The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, January 30, 2015


Some Radical Left-Wing Democrats Join Radical Muslim Terrorists Railing Against American Sniper

American Sniper: The Film by Clint Eastwood
Apparently, some Radical Left-Wing Democrats have joined the Radical Muslim Terrorists in railing against Clint Eastwood’s film “American Sniper”.
They claim the sniper film glorifies battlefield assassinations and is not factual (unlike the absolute truth in Michael Moore films!).
They didn’t have any trouble with the shooting of unarmed Bin Laden in the head and then praising Obama for getting it done.  Apparently that was a “righteous” shooting.
They don’t have any problems with Obama sitting in his “situation room” (Not Wolf’s) and giving the OK to drone strikes that not only kill people “we think” are in the cross-hairs but also the collateral damage to innocent others.
They don’t express any angst about F15’s intercepting American commercial planes over the US with orders to shoot down the planes “if the pilots do not follow instructions”.
They don’t express equivalent outrage over the Paris massacre or the beheading of innocents by Radical Muslim Terrorists.  They certainly don’t display any of the images contained in Charlie Hebdo as strong public support for freedom of speech and in solidarity with their so called convictions.
No!  It’s much more fun, and safer, to berate an American Soldier who served his country to the best of his ability and then gave his life trying to help other American Soldiers suffering from profound injuries.
What a contrast to their absence of nasty comments on Obama’s Soldier of the Month, Sgt Bergdahl!

Tale of Two Deserters: Eisenhower and Slovik vs. Obama and Bergdahl

New News 1-30-2015 On handling Prisoner swaps with Radical Muslim Terrorists:
'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners':
Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives' if airman hostage is dead -
Pvt Edward Donald "Eddie" Slovik (February 18, 1920 – January 31, 1945) was a United States Army soldier during World War II and the only American soldier to be court-martialed and executed for desertion since the American Civil War.[1][2]
Deserted:       Oct 9, 1944 (did not cross into enemy lines)
Court Martial:  Nov 11, 1944
Final Review by Eisenhower:  Dec 23, 1944
Execution by Firing Squad:    Jan 31, 1945
Sgt Bowe Robert Bergdahl (born March 28, 1986)
Left his combat post in Afghanistan     June 2009
Multiple Members of his unit described his actions as desertion
Bergdahl was “captured” by the Taliban and held
Soldiers involved in the operations to find Bergdahl, claim that at least six soldiers were killed in the search for Bergdahl.[59
Bergdahl was released on May 31, 2014, as part of a prisoner exchange for      five Taliban members who were being held at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay
Susan Rice, National Security Advisor to Obama, described Bergdahl’s service as honorable and with distinction in response to questions about negotiating with terrorists and the prisoner swap.
On June 16, 2014, the U.S. Army said that it has begun investigating the facts and circumstances surrounding the disappearance and capture of Bergdahl in Afghanistan.[91]
June 25, 2014, the U.S. Army stated that there is "no evidence" that Bergdahl "engaged in any misconduct" during his years in captivity.[92]
In July 2014, Bergdahl was returned to active duty.[93]
In August 2014, it was announced that an investigation headed by Major General Kenneth Dahl is continuing, and had been extended.[94]
December 2014 the Army referred Bergdahl's case to a four-star general for a possible court-martial.[95]
How can Obama approve a court martial for a deserter he got for swapping five GITMO Radical Muslim Terrorists; especially after the Rose Garden Mission Accomplished photo op on national TV with Bergdahl’s parents?
Obama makes Sgt Schultz and Col Klink look like military wizards!
Obama's Sequel To Saving Private Ryan:


CNN:  Officials: Detainee swapped for Bergdahl suspected of militant activities
Obama’s Bergdahl Non-POW Conundrum And Allah In The Rose Garden
Backlash From Obama’s MisDirected Accolades And Actions
When Is A POW Not A POW?
Backlash From Obama’s MisDirected Accolades And Actions

Obama Budget: 7% More Taxing And Spending

Roanoke Times, 1-30-2015, Pg 3:  President calls for $74 BILLION  7% spending surge
Calls limitations on spending “arbitrary”.
Just what a country, that is $18 TRILLION in debt with yearly deficits of $500 BILLION,  needs is another “surge” of taxing and spending.
If the economy is “rebounding” (after five years since the recession ended),  then there will be substantial additional tax revenues from the increased economic activity in addition to the massive new taxes embedded in the ObamaCare Law.
The country doesn’t need more tax and spend.  The country needs to focus on those measures that will help small businesses grow, expand, and hire more workers.
Since our GDP is growing at 3% and our population is growing at 1% why would the federal government need a budget increase of 7%?
Apparently, to continue the Obama process of moving our workers from work to welfare.
Work may be a four letter word – but it’s a good four letter word!
Apparently Community-Organizers do not understand that!
Obama SOTU: Obama defines success for the American middle-class!
Year-end 2014 Economy – Obama’s Rose Colored Glasses

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Obama’s War On Radical Muslim Terrorists: Paralyzed, Confused And Playing Defense

Spy General Unloads on Obama’s ISIS War Plan
Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn likens the fight against Islamic militants to the Cold War and calls for an international chain of command akin to that of the Allies in World War II.
The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency slammed the Obama administration on Monday as “well intentioned” but paralyzed and playing defense in its the fight against Islamic militancy. 
Recently retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn called for the U.S. to lead the charge in a sweeping, decades-long campaign against the Islamic State group, al Qaeda, and its ilk—a fight like the one against the former Soviet Union—against a new enemy he said is  “committed to the destruction of freedom and the American way of life.”
“There is no substitute, none, for American power,” the general said, to occasional cheers and ultimately a standing ovation from a crowd of special operators and intelligence officers at a Washington industry conference.
He also slammed the administration for refusing to use the term “Islamic militants” in its description of ISIS and al Qaeda.
“You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists,” Flynn said.
Obama’s former Secretary’s of Defense Panetta and Gates have validated Lt. General Flynn’s views.
Obama has not appreciated Lt. Gen. Flynn’s candid advice, recommendations or views as was made clear when the General was forced out of the Obama Administration:
“In this exclusive exit interview with Breaking Defense contributor James Kitfield, the outgoing chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, talks about metastasizing Islamic terrorism, his struggles to reform intelligence-gathering, and the risk of lurching from crisis to crisis in an Internet-accelerated world.  – the editors.”
Clearly Obama is having great difficulty fighting multiple enemy's on multiple fronts when he has declared that he has ended all the wars and defeated all our enemies and only a few "common criminals" are now at bay!

Roanoke’s Collateral Damage From Obama’s War On Coal

Roanoke Times, 1-28-2015, Pg 1, 8: Norfolk Southern pulls 500 local jobs
It’s clear that like all big business organizations, Norfolk Southern’s HQ needs to be where their major business and customer’s HQ are located and thanks to Obama and associates, those businesses are no longer focused in South Western Virginia!
Why wasn’t Terry McAuliffe in Roanoke with Norfolk Southern CEO Jim Squires bragging about the demise of the coal industry and the reductions of trainloads of coal passing through this area on the way to utility power plants and offshore shipments?
Not to worry, just look at all those intermittent and expensive renewable energy facilities and jobs Obama has created with your taxpayer-funded subsidies.
What better an opportunity to point out Obama’s coal-demise promise:
Obama says he will bankrupt the Coal Industry
The karma of unintended consequences:
Man-made AGW global warming is NOT happening!
The demise of the US coal industry IS happening!
Did the elitist Obama followers think that it was only those country folks out in the coalmines that were going to be heavily impacted by Obama’s War on Coal?
How naive!  We all will be impacted as our energy infrastructure is turned off and poorly replaced with expensive and intermittent and unreliable solar and wind.
Just more Hope and Change we can Believe In --- Yes we Can!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Here Come The ObamaCare Medicare Cuts

Roanoke Times, 1-27-2015, Pg 3: Medicare: Payments to doctors, hospitals to be overhauled.  The Obama plan would reward quality over quantity.
Once again the Roanoke Times and their buds at AP are plastering the ObamaCare pig with more lipstick than Clara Bow once wore.
Big article with not one word about Obamacare’s $718 billion in cuts to Medicare!
Forbes  10-2-2012:  “President Obama insists that Obamacare’s $718 billion in cuts to Medicare don’t affect seniors’ benefits. That’s misleading enough on its own. But the President goes even further, by claiming that his signature health law actually expands benefits for seniors, because the law slightly increases Medicare spending on preventive services and prescription drugs. But according to the Congressional Budget Office, for every $500 the law spends on preventive services and prescription drugs, it cuts the rest of Medicare by $7,385. That’s a cut-to-spending ratio of nearly 15 to 1.”
The Duplicity Of The Roanoke Times Editors   8-20-2012
Roanoke Times, 1-25-2015, Pg 1, 11: Health care law “penalty” kicks in
No that’s not it Roanoke Times ObamaCare wizards!
The SCOTUS defined that those Americans who do not have healthcare insurance must pay a “tax”  for not having insurance.
The SCOTUS decreed that a “penalty” would be unconstitutional and that would have ended ObamaCare for lack of motivation and financing.
An out come most Americans view would  have been a good thing.
Yet Another Roanoke Times Faulty Headline  12-30-2014

Monday, January 26, 2015


Roanoke Times Continues Anti-Police Page 1 Story Lines

Roanoke Times, 1-26-2015, Pg 1, 6: Shootings by police raise race questions
One might think that after the results of the Brown-Ferguson saga:
Obama, Holder, Brown, Ferguson And MisDirected Hostility
the Pravda Media would spend some time focusing on the danger and challenges that our Police Officers face every day, on our behalf,  in “the line of duty”.
Apparently not!
Not even the violent carnage in Roanoke can cause the editors of the Roanoke Times to focus some attention on the very police offices who risk their health and life on behalf of ALL the citizens of Roanoke 24-7.
Perhaps the Roanoke Times Editors could include the following two youtube videos on their web-site as a reminder to their constituents that even an unarmed “Raging Bull” individual can pose a life-threatening danger to an armed police officer who is too slow to protect themselves and the public:
And an officer being especially gentle to a person who appears to have emotional issues forfeits his life because of his kindness and lack of assertive police practices appropriate for the situation:
Original Shocking body cam captures moments before officer's death Armed Suspect Shoots officer dead:
The RT tells us that our 20% Black population suffers 50% of the officer involved shootings in Virginia.
If 20% of our population is committing 50% of the violent crimes in Virginia, then perhaps it’s not surprising that those people are also the ones who are most likely, by percentage, to be in violent confrontations with police.
Doesn’t sound like a “race problem” – sounds like a “crime problem”.
Perhaps the data is also telling us that  “profiling” is an appropriate crime-prevention strategy?  You think?
Fifty (50) Police Officers Killed In US In 2014

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Blizzard – You Want To See A Blizzard? -- I’ll Show You The Blizzard Of ‘88 !

The news is all-aflutter about this weeks blizzard sweeping up the east coast from DC to Maine.
Some news junkies, and NYC Mayor DeBlasio, are even describing this storm as the biggest blizzard in recorded history.
For those of us who have been around for a while, we reflect on The Great Blizzard of 1888 – now kids – that was a Blizzard!
Credit: Library of Congress:  More than 400 people in the Northeast died during the Great Blizzard of ‘88, the worst death toll in United States history for a winter storm.
And that's when we only had 50 million people not the 330 million we have now.
On March 11 and March 12 in 1888, this devastating nor'easter dumped 40 to 50 inches (100 to 127 cm) of snow in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York.
Huge snowdrifts in excess of 50 feet (15 m).  Railroads were shut down and people were confined to their houses for up to a week.[1]    Some houses and trains were buried, and 200 ships sank in waves whipped up by fierce winds.
Some 1888 images:
Can you just imagine the coverage if CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox were on the scene with 24-7 TV and Social Media coverage in March of 1888?
Why can’t our so-called news and weather people present current weather events in the perspective of REAL history?
The reason is that a record Blizzard in 1888 cannot possibly be explained by the Obama-Gore-Mann man-made global warming and climate change story and therefore really didn’t happen.
That’s also the case for droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other significant record setting weather events prior to 1950.
Blizzard of 1888: How 1 storm changed New York City forever
 Click for PowerPoint realistic view of Global Warming and Climate Change that includes a summary of REAL historical storms and weather events, not just some jive intended to hype the climate change alarmist stories.
Obama’s Climate Change Boondoggle
Man-made Global Warming: Cold, Snow And Good Skiing In The South
Cold, Ice, Snow: That’s Why We Call It Winter!

The African Virus

Roanoke Times, 1-25-2015, Pg 7: Senegal, “The world today doesn’t have
a proper organization to respond quickly to this kind of catastrophe”
After reading this article:

I went to my Doctor for a physical.

While I was there, I asked him,

"So Doc, what are we gonna do about this virus from Africa?"
He said, "I don't know. He still has 2 more years in office."

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Obama Joins Oswald’s “Fair Play For Cuba Committee”

Roanoke Times,   12-24-2014, Thomas: Cuba libré!
Having lived through the experiences of the Cuban Missile Crisis
with our fleet gunwale-to-gunwale with the Russian fleet
and Hawk and Nike Anti-craft missiles lined-up from Miami Beach to Key West;
and the Assassination of JFK at the hands of L.H. Oswald and associates;
reflecting on these images and events, it is difficult to watch Obama’s bizarre one-sided outreach to the Castro’s and their Communist associates who have done and are doing so much damage to their own people while exporting their communist poison throughout South and Central America.
Apparently, there were no significant quid-pro-quos or conditions in return for a major change to US policy set by JFK in 1961; not even the return of two convicted police killers enjoying life in the Cabarets in downtown Havana.
It is even more difficult to comprehend that Obama would “in-effect” join 
Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee and drag us all along with him.
This is the Obama capitulation of the last engagement of “The Cold War”.
JFK’s eternal flame must be flickering with profound disappointment.
Just more Hope and Change we can Believe In  --  Yes we Can!
 “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Lee Harvey Oswald TV Interview - August 1963 - Fair Play For Cuba Committee
Video Oswald  Fair Play for Cuba Committee --- Community Organizing

Obama: Embraces Cuba, Debases Israel
Boogeyman drilling for oil near Florida
Look Who's Drilling in the Gulf – It’s FIDEL!

Obama, Holder, Brown, Ferguson And MisDirected Hostility

Roanoke Times, 1-22-2015, Pg 3:  FBI nears finish of Ferguson report, unlikely police Officer Wilson will be charged by Feds.
Months of chaos and rioting and looting reinforced by an out of control media and an administration that made outlandish race-baiting statements and sent Holder and 400 FBI agents to Ferguson to create an environment that led many Black Americans to have reason to believe that the Ferguson police were the new KKK and that “Black lives didn’t matter”.
This was followed up by the media and administration throwing racial-gasoline on the lack of criminal charges filed against Officer Wilson by a Grand Jury.
After all this, the DOJ and the 400 FBI agents have concluded that not only didn’t Officer Wilson commit a state or federal crime, he also did not violate Michael Brown’s civil rights.
Roanoke Times, Editorial: MLK’s dream a vision interrupted.  Events of the past year woke the nation to the distance still to go to achieve a truly color-blind society.
In light of the Ferguson facts, it is very disturbing that our leaders, media and the leaders of the Black community have been so misdirected relative to the plight of many good Black people and the real threats they face in their homes and communities.
Claiming that MLK’s dream was shattered by the shooting of Michael Brown is so outside the facts of that case and the reality of the intercity experience and the importance of police protection in those neighborhoods.  One doesn’t have to go to Ferguson, or Detroit or Chicago to see the reality.  One simply has to watch the Roanoke evening news.
Roanoke Times, 1-19-2015, Pg 1, 6: MLK event challenges young people to act.
Indeed how should young people of any color act? 
Behaving like Michael Brown is not consistent with the teachings of MLK nor is it consistent with civilized and orderly conduct that is the basis of our society.
The challenge to young people is to be honest, law-abiding citizens who stay in school and develop the knowledge and skills to get a self-supporting job and to form strong family partnerships that help and support each other and their children.
This is not a color thing -- it's an American thing!
Those in the administration, major media and Black self-appointed leadership who warped this tragic incident into a national racial KKK witch-hunt should apologize to all those who have been hurt by their actions and they should commit to amend their misguided ways and focus on the real issues of intercity life.
Police release insane Ferguson looting video, are criticized for transparency
 “Feel The Love” Turns Into More Riots And Curfew In Ferguson
Pravda Media Keeps-up The Ferguson Drumbeat
Obama And Sharpton At Whitehouse Ferguson Meeting
Obama – Sharpton – Ferguson All One Screen
Obama Comes Out Of The Racial Closet
Bill O'Reilly Answers AG Holder's Call For A Race Debate
“We’re All Mike Brown” – NO We’re NOT!
The Psychology of Mob Mentality and Violence
One dog may bark at you but it’s more likely that a pack will attack you.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Obama’s Climate Change Boondoggle

New Global Warming and Climate Change News:
America's first offshore wind project dealt major setback after utilities bolt
Renewables work best with massive taxpayer subsidies.
1,700 Private Jets (Obama's Climate Change AirForce) fly into Davos to Fix Climate Change!
Click to join Jon Stewart's view of this obscene hypocrisy:
Click for Jon Stewart's expose on ClimateGate:
Ten new hard-coal power stations, or 7,985 megawatts, are scheduled to start producing electricity in the next two years in Germany
Boondoggle: work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value.
In his SOTU speech, Obama claimed:
“And no challenge -- no challenge -- poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.”
He didn’t mention that mother nature has been the exclusive driver of climate change for all of earth’s existence including massive rain forests at the poles and in the deserts, that are now the source of oil and gas.  Talk about your natural climate change!
He didn’t mention that his sources of data have been falsified by the past 18 years of recorded data that show no significant world-wide temperature changes from acts of nature or man and less than one degree change in the past 150 years as we exited from The Little Ice Age.  Those of us who lived through that big chill sure appreciated a little warming!
He didn’t mention that his sources refuse to relate current conditions as a continuum to the recent history of the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age that ended during our Revolutionary War.
He didn’t mention that his sources computer simulations have been totally falsified by actual temperature data for the past 20 years and do not even attempt to reconstruct the Medieval Warm Period or the Little Ice Age or the actual temperatures for even the past 77 years (my lifetime so far).
Apparently Obama doesn’t recognize or have in perspective the real deadly threats from those who wish to kill us and enslave us, weapons of mass destruction in the hands of idiots,  pandemics that can wipe out most of the world’s populations (we can’t cure cancer and can’t even develop an effective vaccine for the flue) and diseases that can wipe out most of the world’s food supply the way chestnuts and elms have been destroyed.
Apparently Obama also doesn’t understand that our current social, economic and political systems can be destroyed by debt and taxes that pose a great and imminent threat to our children and grandchildren.
Throughout history, socialistic cultures and countries have collapsed when debt and taxes and jobs and opportunity have diminished to the extent that people loose hope and faith in their government and leaders.  Obama’s class warfare initiatives make these threats a present and imminent reality.
Obama is not a leader or even a cheerleader of the virtues, values and basic concepts that has made America Great.  The results of the last two elections clearly show that voters are looking for positive leadership and proposals that will build upon our base of personal responsibility and accountability and private enterprise.  These are the basics of value for "The Middle Class", not Socialism and its associated government-husbandry (the care, cultivation, and breeding of crops and animals).
Was 2014 Really the Warmest Year Ever?
Climate Reporting’s Hot Mess

We Could Use A Democrat Like Harry Truman Again

Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other 32 Presidents preceding him. However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House.

The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence , Missouri . His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.
When he retired from office in 1952 his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507..72 a year. Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year.

After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them.

When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me.. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."

Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."

As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food.

Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth. Today, too many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale

Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed, "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!
Source Unknown but right on target!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Obama SOTU: Obama defines success for the American middle-class!

WSJ: Jan 20, The Gaslight Presidency
Obama: $300 Billion more new taxes and no focus on building jobs through private sector economic growth and recovery.
Five years after the recession is over the US economy is great.
Just don’t look behind the curtain at the Underemployment rate of 17% per Gallup.
Labor Force Participation Falls To Its Lowest Rate Since 1978
Jobless claims rise to 316,000
In other words Obama has moved workers from work to tax-paid welfare and removed them from the unemployment database and focus.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama says that nationalizing millions of illegal immigrants is a good thing and will help the economy, not add to our unemployment  and will not cause millions more to flood across our borders.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama’s DOE has mandated burning our food corn in our vehicles, thereby driving up the cost of food.  The food index increased and the price index for meats, poultry, fish and eggs hit a record high, according to data released today from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama promises to veto the KeyStone Pipeline because we don’t need that nasty Canadian shale oil.  But the drop in oil prices are the direct result of Fracking on private and state lands totally in contrast to Obama’s drive to shut-down our current energy infrastructure.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama’s plan for lots more taxes and government spending continues to add to the $18 Trillion national debt and the massive interest on that debt going forward.
That’s about $55,000 of federal debt for every American person in-addition-to the state and local and personal debt loads.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama wants to extend public high school through two years of community school.  Taxpayers are now paying twelve thousand dollars per year per student for public K through 12 educations.   “If” that were the cost for Community College, the tax bill would be $66 Billion per year.  Yet more debt for taxpayers.  Does anyone think that integrating Community Colleges into an extension of High Schools will improve their outcomes?  And in Obama’s economic model, for what jobs will they be preparing?  IRS agent jobs looks promising.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama says the rich aren’t paying their fair share of taxes, however, the top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes.
And there are 20 additional taxes embedded into the ObamaCare Legislation.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama says he is ending the wars the “bad guys” are waging upon us.  Apparently the “bad guys” do not agree and are expanding and escalating their Jihads throughout the world making our people and our interests at greater risk, not less risk.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama says that Iran and North Korea and Russia will now play nice because he has talked to them and the outcomes will be good for America and world peace.
Obama calls this success for the middle-class!
Obama: "The shadow of crisis has passed":  Really?
Click for a responsible view of the State of the Union from a mother, a soldier and senator from Iowa
Obama State of the Union 2015 Address: Joni Ernst's Republican Response to 1/20/15 Speech
Year-end 2014 Economy – Obama’s Rose Colored Glasses


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