The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Obama’s Foreign Policy: The Perfect Storm Of Incompetence

10-1-2015   Yet more bad Syria news:
CIA-backed rebels, civilians reportedly targeted by Russian airstrikes in Syria
Russia's first airstrikes in Syria Wednesday targeted areas held by rebels receiving arms, funding, and training from the CIA and killed dozens of civilians, according to U.S. officials and published reports.
The Taliban holds Kunduz Afghanistan
ISIS holds Ramadi Iraq
ISIS holds Mosul Iraq
ISIS is all over Syria
Iran in charge of inspecting their own nuclear weapons facilities.
But all this isn’t the bad news!
The bad news is that now Putin has told Obama to get the @*%# out of Syria!
New News 9-30-2015: Russians tell US to remove warplanes from Syria, senior official says
Russian officials have demanded that American warplanes exit Syrian airspace immediately, a senior U.S. official told Fox News early Wednesday.
The official told Fox News that Russian diplomats sent an official demarche ordering U.S. planes out of Syria, adding that Russian fighter jets were now flying over Syrian territory.
Pentagon’s top official on Russia, Ukraine resigning
The Pentagon official, Evelyn Farkas, a Defense Department deputy assistant secretary, who oversees military relations with Russia and Ukraine has resigned.

The latest bad news from Putin on Syria:
Russia launches airstrikes in northern Syria, senior military official says
Russian warplanes began bombarding Syrian opposition targets in the war-torn nation's north Wednesday, following a terse meeting at which a Russian general asked Pentagon officials to clear out of Syrian air space and was rebuffed, Fox News has learned.
A U.S. official said Russian airstrikes targeted fighters in the vicinity of Homs, located roughly 60 miles east of a Russian naval facility in Tartus, and were carried out by a "couple" of Russian bombers. The strikes hit targets in Homs and Hama, but there is no presence of ISIS in those areas, a senior U.S. defense official said. These planes are hitting areas where Free Syrian Army and other anti-Assad groups are located, the official said.
However, The really bad news is that Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary, who has been responsible for managing Obama’s so-called “Foreign Policy”, is the presumptive next President!

Just More Hope And Change We Can Believe In!
The UN Syria Smack-Down: Putin The Leader vs Obama The Talker
Obama Says Iran’s Ayatollahs Will Play Nice Now
Taliban Attacks And Takes Afghan City Of Kunduz
ISIS - Obama’s Designated JV-Team Takes Ramadi
Obama’s Iraq War Wind-down – Al Qaeda Iraq War Wind-Up

Roanoke’s Pretty River Banks Just Don’t Hold Water

$65 Million Taxpayer dollars spent by Roanoke for “Flood Control” that actually is River Bank beautification.  Couldn’t do “Flood Control”  because of those cute little Log Perch and Snail Darters.  Ever seen one of those?  Me Neither!  But they must be really important!
So, here we have less than seven (7) inches of rain over 5 days and the Carillion Hospital is erecting a flood diversion wall to protect the hospital, patients and staff from Roanoke River flooding!
Have you noticed how quiet the Roanoke council members, the Mayor and the Editors of the Roanoke Times are about this pathetic governmental malfeasance.
What’s going to happen when, not if, we have another real storm like we had only 30 years ago in Nov 1985?
Looking back at the Flood of 1985, 30 years ago today
The weather map for November 4, 1985, shows a strong low pressure system to our south, partly including the remnants of Hurricane Juan. The combination of this low, Juan's remnants and a stalled frontal boundary over the area resulted in a record 6.61 inches of rain for the day in Roanoke and a runaway record 23.35 crest on the Roanoke River at the Walnut Street bridge, more than 13 feet above flood stage and about 4 feet above the second highest flood in June 1972 resulting from the remnants of Hurricane Agnes.
New News: Hurricane Joaquin:  The next week could get very interesting with a potential major challenge to the Roanoke "Flood Control System"!
Eastern U.S. Flood Threat to Continue No Matter Where Hurricane Joaquin Tracks
Roanoke River $65 Million Flood Control At Work
Roanoke Flood Insurance High Because Of Floods!
Heavy Flooding In Roanoke -- So Much For $65 Million Flood Control
Roanoke City Flood-Control Flooding From 5 Inches Of Rain

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Amazon's Solar Farm - Good For Them - Not So Much For You

Roanoke Times, 9-29-2015, Pg Va 3:  Amazon moving forward on large Accomack solar farm.  Will span 900 acres, use 250,000 solar panels, produce 80-megawatts enough to power 15,000 homes.  Gov. McAuliffe gleeful!
Why doesn’t the Pravda Media use some basic Truth In Advertising honesty and point out the limited hours per year these 15,000 homes can have their lights ON?
News Flash: Solar panels don't work at night -- so NO lights ON!
Kudo’s to Amazon for building a corporate solar complex to supply electricity to their facilities during those times when the sun shines.  In that general location there are approximately 100 clear days per year and on those clear days the average time the sunshine hits the panels, between sunrise and sunset, is 63%.

The % Sun number measures the percentage of time between sunrise and sunset that sunshine reaches the ground.
Total Hours is the average number of sunny hours the city normally has in a year.
Clear Days is the average number of days annually when cloud covers at most 30 percent of the sky during daylight hours.





% Sun


Total Hours

Clear Days






Richmond, Virginia






Amazon’s business case for this very expensive and intermittent power supply is the fixed cost going forward for a portion of their requirements.  They clearly understand Bill Gates’ calculations and conclusions about the future major increase in energy cost due to Obama’s energy strategy and they want to “hedge” those costs.  They also are getting large federal and state taxpayer subsidies to build this complex.  I guess that actually makes it "our" solar complex.
Bill Gates: Renewable’s Cost Astronomical – Switch Green Subsidies To R&D
Amazon also knows that the utility systems, that we support, must maintain 100% backup of the total energy requirements for partial or no-sun conditions therefore their risk is minimal.
All this is good for Amazon and the solar system people; not so good for the rest of us because Amazon will not be paying their fair share of the utility electricity systems and grids required to support them and the rest of the folks attached to the grid.
It’s somewhat like the happy Prius Drivers who get 50 MPG.  It’s good for them but they certainly aren’t paying their fair share of the fuel taxes that pave the roads they’re driving upon.
For those people who can afford the investment of a solar system for their residence or business there is a business case to be made even here in Virginia where the "direct normal solar radiation" is marginal at best.
Just make sure you don't drop your power line to the grid!
Bill Gates: Renewable’s Cost Astronomical – Switch Green Subsidies To R&D
Dolly Parton And Solar Power Working 9 to 5
Obama: Turn Off The Lights – Solar Panels Don’t Work At Night
Roanoke Times Totally Misses A Great VT Green Energy Opportunity

Taliban Attacks And Takes Afghan City Of Kunduz

Taliban capture major city in Afghanistan, free hundreds of prisoners
Taliban insurgents launched a massive assault on the northern city of Kunduz Monday, seizing a courthouse, a hospital and other government buildings, and freeing hundreds of inmates from a prison, despite a series of battles with government forces.
This report is impossible for two reasons:
Obama White House Advisors Concluded That Bush Won Afgan War
Obama and Biden Declared That Taliban Not Our Enemy
It seems like only last month, in fact it was just last month (12-12-11) that US VP Joe Biden announced to the world, via Newsweek, that:
“The Taliban are not our enemy”.

How many of these Taliban fighters are freed graduates of Obama’s GITMO Univ?
From GITMO Back To Radical Muslim Terrorism
Obama: The Isolationist Commander-In-Chief
The Obama Legacy - “Getting”
Obama’s Good Afghanistan War A Mess

Monday, September 28, 2015


The UN Syria Smack-Down: Putin The Leader vs Obama The Talker

New News 9-30-2015: Russians tell US to remove warplanes from Syria, senior official says
EXCLUSIVE: Russian officials have demanded that American warplanes exit Syrian airspace immediately, a senior U.S. official told Fox News early Wednesday. 
The official told Fox News that Russian diplomats sent an official demarche ordering U.S. planes out of Syria, adding that Russian fighter jets were now flying over Syrian territory.
Pentagon’s top official on Russia, Ukraine resigning
The Pentagon official, Evelyn Farkas, a Defense Department deputy assistant secretary, who oversees military relations with Russia and Ukraine has resigned.
9-28-2015 blog item:
Obama, Putin discuss possible Russian involvement in fight against ISIS
Obama hallucinated about what should or could be done in Syria.
The Red Line, Assad, Chemical Weapons, Chlorine Barrels, ISIS, the horrific refugee crisis and all the rest were all packaged in total inconsequential platitudes of heifer-dust.  Fortunately, he neglected to highlight the pathetic five (5) freedom fighters he bought for $500 Million dollars of US taxpayer money!
The only thing worse than Obama’s Syria performance is him talking about it!
Putin “The Leader” proclaimed that Obama had totally failed in addressing the ISIS problem and that Russia and Iran will join forces with Assad to defeat ISIS!
“If the US wants to help out – fine – get your “stuff” together and get in the fight but know that we’re supporting Assad!”
One can’t describe Obama at “The Rubicon” because he never came near the river.
This entire event and situation are precisely the personification of Obama’s Isolationist Strategy.  Everything is unfolding as he has envisioned and espoused for eight years.  The US is to retreat to the homeland, downsize the military and utilize the Socialist processes to redistribute the accumulated American wealth within the US and then throughout the world with handouts and reparations.
That is Obama’s New World Order and he even brought the Pope here to reiterate that Socialist philosophy and strategy as God’s Will! 
Who can argue with that!
Obama: The Isolationist Commander-In-Chief
Pope All-In On The Progressive Band-Wagon
The Most Basic Instincts: Syrians Fight Or Flight?

Mother Nature At Work: Glaciers and Cows Calving

Reflecting on some of Mother Nature’s realities about Basic Earth Science as a comparison to the man-made global warming AGW Alarmists materials so prevalent in today’s media.
The AGW Alarmists love to show videos of land-based glaciers breaking off (calving) and crashing into the water.
A major example is: "CHASING ICE" captures largest glacier calving ever filmed
No mention that calving is a totally natural process and happened during the Little Ice Age and is NOT unique to warming; in fact it is glacier retreat that is related to warming resulting from either the sun above or volcanoes below or both.
The video byline:  More Proof of Man-made Global Warming!  Really?
The dialogue goes on to overlay the calving of an advancing glacier to the retreating of a stagnant glacier, two very different natural processes.
The old adage applies: things are either growing or they are dying.
It’s interesting that by definition a large mass of ice is labeled a glacier only if it is moving.
Glaciers move because they are incredibly heavy, they reside on sloping ground and their weight causes the ice on the bottom to melt into a layer of water thereby providing lubrication to facilitate the sliding.
This process is called: Regelation – I first saw this interesting (and counter-intuitive) demonstration in a class in 1956 (yes -- I am that old).
Most glaciers slide downhill until they meet a body of water.  Typically, there is a significant cliff at that point.  The leading edge of the glacier cantilevers out over the ledge.  When the weight of the cantilevered portion exceeds the strength of the ice above the ledge the ice breaks off and the extended ice falls into the water often with great fanfare.
Many of our current Northern Hemisphere glaciers grew during the Little Ice Age, following the Medieval Warm Period.  The “natural global warming” that ended the Little Ice Age circa 1750 stopped the growth of most glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere and caused them to start their melting and retreat.
An excellent documented example is Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau Alaska.
That warming process, that is still going on today, started well before there was any man-made CO2.  There has been less than one degree warming in the past 250 years and no significant temperature change in the past 18 years.
Once glacier retreat starts, it typically accelerates because more snow and ice is not accumulating on top of it and more and more earth and rocks are exposed around it.  Those materials absorb the sun’s energy, warm-up, and accelerate the melting in contrast to glacial ice that reflects much of the sun’s energy.
One can observe this process on a winter’s day when a small bare spot appears on a blacktop surface covered with light snow.  Accelerated melting occurs at the bare spot and it quickly expands outward compared to areas where there is no blacktop exposed.
(Unfortunately many people have never seen snow on a blacktop driveway!)
Everyone should be skeptical of the claims being made about “man-made” global warming by AGW Alarmists and reflect on the facts that:
There is natural-global warming:  The Only Kind So Far!
The Climate is Changing; The Climate Has Always Been Changing!
Arctic Report
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.  Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.  Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.  Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
I must apologize; I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post - 93 years ago – and article confirmed by Snopes.
Another Little Ice Age:
During the period 1940 to 1974 there was significant cooling in the Northern Hemisphere.  So much so that “concerned scientists” reached a “consensus”, that earth was entering another Little Ice Age and many people would face starvation and freezing.  This was widely publicized in both NewsWeek and Time magazines:
Newsweek, April 28, 1975 Text Article:
Time, June 24, 1974
Weather extremes around the globe and artic ice thickening and displacing wildlife southward.,9171,944914,00.html

Mendenhall Glacier’s Retreat and Obama      September 11, 2015
Obama Avoids Mendenhall Glacier’s Lessons On “Natural” Global Warming
Obama’s Arctic Trip: Selling Economic Disaster For A Falsified Hypothesis
The Complexity Of Earth’s Climate System Beyond The AGW Alarmists Comprehension Or Modeling
Alarmist Climate AGW “Scientists” In Conflict With Mother Nature
Man-made Global Warming or Mother Nature's Normal Climate?
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature
Click for PowerPoint novice realistic view of Global Warming and Climate Change

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Obama: The Isolationist Commander-In-Chief

Roanoke Times,  9-27-2015, Pg 3:  Ramadi Iraq stalemate raises strategy doubts
Pg 7:  Obama seeks clarity on Syria strategy as the Russians move in
Obama has had a consistent military strategy for the past eight years.  His strategy is to downsize and marginalize the US military system while withdrawing the US presence back to the US mainland consistent with our isolationist posture back in 1910 and again in 1930.  This strategy was well articulated during both his campaigns.
Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, his failure to act in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, his depiction of ISIS as a JV-team and his current totally passive stance on Syria are all consistent with his isolationist strategy.
The Obama team mantra:  Marginalize and minimize any and all threats, foreign and domestic, so there's no need for action or reaction.
Obama’s nuclear weapons and missile “deal” with Iran and the associated outsourcing of monitoring that “deal” to the UN is totally consistent with his strategy to detach from direct contact with the biggest threat to stability in the middle-east.
Will history repeat itself?  US isolationism did not work out well in 1918 with WW-1, nor did it work out well in 1940 with WW-2, nor did it work out well in 1950 with the Korean War all of which resulted in the US having little or no influence in the peace-war process and thrusting our military into combat with few assets, little training or adequate weapons.
Obama’s war on US fossil fuels is consistent with his isolationist strategy since the US will not have a meaningful roll in the middle-east and will not have the ability to physically or politically counter the next oil embargo.
This national impotence is reminiscent of the Iran, Jimmy Carter hostage crisis.
Obama will be out of office before “the chickens come home to roost”.
Iran and Russia will be the power-players in the Mideast and Israel will be hammered by them and the UN into a very bad place.
All this is not the bad news.
The bad news is that domestically Obama and associates have driven the US into a state of dependency and government control and massive debt that makes it very difficult if not impossible to rise to face national or international crisis and threats.
The really bad news is that lots of people think the team of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are going to repair and fix all these issues.
The Pope is here -- hope he's praying for us.

VW And Hillary: Liar Liar Pants On Fire

VW lied about their diesel engine tests.  It resulted in less pollution than just one of the fires burning out of control in California, where everything is known to cause cancer.
Obama has started Major criminal and civil investigations with draconian consequences to follow.
Good hypocrisy move for one designated as “2013s Liar of The Year”!
Hillary lied about exposing Top Secret State Dept. Materials on her “private server” resulting in great risk to national security; putting intelligence agents at risk in places like Benghazi and providing Soviet and Chinese hackers detailed insight to State Dept. people, plans and activities at the highest level of our government.
Obama claims he has only read about Hillary’s private email and server in the Pravda News.
No reason for concern or DOJ investigations.
Move along folks, nothing to see here.
The sad reality is that we wouldn’t know anything about any of the Obama-Hillary issues if not for those darn pesky folks at FoxNews!  Little wonder Obama and Hillary disparage them at every opportunity.

Little Hillary Bo Peep lost her email-sheep
Hillary’s Email Conundrum
Obama: Murder Of Ambassador And Three Others “Not Optimal”

Friday, September 25, 2015


Boehner Out: TeaParty Wins Another Dubious Victory

There’s something sad about self-inflected wounds and misdirected hostility!
Especially when it benefits Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the DNC!

NYT:  John Boehner, House Speaker, Will Resign From Congress
WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner, under intense pressure from conservatives in his party, announced on Friday (9-25-2015) that he would resign one of the most powerful positions in government and give up his House seat at the end of October, as Congress moved to avert a government shutdown.
Representative Charlie Dent, Republican of Pennsylvania, said: “The next speaker is going to have a very tough job. The fundamental dynamics don’t change.” 
Mr. Dent said there was “a lot of sadness in the room” when Mr. Boehner made his announcement to colleagues. He blamed the hard-right members, who he said were unwilling to govern. “It’s clear to me that the rejectionist members of our conference clearly had an influence on his decision,” Mr. Dent said. “That’s why I’m not happy about what happened today. We still have important issues to deal with, and this will not be easier for the next guy.”
“The fundamental dynamics don’t change,” Mr. Dent said. “The dynamics are this: There are anywhere from two to four dozen members who don’t have an affirmative sense of governance. They can’t get to yes. They just can’t get to yes, and so they undermine the ability of the speaker to lead. And not only do they undermine the ability of the speaker to lead, but they undermine the entire Republican conference and also help to weaken the institution of Congress itself. That’s the reality.
Boehner: Conservative critics follow 'false prophets' with empty promises
GOP’s Kamikaze Caucus Takes Out John Boehner
The House Speaker did everything he could to keep the Republican crash-and-burn crowd in check.
But in the end, they wanted to torch Washington, not run it.
This blog’s ongoing TeaParty narrative:
TeaParty Primary-Elections Strategy Revealed
“Republican” Congressman Brat
A Teachable Moment For The Virginia TeaParty Leadership
The Story Behind The Ted Cruz At Liberty Lynchburg Story
Bedford County TeaParty Leaders Masquerading As Republicans
The Republican Clash Between Two Banners
TeaParty Wins And GOP Loses
TeaParty Wins Another Bad Trade
Eric Cantor: Yet Another Example Of TeaParty Misdirected Hostility
Congressman Eric Cantor’s Farewell
TeaParty Takes Virginia By Storm
Bill Bolling's View of: “Getting the Republican Party back on track”


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