The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, November 30, 2018


Who’s Lying To Congress: Trivial Pursuit vs. Real Malfeasance?

Roanoke Times, 11-30-2018, Pg 1, 6:  Cohen (Trump’s exLawyer) admits he lied to Congress.
Apparently this lie to Congress involved the ‘when’ a legal negotiation to build a Trump Hotel in Russian, terminated.
Did it end in Jan or June?
The legal negotiation did not result in a deal or contract or agreement.
What’s the real issue and motivation here by the Muller gang to persecute Cohen?
He’s already in big legal jeopardy for his prior K-street capers!
What a contrast to the Obama team’s lies to Congress on serious issues of real goverment malfeasance.
Just a few examples of serious lies to Congress (by Major Obama Appointees) without indictment or prosecution.
Obama’s Sec. of State Hillary lied to Congress
Obama’s  Intelligence Chief  Clapper lied to Congress
Obama’s IRS Chief Lerner lied to Congress
Obama’s AG:  Eric Holder lied to Congress
Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan lied to Congress
Obama’s EPA Admin. McCarthy lied to Congress

How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds



D-Va Gov Northam’s Medicaid Boondoggle

looks to boost Medicaid reimbursement to attract more doctors
“RICHMOND — With Virginia’s Medicaid program poised to expand coverage for hundreds of thousands of people, the state is considering a proposal to increase reimbursement rates for doctors to encourage them to provide care to more patients under the program.”
“The Department of Medical Assistance Services has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to include $19.1 million in his proposals next month for the two-year budget to boost Medicaid reimbursements for primary care doctors and reduce the gap with the federal Medicare program for the elderly.”
After enacting the major expansion of Va. Medicaid, Dem. Gov. Northam and the Democrat Legislature are Now trying to figure out where the ‘healthcare’ and Doctors will come from to serve ‘hundreds of thousands’ of new enrollees.
They have not yet started to address the costs and tax burdens and impacts to the Virginia healthcare system.
Parity with Medicare?  Really?  Did not retirees and their employers pay into the SS/Medicare Fund?  Who paid into the Madicaid Fund – Right – The TaxPayers many of whom are now retirees?
Northam: Damn The $3-Billion Costs – Expand Medicaid
Virginia Democrat’s Medicaid Cost Tsunami
Medicaid costs soaring, but expansion said not to be cause.
(Who is the profoundly challenged person who thinks this is Good News?)


Claytor Not Happy With Today’s Roanoke Times

Editorial: The value of a free press
“A free press that is able and — when necessary, willing — to criticize the government is a vital part of the civic infrastructure of democracy.”
This self-serving editorial by the Roanoke Times certainly paints-over the papers total dedication to the Liberal, Progressive and DNC propaganda machines to the exclusion of a fair and balanced coverage of ‘the news’.
One might just reflect on the values of the RT paper's original owner, M. H. Claytor.
First editorial, Nov 30, 1886, by Mr. Claytor, first owner and editor of the Roanoke Times outlines the paper’s philosophy including:
• It has no pets to reward and no enemies to put down.
• It will endeavor to be truthful.
• It is the mouthpiece of no order, corporation, party nor clique.
• To the fostering of our infant manufactories, to the development of our mineral resources and the cultivation of our fertile fields, must we direct our best efforts if we would make this Southern land of ours blossom as the rose.
Should Mr. Claytor return today he would probably start a blog called “RoanokeSlant”!
Roanoke Times Editorial: Do As We Say, Not As We Do
An Articulate Description Of The US-PravdaMedia

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Climate AGW-Alarmism vs. AGW-Realism vs. Fake Science

Trump dismantling US climate efforts as warnings grow dire
“Announcing the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris global climate accord in June 2017, he (Trump) said, "The Paris Climate Accord is simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving American workers — who I love — and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production."
LTE Steve Weismantel: Correlation is not causation
“Future global warming from CO2 is still only an unproven theory. Some analysts even say the CO2 theory has been disproven based on how wrong the dire predictions of climate computer models have been when compared to actual temperatures recorded since those models were developed.”
AGW-‘Fake Science’--- (Little wonder Trump is a Skeptic)

100-year Chill But The Goreites Continue Their AGW-Alarmism
Yet More Man-made Sea-Level Rise Tripe
PravdaMedia Continuing To Ride Gore’s Dead AGW Horse
Exploiting Nature’s Variability For Political  Purposes


Sharpton Abusing Twana: The Path To Your Own MSNBC Show

Fox Nation's 'Scandalous: 

The Mysterious Case of Tawana Brawley' goes in-depth on the lie that made Al Sharpton famous
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
““Scandalous: The Mysterious Case of Tawana Brawley” covers the entire story, from events leading up to the alleged incident to the defamation suit filed against Brawley and her attorneys by former Dutchess County prosecutor Steven Pagones -- who had been falsely accused of raping the black teen.”
Blasey-Ford: Shades Of Twana And The UVa-Girl
Hillary “Lets the Dogs Out” and Then Embraces Sharpton
We’re known by the race-baiting friends we keep:




Righteous Indignation: Saudi – Iran – Turkey - US

Righteous Indignation Reality:
In1979 Righteous Jimmy Carter aided and abetted the ouster of The Shaw of Iran and the installation of the Ayatollah Khomeini and thereby unleashed a monster upon not only the people of Iran and the MidEast but the world.  All in the name of ‘doing what’s right’.
Russia has recently killed their dissidents with nerve gas in England.  The UK and US are meeting with Putin this week in Brazil and Germany is completing a natural gas line to Russia as we write.
The hills are currently alive with consternation and Righteous Indignation over the brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal  Khashoggi by Saudi operatives in Turkey.
Some are demanding major changes in US policy toward the Saudi’s – shades of the Jimmy Carter Shaw-Khomeini debacle are in the making again.
Turkey’s Erdogan is The major instigator of retribution in this drama.  Erdogan is simply ‘carrying water’ for his buddy Putin who is fomenting chaos in the MidEast at every opportunity.
Would You Buy A Used Car From Erdogan Or WaPo?
Hopefully cooler, clearer and brighter heads will prevail.

Turkey Embraces Radical Islam Becoming A NATO Renegade
Obama Legacy: Turkey Joins Russian Military Club

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Liberal-Atheists Mock White House Christmas

Bashing Melania Trump for White House Christmas decorations latest sign of media hypocrisy,
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“First Lady Melania Trump unveiled the White House’s Christmas décor on Monday and – for the second year in a row – she is being attacked, mocked and even vilified for the people's house’s holiday furnishings,”
““The War on Christmas has evolved into more of the media’s War on Trump,” fumed Media Research Center vice president Dan Gainor.”
In What weird and strange world is This:

Superior in any way to This? Really?
First lady Melania Trump brushed off criticism of her latest White House Christmas decorations and invited everyone to check them out in person during an appearance at Liberty University on Wednesday.
Apparently the change in the White House occupants from pseudo-muslims to Christians is not OK with the liberals and atheists and PravdaMedia.
The Prayer Breakfast Contrast: Pseudo-Muslim Obama And Christian Trump
The “War On Christians” Continues Unabated


More Border Migrant Blatant Propaganda

10,000 Invaders (Division Size Force) At Southern Border

Way More Invaders than Santa Anna Had At The Alamo;
And this is just the first wave.

Roanoke Times, AP, 11-27-2018, Pg 1, 4: Trump defends use of tear gas
The PravdaMedia continues their narrative that there are just small quiet friendly lawful broods of pathetic mothers with children at the Tijuana San Diego border and using tear-gas to disperse those charging the fence is dastardly.  Really?
Mexico’s Interior Ministry said around 500 migrants tried to “violently” enter the US.
Where is that in this pabulum journalism piece of slanted blatant propaganda?
And why not a single word of Obama's border patrol using tear gas to repel those charging the border during his reign?

Tear gas used once a month at border under Obama -- No Problem Then!
“The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration, according to Homeland Security data.”
RT Editors:  Give yourselves another DANO Trophy - you really deserve it for this ongoing pathetic propaganda tripe!
Migrant Attack On Our Border Aided By A Seditious Democrat Senator

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Obama’s Government Motors Laying-Off And Shutting Down

The personification of Hypocrisy
Democrats opining that Trump may give GM directions.

But: They had no problem making Obama GMs CEO!

More Obama Legacy!
General Motors to lay off 15 percent of workers, shutter 5 plants in North America
“"GM is actually a tad late to adjusting its product line and production capacity to the dramatic car to utility shift. Ford and Fiat Chrysler already revealed their plans to largely abandon traditional cars," Krebs added.”
Obama’s Government Motors has products the ‘free market’ is Not buying!  Why is that?
* It’s because the Obama-GM-Team implemented the Obama-View of what Government Motors should be making, Not what the 'free' market wants.
* Making small cars for a SUV Pick-Up market-place is a plan for failure!
* The demand for small electric and hybrid models are off-set by low gasoline prices and customers who want a bigger, roomer, safer ride.
* Obama was going to use the CAFÉ federal fuel standards to force automakers to make the cars he and his minions wanted.  Trump exposed the lies and distortions in those ‘standards’ and did not renew them.
Trump Exposing Obama’s Auto Mileage CAFE Boondoggle
* The American people do Not believe that man-made CO2 is generating catastrophic climate changes in-spite-of the Gore-PravdaMedia onslaught of biased and slanted data by those who are paid to generate that narrative.
The Goreites Continue Their AGW-Alarmism
Reality: thousands of workers are now paying for Obama's Government Motors folly!  How sad is that!
Obama The GM CEO Keeps Abusing Others
In a bid to boost flagging auto sales, the federal government will pay for any warranty repairs on a General Motors or Chrysler vehicles
Obama orders government to buy more GM cars!

Monday, November 26, 2018


Migrant Attack On Our Border Aided By A Seditious Democrat Senator

The gross Slant of the Roanoke Times on display again:
RT, AP, Pg N&W 1:  US agents fire tear gas at caravan migrants, “after a group of migrants pushed past Mexican police”
Buried down in the fine print:
Mexico’s Interior Ministry said around 500 migrants tried to “violently” enter the US.
says migrants who tried to rush US border will be deported

“About 500 migrants on the Mexican side of the border (violently) overwhelmed police blockades near the San Ysidro Port of Entry on Sunday”
“US Customs and Border Protection said the migrants threw projectiles that struck several agents (on US side of border).
"Border Patrol agents deployed tear gas to dispel the group because of the risk to agents' safety," the agency said on Twitter.”
Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz deletes tweet suggesting 'chemical weapons' used at US-Mexico border
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, tweeted Sunday that the use of tear gas against Central American migrants who attempted to enter the U.S. illegally may have been a violation of international agreements governing the use of chemical weapons”
What kind of ‘American’, especially a US Senator, denigrates his country with such an outlandish, false and dangerous claim?
This is not just irresponsible – it’s Seditious!
Is this what the ‘new and improved’ Democrat Party looks like?
It appears that the new Mexican President’s team is working on a plan to secure the Mexican side of the border after he takes office.
“President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's transition team, the newspaper said the agreement would break with long-standing asylum rules and mount a new obstacle to Central American migrants attempting to reach the United States”
Where’s The ‘New Alamo’ Facing The ‘Caravan Invasion’?
US-PravdaMedia Embraces The 7000-Hondurans Invasion Force

Sunday, November 25, 2018


100-year Chill But The Goreites Continue Their AGW-Alarmism

11-26-2018 The Gore AGW Global Warming Continues:
Snow: 1,200+ flights canceled as storm snarls busy post-Thanksgiving Sunday
“the Midwest, where a winter storm was bringing snow, ice and rain to a swath of the Great Plains and Midwest. Blizzard conditions were possible Sunday across parts of Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin.”


Cold temperatures set regional records for Thanksgiving
AccuWeather Alert: Coldest Thanksgiving since 1871
CNN: The coldest Thanksgiving in over a century
Obama’s Imbedded Goreites In EPA Publish Dire Over-the-top Warnings During 100-Year Cold-Spell
Government climate report warns of worsening US disasters
Not only are Obama’s Imbeds in EPA totally out of line saying there is cause-effect between man-made CO2 and current weather events, but Mother Nature has made a sham out of their timing.
There is no scientific work that has demonstrated that the 1-degree natural warming during the past 100-years is related to man-made CO2 weather and even the UN’s IPCC does Not support those suppositions.
Coldest Thanksgiving In Decades – Where’s Gore?
Yet More Man-made Sea-Level Rise Tripe
Tree-Huggers Oppose Mitigating Wildfires
Record Cold And Oceans OK ClimateGate 5.0

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Crooked Hillary Denigrates The American People Again

Clinton in an interview with The Guardian
““The whole American system was designed so that you would eliminate the threat from a strong, authoritarian king or other leader and maybe people are just tired of it. They don’t want that much responsibility and freedom. They want to be told what to do and where to go and how to live … and only given one version of reality.”
Talk about denigrating the American People.
The American People are so ignorant and lazy and indifferent that they don’t care about our freedoms and responsibility! They’re just sheep being led by a Judas Goat!   Really?
Sounds like Hillary has morphed into one of those bad-actor characters in ‘1984’ or perhaps Fahrenheit 451.
Hillary’s immersion into pulp-fiction clearly doesn’t jive with the reality of the prior 8-years of ever increasing socialism and government control and dependence compared to the immediate past 2-years of embracing the American Free Enterprise System.
People are throwing off the veil of Obama-dependence and embracing the opportunity to work and participate in our free society.
A chilling thought: she was almost ‘our’ president!
The personification of the Obama-Bernie Socialistic premise:
(note: The girl with the hammer is a Republican)
Click to View the '1984' Apple Ad Video (sound on):


Coldest Thanksgiving In Decades – Where’s Gore?

Thursday was the coldest Thanksgiving in decades (1996) for most of the Northeast, the result of an Arctic blast of air that's pushing temperatures 15 to 25 degrees colder than a year ago.

Amazingly cold ‘wind-chill’ graphic
Global Temperature and Climate Reality:
CO2 is at a 100-year High (300 of the 400 ppm is natural)
2018 Started out COLD and is ending COLD.
Is CO2 making it Colder or Warmer or Not a factor?
Natural Temperature and Climate Change – the only kind so far!
Cartoonist View of Obama-Gore Man-made Global Warming  AGW

2018 Started Cold -- Ending Looks Cold Too

Canadians Building Their Own Wall to
Prepare For Freezing Anti-Trump Refugees


Norwegians Sending Their Best IceBreaker to help



Friday, November 23, 2018


Yet More Man-made Sea-Level Rise Tripe

Roanoke Times, 11-23-2018, Pg N&W3:  Rising sea levels in NJ imperil lighthouses.  A Rutgers Prof claims lea levels have risen 1.3-feet in past 100-years.
Rutgers University professor and leading expert on climate change and sea level rise. That is a faster pace than for the past 2,000 years combined, he said.
What a despicable misrepresentation of science and reality!
Not one word that it’s all about land subsidence (sinking) being greater than the average natural sea level rise!
This Rutgers Prof should have checked with his associates at:
Rutgers Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
“Sea level is rising faster at the New Jersey shore than the global average because of land subsidence (sinking). Between 1 and 1800 AD when global sea level was stable, sea level on the Jersey shore rose at an average rate of about 0.6 inches per decade.”
I graduated from Rutgers in 1960 with an Engineering Degree --- since then they must have changed the criteria to be a Prof!
Apparently it now includes being a member of the Gore-Mann AGW-fraternity!
Sea Level Rise And AGW Fake-News '1984-DoubleSpeak'

Venice And Hampton Roads Sinking Faster Than Oceans Rising
The ‘Scientific’ American - Not Very Scientific
Record Cold And Oceans OK ClimateGate 5.0


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