The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Happy New Year 2020


As a positive, bright and uplifting approach to
 Starting the New Year:
Click to Enjoy the Beautiful
 Music, Video And Message by Sissel
Auld Lang Syne
 (Sound On-Up  and Full Screen)
The title of the Scottish tune translates to "times gone by"
and is about remembering friends from the past
 and not letting them be forgotten.
Despite its strong association with New Year's Eve,
 "Auld Lang Syne," written by Robert Burns in the 1700s,
 was never intended to be a holiday song.


2019 Most Admired Man Disaster

What IF they held a competition for the Most Admired Man and Trump tied Obama?
What a disaster for the Democrats, the PravdaMedia and the anti-Trumpers!
How can a President that just got Pseudo-Impeached by Pelosi, the swamp mistress, tie Obama and his legacy and his massive PR circus?
This has to be true – you can’t make this ‘stuff’ up!
Trump and Obama are tied for 2019's most admired man in the U.S.


Outstanding Senatorial Woman Of 2020

Kelly Loeffler New Georgia US Republican Senator
“What people will learn about me is that I'm a proud patriot, a devoted wife, & a devout Christian. A life-long Republican who is unapologetically pro-2nd Amendment, pro-military, pro-wall, & pro-Trump. I am strongly pro-life & make no apologies for my conservative values. #gapol
What a contrast to the Democrat-PravdaMedia hyping and embracing AOC and her so called “squad”!
Who Has Promoted AOC Over All Others And Why?
The contrast with Left-wing Pathetic ‘1984 DoubleSpeak’


American Greatness Poll

Roanoke Times, 12-28-2019, Pg 7: Editorial: What was the greatest decade?
(Couched in condescending terms of Trump’s MAGA)
The results of the poll looks like a scatter plot.
Perhaps a better question would be:
What were the events in American History that personified America’s Greatness?
Hopefully the answers would highlight:
The American Revolution: 1775–1783
The American Constitutional Convention May to September 1787
The British Invasion: 1812 to 1815
The War Between The States 1861 to 1865
WW I: 1914 to 1918
The Great Depression 1929 to 1941
WW II: 1939 to 1945
The Cold War: 1945 to 1990
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Moon Landing 1962 to 1969
The Development of
   Transportation Systems
   Communications Systems
   Computational Systems
   Educational Systems
   Medical Care
Perhaps our American History classes could use Tom Brokaw’s book:
The Greatest Generation as a primary reference.
Perhaps Trump’s MAGA is not just a reflection upon the past but a call and challenge for Greatness going forward!
When considering America’s Greatness, perhaps folks in the Roanoke area might reflect on their own Bill Overstreet and his visit to Paris:


Monday, December 30, 2019


Anti-Semitic And Anti-Christian Attacks

Anti-Semitism has raised its ugly head again throughout the US:
In NY the violence is horrific over this holiday season.
NYC so called mayor de Blasio blames his sanctuary city’s anti-Semitic attacks on Washington (meaning Trump).
Clearly Trump has been the most pro-Jewish and pro-Israel President in our history and a major contrast to Obama’s pro-Muslim anti-Jewish actions and rhetoric.
After string of anti-Semitic attacks, de Blasio laments hatred 'emanating from Washington'
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio blames an "atmosphere of hate" for the recent increase in anti-Semitic attacks in his city and the surrounding areas, but in a Fox News interview, he passed at least some of the blame to the nation's capital.
… and at least eight incidents took place in Brooklyn earlier this month.
The family of the suspect in the brutal attack at a rabbi’s home during a Hanukkah celebration on Saturday night said in a statement that he has suffered from a long history of mental illness and has no known history of anti-Semitism.
The Trump View of Christians and Jewish Brotherhood
Christians also continue to suffer from the ongoing war against Christianity:
The Growing Anti-Semitic Virus In America
PravdaMedia Defiles Trump’s Respect And Support For Judaism
DC Council Member Blames AGW Snowfall On Jewish Bankers
Obama Gives Jews Pork For Hanukkah


Texas Churches No Longer ‘Gun-Free Killing Fields’

Police: 2 parishioners shot, killed Texas church gunman
“WHITE SETTLEMENT, Texas (AP) — Congregants shot and killed a man who opened fire in a church near Fort Worth, Texas, on Sunday, killing the attacker, police said.”
Texas Republican credits church security team, change in state law after shooting
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The deadly shooting inside a Texas church on Sunday prompted Republicans there to credit the changes in state law that permitted concealed firearms inside places of worship after it was revealed that the gunman was fatally shot six seconds after opening fire.”
Gun-Free Zones An Invitation To Psychopaths
Guns For Schools?
Realities Of The Parkland School Massacre
Democrats Continue Assault On 2nd Amendment

Saturday, December 28, 2019


Fairfax Schools Enabling More Street Radicals?

Washington Post   By Hannah Natanson   Dec. 26, 2019 
"One of the nation’s biggest school systems will let students take time off to protest. The conservative backlash has begun."
“Starting Jan. 27, Fairfax County Public Schools in Northern Virginia will permit students in seventh through 12th grades one excused absence each school year for loosely defined “civic engagement activities,” school system spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell said. Such activities might include marches, sit-ins or trips to Richmond to lobby legislators, said Fairfax School Board member Ryan McElveen, who introduced the policy.”
I have been informed by a member of the Fairfax School Board that: 
“in the actual language of the regulation --- A parent or guardian submits the request for participation in a civic activity, the activity is for part of a school day and the school system is notified of the parent or guardian’s intent.”
Very interesting ‘clarification’!
This clearly is not the content, tenor nor message contained in the Washington Post article that highlights marches, sit-ins and remote group lobbying including a very dynamic photo of student protesters in DC (parents nowhere in sight)!
I recommended that the School Board request a ‘do over’ by the Washington Post specifically quoting ‘the regulations’.
Did the Washington Post ‘spike this ball’ – or – is the Fairfax School Board having ‘activism remorse'?
Something about being on the ‘bleeding edge' of activism?
The left-wing, Liberal, Progressives who indoctrinate our students with their socialist ideology are celebrating their success by now turning their student-minions loose onto the streets to do their bidding.
“Civic Engagement Activities” certainly sounds like the antiFa radicals we now see on our college campus’ forcefully suppressing freedom of speech and assembly of all those who oppose their dogma.
Instead of free-ranging street-students, our schools should be focused on free and open student debate and sponsorship of the major competing issue-representatives in open and fair debate.
We need to develop critical thinkers Not pseudo-anarchists!
Something about Lincon-Douglass Debates of 1858.
The current antiFa Resist Gangs appear very similar to Mao’s Red Guards.
 “The Chinese Cultural Revolution was driven by the Red Guards, a mass movement encouraged and directed by Mao Zedong. They became Mao’s power base as he reinstalled himself as leader of both party and nation, while purging the party of his critics and competitors. Comprised mostly of fanatical students, the Red Guards (Hongweibing) began to take shape in June 1966, following the national publication of a student protest in Beijing University. Within weeks they had mobilized into a political militia, their numbers exceeding 10 million. Motivated by Mao’s slogans “It is right to rebel” and “Bombard the headquarters”, the Red Guards attacked anyone and anything they considered a threat to Mao or his socialist vision. Nobody was safe: not bureaucrats or administrators, not party chiefs, not provincial politicians, not even president Liu Shaoqi.
For a year these militant students created what Mao himself called a “great chaos under heaven””
Portland Under Resist Red Guards Siege
Teaching The Teachers The Communist Manifesto At Radford
New York Times Celebrates Karl Marx
 Krauthammer: American kids taught 'abnormal, anti-American' lessons 
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)



Botetourt Wind Farm Serious Issues

Wind farm will destroy forest in Botetourt County
 “So what’s the lesser of two evils: 25, 550’-high wind turbines and associated destruction within a Forest Conservation District, or 22, 680’-high turbines?”
These turbine-towers will be twice as tall as the Wells Fargo Tower in downtown Roanoke.
Mr Van Velzer clearly has done his homework on the adverse impacts to the local land and landscapes by the proposed Botetourt Wind Farm.
However, what’s not clear is what the 24-7 backup energy source is when the wind isn’t blowing in this intermittent system?
Today it’s coal and nuclear (neither are easily varied to suit the wind)  – tomorrow it might be the Fracking-Gas from the MVP pipelines, if, the pipeline-sitters and the Obama-judges finish their pathetic delays and hesitations that are causing significant environmental problems and landowner distress.
Something about hundreds of miles of open ditches, exposed dirt and erosion.  So much for real concerns about the environment!
Utility level energy is massive, expensive and has a big foot-print; the current alternatives aren’t compatible with modern society.  We could start shutting things down that have a large carbon-foot-print.  Some would vote to start with the Roanoke Times.
Dylan And Northam Singing ‘Blowing In The Wind’
Do they really shut-down the turbine-farms when they kill their quota of eagles?


Roanoke Times Embracing The MVP PipeSitters

Roanoke Times, 12-26-2019, Pg 1, 4: No Holiday for protesters
There’s hardly a day that the Roanoke Times doesn’t have a big featured positive story embracing and supporting the MVP PipeSitters!
One might wonder how that would work out IF a hand-full of AGW activists were to chain themselves to the RT’s doors, trucks and facilities in protest of the major negative carbon footprint the RT represents including the paper-tree decimation (remember it’s the trees that convert CO2 to oxygen), the major water and energy consumption in the production of paper and print, and the entire nasty vehicle distribution system.
The reality is that the pipeline-sitters and the Obama-judges are causing significant environmental problems and landowner distress.
Something about hundreds of miles of open ditches, exposed dirt and erosion.  So much for real concerns about the environment!
It is indeed pathetic that a program that went through years of due process is now kidnapped and held hostage by the Obama-Resist movement at the expense of the public and the environment.
The US is the world leader in reduction of our CO2 emissions primarily due to Fracking-Gas – how does this totally misdirected pipesitting and litigation effort help the environment or our people?
In Denial Of World Energy And AGW Reality

Friday, December 27, 2019


First Item For Senate Impeach Trial 'Quid Pro Joe'

The Democrats are insisting on ‘more’ evidence in the Senate Trial that they refused to view in the House Impeach Fiasco.
The First Item: The Reason For ‘The Phone Call’
It’s the ‘evidence’ Pelosi-Schiff refused to address

It’s the ‘evidence’ the PravdaMedia refuses to cover or expose to the public
Video To Play in Senate Trial and on National TV
(turn sound way-UP
This public confession isn’t just a ‘quid pro quo’ – it is criminal extortion!

The hypocrisy and dishonesty of the Democrats and their PravdaMedia is pathetic!
Let ‘The Trial’ begin!
Conan Retrieves Pelosi's Articles of Impeachment
Hunter Biden is subject of criminal probes
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Court Filing: Hunter Biden earned $156M from Ukraine corruption 
Joe Biden the Obstructionist and Congressional Contemptor

Biden says he won't comply with Senate subpoena in Trump's impeachment trial
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify in the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump, should one be issued to him.”


Roanoke Businessman Does Good

John Garland left Roanoke's council to get back to business, and business is good
“Former Roanoke City Councilman John Garland is back in his element as a developer.
In more than two years on council, Garland, accustomed to the efficiency of making his own decisions as owner of his own companies, chafed at the constraints of local government, and the politics, too.”
An inspiring story about the Entrepreneurial Spirit and its conflict with the constraints and headwinds of the small business environment right here in River City.
Is it a sign of change that this story could be included in the Roanoke Times after their warm embrace of the Obama antiBusiness Rant at Fire House #1?
At any rate – nice inspirational story of what makes America Great.
Roanoke Canonizing Wrong Old Fire House 
Forbes: How To Keep Your Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive
“Entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset. It’s an attitude and approach to thinking that actively seeks out change, rather than waiting to adapt to change. It’s a mindset that embraces critical questioning, innovation, service and continuous improvement. “It’s about seeing the big picture and thinking like an owner,” “


Lexington ‘A River Runs Through It’

Lexington embarks on a new design for Jordan's Point Park after dam removed
“Maury River is about 5 feet lower than it has been in more than a century.
A swath of land upstream from the dam has emerged from the water, and access ramps residents used for decades are now 4 feet too high.”
Lexington had an idyllic lake behind an old low-head dam in the Maury River.
A lake utilized by many local folks including the cadets at VMI.
Now they have a shallow rapidly running river 5-foot below the banks that bordered their lake.
All this advertised as progress and improved public safety.  Really?
Good luck swimming, wading and tubing in the shallow swift water river currents after one negotiates down the 5-foot embankment.
Not clear what the impacts will be in the River ecosystem from the change in water levels, velocity and cavitation, especially from high-water runoffs.
All change is Not progress no matter the flowery sales pitch provided.
Dam Removal, There’s Unintended Adverse Consequences, Really?

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Sissel - Silent Night
AULD LANG SYNE by Sissel - Happy New Year
Rejoice: ‘Merry Christmas’ Has Returned
In Reflection and Appreciation:
A special greeting and shout-out to Michelle and her college friend Townes-Whitley.
Nothing says Merry Christmas like a $678-Million NO-BID ObamaCare contract!
'Snopes' vigorously denies there was anything inappropriate with this contract.
And 'Snopes' would never put any positive spin on an Obama negative story!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


White House Invitations Obama vs Trump-

Maxine Waters says Trump will invite Putin to the White House if the Senate doesn't remove him
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
California Gurls  Katy Perry  Snoop Dog 
What’s wrong with inviting Putin to the White House?
Obama and Hillary loved Putin – remember the ‘Reset Button’ and the Millions Putin gave to Hillary’s Slush Fund!
We all remember Obama chastising Romney, for his anti-Putin statements, during the presidential debate; and Obama's 'I'll be more flexible after the election'!
The real issue with ‘who gets invited to the White House’ was Obama not just inviting but hosting The Muslim Brotherhood at the very time they we killing Israeli civilians and soldiers and decimating any chance of peace in the Middle East!
Obama White House Hosts Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood as Rocket Hits Israel
“A delegation of officials from Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood met with White House officials Wednesday, according to a White House spokesman who stated that “we have broadened our engagement to include new and emerging political parties and actors.””
White House Welcome: Trump-Putin vs. Obama-Muslim-Brotherhood
Obama’s Muslim Brothers In The White House
Muslim Brotherhood an 'organized terror group', Egyptian official says
Susan Rice Says Obama’s Security Failures Are “The White Guys” Fault


Trump Leadership Nets 100-MS-13’ers

MS-13 crackdown -- the largest ever in New York -- ensnares nearly 100 members, associates
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
New York prosecutors have announced the arrests Friday of nearly 100 members and associates of MS-13 in what officials say is the largest crackdown against the gang in the state’s history.
The developments come following a two-year investigation involving law enforcement from the local to the federal level in Suffolk County, one of the gangs’ longtime hotbeds.
Trump’s leadership over-powered NY’s Sanctuary-Insanity
Trump’s War on MS-13
US-PravdaMedia and Democrats Defending MS-13 Gangs
MS-13 Invades Henry and Bedford Counties Virginia


What Has Happened To Our Boeing?

Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg resigns
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Boeing has been a key-stone of American aviation, national defense and an economic power-house for over 100-years.
Is the aging Boeing Brain Trust getting rusty and sloppy?
The 737-Max is a total engineering embarrassment and boondoggle with no end in sight for air-worthiness recertification.
Something about two new planes down and hundreds dead.
The Boeing Starliner spacecraft failed to achieve the proper orbit to achieve rendezvous with the international space station and was parachuted down like a 1960’s mercury capsule.
Good news – only a dummy onboard.
These major failures are not just bad for Boeing and Seattle; they are major negative issues for America!
CEO Muilenburg’s replacement is Boeing Chief Financial Officer who will serve as interim CEO – Really???
The replacement CEO is the current Chief-Bean-Counter!
News Flash – Boeing’s problem is Not counting beans!
On the other hand, their problems may well be related to too few beans being planted-invested in the right places!
Perhaps Boeing should get its HQ from Chicago back to Seattle!
Hopefully Boeing will soon reconstitute its technical teams of designers, modelers, developers, testers and technical managers and get their act together!
MBGAS:  Make Boeing Great Again Soon!


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