The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Coming Soon To Your Neighborhood (If Not Already There): Zika, Malaria, Spotted Fever, Lymes, Alpha Gale, Encephalitis

Roanoke Times, 1-27-2016, Pg 3:  Zika virus outbreak spreading
The ticks and mosquitoes are winning the battle of biological warfare!
We destroyed our only defensive weapon: DDT   Good Luck with that move!
The massive loss of life, especially children, in the third-world from ticks and mosquitoes is devastating.  Over one-million children die each year from malaria transmitted by mosquitoes.
In the US;  Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lymes and Alpha Gale are widely spread by ticks causing major health issues for millions.
Encephalitis, transmitted by mosquitoes, and now the Zika virus has recently invaded the US and is a major danger to babies.
Knee-jerk reactions to challenges can have devastating adverse consequences.
Repeat of Dec 2014 blog item this subject:
Ebola Conflict With Malaria?
We, the people of the US, condemned over one million third world children to die from malaria each year by killing DDT (the only real mosquito and tick killer).
That ban was based on the results of massive faulty application processes, in many cases by government agencies.  Instead of fixing the real problem, we did a government knee-jerk solution!  How sad is that!
A pitiful news story several years ago was about President Bush delivering bed-cover-netting to Africa to address the malaria pandemic.
In addition to the malaria issue, we have significant health issues right here in Virginia with Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Alpha Gale tick borne diseases.  Look at the tick spray you buy – it’s a so called “repellant”, it doesn’t kill anything and doesn’t really repel anything,  but the diseases can greatly impact your health.
Reprint blog item from:  Tuesday, December 18, 2012
One Million Malaria Deaths Each Year: The Unintended Consequences Of Good Intentions
“A prime example of this is the Rachael Carson DDT ban which has led to over one million malaria deaths each year for over 20 years in third world countries. No one was ever identified as getting ill from DDT and clearly a major focus on responsible application would have been a responsible first and probably only required action. Interestingly, it was primarily government agencies that were irresponsible in how they were doing DDT applications.”
By Kate Kelland, Reuters, Dec. 17, 2012: Global malaria battle stalls as financing gets tight.
Malaria is caused by a parasite carried in the saliva of mosquitoes and kills hundreds of thousands of people a year, mainly babies and children under the age of five in Africa.
"Vector control" means stopping transmission of the disease with tools such as treated mosquito nets.

REALLY?  How’s that working out for the one-million children that die each year?
If one million Americans (most of them children) died each year for 20 years from malaria one can be sure that the DDT factories would be turned back on, that proper and prudent application processes would be established and that “we” wouldn’t just be giving parents “nets” to put over their children’s beds!
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Alpha Gale

ObamaCare Dead Line Today: Tax-Fine-Penalty, Job Killer And Massive Debt!

ObamaCare – the gift that keeps on giving!  What a joy!
Roanoke Times, AP, 1-27-2016, Pg 1, 4: Healtlh care fines press millennials
Young adults face painful choices as fines for not having coverage go up sharply in 2016.
“Fines” for being uninsured rise shaply in 2016 averaging nearly $1,000 per household.”
The “penalty” for not buying insurance is $695 per adult and $347.50 per child — or more
Today’s the last day to sign-up for 2016 or else: you may get taxed/fined or not.
Has the federal government ever before levied a tax-fine on Americans for NOT signing-up for private services?  I think not!  Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Many who do not sign-up either don’t file income tax forms and/or don’t have “reportable” income.   Either way, how is Obama going to collect his Tax-Fine?
Many of these folks are on some form of ObamaDependence Payments and in that case it’s just a farce exchange of taxpayers money.
ObamaCare: It’s Not Just For Your Health Insurance Anymore – it’s for your TAXES
The highlights of the massive tax increases include:
Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%
Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%
Dividend tax went from 15% to 39.6%
Estate tax went from 0% to 55%
A 3.5% Real Estate transaction tax was added.
Obamacare Enrollment Stalls as Projections Are Slashed by 8 Million
The Congressional Budget Office slashed its estimate of exchange enrollment from 21 million to 13 million by 2026 in its annual Budget and Economic Outlook that was released on Tuesday.
“The survey showed that 11.9 percent of adults were not covered by insurance in the final quarter of 2015, the same level as in the first quarter.”
12% still not covered!  Wasn’t this whole ObamaCare mess launched under the guise that there were 15% uninsured and that ObamaCare would make a major change in that number?  Has the US government ever lied at this level of malfeasance about any project in our history?  I think NOT!
Small Businesses Suffering Under Obamacare

“Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law in 2010, millions of Americans have been forced to obtain a new, often inferior health insurance plan; health insurance premiums have risen dramatically, especially for young adults; and many health insurance companies operating in the Obamacare exchanges have lost millions of dollars. For instance, UnitedHealth Group, the nation’s largest health insurer, recently announced it is expecting losses totaling more than $500 million on its 2016 Obamacare plans.

Although numerous groups are facing difficulties related to ACA, few are struggling as significantly as U.S. small businesses. According to an online survey produced by LevelFunded Health, a national health insurance agency “with a hyper-focus on Affordable Care Act ‘alternative’ employee benefit programs for the small employer market segment,” 87 percent of those small businesses who offer “group health care” saw health insurance premiums rise by 25 percent since 2014, with 12 percent saw premium increases of 50 percent or more.”
Feds foresee $30 trillion debt, blame looming tax hikes and Obamacare

“The federal government will be flirting with $30 trillion in debt within a decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday, blaming an aging population, new spending and tax cuts approved on Capitol Hill, and the growing burden from Obamacare for erasing the progress Washington had made over the past few years.
Analysts said Obamacare will chase more workers out of the labor force over the next five years, adding pressure to an economy still struggling to spring to life more than seven years into the Obama recovery”
ObamaCare: The Train Wreck Continues Into 2015 And Beyond
ObamaCare Costs Continue To Rise
ObamaCare Like A Chain-Reaction Highway Wreck

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Race Baiting The Flint Water Debacle

Flint "lead water" update  2-4-2016:
WASHINGTON — A Virginia Tech professor Wednesday urged a key congressional panel opening an investigation into the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, to hold the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency accountable for its failures to protect children from lead poisoning in public water supplies.
Roanoke Times, 1-30-2016, Pg Va 7:
A most disgusting racist graphic published in any "newspaper" at any time!
The Roanoke Times has joined Hillary's despicable political and racist comments on the Flint Water System Debacle.
How sad is that!
It is difficult to comprehend how so-called responsible leaders and journalists can participate in this type of race-baiting that further divides and antagonizes animosity and promotes violence between our people.
There is no data or indications that race played any role in this problem.
The Mayor and City Council have the primary responsibility for the health and welfare of the people they represent.
The Mayor and City Council certainly don't look like white-racists.
Mayor Dr. Karen Weaver certainly doesn't look like a white-racist!
Read this blog item for a proper perspective of this situation:
The Flint Water System Debacle

McAuliffe, Herring, Hillary and Gun Permit Reciprocity

The practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another.
Va AG Herring cancelled the gun permit reciprocity agreements with 25 states who in turn will cancel reciprocity with Virginia gun permit holders.
Clearly there were no facts or data to support this anti-second amendment move by the McAuliffe administration nor were any offered.
We’re doing this because we can!
McAuliffe woke up to some stark facts this week:
35% of Virginia’s population are gun owners!
Most of these gun owners vote!
Most of these gun owners are mad as hell!
Hillary is running for President this year and she needs Virginia to win!
McAuliffe’s  Rhetorical questions:
Why the hell did I have Mark Herring do something this stupid in this election year?
How can I fix this fast?
McAuliffe quickly huddled with the Republican leaders in the House and Senate.  He agreed to cancel the Reciprocity-cancellations in exchange for having more State Troopers at Gun Shows.
The anti-gun folks are mad as hell, but, they’re going to vote for Hillary either way and now the pro-gun folks are not mad anymore and may well sleep through election day.
McAuliffe may not be smart -- but -- he's certainly politically clever!
Not Raped Today
Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper.

It’s Not The Guns Obama: It’s The Psychos, Gangs And Terrorists
CNN Anchor Saved By The Second Amendment And Reciprocity

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Sweden to Deport up to 80,000 Refugees; Denmark Seizes Assets

Roanoke Times, 1-27-2016: Pg 3:  Denmark votes to seize valuables. 
Police to seize valuables over $1500 from asylum-seekers to help cover their housing and food costs.”
Amazing!  Imagine doing such a thing here?  And where are all these refugees (primarily young men) getting all those upscale backpacks, foot-ware and jackets?  They sure make me look shabby.  And how did ISIS let these people leave with thousands of dollars in valuables in their backpacks?
“Up to 80,000 refugees who arrived in Sweden last year will be expelled from the country over the next few years, the country's interior minister said Thursday. 
Anders Ygeman told newspaper Dagens Industri that since about 45 percent of asylum applications are currently rejected, the country must get ready to send back tens of thousands of the 163,000 who sought shelter in Sweden in 2015.
"I think that it could be about 60,000 people, but it could also be up to 80,000," Ygeman was quoted as saying.
And to think that Hillary said Sweden and Denmark are  the country's we should emulate!  Really?
She also hyped Norway as a warm and welcoming country for Muslim Refugees!  Really?
Norway’s solution to the latest major influx of Muslim Refugees is to pay them off to get out of town!
Norway offers refugees free flights, thousands of dollars to leave the country
“Norway is offering asylum seekers thousands of dollars to leave the country as the global refugee crisis intensifies, and hundreds of people have taken the government up on its offer, The Local reports.
A family with two children is eligible for up to $9,300 dollars – and free flights home, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration told the media outlet. More than 900 people reportedly have accepted.”
In retrospect, perhaps it was not a wise thing to politically-lynch Mayor Bowers.  His proposals sound rather modest compared to the countries that Hillary is hyping as her role-models.
Perhaps the indigenous-residents of Norway, Sweden and Denmark have awoken and are now rejecting the Kool-Aid that the Progressive-Liberals have been selling.
This link for all “youngsters” and “forgetters”:

As one whose parents were teen-age immigrants, arriving with no money, very marginal education, limited skills and no fancy backpacks.  I am very sensitive to legal and managed immigration!  Clearly, that is not what’s occurring with those from Mexico, Central America and The Middle East.
Whatever happened to reasonable and prudent management?
Whatever happened to responsible  and accountable governance?
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Syrian Refugee Onslaught: European Countries Resurrect Their Borders
Some Muslim Refugees Celebrate New Years Eve With Rampage Of Rape And Chaos
Obama Scoffs At Immigration Concerns
US Government Criminal Abuse Of Migrant Children
Who Are The Real Syrian Refugees?
Obama Removes The Allegiance Commitment From Citizenship Oath
The Invasion Of 60,000 Illegal-Immigrant Children

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


US Government Criminal Abuse Of Migrant Children

Roanoke Times, 1-26-2016, Pg 1, 4: Feds failures imperil tens of thousands of Central American migrant children.  US officials weakened child protection policies to swiftly move children out of government shelters and into the arms of child molesters and abusers.
Let’s quickly find those Republican Governors who are responsible for this massive criminal malfeasance and “string them up”!
Oh – Right!  It wasn’t any Republican Governors that did this!  It is Obama and his minions that are directly and personally responsible!
2014 October 21 Breaking News USA government vendors up to 34 million work permits green cards
With his pen and his phone Obama brings tens of thousands of migrant children into the US and then “dumps them” into local communities without notice and without concurrence from any State or Local government entity!
Talk about Federal Unfunded Mandates!
Local schools have been flooded “overnight” with hundreds of migrant children who can’t speak English, who don’t have any health records or records of immunizations and whose parents and guardians are undocumented.
And we wonder why our schools are failing and our teachers are quitting?
In spite of all this malfeasance, the Pravda Media continues to totally embraces Obama, smother him with excuses and misdirects responsibility and accountability away from him.  
Notice how quiet Hillary is about this – isn’t she the Sheppard for the little abused Flint children?  Oh yes – the black voters children – the nonvoting migrant children – not so much!
Some 2014 Blog Items on this mess:
Children Of Violence Fleeing Homeland
Obama Indictment - 60,000 Counts Of Child Abuse
Obama Wants $3.7 BILLION For His Adopted Kids
Obama’s Diabolical And Insidious Exploitation Of Children
Community Organizers Block Illegal-Immigrants
Obama Immigration: The Breaker Says He’s A Fixer
Obama-Democrat Illegal-Immigration Machine
The Invasion Of 60,000 Children


UVa Really Supports Their Students

Roanoke Times, 1-23-2016, Pg Va 1: UVa employee (1,400 of over 20,000) personal data compromised.
UVa’s servers hacked.  Too bad they didn’t use Hillary’s bathroom server.
The 20,000 UVa employee number is totally amazing!
Especially when one considers that there are 16,483 enrolled undergraduate students in 2016.
Who would believe that for every student there’s an “employee”!
We all knew that THE UNIVERSITY was elitist, but we didn’t know that every student got an “employee”!
If you don’t like your “employee”, can you change to another?
Does your “employee” do your homework and valet services (shades of Downton Abby)?'s_staff
One could go on with this line of mockery but the obnoxious cost of a college education brings one back to the serious reality of the massive debt our college students are bearing!
Is there anyone in higher education devoted to the fiscal management of the institution?
Based on the number of college age people at the feet of Socialist Bernie Sanders one wonders what these people are thinking?
We’re $18+ TRILLION in Obama Debt.
Bernie wants to add another $18+ TRILLION to that amount for his “dreams”.
These college graduates are tens of thousands in education debt and are getting jobs way below their capabilities and appropriate pay-scale.
By Who and how are these debts going to be paid?
A Reality College Commencement Speech
Click-on and be enlightened:
The Speech Every 2015 College Grad (and their parents) Needs to Hear
Obama The Pied Piper At Charlottesville Va
Obama sure sounds a lot like: Bob Marley - Don't Worry be Happy

Obama Proposes Another Taxpayer Funded National Entitlement

Monday, January 25, 2016


The Flint Water System Debacle

Latest 1-30-2016 Flint News And Disgusting Roanoke Times so-called "cartoon"
Latest Flint Lead News  1-28-2016:
Michigan Gov. Snyder says full replacement of Flint's lead pipes not imminent
Roanoke Times:
1-23-2016, Pg 1, 5:  Regional EPA official resigns over Flint crisis
1-24-2016, Pg 1, 5:  VT Tech water group fought for Flint
This is a major health emergency affecting many children in Flint and it is disturbing that it is being exploited politically.  Hillary expounded upon it in a major attack against that “nasty Republican Michigan Governor Rick Snider who she implied acted purposely to hurt poor black children”.
She didn’t mention the EPA’s  responsibility or the Regional Officer that resigned or the complexity of the issues involved.
There is ample opportunity for lots of blame on lots of people including the never ending Democrat control of Flint’s mayor and city council who have personal direct responsibility for the health and welfare of the people of their city.
Perhaps, one could try to summarize a very confusing and highly emotional and political brawl.
Suppose a novice summarized it as follows:
Doing cost-reductions after an initial product or process has been established is higher risk than the proponents of the change may understand.  There are many examples in business, government and the military of changes that seemed innocuous but turned out to be problematic, in some cases resulting in fatal outcomes.
During the initial stages of a program, there is keen focus on design specifications, manufacturing processes and testing by those selected to “do the job”. 
Changes later in time usually involve a team of people far less familiar with the complexities and interactions of the systems involved and usually there is far less comprehensive testing.
In this case, Flint wanted to reduce their municipal water costs.
They changed from a sister-city supply to a river source.
They implemented testing that appeared to indicate the treated new source was “safe to drink”.
There were many complaints about the taste and color and sediment of the river water.
Apparently, ongoing testing continued to indicate the treated water was “safe to drink”.
Then the unintended adverse consequence of the change became apparent to physicians who detected elevated levels of lead in children.
Apparently, there was “acceptable levels of lead” in the city water testing.
Where and how were the children being contaminated with lead?
The forensic and scientific analysis now points to the lead pipes between the city water mains and the old homes in the old neighborhoods.
The river water has very different chemical properties than the previous water supply.
The river water interacted with the lead pipes causing lead to leach-out into the water entering the home.
To detect the lead in the water, it is necessary to test the tap-water inside those homes who have lead service entry pipes.
Which houses are they?  No one seems to know!
The temporary fix: supply millions of gallons of bottled water to those affected (not clear who they all are).
The ongoing remedial actions will probably be to connect back to the sister-city system and then flush all the lines in all the homes involved.
This lead-pipe conundrum is a major disconnect to most people (almost unbelievable).
Weren’t we told 100 years ago not to use lead pipe and lead-rich clay containers because that was a major factor in the fall of the Roman Empire!
The reality is that many “old” homes and “old” communities are serviced by lead pipe that connect the city mains to the “old” homes.
It is massively expensive for a city to dig-up the street from each home to the main and replace the lead pipes with PVC. 
An immediate wake-up call to all utilities and homeowners of homes older than 1940 vintage should be to test municipal water in the homes at the taps!
Hopefully, the affected children of Flint can receive treatment that minimizes any long-term health issues.

ObamaCare: It’s Not Just For Your Health Anymore

On January 1, 2016 a major set of tax increases went into effect.
You may not have been aware because Obama’s Pravda Media forgot to cover it!
The highlights of the massive tax increases include:
 Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%
Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%
Dividend tax went from 15% to 39.6%
Estate tax went from 0% to 55%
A 3.5% Real Estate transaction tax was added.
 Remember these facts:
These taxes were all passed solely with Democrat votes.
Not a single Republican voted for these new taxes.
These taxes were all passed in the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.  
For a Full List and Details of ObamaCare Tax Hikes click-on:
Can you remember when ObamaCare was going to save you $2300 per family?
Those were the days my friend!
ObamaCare: The Train Wreck Continues Into 2015 And Beyond
ObamaCare Costs Continue To Rise
Obama Jokes With His Pravda-Media Friends About ObamaCare
ObamaCare Like A Chain-Reaction Highway Wreck


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