on
the ground”?
Bush never lied about the
necessity to commit troops to battle to fight the enemy.
Is there a general anywhere
that says combat troops will not be required?
New News: Roanoke Times, 9-15-24, Pg 1, 6: US seeks allies to stand up to ISIS; No one is committing ground forces, and Iran and Syria are esentially ruled out.
Where’s Obama’s Declaration
of War from Congress?
Bush went to Congress and
got a Declaration of War Vote!
Why am I not getting all
this good comparison stuff from the Major Pravda Media?
Apparently, they’re still
working hard to “prop-up” their man.
Somebody should tell Obama that he hasn't ended all the wars in the Middle East or Africa and that terrorism is still alive and growing and that Radical Muslim Terrorists are trying hard to kill Americans and Christians whenever and wherever they can!
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Roanoke Schools On The Bleeding Edge Of Technology?
Times, 9-13-2014, Computers For Eight
Let’s get laptop computers for all the middle school kids.
We’re way below the minimum Standards of Learning required outcomes.
These PCs will only cost one million dollars.
Just a short time on these PCs and the students will excel in reading and writing.
Quick --Go place the orders!
Then – let’s get some technicians trained to support these
Then – let’s get some learning for our teachers.
Then – let’s get some software for our teachers and
This is the
professional management in the Roanoke
School System?
The introduction of computer technology into the classroom
is a major investment and undertaking.
It requires advance in-depth analysis to determine the applications that
are to be utilized and the support and training required to support those
applications and the end user training required to utilize the technology.
Has it occurred to these wizards that the required software
may cost much more that the hardware PC’s and their associated networks and that teaching the teachers will be a significant and time consuming and costly process?
The LAST thing a
professional IT person does is to buy or lease the hardware!
Any technical person looking at the process and management
involved in this endeavor will quickly conclude that the management team
involved in this activity are incredibly incompetent.
These people should have driven 20 miles south and visited
the Franklin County School System and their Technology Manager, George
His management of the IT
introduction into the Gereau-CATCE facility, followed by the upgrade of IT
throughout the School System would have been an excellent example and tutorial
for the
Roanoke School personnel.
We’re In Franklin County --- We Do More Than Shine!
Johnny’s Illiterate
– Give Him A Computer
Friday, September 12, 2014
Quarter-million More Virginians Thank Mark Warner For The Cancellation Of Their HealthCare Policies
Roanoke Times, 9-12-2014, Pg 1, 5: 250,000 Virginians set to lose insurance
because they don’t comply with ObamaCare.
This is just the
latest round of DROPS. It’s unknown to
the public how many tens of thousands of policies were cancelled since I lost
mine last year; and these people will have higher premiums and higher
deductions and higher copays and most will pay for coverage they do not need
and will not use.
Mark Warner – the deciding
vote to pass ObamaCare
You know – the guy
who says he’s middle of the road, works across party lines and then votes with
Obama 97% of the time:
"If you like your plan, you can keep
your plan." -
“If you like you doctor or health care
plan, you can keep it”
“Your health care will cost the same or less than now”
Click To View: Barack Obama: a monumental disappointment!
Mark Warner on ObamaCare: Did he lie or is he ignorant?
Either way -- you have a choice in November
Global Warming AGW Alarmists Sound Alarm On Today’s Solar Storm
Media teleconference: Potentially strong solar storm
approaches Earth
NOAA experts to provide update on current space weather
It is anticipated that upon receiving a briefing about the
major Solar Storm from the Space Weather experts at NOAA that Obama-Gore-Mann
and Warner will demand immediate action to reduce mankinds adverse impacts on
the sun.
Of primary focus will be eliminating or painting over any
man-made reflective materials that are reflecting energy back to the sun
thereby disrupting the suns normal radiation activity.
The solar energy and solar panel industry are working
diligently to convince NOAA that the major increases of installed solar panels
are not contributing to the reflected energy issue and their incredibly
expensive and intermittent 7-hour per day performance continue to be subsidized
by the tax-payers.
It’s not clear what to do with the 71% of the earth’s
surface that’s covered with water and is highly reflective.
The Global Cooling consensus-scientists from the 1970s who
proposed covering the polar ice caps with black soot are hard at work determining
how to cover all the earths exposed water.
Newsweek, April 28, 1975 Text Article:
The water-covers proposed so far are problematic because
they will absorb the suns energy thereby making major contributions to ocean
warming and global-warming.
The Alarmist Community of Consensus-Scientists is expected
to hold a meeting at the UN next week where they will demand the world’s
governments take immediate action.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Three Days That Live In Infamy
Monday, September 08, 2014
A Personal Challenge To The Roanoke Times Team
Sea Levels Rising Or Shorelines Sinking: It’s “1984”
As one who has always be curious about things, it seems fitting to directly
ask the folks there at the Roanoke Times to reflect on how you view your
significant support for the totally discredited AGW-Alarmists and the Charlatans
who promote their failed hypothesis, their discredited models and their total
amnesia about the real data (including the NASA published data).
I implore you-all to really read the above blog item and then click-through
the included links and then ask yourselves why you are supporting the Gore-Mann
hypocrisy and also promoting it to gullible folks who don’t understand the facts
from the fiction.
At some point you-all must realize the major adverse consequences of
dismantling our current energy infrastructure. The impacts to energy costs,
especially for the poor, and for businesses. Your very jobs will be sacrificed
on the alter of CO2 without any assurances that those sacrifices will result in
any significant improvement in the environment or society.
Yet another real-life example of the multitudes who have sacrificed
Like so many lambs going to slaughter led by a Judas Goat that jumps out of
the rack just in time to avoid the knives and is then rewarded handsomely!
Have you seen Al Gore lately?
I’m 77 and I’m concerned – Just reflect on how concerned you should
Sea Levels Rising Or Shorelines Sinking: It’s “1984” Again
Roanoke Times, 9-3-2014, Pg
5: Rising sea levels worry state
“The seas have been rising
and now they’re rising faster. They were
rising about one foot per century but now, at Virginia’s tidewater, they’re rising at two
feet per century.”
But, there’s interesting
news in "the very last sentence" of this dissertation:
“In Virginia, sea levels are rising faster than
the global average because the land is sinking!”
Yet another chapter in the Man-made AGW Global Warming Armageddon Hand-book with the Media gleefully abetting!
The nasty people in Orwells “1984”
couldn’t have outdone these Alarmists!
The whole article is about
Rising Sea Levels and the punch line is “The Land is Falling”.
Talk about your Chicken
Little! Something about the Chesapeake Bay being formed by a bolide (meteorite) about
35 million years ago. There’s also this
thing about plate tectonics. And there’s
the fact that 16,000 years ago the shoreline was out 50 miles at the
continental shelf and the sea level was 400 feet lower than today. Talk about your sea levels rising with no man-made CO2 to be found!
Note the very major variations in Sea Level per year. With variations like this one can certainly make a mountain out of an ant hill, and these Alarmists are really good at doing that!
The oceans are rising and have continued to rise for 22,000 years without the involvement of any man-made AGW CO2
The following alludes to the
hypothesis that there are some Skeptics in the US Senate Environment and Public
Works Committee and they have published a document questioning the
Obama-Mann-Gore-Warner Plans for CO2 government control.
It is difficult to believe
the following actually happened – and if it did – these people are almost sure
to have been fired by now.
Photosynthesis: On September
4, the Minority Staff of the US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
released a remarkable document for Washington
on global warming/climate change. Critical Thinking on Climate Change:
Empirical Evidence to Consider Before Taking Regulatory Action and Implementing
Economic Policies contains a section discussing photosynthesis and the benefits
of enhanced atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2
Photosynthesis is the
process whereby plants using light energy from the sun convert carbon dioxide
and water to glucose sugar and oxygen gas through a series of reactions. The
general equation for photosynthesis is:
carbon dioxide + water =[+
sic] light energy => glucose + oxygen
6CO2 + 6H2O = [+ sic] light
energy=> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Humans exhale CO2 at a rate
of approximately 40,000 parts per million (ppm). Humans inhale CO2 at the rate
it currently exists in the atmosphere, which is just below 400 ppm.
Accordingly, humans exhale CO2 at a much higher rate than they inhale. Not a
single former [EPA] Administrator [who testified before the committee] could
answer a question on these rates.
As all four EPA Administrators
made clear, EPA’s decision to regulate CO2 is the first time the agency has
ever regulated a gas that is necessary to and makes life on earth possible. As
well, it is also the only gas the federal government has ever tried to regulate
that humans exhale at a greater rate than they inhale. Given both these facts,
the claim that CO2 is a “pollutant” deserves further scrutiny.
Finally, all four former EPA
Administrators were unable to name even a single product that could be made out
of wind and sunlight. Everything in modern society, from computers, laptops,
solar panels, iPads and flat screen televisions, to advanced medical equipment
and all our nation’s critical infrastructure is built out of fossil resources
and their derivative products.
Perhaps the above equation
will remind the members of the Department of Agriculture who have forgotten the
concept of photosynthesis and are busily calculating the bureaucratically
contrived Social Cost of Carbon. The process creates the food and the oxygen animals
need to live.
Other updates in the report
• Wildfires and forestry
management have garnered additional public attention of late, and so was split
into its own section with additional information.
• A new section has been
added on the impacts European countries have seen as a result of their climate
• A new section has been
added on Polar Bear populations and claims of mass extinctions.
• Nearly all sections have
been updated with new information.
• An addendum was added to
provide examples of how the Obama Administration’s National Climate Assessment
report ignores critical scientific evidence when submitted by top researchers
and scientists
The report presents numerous
critical questions on topics such as climate models, benefits of CO2, sea level
rise, extreme weather events, polar bears and the purpose of climate
regulations. The report contains a chapter titled ‘The Science is Settled: The
Government Can’t Control Climate.”
There is now a different
mode of thinking by some in Washington
that directly contrasts that popular mindset that carbon dioxide is the control
knob of earth’s temperatures and is causing unprecedented and dangerous global
warming. See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy.
Critical Thinking on Climate
Change: Empirical Evidence to Consider Before Taking Regulatory Action and
Implementing Economic Policies
By Minority Staff, US Senate
Environment and public Works Committee, Sep 4, 2014 [H/t Climate Etc.]
“The goal here is not to win. The goal
here is to destroy these people.
We want a smashing victory,” Steyer said of candidates he judges to be on the
wrong side of the climate change debate.
The great tragedy of Science — the
slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. Thomas Huxley 1860
Man-made Global Warming AGW-Skepticism Is Rising – Consensus is NOT Science
Click for PowerPoint realistic view of Global
Warming and Climate Change
May have to download twice -- Windows and the www are like that!
Saturday, September 06, 2014
IRS And More “Lost” Emails
“On Friday, the IRS issued a
report to Congress saying the agency also lost emails from five other employees
related to the probe, including two agents who worked in a Cincinnati office processing applications for
tax-exempt status.”
Obama told the American people:
“there’s not a Smidgeon of truth to allegations
that IRS employees broke the law” in handling Conservative 501 applications.
Apparently, what Obama was
really implying is that his team will do whatever is necessary to ensure that
there’s not a Smidgeon of evidence
left that implicates anyone in his administration.
Isn’t it illegal to destroy
and/or hide evidence in a Congressional criminal investigation?
It was for the Nixon and Reagan and Clinton teams.
Apparently Not for Obama's
"And the Pravda Press remains silent" -- Move along folks, nothing to see here!
Something about a tree falling in the forest!
Just More Hope and Change we
can Believe In!
Obama Bragging Up His Dismal Economic Performance
Obama has used his recent
Fundraising Trips to brag about his economic policy results and creation of
Really? It has been 5+ years since the END of the
Recession and the US
economy is still on life-support!
U.S. Economy Adds 142,000 Jobs in August, Widely Missing
“The U.S. economy
added just 142,000 jobs in August, far below expectations as major sectors such
as manufacturing, retail and transportation saw weak job creation.
Meanwhile, the labor force
participation rate also fell to 62.8% in August, from 62.9% in July, another
disappointment. The Labor Department also said job creation in June and July
was 28,000 lower than initially reported.”
As Charlie Hurt so well
articulated two years ago:
“The only thing worse than the economy
is Obama talking about it!”
“We don’t need a “cabinet chair” that understands
We need a President that understands business!”
Mitt Romney, Roanoke VA,
Nov 1, 2012
What a contrast to Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech at Roanoke’s Fire House #1
Just more Hope and Change
that we can believe in!
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