The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Monday, December 31, 2018


Happy New Year 2019


Click to Enjoy the Beautiful
 Music, Video And Message by Sissel
Auld Lang Syne
The title of the Scottish tune translates to "times gone by"
and is about remembering friends from the past
 and not letting them be forgotten.
Despite its strong association with New Year's Eve,
 "Auld Lang Syne," written by Robert Burns in the 1700s,
 was never intended to be a holiday song.

Sunday, December 30, 2018


Self-defense Still A Valid Legal Defense In Florida

Florida politician shoots intruder who crashed vehicle into another house while fleeing cops, police say
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Williams, armed with a gun, confronted Vasquez-Perez in his garage. The suspect attempted to push past and punch Williams, who then pulled the trigger, striking Vasquez-Perez twice.
Williams will not face charges in the incident because he acted in self-defense, police said.”
Palmetto city Florida commissioner Brian Williams
Commissioner Williams was born in Winchester, Virginia.
Police ‘Discretion’ in this case is totally valid.
Not clear the outcome if this occurred in NY, Cal or some another Socialist State.
The Latest Outrageous Obama-judge
Cop-killer (Black Panther) Mumia Abu-Jamal granted appeal, spurring outrage from widow of slain police officer
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)

Self-Defense Not ‘Stand Your Ground’
Teach Your Daughter To Shoot


Judges Major Contributors To Border Deaths And Suffering

“Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.”
The Judges have spoken – you migrants head for the unprotected remote border areas to illegally cross into the US instead of the nationally recognized ‘ports of entry’ that are close to immigrant processing, emergency medical help and basic accommodations facilities.
Two young migrants have died recently crossing at points a full 8-hour drive, over dirt desert roads, from any meaningful help or processing.
Over 16 years, the Border Patrol documented (those they found) 6023 deaths in the four states bordering Mexico, (that includes all of Obama’s terms – didn’t hear about that during his timeframe)
What a pathetic situation when the US judges (small j) direct these poor people to the most inhospitable and dangerous areas of our southern border to suffer major deterioration and many deaths.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year --- Your Honors.
Any wonder that 90% of the American People are in-contempt-of the courts!
PravdaMedia Exploiting Child’s Death
Migrants At The Border Intruders At Your Door
Where’s The ‘New Alamo’ Facing The ‘Caravan Invasion’?
Trump puts blame for child deaths at border on Democrats


Roanoke Times Embraces Voting Fraud And ID Theft

"PAC looks to flip control of Montgomery County Board of Supervisors
The campaign manager behind Democrat Chris Hurst’s state House victory last year is turning his attention toward two Republican-occupied seats on the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors."
How pathetic!  Big flowery and positive RT article about a campaign manager at the center of absconding with 40,000 RU and VT voter ID files that were then used to exploit these unwitting student victims.
Apparently the Roanoke Times chooses to support and reward voter fraud and student ID theft and malfeasance!
How sad is that?  Anything for their Democrat Minions!
Imagine the hue and cry by the PravdaMedia IF a Republican did that
Claytor Not Happy With Today’s Roanoke Times

Del. Hurst’s Hypocritical Privacy Bill
Chris Hurst Employs Most Egregious Political Hypocrisy of 2017
Election Fraud: It’s The Democrats Not The Russians


Friday, December 28, 2018


Obama Legacy: No US Defense Against Putin’s Missiles

Roanoke Times, Pg N&W 3:  New Putin Hypervelocity Missiles cannot be intercepted
(Note: tiny print buried in the back, wouldn't want to highlight such an apocalyptic Obama Legacy)
8-years of Obama Legacy that implemented the US Military Sequestration and thereby ‘played nice with Putin’ and put the American People and Country at risk!  And all the while running the debt up to $20-Trillion for his 'dependent society' at the expense of National Security.
Not to worry – remember ‘The Cold War was over’ as Obama explained to the American people and mocked Romney during the debate to the delight of the left-wing and PravdaMedia.
Click to watch this pathetic and dangerous event in our National Defense History:

Obama Reminiscent of pre-WW2 when the ‘consensus’ was aircraft carriers were useless against battle ships and Japs couldn’t fly because of their eye structures.  All that bull laid to massive waste on just one Sunday morning!
The Democrats thrashed Regan’s SDI ‘StarWars’ that was declared by the Democrats to be not only Not necessary but a joke.
Obama Burned Reagan’s “Star Wars” And Now We Need Support
What a contrast to all those Hawaii Democrats who crawled up their backsides when they thought there were North Korean missiles incoming!
Hawaii Nuclear Panic: Obama’s Nuclear Attack Legacy
There seems to be no end to the Pathetic Obama Legacy of unilateral disarmament.
Old adage: those who pound their swords into plows—will plow for those who didn’t.
Trump has made major strides to fund the Military, get a focus on the real major threats and establish a Space Force to protect our vital satellites and defensibly attack those intercontinental and 'sleeping' war-heads that are in fact 'in space' and incoming!
Obama’s Pathetic Response To Russian Cold War Revival


Let Legal Pot Fund ‘The Wall’

Roanoke Times, 12-28-2018, Pg 1:  Legal cannabis brings in $10.4 BILLION
Great!  Let’s have Pot Fund ‘The Wall’ with just half of its revenue!
Major Positive Side-effect:
Cut way down on illegal pot from across the Mexican border thereby giving US Pot a Monopoly!
Democrats would Love a US Pot Monopoly!
They’re so into business!
The New Timothy Leary "Turn on, tune in, drop out"


Another Sanctuary Illegal-Migrant Cop Killer

Yet more Obama-Sanctuary-Judges and Moon-beam Brown embracing some of the worst animals on our streets with total embraces by Pelosi-Schumer’s anti-wall and catch-and-release jihad!
Sheriff: Suspected cop killer 'should have been reported to ICE'
(but was prevented from doing so by Cal. Jerry Brown’s Sanctuary Law)

View Sheriff’s YouTube press briefing:


California illegal immigrant ‘cop-killer’ may have ties to violent gang accused of murders, human smuggling
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
““Sureños are a group of Mexican-American street gangs with origins in southern California (south of Bakersfield),” reads a profile on the group in a police gang recognition guide. “The gang has allegiance to the [California] prison gang, Mexican Mafia, aka “La Eme”.
Ten alleged members of the Sureños gang were charged in April for their suspected roles in seven murders in the Bay Area dating back to 2006, the Los Angeles Times reported.”
The face of the Sanctuary laws, politicians and judges:
cops ‘frustrated’ with sanctuary laws stopping them from working with ICE over twice-deported criminal

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)

Surenos street
gang tied to accused California cop killer has history of murder, extortion, trafficking

“The Surenos gang’s tentacles have spread from Southern California to other parts of the U.S. with members engaged in a number of crimes, including murder, extortion, narcotics trafficking, prostitution, human smuggling and robbery.”
Democrats Strive To Put ICE on Ice
Sanctuary Cities ‘1984-DoubleSpeak’
Northam Votes For Sanctuary Cities
Whatever happened to Bill Clinton’s:
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”


Election Fraud: It’s The Democrats Not The Russians

The Real Election Fraud and Abuse will Not be found in the Muller Trump-derangement-syndrome ‘report’.
Liberal billionaire apologizes for funding 'false flag' effort to link Kremlin to Republican in Alabama Senate race
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Liberal Silicon Valley billionaire Reid Hoffman issued an apology on Wednesday for funding a group that falsely tried to give an impression the Russian government was supporting Alabama Republican Roy Moore in last year’s Senate election against now Dem Sen. Doug Jones.”
Ballot Harvesting Fraud In California MidTerm Is Sedition
“Passed as a barely noticed change in the state’s vote by mail procedures in 2016 and signed by then-Governor Jerry Brown, California’s AB 1921 allows voters to give any third party — not just a relative or someone living in the same household, as was previously the law — to collect and turn in anyone else’s completed ballot.”
Chris Hurst Employs Most Egregious Political Hypocrisy of 2017
“Radford University and Virginia Tech turned over documents containing personal information, including names, addresses and cellphone numbers of about 40,000 current students, to progressive political group NextGen Virginia, which is working to boost voter turnout among college students in the Nov. 7 election.”
Widespread Voter Fraud A Myth! Really?
“The Reality is that in-addition-to the regular Democrat machine “illegal” voting by dead people, people voting multiple times, people voting across voting districts and states there is the massive issue of illegal immigrant non-citizen voting that is currently aided and abetted by the Sanctuary-Courts.”
The Real Election Collusion: Hillary And The DNC
“This ‘dossier’ (of lies and distortions) was used initially by Crooked-Hillary to undermine Trump’s campaign and then was used to ‘justify’ the FBI to initiate the so called ‘Trump Collusion” Investigation Jihad.”

Thursday, December 27, 2018


What If There Was A Christmas Riot In Roanoke And Nobody Knew?

Something about a tree falling in the forest and no sound.
National and International news outlets covered the 200-person brawl at the Star City Skate Center in Roanoke.

Couldn’t find it in the Thurs RT and finding it on their web site required very specific search words.
Why lack of coverage not clear, however, could be the embarrassment of having the Virginia AG here for a ‘anti-violence-thing’ just last week.
"Song ignites 200-person brawl at Virginia skating rink, witnesses say
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
A Virginia roller skating rink erupted into chaos over the weekend after 200 teenagers and some adults began brawling.
And witnesses say the massive fight was sparked by, of all things, a song."
Police investigating brawl at Star City Skate
Perhaps this started as a ‘flash mob’ of Christmas Carolers singing
Silent Night or
Let There Be Peace on Earth or
O Holy Night
But then the Anti-Christ in Christmas mob showed up?
Perhaps they joined in with
GrandMa Got Run Over By A Reindeer
And then the riot started
Not to be outdone by Roanoke, Manhester Conn. Held a 300-mob Christmas Riot:
'Mall brawl' involving hundreds of youths yields 4 arrests: 3 adults and 1 teen
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Police responded to a call around 6 p.m. that a brawl that had broken out at the Buckland Hills Mall in Manchester, Conn., Hartford's FOX 61 reported. There were reportedly several disturbances at once in the mall, totaling as many as 300 people. Police said most of those involved in the fighting were teens.”
Gee Toto, I don’t think we’re in America anymore!
Times SongFest ‘Let’s Take Christ Out Of Christmas”

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Merry Christmas 2018

Keeping Christ in Christmas through music
Sissel Kyrkjebø - Silent Night - A beautiful voice!
Sissel Kyrkjebø – Oh Holy Night in Norwegian  -- O Helga Natt 
“Little Bolero Drummer Boy” by the ORU Orchestra & Guests
Silent Night in German (Stille Nacht) -Dresden choir. (Dresdner Kreuzchor)
The original lyrics of the song "Stille Nacht" were written in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria by the priest Father Joseph Mohr. The melody was composed by the Austrian headmaster Franz Xavier Gruber. It was first published and performed in 1818

Monday, December 24, 2018


Liberal Democrats Playing The Anti-Christian Card At Christmas

Dems challenge Trump judicial nominee over Knights of Columbus membership

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, raised concerns about Omaha-based lawyer Brian Buescher's membership as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee's review of his nomination by President Trump to sit on the U.S. District Court in Nebraska, as first reported by the Catholic News Agency.”
“Kathleen Blomquist, a spokesperson for the Knights of Columbus, blasted the questions by Hirono and Harris as a throwback to past anti-Catholic rhetoric.
“Our country’s sad history of anti-Catholic bigotry contributed to the founding of the Knights of Columbus, and we are proud of the many Catholics who overcame this hurdle to contribute so greatly to our country,” she told the CNA.
Blomquist added: “We were extremely disappointed to see that one’s commitment to Catholic principles through membership in the Knights of Columbus—a charitable organization that adheres to and promotes Catholic teachings—would be viewed as a disqualifier from public service in this day and age.””
Would these Liberal Democrats question Muslim candidates over their Muslim religion and associated organizations?  We think NOT!
It’s noteworthy that none of the media anti-Christ, anti-Christmas, anti-Easter bobbling-heads ever chose to express anti-Muslim comments in-spite-of Sharia's conflicts with American beliefs and laws.
Apparently these ‘Brave anti-Christ Crusaders’ have reflected on the Charlie Hebdo event and chosen to just focus on the docile meek Christians --- no risk bullying them!
Kerry Justifies Charlie Hebdo Attack By Radical Muslim Terrorists
Dec 12, 2018:  Attack at Christmas market in French city kills 3, wounds 12
Christians And Christianity Still Under Attack
The Fake War
Roanoke Times SongFest ‘Let’s Take Christ Out Of Christmas”

Saturday, December 22, 2018


Ending The Afghan Expeditionary War

Roanoke Times, 12-22-2018, Pg N&W 1, 3: Afghan generals worry about US withdrawal.
“Trump had campaigned for president on a promise to end the Afghan war, which has already cost Americans nearly $1 trillion. More than 2,400 American soldiers have also died in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.”
14,000 US troops still in Afghanistan after 17-years of our blood and treasure!
The reality is that the Afghan government has failed to win the hearts and minds of their people.  Compounding the problem is the reality that this is a fractured society (another case of diversity death syndrome), a militant tribal society, conflicting Sunni Shia religions all compounded by great outside forces from Iran and Pakistan.
The US military command is understandably very disturbed with Trump’s decision to start a major withdrawal.  They have asked and commanded our troops to give their all to this endeavor.
The bitter pill: yet another war without a clear and concise win!
The prognosis is not bright for the people of Afghanistan.
Democrats just shut-up already – you had your turn at bat!
Obama’s Good Afghanistan War A Mess
Obama’s “Good” Afghanistan War Gone Bad
Obama Apologizes To Radical Muslim Killers Of US Troops


Syria Withdrawal The Obama Legacy

The result of Obama’s ‘lead from behind’ decisions is that Syria is now dominated by Putin, Turkey and Iran with their major ground forces and land and sea bases and the latest anti-aircraft systems.
These are the fruits of Obama’s tenure --- NOT Trump!
The Syrian BottomLine: Obama gone – Assad still there!
Message to Democrats: just shut-up already – you had your turn at bat!
Going forward with 2,000 US troops on the ground and needing to ask for permission to fly in Putin’s no-fly-zone is NOT a plan for success going forward!
We killed as many ISIS as possible; the remainders have moved into the bombed-out homes of a decimated population.
Trump is right to withdraw US troops from Syria
The Obama Syrian Legacy:
Highlights of Obama’s Full Retreat From Syria
Obama’s Foreign Policy: The Perfect Storm Of Incompetence
Obama Sends Equivalent One-third Of Richmond Cops To Syria
The People Of Syria --- “Oh the Humanity”

Friday, December 21, 2018


Migrants At The Border Intruders At Your Door

12-22-2018:  Congress searches for deal to end partial government shutdown
Why do we need a ‘barrier’ at the border?

Why do we need a door with a lock at our home entry?
With no effective border barrier migrants can step into the US.  With the Democrat-Kennedy Law they then are catch-and-released into wherever they want to go within the US, with some returning for a hearing in two to three years.
Suppose the same rules applied to home intruders breaking into your home.
The cops come but instead of arresting them, they give the intruders a court appearance order due in two to three years.
The intruders then have full occupancy of your house!
Maybe they’ll go to the hearing in two years, maybe not.
It’s nice in your house – lots of good reasons to stay.
If it turns out that they are violent, they will be shielded by a sanctuary law.
If you object, you are labeled a really bad person.
Anyone see a problem here?
Migrant March Morphs Into Extortion and Black-Mail
Obama-Kennedy Illegal Immigration Pandemic Continues

Thursday, December 20, 2018


A Pathetic Meeting On Roanoke Crime Pandemic

Va. Attorney General comes to Roanoke to talk about ‘hate crimes’.
That’s Roanoke’s BIG  crime problem --- Really?
For its size category – Roanoke has one of the highest crime rates not just in Virginia but in the country and the ‘hate’ thing is trivial compared to the long-ongoing total crime pandemic.
Apparently the good news is that the Roanoke Times, ACLU and BLMers didn’t turn the whole thing into a trash the cops fest!
If this is the Va. AG and Roanoke leadership’s anti-crime focus, there’s little hope for improvement and particularly the black community will continue to suffer the most and lose the most.
How sad!  Shades of Chicago and other sad examples.
Attorney general, civic leaders talk in Roanoke about hate crimes
Google:  Roanoke  virginnia  crime
“Roanoke, VA crime analytics. With a crime rate of 46 per one thousand residents, Roanoke has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 22.”
Roanoke, VA Crime Rates
Roanoke Times To SpearHead Anti-Violence Action
Roanoke Times: Violent Crime “Uptick” – Really?
Is There Justice In Roanoke “A Crime Capital In Virginia”?
Many Roanoke Murders Go Cold
2006:  Dangerous Roanoke

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


The Obama-FED’s Resist Actions

12-22-2018: US Economy grew at 3.4% in 3rd-Qtr 2018
Roanoke Times, 12-18-2018, Bus Pg 6:  DOW plunges again while Fed raises rates again
For eight long years the Obama-FED keep rates at virtual zero!
Now they are greeting Trump with the fourth rate increase this year!
Obama maintained that his $20-trillion debt was Not a problem.  Of course not, not with interest rates at Zero!
Obama’s Zero rates have been a disaster for seniors who instead of reaping reasonable returns on their savings – seniors have been eating their seed corn – depleting those savings.
Obama And FED Forcing Retired People InTo The Poverty Society

But alas, now that Trump’s economy is gaining ground on 8-years of economic malaise, with no significant inflation in sight, the FED is raising rates that stifles consumer spending, housing investment and business expansion, all accompanied by major hits to the stock market.
Apparently Obama’s FED-Resist Movement is getting ready for the 2020 election season!  You Think?

CNBC: The Fed thinks it's safe to keep hiking rates — it's wrong,
World stock markets dive
as Trump attacks 'crazy' US rate hike
suffers heavy losses and sell-off drags FTSE 100 into a correction

Federal Reserve hikes interest rates but cuts its outlook for US economy in 2019

Of course the economy is going to ‘slow-down’ with four interest rate hikes this year and more to come in 2019!
I added 4-tons to the load -- we’re slowing down – wonder why?


A New York CongressWoman Walks Into A Bar

Jack walked into a sports bar around 9:58 pm. He sat down next to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the bar, and both looked up at the TV as the 10:00 news came on. The news crew was covering a story of a man on a ledge of a large building preparing to jump.

Alexandria turned to Jack and said, "Do you think he'll jump?"

Jack said, "You know what, I bet he will."
Alexandria replied, "Well, I bet he won't."
Jack placed $30 on the bar and said, "You're on!"

Just as she placed her money on the bar, the jumper did a swan dive off of the building, falling to his death. She was very upset and handed her $30 to Jack, saying,
"Fair's fair... Here's your money."

Jack replied, "I can't take your money, I saw this earlier on the 5 o'clock news and knew he would jump."

Alexandria replied, "I did too; but I didn't think he'd do it again."

Jack took the money. Alexandria went back to represent New Yorkers at the US Congress....


Comey: Trump’s Fault FBI Degraded

Comey slams Trump, 'shameful' House Republicans after 2nd Capitol Hill meeting
After the Monday meeting with Congress, Comey was flailing at those who simply wanted some straight answers.
Why did Hillary and her gang get mass immunity instead of grand juries, subpoenas under oath, and indictments for malfeasance in the cases of the Top Secret Emails, massive foreign contributions to Hillary’s slush fund, and the 20% of US uranium ore to Putin?
Also, how did so many top leaders of the FBI participate in a political anti-trump jihad including the unethical launch of the ‘collusion’ investigation of a political candidate with false data presented to a FISA court?
Simple questions met by amnesia and evasion and hostility!
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
How can it be Trump’s fault that six of the top FBI leadership have been canned, replaced or reassigned deeper into the swamp?
These were Comey's Top Team -- Not Trump's!
Perhaps FDR’s “we have nothing to fear but fear itself” is No longer an operative concept!

Obama’s Contamination of FBI and DOJ and Mueller Team

FBI-#2-McCabe Out At Last! – What Took So Long?
FBI-Leadership Malfeasance And Obstruction of Justice?


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