The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Building The Wall Now

Supreme Court rules Trump administration can use Pentagon funds for border wall
“WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court cleared the way Friday for the Trump administration to tap billions of dollars in Pentagon funds to build sections of a border wall with Mexico.
The court's five conservative justices gave the administration the greenlight to begin work on four contracts it has awarded using Defense Department money.”
National defense money being used for national defense!
Why isn’t that a No-Brainer?
We are clearly being invaded through our southern border!
What are the four Obama-Judges thinking?
Apparently they and their families are tucked away in a nice safe enclave with no concerns about 12 to 20 million unknown illegal immigrants.
Talk about living in an ‘ivory tower’!
Just Build The Wall Already!
380 Sheriffs: Build The Trump, Obama, Hillary, Schumer Wall - Now
The “build the fence-wall” law was passed in 2006
Secure Fence Act of 2006
Obama, Hillary and Schumer all VOTED FOR THE FENCE-WALL LAW!


Va Black Caucus Hypocrisy At Jamestown

President Trump delivered remarks Tuesday at the 400th-anniversary ceremony of the Jamestown, Virginia colony and North America's first representative legislative assembly. Trump's full remarks:
List of venues and speakers for 400th anniversary events in Jamestown, Richmon
Va. Black Caucus announces boycott of Jamestown events over Trump's presence
Black Caucus Boycott Trump – Really?
Apparently they haven’t seen fit to boycott their Black Face Governor or their Black Face AG!   Talk about Hypocrisy!
This behavior reminiscent of the Congressional Black Caucus’ Reaction To Very Good Black Unemployment Data during Trump’s SOTU. (Sat on their hands and scowled).
Apparently the Black Caucus is not keen on Black employment or job opportunities.
Is It Time To Challenge The Race-Baiters?


The Real McAuliffe

RT Editorial: McAuliffe's book is worth reading
Actually it’s Not worth reading!
McAuliffe’s book is yet another example of a left-wing politician shirking his responsibility and calling other people Racist and more to deflect attention from his malfeasance.
The bottom line of the Charlottesville riots is that McAuliffe was the Governor – the chief law enforcement officer of Va – and he and his team’s miserable malfeasance in handling the riots resulted in death, injury and chaos. 
His incompetence should have been the focus of his book!
For a Real look at McAuliffe one should pursue (click through) the bibliography contained in:
McAuliffe Weds CNN In Conjugal Bliss  --  That’s worth reading!


There Are No ‘Free’ Lunches

House Dem says 500,000 children could lose free school lunch under a new Trump administration proposal
“More than 500,000 children could lose their automatic eligibility for free school lunches under the Trump administration’s new proposal to restrict broader access to food stamps, according to a letter from the House Education and Labor Committee chairman to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue.
Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., wrote in the letter that the committee was briefed on the policy and was given the estimate by the Agriculture Department’s Food and Nutrition Service on July 22.”
‘Suffer the little children Not’ is clearly the essence of American values (something about our US Christian Heritage).

However, Is this value being abused by a combination of those seeking to take advantage supported by those enabling the ‘taking’?
When entire schools and entire school districts are providing ‘free’ meals to ALL its students -- Perhaps it is time for some accountability!
Given that students have school issued ‘meal credit-debit cards’ there is No basis for any embarrassment about paying because students have no visibility into who is funding the cards.
The Roanoke Schools ‘free meals’ programs highlight the issue!
What has happened to the food-stamp money these families receive?
How much double-dipping are the taxpayers funding?
“Roanoke Times, 7-29-2015, Pg Va 1, 8:  Roanoke students qualify for free school food:
Students at 19 Roanoke schools could get free breakfast and lunch.
54% of students in Roanoke qualify for federal benefits.
75% or more qualify for state and federal benefits.
In 19 schools, the proposal is for all the students to receive free and reduced meals without any “paperwork” or justification.”
Starving Children Where Did Their Food Stamp Money Go?
The expanded student free-lunch program issues

Monday, July 29, 2019


The Democrat HealthCare Boondoggle

The HealthCare Democrats -- A bunch of Yahoo’s on the way to a Boondoggle:
Let’s throw the baby out with the bath-water!
The Obama-Democrats who rammed down our throats the failed and profoundly broken ObamaCare Boondoggle
are now telling us US HealthCare is a disaster and must be ‘fixed’ with schemes like MediCare For All.
News Flash:
Private insurance through employers plus worker paid-for MediCare plus individual policies plus MediCaid cover 90% of the American people.  An additional 5% are eligible just not enrolled.
Roanoke Times, 7-29-2019, Pg 1, 5: Health systems cover 90%
“WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s much-maligned health care system is covering 9 out of 10 people, a fact that hasn’t stopped the 2020 presidential candidates from refighting battles about how to provide coverage, from Bernie Sanders’ call for replacing private insurance with a government plan to President Donald Trump’s pledge to erase the Affordable Care Act and start over.
The politicians are depicting a system in meltdown. The numbers point to a different story, not as dire and more nuanced.
Government surveys show that about 90% of the population has coverage , largely preserving gains from President Barack Obama’s years. Independent experts estimate that more than one-half of the roughly 30 million uninsured people in the country are eligible for health insurance through existing programs.”
So the coverage available is actually 95% given the eligible 15-million signed-up and paid.
The Reality – our HealthCare systems have issues that need fixing – BUT – clearly the Democrats are Not the one’s to do the fixing and destroying our current system is criminal.
MediCare And Basic Income For Who?
BernieCare From The Vermont Socialist


Obama’s 2016 Election Collusion

Roanoke Times, 7-29-2019, Pg N&W 4: Ex-Fl Gov Never told about Russian Hackers in 2016
Reality:  The conduct, management and security of the 2016 'Federal' Election was Obama's Responsibililty!  Has his PravdaMedia ever highlighted that fact?
The real 2016 Election Collusion was clearly between Hillary and the Russians and Obama’s Troika and the Russians.
Hillary’s collusion was based on the massive multi-million dollar Russian contributions to her Slush Fund, the associated US Uranium give-away and the Russian Steele Dossier.
Obama’s Collusion was carried out by his Troika Team who did nothing to stop the Russian election propaganda and hacking activities and apparently did not warn others of the risks.
It appears that nothing was done because the Troika was busy trying to infiltrate and contaminate the Trump Election Team, hoping to entrap them into some form of election law violations connected to the Russians as part of the Coup of The President.
Russian Interference And Obama Team Malfeasance
Obama’s DOJ-FBI Attempted Coup d’etat’ Of Trump
FBI-Leadership Malfeasance And Obstruction of Justice?


Is It Time To Challenge The Race-Baiters?


Roanoke Times, 7-29-2019, Pg N&W 3:  Trump accuses Democrats of playing ‘the race card’
It is now the ‘in thing to do’ to call or label as Racist, Republicans who challenge or call-out people of color for their statements, actions and behaviors.
This stands in stark contrast to Not labeling or calling-out Democrats and others who clearly are using racism and race-baiting as a political ploy.
The current major theme of Democrats is to continue Obama’s focus on class and race divisiveness for political purposes.
Ignore the real issue – focus on the class and race!
Perhaps the Democrats who have run numerous US cities into the ground, and who exacerbate their city’s demise with Obama’s antiPolice jihad, are the current Uncle-Toms’ (living in really nice cabins while exploiting their own people for personal gain)!
Is that racist? – or – Is that The Reality?
Directly aiding and abetting this behavior is the PravdaMedia who never call-out or question Democrats about their racist or race-baiting actions but instead pile-on, expand and exploit the ruse.
Just a few of ‘The complicit media’ Race-Baiting examples:
Voter ID
Illegal Immigration
Crime in the Hood
Citizenship on Census
Biden at Danville with his ‘Republicans will put you-all back in chains”
Jessie Rainbow Jackson
Al Twana Sharpton
Obama and his anti-Police jihad
AG Holden and his race-baiting
AOC and her anti-Semitic gang
The Christian kid at the DC march
Just The start of a very long list
Perhaps we should all reread Uncle Toms’ Cabin and reflect on his ending in which he ultimately sacrificed himself for his fellow slaves.
Perhaps our current crop of Uncle Toms’ will ultimately change their ways and have some redeeming social value.
WSJ  Jason Riley: Playing the Race Card 
BTW’s views of the exploiters of ‘The Black Condition'
‘keeping the troubles .... advertising their wrongs’
CallOut A Democrat And You’re Racist

Sunday, July 28, 2019


CallOut A Democrat And You’re Racist

For a political party whose very existence was based in the Jim Crow, Literacy and Poll Tax Laws and Lynchings, the Democrats are now using the Race Card on anyone who calls-out a person of color for their statements and stances and actions.
Perhaps that is what is un-American and Racist!
Trump slams ‘brutal bully’ Elijah Cummings, claims his Baltimore district is ‘more dangerous’ than border
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Cumming[s'] District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place,”
Bernie Sanders blasted Baltimore as ‘Third World country’ and ‘disgrace’ in past comments
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders said during a visit to the city’s West Baltimore section in December 2015, the Baltimore Sun reported. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”
Nancy Pelosi backs Elijah Cummings, blasts Trump’s ‘racist’ Twitter attack
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., decried on Saturday what she described as a “racist” attack by President Trump on Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., -- after the president called the chairman of the House Oversight Committee a “brutal bully” and said his Baltimore district was “more dangerous” than the southern border.”
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh: "You can smell the rats!" 

Here’s Maryland’s State Senate President Mike Miller - who has been in power for THREE DECADES - calling Baltimore a “g**damn ghetto,” “shit,” and a “war zone.” 
Apparently Bernie calling out Baltimore’s pathetic conditions was Not Racist, and Mayor Pugh smelling rats was Not Racist, however, Trump’s statement was immediately labeled Racist.
Perhaps the Democrats who have run Baltimore into the ground and who exacerbate their city’s demise with Obama’s antiPolice jihad are the current Uncle-Toms’ (living in really nice cabins while exploiting their own people for personal gain)!
Is that racist? – or – Is that The Reality?
Baltimore Shootings And The Obama AntiPolice Jihad
Baltimore Mayor: Go Ahead And Burn It Down


MVP FUD And Heifer-Dust Flowing Into SML

The Anti-MVP Folks and their boosters in the media are now extending their FUD and Heifer-Dust into SML.
FUD = Fear Uncertainty Doubt
Heifer-Dust = (we all know what that is)
The RT and two papers in Franklin County have broadcast, with great intensity, that TWO construction timber-MATS have been washed by recent flood waters down-stream into SML.
Be Afraid – be very afraid!  Join the antiMVP jihad today!
Has anyone known lumber construction mats to be harmful to anything?
In fact a google search will result in contractor’s mats being required for wetland protections when construction is being done along a waterway or wetland.
These mats are made of the same lumber material from which docks
and the forms for pouring concrete are all made.
The major construction being done upstream from SML, that are a Real major issue to the lake, is being done by Virginia’s VDOT and is resulting in major stream and bank disruption, erosion and materials flowing into SML:
The Bridge replacement at Bay Roc at Roanoke River
The Bridge replacement on Rt-122 at Black Water River
The Bridge replacement on Brooks Mill Rd at Gills Creek
The removal of the Pig River dam in Rocky Mount resulted in massive erosion and debris that flowed into Leesville Lake.
The Reality of what flows down into SML is that the AEP and Lake Cleanup volunteers remove massive amounts of trees and flotsam every year and have done so for many years:
1,310 TONS in 2017  and 1,090 TONS in 2018
This clean-up is an ongoing major project that is a big issue for SML and has little or nothing to do with the MVP pipeline.
There are valid issues with the MVP pipeline.
These Two timber-mats are Not It!    Media – get a life!
Will Roanoke Times Collapse Without MVP Pipeline?
Anti-MVP Pipeline And Anti-Fracking Gas Efforts
MVP Obstructionists And The Obama-Judges
Stop WildFires With Fire-Breaks
Unfortunately we’re all too busy trying to obstruct the project in order to ‘see the forest for the trees’ and protect our beautiful Blue Ridge from becoming the Black Ridge.


July Cartoons

Cartoon source unknown --  but -- very insightful!


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