The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Massive Fake News At Washington DC AGW Climate March

Roanoke Times, 4-30-2017, Pg 8:  Record Hot day at 91-deg F
(The premise: stop man-made CO2 that causes global warming and climate change)
DC temperatures tie record high on Saturday
WASHINGTONClimate protesters — or those who were just out and about in D.C. on Saturday — felt the heat: the high of 91-degrees tied a record set in 1974.
Let us all take a look at the history of April high temperatures in DC!
(for example there's been (4)  95F-days in April since 1910 and there's no scientific data to show any connection to CO2 man-made or natural)
Once again the AGW-Alarmists Boosters use the Pravda-Media to propagate Fake-News to the public many of whom just follow the Obama-Gore Pied Pipers and refuse to question their disinformation.
The pathetic reality: “How many of these marchers can read and understand the following tables and graphics of government data?”
ClickOn Link for the US Government records back to 1910:

Real Science From Real Science Guys:
The Climate is Changing!
The Climate has Always been Changing!
AGW: The Times They Are A Changing
Heartland Promotes Climate Realism on CBS Evening News
On Saturday, April 22, millions of viewers of CBS Evening News got a rare glimpse of what many scientists have been saying for years: Global warming is not a crisis, and the war on affordable and reliable energy should be ended.
March For Science And THINK!
Earth Day Apr 22nd ----- Actually Every Day Is Earth Day
Challenging And Resetting US Climate Policy
ClimateGate 5.0:  “Scientists” Dupe The World About AGW

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Trump’s-100-Days: The Ship Of State Is On A Greatly Improved Course

As the Democrats, their embedded minions and their DNC-Pravda-Media work overtime to minimize and marginalize Trump’s impact on the American Government, The American People and The International Community the Reality is that a “real tipping point” has been reached in only 100-days.
Judge Gorsuch is a major new enhancement to the SCOTUS.
In spite of intense roadblocks and delays, the Trump Cabinet is an outstanding team of highly competent professionals.
Executive Orders have focused on Job Development and Growth.
Executive Orders have focused on enhanced Safety and Security.
Executive Orders have focused on Fair Trade.
The UN and NATO are now addressing a New US that is not remorseful or apologetic but is in the process of exerting responsible leadership.
The Adversaries of the New US are now having to reassess their positions in the significant change from the US “Leading From Behind” to exercising responsible leadership.
Law Enforcement organizations and personnel now know that This Administration will use The Law as the measure of good-bad performance.
Border Security and Immigration actions will focus on The Law and not some feel-good liberal pablum.
Energy policy will focus on Energy Independence and low cost energy to fuel our homes and transportation and economy.
Man-made global warming and climate change AGW-Alarmists will now be challenged in open and fair debate and required to "show their work" and not hide behind a so-called-consensus.
Education policy will focus on performance of skill and knowledge and for those schools not performing, alternatives will be developed.
A proper balance will be restored between religious rights and freedom and government interference.
The Constitution will once again be viewed in it's rightful role.
Israel, our only real friend in the Middle East and the only real Democracy there will once again, after 8-years of Obama-Kerry, will "have the right to exist"!
All these things and more are not a matter of Life and Death
They’re much more important  than that!
Note: There probably is not going to be a Roanoke Times Sunday Editorial;  rumor has it that all the editors are going to Trump's 100-day rally in Pennsylvania this evening.
Pravda-Media Hides Trump Voter Support At 100-Days


Hawaii Wants AntiMissile Defense That Obama Killed

The Latest: Admiral wants more US missile defense in Hawaii
The Left-wing Democrat Hawaiian Islands finds itself within range of N. Korean ballistic missiles armed with nuclear war-heads.  They now want protection from the US Armed Forces.
There are some things wrong with their “wants”:
·        It was their so-called birth-son Obama that killed Reagan’s SDI Missile Defense System.
·        It was this same Obama that used “Sequestration” to gut the US Armed Forces budgets and financial support and thereby degraded our military systems.
·        It was the same Obama who stood-by and let the N. Korean’s advance their missile and nuclear capability to what it is today:
So, just like their feminists–mothers:
They burned their bras and now they want support.
They should have their birth-son Obama’s college buddy, Hawaii Judge Derrick Kahala Watson, write a restraining order against Kim Jong-un forcing him to Not hit Hawaii with a nuclear weapon.  The judge has declared himself to be the arbitrator of American safety and security.
Obama-Kerry-Clinton North Korean Nuclear Strategy Working: BOOM!
N. Korean Fallout From Iran Nuclear Weapons “Deal”
Isn't it interesting that this graphic was in The Roanoke Times in 2012.
Apparently Obama didn't read the Roanoke Times or if he did he didn't recognize a nuclear threat to the American People.  On the other hand, he was very busy getting men into the women's rooms.

Friday, April 28, 2017


Nationalizing All Of GM Or Just A Plant

Venezuela Seizes GM, Warning Sign to U.S. Companies?
“U.S. multinationals with plants in Venezuela are likely on edge Thursday, after American automaker General Motors (GM) pulled the plug on its operations in the poverty-stricken country, following a government takeover of its plant amid large-scale violent protests.”
Big excitement because Socialist Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro nationalized a GM auto plant.
There wasn’t this much excitement when Socialist Obama nationalized the whole GM business!
Obama then decimated those who not only owned GM stock but also those who owned GM bonds, calling the bond owners “speculators”.
Needless to say the GM union boys made out great including their Cadillac HealthCare Plans under ObamaCare.
The Pravda-Media had no problem with all this in-spite-of the reality that every investment entity in the world treated GM bonds as a safe secure non-speculative place for retirement accounts and widows and orphans, all of whom took an Obama beating from which they will never recover.
Government Motors GM-CEO Barack Obama’s Safety Malfeasance


Yet Another Obama Political Hack Judge

Judge Who Blocked Trump Sanctuary City Order Bundled $200K for Obama
 (may have to copy-paste link into browser)
“Federal Judge William Orrick III, who on Tuesday blocked President Trump's order to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities, reportedly bundled hundreds of thousands of dollars for President Barack Obama.
The same judge issued a restraining order in 2015 against the advocacy group responsible for undercover videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood employees plotting to sell baby organs.
At the time, The Federalist found that Orrick raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated more than $30,000 to groups supporting him.”
Just another example of why Reid and the Senate Democrats used the “Nuclear Option” to install dozens of left-wing liberal judges into the US Court System under Obama.


When Is An Antiquity Monument An Abuse Of Executive Power

Trump slams 'massive federal land grab,' calls for review of national monuments
“Trump criticized Obama's decision to put "over 265 million acres ... under federal control through the abuse of the monuments designation."
"The Antiquities Act does not give the federal government unlimited power to lock up millions of acres of land and water," he said. The law, enacted in 1906, authorizes presidents to declare land a federal monument, restricting its use.”
265 million areas in perspective vs. State Sizes:
Texas  271 million acres
Alaska 149 million acres
California 101 million acres
Clearly Obama’s campaign to Socialize America included sizing and quarantining massive amounts of land that clearly does Not have any relationship to the meaning of the definition of “monuments” in the 1906 Antiquities Act.
At what point does Socialism morph into Communism?

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


50 Vicious Pit Bulls Invade Oakland Ca. Train – No Cops In Sight

Bay Area Rapid Transit: Dozens of Oakland teens reportedly storm train, rob riders
(may have to copy-paste link into browser)
“Between 40 and 60 teens jumped on an Oakland subway train over the weekend, then robbed and beat passengers before disappearing into the night, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday.”
More uplifting news from the Sanctuary State of California!
Save the planet and use public transportation!  Really?
Oakland’s right next to Berkeley --- perhaps these were just some of Obama’s Red Guards on their way to a “Free Speech Rally” at Berkeley!


US Economy Pulling Out Of Obama’s Malaise

Roanoke Times, 4-25-2017, Pg 6, very small print, back page:
Survey of economists finds optimism about growth prospects
“Nearly two-thirds of economists in the poll released Monday expect gross domestic product growth of 2.1 percent to 3 percent in the next four quarters. That would be a significant improvement from anemic growth of 1.6 percent in 2016, the weakest showing in five years. Since the Great Recession ended in June 2009, the economy has averaged annual GDP growth of just 2.1 percent, the slowest recovery since the end of World War II.”
WOW! 90-days in office and business enthusiasm for Trump's policies is having a Major Impact on the US Economic Outlook!
Why isn’t this a headline on Page 1?
Oh Right – fat chance the Pravda-Media is going to give Trump an “atta-boy” for anything!
The Basis Of The American Middle-Class Is Jobs


The State Executions: Media’s Misdirected Sympathy

Arkansas denies man gulped for air during 1 of 2 executions
The major media (the very people who totally support Planned Parenthood’s baby-parts business) are going postal over Arkansas’s execution of murderers!  Really?
Instead of focusing on and “civilizing” the killers, why not focus on those innocent decent people who were murdered?
Why not post their pictures on the front page and describe how they died at the hands of these animals without a conscience?
Were they gasping for air as their lives were stamped out?
Cruel And Unusual Punishment
Clearly Virginia, and all the other States, should have the options for guys like Ricky, so that they can choose between: injection, hanging, firing squad, electric-chair or the same method they used to kill their victims.
Always nice to have options for our felons and murderers.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Pravda-Media Hides Trump Voter Support At 100-Days

Washington Post poll hides: Trump still beats Hillary

Clinton would lose again if election were held today

(by Both Popular and Electoral votes  --- a Bigger Win)
(WASHINGTON EXAMINER) — A new Washington Post poll that declares President Trump as “the least popular president in modern times,” waits until the second to last paragraph to reveal another tidbit: He’d still beat Hillary Rodham Clinton if the election were held today and in the popular vote, not just Electoral College.
Yet again the Obama-Hillary-DNC Pravda-Media puts their slant, bias and loyalty on display for all to see!
What a pathetic excuse for those who claim to be the 4th Estate!


Classroom Insubordination And Defiance Graduates To The Airplanes

5-1-2017:  More Violent AirLine Passengers
Delta Pilot Hit Passenger to Release Choke Hold
“The Delta pilot who smacked a passenger and then walked away delivered the punch to get the woman to release a choke hold she had on the woman she was fighting ….
the pilot was taken off duty after the incident but put back on the schedule after the airline concluded he did nothing wrong.”

American Airlines flight attendant suspended after stroller incident on plane
For 20+ years our classrooms have been hijacked by nasty students who intimidate the teachers and other students with bullying and intimidation and disrespect.  Their incredibly bad behavior is reinforced by a system that “rolls over” and tolerates their disruptive actions at the expense of all others; the bad guys win!
Now this same scenario is playing out on commercial airline flights.
The airlines are now spiraling down into the same morass that has afflicted our classrooms and they will rue their decisions to reward bad unacceptable behavior by those passengers who refuse to follow the rules, most of which are FAA RULES.
All passengers are required to follow the crew’s lawful instructions
At take-off time ALL passengers are to be:
belted into their seats
all electronics turned off and in airplane-mode
all luggage either under the seat or in the over-head
then and only then, can we close the doors and prepare for take-off
When passengers do not comply with the FAA Rules the doors can’t be closed and the plane now loses their take-off slot, their landing slot, 200-passengers are now going to be delayed and many will miss their connecting flights!
There’s a price to be paid for bad behavior and it’s usually paid by those who follow the rules!
Throwing the crew-members under the landing-gear will embolden and empower those people who chose to be non-compliant and insubordinate at the expense of all others.
The airlines and passengers should strictly comply with the FAA Rulesl
All those who cannot or will not comply should be removed, placed on the no-fly list and should travel by AMTRAK.
Stop reinforcing Bad Behavior wherever it occurs!

Sunday, April 23, 2017


March For Science And THINK!

Roanoke Times, 4-23-2017, Pg 14:  Scientists, students and research advocates marked Earth Day by supporting scientific freedom without political inference.
That is exactly what every AGW-Skeptic has been requesting for 20-years!
Instead, the Gore-advocates have not only refused to participate in fair and open scientific debate, but have used their power within academia to ensure that there is no open debate in any university setting either.
Instead, their mantra is “we have a consensus of our opinion” and that’s all science and government and the public need to know.
Earth Day Apr 22nd ----- Actually Every Day Is Earth Day
Challenging And Resetting US Climate Policy
ClimateGate 5.0:  “Scientists” Dupe The World About AGW

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Earth Day Apr 22nd ----- Actually Every Day Is Earth Day

“A physicist's take on the March for Science Apr 22nd
Michael Guillen  Ph.D., former Science Editor for ABC News, taught physics at Harvard."

"As a theoretical physicist, I was excited to hear about Saturday’s nationwide March for Science. But after learning who is leading it and why, I am disappointed to report it is but a brazen attempt by political activists to hijack science.
I believe the scientific method is by far our best hope for elucidating the physical universe. It’s why I feel so protective of it. I can’t bear seeing the organizers and partners of the so-called March for Science trying to politicize it.
Bill Nye, the march’s highly visible co-chairperson, is barely even a scientist. After earning an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, he worked for an airplane company, did stand-up comedy, and hosted a PBS kids show, in which he cleverly branded himself “The Science Guy.”
In science-related debates, Nye consistently defends a strident, liberal position.  (I’d also call him out if he were a strident conservative.) And he promotes a woefully benighted stereotype of a scientist – an old, nerdy white guy sporting a tweed jacket and bow tie. Given all the highly qualified, bona fide researchers out there – including Nobel Prize winners – it boggles the mind that march organizers would choose Nye to represent science and expect to be taken seriously.
The march’s flagrant political bias is also plain in its choice of partners – for instance, the Union of Concerned Scientists, a group of fiercely anti-nuke, anti-Trump lobbyists. Its president, Kenneth Kimmel, defends the march by deliberately confusing attacks on his political agenda with attacks on the scientific method: “Nowhere is the attack more ferocious than on the issue of global warming, where the Trump administration has taken a wrecking ball to the modest but important policies put in place by President Obama.”
The march’s official website isn’t reassuring either. While reading its stated principles and goals, I came across this doozy of a statement: “Political decision-making that impacts the lives of Americans and the world at large should make use of peer-reviewed evidence and scientific consensus, not personal whims and decrees.”
Like wizards uttering a magical incantation, lobbyists routinely invoke the existence of a “scientific consensus” to lend an aura of infallibility to their political stands. At a seminar years ago, Arianna Huffington explained the Huffington Post did not tolerate any debate about climate change, because Al Gore – that world renowned scientist – personally assured her the matter was “settled science,” another oft-heard political spell.
The only thing Huffington revealed that day was her scientific illiteracy. Science is never settled. As Albert Einstein once observed, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”
Einstein knew whereof he spoke. As a young physicist in Switzerland, he confronted a stubborn scientific consensus – supported by a mountain of peer-reviewed evidence – that decreed Newtonian physics was settled science. In 1905, when Einstein dared to challenge it – to publish the special theory of relativity – the scientific establishment promptly reared up against him. Prominent Nazi physicists even accused him of promulgating disreputable “Jewish science.”
There is enormous room for improving science education in our nation’s public schools, colleges, grad schools, media, and – yes – political institutions. But the March for Science – lobbyists claiming that supporting the scientific method is equivalent to supporting their political agendas – is a very big, very public step in the wrong direction.”

The Maud, Gore, Arctic Ice And Global Warming 

Global Warming Meets Mother Nature


The Basis Of The American Middle-Class Is Jobs

Times Editorial: To stay in the middle class, more is required
“Thomas Friedman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The New York Times, made an observation recently that’s worth exploring. Friedman was faulting President Trump for not levelling with the American people about the ways the economy is changing.”
““The fact is we’re living in a world being shaped by vast accelerations in technology, globalization, climate change and population growth, and government’s job is to enable more citizens to thrive in such a world and cushion its worst impacts. In this age, leaders have to challenge citizens to understand that more is required of them if they want to remain in the middle class – that they have to be lifelong learners.””
“Friedman bills himself as a “radical centrist.” The newspaper he writes for is regarded as a bastion of liberalism, but what Friedman is proposing here seems quite conservative – that Americans shouldn’t look to government for help; they need to look out for themselves.”
Apparently Friedman (clearly Not a self-proclaimed-centrist but a left-wing spoke in a big NYT left-wing wheel)  and the RT Editors, are ditching Obama’s Socialism Manifesto and are morphing back to JFK’s:
Ask not what your country can do for you ---
Ask what you can do for your country!   (and yourself and your family)
I think Not!  Just another pathetic ruse to knock Trump!
It’s indeed interesting that Friedman and the RT Editors “may” have concluded, after 8-years of Obama’s Socialist Manifesto, that American individuals have a responsibility for their own actions and are not simply government clones as so well depicted in Apple’s Super Bowl 1984 Mac Ad:
Click to View the Classic Video (sound on):
It’s also of interest that Friedman and the RT editors are faulting Trump after 90-days in-office while ignoring 8-years of Obama’s actions to destroy the US free enterprise system and marginalize and demonize the business-people who are the creators of business and middle-class jobs.
Obama’s “You didn’t build that” Socialist Manifesto delivered right here in Roanoke:
Undoing The 8-year Obama Legacy of Socialism and Dependency will take the Trump Team much of his term in office.  Especially in the face of the major political jihad that Obama, DNC and the Pravda-Media have launched against them.
Reality:  Education, be it self-derived, VoTech, College or job-centric, will only result in success IF there are JOBS!
Trump’s initiatives to develop and keep US Jobs are Job-1 going forward!  Friedman and the DNC and the Pravda-Media need to stop supporting the debunked Obama Socialistic Agenda and help get tens of millions of Americans back to work ASAP!

Obama’s Dismal Economic 4th Quarter Of His Game
Obamaites Postal Over Trump Actions
Trailing Behind - It’s The Recession – NO! – It’s Obama’s Policies And Actions
Obama’s “Red Guards” Guarding Berkeley From Free Speech

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Trump Team Confronting Obama’s Imported Criminals And Gangs

Roanoke Times, 4-19-2017, Pg 5:
*  Top officials (Trump AG Sessions)  target MS-13 gang
*  (Trump) Homeland Security Secretary Kelly statement on criticism of his department personnel: Those who criticize enforcement of our laws should either change the immigration laws or shut-up!
AG Sessions: MS-13 gang could be designated as terrorist organization
“El Salvador has already designated MS-13 a terrorist group.
Sessions called the gang "one of the most violent gangs in the history of our country."”
A Local Example:  Bedford County Va victim of a local MS-13 Gang:
Secretary Kelly tells DHS critics to ‘shut up,’ let agents do their jobs
Mr. Kelly said the Obama administration “discouraged” Homeland Security employees from doing their jobs, tying federal workers’ hands with bureaucracy and “politically meddling.” He said he and President Trump have made a decision to free up agents to enforce the laws as written, and he said he and his department won’t apologize for that.”
These actions demonstrate that the Trump Team is a major positive improvement over Obama’s political hacks and minions.
A good start on making America Great (and Safe) Again.
Trump’s New Catch And Release Program
Obama’s Open Door For MS-13 Dreamer Sanctuary Butchers
Obama Wants $3.7 BILLION For His Adopted Kids
That was $60,000 dollars per child for just first year!


The Obama-Gore View Of Arctic vs. The Putin View

The Obama-Gore View of The Arctic
The Putin View of The Arctic  -- Trefoil military base
Russia's military buildup in Arctic puts U.S. on alert
“Russia’s sprawling Trefoil military base, located just outside the Arctic Circle. It can house 150 troops and warplanes.
Russia, the United States, Canada, Denmark and Norway have all been trying to assert jurisdiction over parts of the Arctic. Legally it’s still unclear who can lay stake to the territory, but the Kremlin knows how persuasive a good show of force can be.”
US F-22s intercept Russian bombers off Alaska coast -- Apr 18,19, 20, 21 
Based on Putin’s successful Grab of Crimea and significant portions of Ukraine and Georgia, one could assume Putin will Grab a significant portion of the mineral and oil rich sections of The Arctic that he chooses to take.
Russia Is Deploying Special Anti-Aircraft Missiles to the Arctic
“In yet another reminder how close the North Pole is to becoming a battleground, Russia is beefing up its military capabilities in the Far North, including a special Arctic antiaircraft missile system.”
Some Reality for those worried about the Polar Bears:
It’s The Thick Ice That’s Bad For Alaskan Polar Bears
About those sweet and idyllic pictures of Polar Bears:
Reality – they will pick-up your scent, track you down and literally eat you alive; unlike all other kind beasts that will ensure you’re dead before dining.
The Obama Russian Arctic Capitulation

The Maud, Gore, Arctic Ice And Global Warming


Tuesday, April 18, 2017


New Book “Shattered”: Hillary Election Night 2016: It’s Cryin’ Time Again

Hillary Clinton apologized to Obama on election night
(may need to copy-paste link into browser)
“Clinton apologized to President Obama for her bruising loss — right after calling Trump to offer him “congratulations,” according to a new book chronicling her 2016 presidential bid called “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign.”
““Mr. President, I’m sorry,” she said, according to the Washington Post’s review of the book, due out Tuesday.
The White House urged Clinton to concede as Trump claimed battleground states — some by slim margins — because Obama wanted to avoid a messy recount.
“You need to concede,” Obama told Clinton directly, later repeating the instruction to her campaign chairman John Podesta for good measure.
The directive came after Clinton ignored previous messages from White House staff to throw in the towel.”
Hillary’s Song:  Cryin' Time



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