The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Pathetic Biden Keeps Digging

New York Times says Biden camp's talking points 'inaccurately' describe their Tara Reade reporting
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The New York Times rebuked the Biden campaign on Wednesday, telling Fox News that the reported talking points that have been circulated to prominent Democrats "inaccurately" describe the paper's reporting on the candidate's accuser Tara Reade.”
NYT's Ben Smith: 'Ask Biden to open his personal papers to inspection' after sexual assault allegation
“New York Times media columnist Ben Smith called on presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden to "open his personal papers to inspection" regarding an allegation of sexual assault by former Senate staffer Tara Reade.
Smith, a former editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed, also called out "media decision-makers" for believing they can control whether Reade's story is worthy of coverage.”
If A Tree Fell On Biden


Sweden’s Covid-19 OnGoing Minimal Action Results

Sweden took the approach of minimal actions to confront the CoronaVirus attack.
Their outcomes appear to be far more negative than their neighbors Norway and Denmark who took significant restrictive actions.
More disturbing is the ongoing infections apparently have not ‘topped-out’.
It appears that restrictions and social distancing can help contain the spread and reduce the peak hospital load.
The PravdaMeida has finally started to notice.
Sweden says its coronavirus approach has worked. The numbers suggest a different story
Sweden’s Ongoing Covid-19
Has Sweden Gone Xenophobic?


Another Roanoke Times FakeNews Headline

Roanoke Times, 4-28-2020, Pg NandW 6: New York gun case gets tossed
The ruling threw out a challenge from gun rights groups.
Who writes these fake RT headlines? 
The real headline:
NY changed their anti-2nd Amendment Law to avoid defeat in SCOTUS! 
What got “Tossed” was the NY law that was clearly in violation of the 2nd Amendment!
Virginia will also be modifying some of the recent Northam anti-2nd Amendments Laws recently passed by the Bloomberg-Democrats.
Northam More Anti-2nd Amendment Laws

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


NBC ‘Outs’ $9.5-Million Federal Emergency Contract – Really?

The US is in a pandemic in which tens of thousands of Americans are dying and NBC is ‘disturbed’ that $9.5-million dollar contracts for vitally needed ventilators are being expedited by the White House.
One might think that this is a very very good thing – especially for all those whose lives hang on a ventilator!
Where was NBC when Michelle’s college bud got a $678-Million no-bid contract to do the (nonvital) ObamaCare website that turned out to be a total boondoggle for over a year of malfunctioning?
Talk about NBC PravdaMedia FakeNews and Slant and Bias!
Want a mask contract or some ventilators? A White House connection helps
Trump and his top aides have played favorites in awarding coronavirus contracts and allocating scarce resources.
“A month later, at the explicit request of the White House, Prestige Ameritech had a $9.5 million contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It then won another deal with the state of Texas and was given 50 National Guard members, deployed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, to work shifts at its suburban Fort Worth manufacturing facility.”
Obama-Hillary Investigations That Never Happened
“First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the no-bid contract to build the failed Obamacare website.
Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment   website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.”


Pelosi Continues Covid-19 FUD

The Democrats continue their jihad of Fear Uncertainty and Doubt to sow anxiety and fear in order to extend the negative impacts of the virus for political advantage.
They believe the longer the pain lasts, the more divisive seeds they can sow to Trump’s disadvantage.
Citing continued risk, leaders reverse course: House won't return next week after all
"We had no choice," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.
 “Amid warnings of continued risks from the pandemic and after several members complained, House leaders reversed course on Tuesday and announced the House will not return to Washington next week as expected.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer explained the move Tuesday morning, the opposite of what he told members on a Democratic Caucus conference call just the previous day.”
The Choice -- There Isn’t Any Choice


Hillary Gets Into Bed With Biden

Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden for president in virtual town hall
She was a “special guest” at a town hall focused on women and COVID-19.
“I'm really thrilled to have my friend, the former senator, and former secretary of state, and a woman who should be president of the United States right now: Hillary Clinton," Biden said during the event.”
Conspicuously absent and not mentioned was Tara Reade:

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Apr 27th CoronaVirus WH Briefing Focus: Testing

Apr 27th CoronaVirus WH Briefing 

The Monday Apr 27th WH Briefing was focused on Testing in support of the States plans to ReOpen America in stages that have now begun.
The Briefing featured industry leaders whose companies are focused on testing.
Businesses focused on the manufacturing of test materials and businesses focused on distribution and application of tests including neighborhood retail pharmacies.
The good news data indicates most hard-hit areas of the US have now ‘topped out’ of new infections and excess beds are now being archived and the good ship Comfort will soon return to Norfolk.
The Choice -- There Isn’t Any Choice


PravdaMedia Now Targeting CoronaVirus Scientists

It was inevitable that the PravdaMedia would start a major focus on separating Trump from the Task Force Scientists, Fauci and Birx,  and then devalue the Scientists themselves. This is necessary to aid and abet the DNC and the Biden minions in their election storyline that Trump did a bad job handling the virus and his entire team is incompetent.
Note the stark difference between the compliant-sheep at the Cuomo briefings compared to the nasty-PravdaMedia at the Trump briefings.
Example 1: no media person ever asked Cuomo why he spent the state’s ventilator money on a solar panel boondoggle thereby enabling a critical shortage when the virus hit NY!
And no one ever asks His Excellency why he didn’t take action to prevent NYC from becoming the epicenter of US infections and deaths!
Example 2: no media person asked Cuomo why NY officials encouraged people to go out and have fun in the crowds after Trump had imposed international travel restrictions.
CNN Attacks Birx:
Trump is driving Birx to a tough spot. It's about to get even tougher.
 “(CNN)Dr. Deborah Birx's balancing act between science and President Donald Trump's disinformation may be reaching the point of no return.
The coronavirus task force official has been caught in an unenviable spot, juggling her public health mission and reputation with the need to stay in the good graces of Trump, who has shown both a penchant for touting unproven therapies and a willingness to show his critics the exit.”
SNL Attacks Fauci:
Fauci's 'SNL' dream becomes Trump's nightmare
“(CNN)It must have been a nightmare for President Donald Trump. In early April, Dr. Anthony Fauci was jokingly asked on CNN's "New Day" who he would want to play him on "Saturday Night Live."”
The SNL folks are very talented -- the Tina Fey Palin thing really worked for them and the DNC. 
The ‘View’ Attacks Birx
Liberal ‘View’ hosts attack Dr. Birx for defending Trump: ‘She’s part of the problem’
“The liberal co-hosts of ABC News’ “The View” attacked White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx on Monday, calling her “part of the problem” for defending President Trump over his recent comments on disinfectants and bleach.
“The View” played clips of Birx downplaying recent comments that Trump made during a press briefing, when he appeared to suggest that disinfectants might have the potential to treat the coronavirus.”
The PravdaMedia Continues AntiTrump Jihad
The PravdaMedia Continues to Accent the Positive and Eliminate the Negative for Biden and the Democrats
If A Tree Fell On Biden


The Biden Fix Is In -- Bye Bye Bernie

New York Board of Elections strikes Sanders from ballot and cancels Democratic presidential primary
YouTube:  N' Sync   Bye Bye
I'm doing this tonight
You're probably gonna start a fight
I know this can't be right
(Bye Bye Bernie)
NY.Gov. Cuomo and the DNC did the political ‘coup de grace’ of Bernie’s Presidential aspirations!
·        Removed Bernie from the NY primary ballot.
·        Cancelled the NY “presidential primary” while keeping the primary for down-ballot contests.
Bernie got Karma – he just received in NY what is common practice in his beloved Russia – shafted by ‘The Party’!
Or as the song goes: Biden got the gold mine – Bernie got the shaft!
How will this play with all Bernie’s Youthy Fellow Travelers and AOC?
Could we see another 1968 Democrat Convention Riots?
Not likely – Bernie’s youths are Not Obama’s AntiFa’s.
New York Board of Elections strikes Sanders from ballot and cancels Democratic presidential primary
The New York State Board of Elections on Monday canceled the state’s presidential primary, scheduled for June 23, after striking off Sen. Bernie Sanders’ name from the primary ballot. 
“I think it’s time for us to recognize that the presidential contest is over,” Commissioner Doug Kellner said while explaining the decision.
New York, with its 274 pledged delegates, gave Sanders one of his better chances to rack up some delegates.
Karl Marx’s Manifesto Leads The Democrat 2020 Field


John D. Rockefeller Savior Of The Whales

There is currently a federal lawsuit over the amount of protection the whales need from those mean Maine lobster fishermen.
What is totally missing is who really saved the whales from extinction!
Right whales: Lawsuit on protections could last for months
A judge’s ruling that the federal government didn’t take adequate steps to protect endangered whales will probably result in another monthslong court battle
What a great opportunity to recognize, highlight and celebrate John D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil’s role in really saving the whales!
YouTube: hear the whales singing thanks to John D.
John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Saved The Whales – Really!
Why isn't this great accomplishment highlighted in our schools and media?

Monday, April 27, 2020


The Choice -- There Isn’t Any Choice

Some Democrats and their PravdaMedia are hawking to the public the false illusion that we should take months before ‘Getting Back To Work!
Sadly some harbor a political bent to have the public be as miserable and as deep in distress as possible by November.  A pox be on their house.
The reality is that many municipalities, states and businesses are on the verge of financial collapse!
Some totally from Covid-19
Some were already weakened and Covid-19 is the final ‘straw’
Some were already bankrupt – just hadn’t declared it yet
The US government has handed out an incredible amount of money they don’t have.
All this money must be ‘printed’ and then paid-back by the taxpayers.
All this on-top-of a massive accumulated $21-TRILLION debt.
Some are speaking of Risking lives as if it’s a new and abhorrent concept.
Apparently they never heard of:
Living in a Center-City
Triage after a Disaster
The Normandy Invasion
The Trip to the Moon
Open Heart Surgery
We will either get back to work ASAP and get our economy restarted, or we will slide into a Great Depression and Financial Swamp that will, for all practical purposes, end the Great American Experiment that we have known.
In other words: There Isn’t Any Choice – So -- Lead, Follow or Get Out of The Way
In this critical time of need, perhaps banning God and Prayer may have been a bad idea!  You Think?
VirusWar Conflict Management 


The PravdaMedia Continues AntiTrump Jihad

Roanoke Times, 4-26-2020, Pg 1, 6: FDA warns of malaria drug risk
The PravdaMedia, in their fanatical zealousness to denigrate Trump, have hyped every negative item possible about the malaria drugs that Trump highlighted early in the pandemic when there were no alternatives.
Trump made it very clear that these drugs: 
·        Had significant medical history for malaria
·        Had very positive anecdotal data for Covid-19 patients
·        Should only be taken under a doctors direction
·        That multiple studies were in-process 
So now the PravdaMedia highlight is that these drugs May have side effects — Really?--- they always had side effects!
Aspirin can have serious side effects – ask anyone who survived who took aspirin without knowing they had an ulcer.
Do these wizards not watch the TV drug advertisements and the never ending list of ‘what bad could happen’?
The real drug issue is that there doesn’t seem to be any effective treatment for:
Trump Derangement Syndrome!
Trump Practicing Medicine Without A License – Really?


Outstanding Roanoke Times CoronaVirus Article

Roanoke Times, 4-26-2020, Pg 1, 6:  COVID-19, by the numbers
“As the pandemic goes on, the state’s health officials are daily studying its impact on Virginia residents and reporting statistics.”
This is a very professional comprehensive view of the CoronaVirus data in Virginia.
An optimistic view is that Virginia has escaped the massive infections of the NY metropolitan area.
Albeit that the BeltWay, Richmond and TideWater areas are high density and many of their residents do extensive business and personal travel and work in congested environments.
The extensive rural areas of Virginia appear to have limited and manageable impacts.
Hopefully we can soon get back to a semblance of the ‘new normal’.
VirusWar Conflict Management


MVP Driving To Finish

Roanoke Times, 4-25-2020, Pg 1: MVP expects to finish job this year
“The Mountain Valley Pipeline is still targeting a completion date of late this year, a spokeswoman said Friday, despite reports of the suspension of a nationwide program needed to grant a key permit it lacks.”
Yet another gleeful article that the MVP fracking-gas pipeline is still held-up by yet another Obama Obstructionist Judge.  What a joy!
The MVP had all its approvals prior to starting, but the obstructionists have been successful in Judge-Shopping; just more negative Obama legacy.
After all the delays are over, it is doubtful that any significant changes will be made to the path or method of construction of the MVP.  In the meantime the open construction, open ditches, exposed pipes, and massive disruptions to the landowners are the real negative outcomes of these obstructionists.  How sad is that!
By now the pipeline should have looked like a real greenway -- unlike the blacktop Roanoke so called 'greenway'.
In the interim we haven’t seen any ‘special’ Roanoke Times articles on the major stream disruptions, stream bottom and bank excavations, erosion and environmental issues with the VDOT road-bridge projects in Franklin Co. --- wouldn’t want to highlight issues with government State run projects!
Rt 834  Gills Creek bridge
Rt 122  Black Water bridge
Rt  634  Bay Roc bridge
MVP FUD And Heifer-Dust Flowing Into SML
Would you like to see how the Va. State traverses a stream and totally 'reconfigures' the once natural banks and bottom?
Where's an Obama-Judge when you need him?

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Sweden’s Ongoing Covid-19

Sweden is of particular interest because they imposed minimal restrictions and no forced shut-downs.
Their ‘saw-tooth’ new-cases graph continues to trend upward.
Their strategy – achieve ‘Herd Immunity’ as quickly as possible.
Has Sweden Gone Xenophobic?
Sweden Lets CoronaVirus Roll


VirusWar Conflict Management




Dr Birx Values Trump


Sunlight Kills The Stars And Covid-19


If A Tree Fell On Biden

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?
Apparently Not if it's a female tree that falls on Joe Biden and one depends on the PravdaMedia to report the crash!
What a contrast to the Kavanaugh debacle! No shortage of coverage or Democrat hypocrisy!
Apparently #MeToo doesn't apply to every woman!
The PravdaMedia 'Sound of Silence'
Hello Darkness My Old Friend 
New clip emerges of Joe Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade's mother phoning Larry King 27 years ago to ask if her daughter should go to the press about a 'prominent senator'
A 1993 clip has emerged showing a concerned mother calling into CNN's Larry King about her daughter's problems with a 'prominent senator'
Former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade confirmed it is her mother's voice 
Reade filed an official criminal complaint against Biden on April 9
She claims he sexually assaulted her in her 20s when she was on his staff 
Her superiors in Biden's office did nothing about her complaints, she says
Biden has vehemently denied the accusations and that a complaint was made
The new clip appears to confirm Reade spoke about the assault at the time 
Bernie aides erupt over development in Biden sexual assault claim as DNC stays mum (The Sound of Silence)
“The Democratic National Committee is so far staying quiet on the latest development in a sexual assault accusation against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden” 
Biden Accused Of Sexual Assault  (but who would know?)
Biden Not-OK


Joe Biden Needs Help Not Votes

Joe Biden Sadly Struggling
Biden Not-OK

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Va.D.Gov Northam’s PR Team Color Blind

After the disturbing revelations of Northam’s youthful BlackFace issues, how could Northam and his staff even think about having him appear in a Black Mask!
Just how dull are these people?
Roanoke Times: Democrat BlackFace OK Everyone Was Doing It
Virginia D Gov Northam Not Newsworthy -- Really?


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